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Oud 08-01-2009, 16:36
bilginer is offline
Heb morgen presentatie Engels over een bedrijf, kan iemand mij helpen door de volgende tekst beter te formuleren of hoe ik het beste kan aanpassen.

Dit is allemaal wat ik ga zeggen
Dia 1.Voorblad
Welcome everybody to my presentation, im going to talk about my visit to an company in Arnhem, the company named Picasso Service Bureau, I took an interview with one of the owners of the company, with mr..

Dia 2 Table of contents
Im going to handle the next points
 Picasso Service Bureau what are activities
 Possibilities for a person with an commercial diploma
 Are there oportunuties to grow
 Activities for trainees
 And at last i want to show you some photos of the company

Dia 3 Picasso AIB
Picasso service bureau is an administration office existing from experienced and competent employers, they perform activities such as accountancy, tax recommendation, company recommendation, mortgages and insurance.
There is 1 head establishment in Arnhem, but they are thinking to open a little office in Zutphen. But this is a long period objective
The company has 3 owners and 6 fulltime employees. Two of the owners has studied business economics and the other one tax economy

Dia 5 Posibilities CE’r

In the first, a person with an CE-diploma will have a little work for himself in the company. The owners had partly all CE during their training. At this moment there is no need for commercial employees. Someone with CE-diploma with knowledge of accountancy and possibly tax, are always welcome for a conversation! Trainees who are charged with this function are always welcome.

Dia 6 Doorgroeimogelijkheden
Within the company everybody gets chance of carrying on growing. Because of this the reward is also of course of the function. And not to forget the responsibilities which will carry on growing paired with. Carry on growing means once, take responsibility and initiatives show.

Dia 7 Stagiares
As from the start of the company in 2002, the company had stagiares, the stagiares can expect already the work which coincides with accountancy, there is work for lower educated to high educated peoples. Some examples of the activities what the stagiare can expect are;
- To archive
- To arrange
- Mail care
- Introducing Booking parts
- Essays of employment contracts
- Tel. adopt
- To call customers

Dia 8 Dhr.
Advice Dhr:
 Independent entrepreneur
 Good choises
 Trainees
 Changed of training.
If an independent entrepreneur wants recommend Mr. our a good making choice at choosing training. Unfortunately they had trainees who training period ran purely for the fact that she had. Afterwards they have heard that they have changed of training. He found it not sinfull to start something what afterwards will be interrupted.
Met citaat reageren
Oud 08-01-2009, 16:45
yorsport is offline
Ik heb de tekst soms een beetje veranderd. K hoop dat je het zo goed vind. Ik heb 2 jaar TTO gedaan, dus qua niveau is mijn Engels wel vrij hoog

Dia 1.Voorblad
Welcome everybody to my presentation, im going to talk about my visit to a company in Arnhem, the company is named Picasso Service Bureau. I took an interview with one of the owners of the company, with mr..

Dia 2 Table of contents
Im going to handle the next points
 The activities of Picasso Service Bureau
 Possibilities for a person with a commercial diploma
 Are there oportunuties to develop
 Activities for trainees
 And at last I want to show you some photos of the company

Dia 3 Picasso AIB
Picasso service bureau is an administration office existing from experienced and competent employers, they perform activities such as accountancy, tax recommendation, company recommendation, mortgages and insurance.
There is 1 head establishment in Arnhem, but they are thinking to open a little office in Zutphen. But this is a long period objective.
The company has 3 owners and 6 fulltime employees. Two of the owners have studied business economics and the other one has studied tax economy

Dia 5 Posibilities CE’r
In the first, a person with an CE-diploma will have a little work for himself in the company. The owners had partly all CE during their training. At this moment there is no need for commercial employees. Someone with CE-diploma with knowledge of accountancy and possibly tax, are always welcome for a conversation! Trainees who are charged with this function are always welcome.

Dia 6 Possibilities for development
Within the company everybody gets chance of carrying on developing. Because of this the reward is also of course of the function. And not to forget the responsibilities which will carry on growing paired with. Carry on development means once, take responsibility and initiatives show.

Dia 7 Trainees
As from the start of the company in 2002, the company had trainees. The trainees can expect already the work which coincides with accountancy, there is work for lower educated to high educated peoples. Some examples of the activities what the stagiare can expect are;
- To archive
- To arrange
- Mail care
- Introducing Booking parts
- Essays of employment contracts
- Tel. adopt
- To call customers

Dia 8 Dhr.
Advice Dhr:
 Independent entrepreneur
 Good choises
 Trainees
 Changed of training.
If an independent entrepreneur wants recommend Mr. our a good making choice at choosing training. Unfortunately they had trainees who training period ran purely for the fact that she had. Afterwards they have heard that they have changed of training. He found it not sinfull to start something what afterwards will be interrupted
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Oud 08-01-2009, 16:58
bilginer is offline
Bedankt yorsport, maar ik denk dat er toch heel veel verkeerde dingen staan. Maar toch nog bedankt.
Met citaat reageren
Oud 08-01-2009, 20:58
bilginer is offline
Heb het nu zo

Dia 1.Voorblad

I like to Welcome everybody to my presentation, I’m going to talk about my visit to an company in Arnhem. the company that I visited is Picasso Service Bureau, There I took an interview with one of the owners of the company, his name is mr. Ilhan Kayhan.

Dia 2 Table of contents
In this chapter I’m going to handle the next points
 what are activities of Picasso Service Bureau
 Possibilities for a person with an commercial diploma
 Are there opportunities to grow?
 Activities for trainees
 And at last I want to show you some photos of the company

Dia 3 Picasso AIB
Picasso service bureau is an administration office with employers who are experienced and competent .they perform activities such as accountancy, tax recommendation, company recommendation, mortgages and insurance.
There is 1 head establishment in Arnhem, but they are thinking to open a second little office in Zutphen. But this is a long period objective
The company has 3 owners and 6 fulltime employees. Two of the owners has studied business economics and the other owner has studied tax economy.

