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Oud 20-09-2007, 19:31
Avatar van Sagana
Sagana is offline
Wil iemand van jullie aub de volgende Engelse tekst nakijken? Op zinsbouw, spellingsfouten, verkeerd woordgebruik, enz...
Dankjulliewel alvast!!

The war on terrorism: definitely not a good idea!

On this very moment, there’s a bloody war going, a war on terrorism. There are people who think it’s a good case, but there are also a lot of people who consider it very, very wrong. I agree with the last group.

In my opinion, there never is a good reason to wage a war. Even if you’re attacked, there are better ways to react than with a war. Because otherwise it’s a never ending story: you’re attacked, you attack your enemies on your turn, they attack once again, …
On the one hand, I understand people who are angry because they’ve lost dear friends or family, or maybe they just take offence. On the other, I already explained why it isn’t a good idea to react with a war.
Of course, the best present-day example of a war against terrorism, is the war of Bush against Iraq. I fancy him very wrong. Naturally it’s normal you want to do something if terrorists ruin some of your biggest buildings, and if they kill a great deal of innocent people! But… You don’t have to stoop to their dreadful acts, namely to kill innocent people… In this way, Bush is responsible for the dead of very much innocent people. Hier zou ik graag nog een zin hebben in de trant van "op deze manier is hij geen haar beter dan de terroristen", maar weet niet goed hoe te vertalen?
Another doubtful thing is that Bush apparently doesn’t have enough money to help his own people who have difficulties, but he DOES have enough money to send a whole army to Iraq?!
So… What does he have to do, in my opinion? Firstly, he has to search for the people who are behind all this. He can do that with the money he is now investing in his army. And then, if he has found them, he have to punish them! In this way, only the real culprits are punished, and not innocent people. Of course, I understand it isn’t that easy. Maybe it’s much more easier just to kill as many people as possible. But the easiest way isn’t always the best, is it?

By way of conclusion, I do hope that the war will be over soon. I hope Bush will understand that this definitely isn’t a good fashion. As soon as he realises that, a lot of innocent people will be saved.
I'd rather have a life of 'oh wells' than a life of 'what ifs'.
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Oud 20-09-2007, 20:02
Avatar van mathfreak
mathfreak is offline
*ik geef hieronder de tekst met de nodige correcties weer*

The war on terrorism: definitely not a good idea!

At this very moment, there is a bloody war going on, a war on terrorism. There are people who think it is a good case, but there are also a lot of people who consider it very, very wrong. I agree with the last group.

In my opinion, there never is a good reason to wage a war. Even if you are attacked, there are better ways to react than with a war. Because otherwise it is a never-ending story: you are attacked, you attack your enemies on your turn, they attack once again, …
On the one hand, I understand people who are angry because they have lost dear friends or family, or perhaps they just take offence. On the other hand, I already explained why it is not a good idea to react with a war.
Of course, the best present-day example of a war against terrorism, is the war of Bush against Iraq. I fancy him very wrong. Naturally it is normal you want to do something if terrorists ruin some of your biggest buildings, and if they kill a great deal of innocent people! But… You do not have to stoop to their dreadful acts, namely to kill innocent people… In this way, Bush is responsible for the death of a large number of innocent people. In this way he is not a bit better than the terrorists.
Another doubtful thing is that Bush apparently does not have enough money to help his own people who have difficulties, but he DOES have enough money to send a whole army to Iraq?!
So… What does he have to do, in my opinion? Firstly, he has to search for the people who are behind all this. He can do that with the money he is now investing in his army. And then, if he has found them, he have to punish them! In this way, only the real culprits are punished, and not innocent people. Of course, I understand it is not that easy. Perhaps it is much more easier just to kill as many people as possible. But the easiest way is not always the best, is it?

By way of conclusion, I do hope that the war will be over soon. I hope Bush will understand that this definitely is not a good fashion. As soon as he realises that, a lot of innocent people will be saved.

Ik weet niet of je bij deze opdracht informeel taalgebruik door middel van samentrekkingen mag gebruiken, vandaar dat ik de samentrekkingen er uit gehaald heb. In een persoonlijke brief is het gebruik van samentrekkingen overigens wel toegestaan.
Opmerking: maybe is Amerikaans Engels, perhaps is Brits Engels. Omdat offence een woord is in de Brits Engelse spelling, heb ik maybe door perhaps vervangen om zo de Brits Engelse conventie aan te houden.
"Mathematics is a gigantic intellectual construction, very difficult, if not impossible, to view in its entirety." Armand Borel
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Oud 20-09-2007, 20:19
Avatar van Sagana
Sagana is offline
Oké, bedankt.
I'd rather have a life of 'oh wells' than a life of 'what ifs'.
Met citaat reageren
Oud 21-09-2007, 17:13
Avatar van mathfreak
mathfreak is offline
Oké, bedankt.
Graag gedaan.
"Mathematics is a gigantic intellectual construction, very difficult, if not impossible, to view in its entirety." Armand Borel
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