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Oud 17-04-2016, 18:59
David2000 is offline
Voor engels moeten we een presentatie houden over een short story, ik moet een stukje vertellen over 'The plot triangle' daarin moet ik in het engels uitleggen wat het: Hoogtepunt, einde, afbouw van het hoogtepunt, begin en opbouw naar het hoogtepunt in het verhaal is (in het engels)
Maar heb echt geen flauw idee hoe ik dat moet doen
Iemand die me kan helpen?
De woorden die ik moet gebruiken zijn;
Falling action
Rising action

Dit is de samenvatting van het verhaal;

The story is recounted by the protagonist, Count Antoine de C-, in the first person. Hundreds of years ago, Antoine's noble ancestor was responsible for the death of a dark wizard, Michel Mauvais. The wizard's son, Charles le Sorcier, swore revenge on not only him but all his descendants, cursing them to die on reaching the age of 32.

The protagonist recounts how his ancestors all died in some mysterious way around the age of 32. The line has dwindled and the castle has been left to fall into disrepair, tower by tower. Finally, Antoine is the only one left, with one poor servant, Pierre, who raised him, and a tiny section of the castle with a single tower is still usable. Antoine has reached adulthood, and his 32nd year is approaching.

His servant dies, leaving him completely alone, and he begins exploring the ruined parts of the castle. He finds a trapdoor in one of the oldest parts. Below, he discovers a passage with a locked door at the end. Just as he turns to leave, he hears a noise behind him and sees that the door is open and someone is standing in it. The man attempts to kill him but Antoine kills him first. His dying words reveal that he is none other than Charles, who actually managed to successfully fabricate the Elixir of life, enabling him to personally fulfill the curse generation after generation.
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Oud 17-04-2016, 20:05
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-Marleen is offline
Hoe heet het verhaal?
Ik zou zeggen, zoek uitleg op internet over het verhaal of over de begrippen.
Daarna leg je gewoon per begrip uit wat het inhoudt en hoe je het in de tekst terug kan vinden.
Met citaat reageren
Oud 17-04-2016, 20:13
David2000 is offline
The alchemist
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