Dia 5 Possibilities CE’r
At the beginning, a person with an CE-diploma will have small assignments for himself in the company. The owners had partly CE during their study.. So at this moment there is no need for commercial employees. Someone with a CE-diploma and knowledge of accountancy and possibly tax, is always welcome for a conversation/interview! Trainees who are trained in this function are always welcome.

Dia 6 Doorgroeimogelijkheden
Within the company there is a chance to develop and grow for everybody. Because of this the reward is also of course of the function. And not to forget the responsibilities which will carry on growing paired with. Carry on growing means once, take responsibility and initiatives show.

Dia 7 Stagiares
As from the start of the company in 2002, the company had trainees, the trainees can expect already the work which they will coincides with accountancy, there is work for lower educated to high educated employees. Some examples of the activities what the trainees can expect are;
- To archive
- To arrange
- Mail care
- Introducing Booking parts
- Essays of employment contracts
- Tel. adopt
- To call customers

Dia 8 Dhr. Ilhan Kayhan
Advice Dhr. Ilhan Kayhan:
 Independent entrepreneur
 Good choises
 Trainees
 Changed of training.

As an independent entrepreneur he wants recommend us to think about the choice of study you will make. You have to consider it before taking any action. Unfortunately they had trainees who had their internship, purely because they had to do it for their study. Afterwards the company heard that the trainees have switched from study and it was useless. He thinks it is not sinful to start something what afterwards will be interrupted.
Met citaat reageren
Oud 08-01-2009, 23:49
Avatar van M@rco
M@rco is offline
Ik heb wat dingen voor je verbeterd, hopelijk heb je er nog iets aan. Dingen in rood zijn fout.

Soms vertaal je dingen erg letterlijk (bijv. "not to forget", "to switch from study"), dat zorgt meestal niet voor goed Engels Maar goed, dat soort dingen zijn ook wel lastig als je Engels niet zo goed is en je de Engelse uitdrukkingen niet kent. Je doet het natuurlijk ook om iets te leren.

Let ook op het verschil tussen schrijftaal en spreektaal. Je zult bijv. niet zo snel zeggen "I would like to welcome everybody to my presentation", je praat immers tegen de mensen in de zaal en dan zeg je eerder "Welcome everybody to this presentation", oid.

I would like to welcome everybody to my presentation, I’m going to talk about my visit to a company in Arnhem. the company that I visited is Picasso Service Bureau, There I took an interview with one of the owners of the company, his name is mr. Ilhan Kayhan.

Dia 2 Table of contents
In this chapter I’m going to discuss/talk about the following points
 what are the activities of Picasso Service Bureau
 Possibilities for a person with an commercial diploma
 Are there opportunities to grow?
 Activities for trainees
 And finally I want to show you some photos of the company

Dia 3 Picasso AIB
Picasso service bureau is an administration office with employers who are experienced and competent .they perform activities such as accountancy, tax recommendation, company recommendation, mortgages and insurance.
There is 1 head establishment in Arnhem, but they are thinking about opening a second little office in Zutphen. But this is a long term objective
The company has 3 owners and 6 fulltime employees. Two of the owners have studied business economics and the other owner has studied tax economy.

Dia 5 Possibilities CE’r
At the beginning, a person with a CE-diploma will have small assignments for himself in the company. The owners had partly CE during their study.. So at this moment there is no need for commercial employees. Someone with a CE-diploma and knowledge of accountancy and possibly tax, is always welcome for a conversation/interview! Trainees who are trained in this function are always welcome.

Dia 6 Doorgroeimogelijkheden
Within the company there is a chance to develop and grow for everybody. Because of this the reward is also of course of the function. And not to forget the responsibilities which will carry on growing paired with. Carry on growing means once, take responsibility and initiatives show. Hier begrijp ik niets van...

Dia 7 Stagiares
As from the start of the company in 2002, the company had trainees, the trainees can expect already the work which they will [mist hier iets?] coincides with accountancy, there is work for lower educated to high educated employees. Some examples of the activities that the trainees can expect are;
- Archiving
- Arranging [maar wat dan?]
- Mail care
- Introducing Booking parts
- Essays [?? bedoel je reviews, dus dat ze het nakijken?] of employment contracts
- Tel. adopt
- Calling customers

Dia 8 Dhr. Ilhan Kayhan
Advice Dhr. Ilhan Kayhan:
 Independent entrepreneur
 Good choices
 Trainees
Change of training.

As an independent entrepreneur he wants to advise us to think about the choice of study you will make. You have to consider it before taking any action. Unfortunately they had trainees who had their internship, purely because they had to do it for their study. Afterwards the company heard that the trainees have switched from study and it was useless. He thinks it is not sinful [] useful to start something which afterwards will be interrupted. [dat kan natuurlijk niet, je kunt niet iets onderbreken wat al klaar is ]
What experience and history teach is this — that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it.
Met citaat reageren
Oud 09-01-2009, 16:08
bilginer is offline
Bedankt Marco, ik heb vandaag gepresenteerd alleen met de oude versie. Het was een voldoende, maar was in 7. minuten klaar. en het moest 10 minuten lang duren, ik heb gezegd dat ik nog fotos van de befrijf wou laten zien, dat ga ik nog doen dus in 3 minuten, misschien dat je dan mij wel weer kunt helpen, graag zelfs.

Die van jou heb ik pas net gelezen. Maar zo heb ik ook paar dingen geleerd van jou tekst. Bedankt
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