Oud 01-06-2009, 15:00
19900 is offline
Hallo allemaal. Ik moet voor een engelse presentatie morgen mijn presentatie tonen aan mijn leraar voor een cijfer. Ik heb mijn presentatie geschreven en geprobeerd alle spelfouten eruit te halen. Kunnen jullie voor mij controlleren als er nog spelfouten in zitten of dat er zinnen in zitten die ik beter op een andere manier kan neerzetten. Ik zou het erg dankbaar vinden.

Good morning,

I am Hans Backs and mine presentation is going about the 10 weeks practicum at KPN in Haarlem. I am going telling the following things.

- Why I have choose for KPN?
- Which departments I have walked practicum?
- What I like and what I don’t like by KPN?
- What I have learn by KPN?

Why I have choose for KPN?

The reason why I have choose for KPN is because I like to be busy with internet, telephony, television and mobile and KPN does those things. Also KPN is a big company and that means that there are many different departments. When there are many different departments, then you can learn more different things. That was also a big reason why I have choose for KPN. I was very happy that I could walked practicum by KPN. Unfortunately the solicitation came a little bit latter, and that was the reason why I begins a week later than normal.

Which departments I have walked practicum?

By KPN I have walked practicum at 5 different departments. I will explain the different departments.

Department 1:

CO mechanic is a mechanic which go to the costumers at home who have problems with their internet, telephone or television. I have worked a week with Gidion and Gidion is a CO mechanic. We were working in Amsterdam. Gidion picked me up at quarter past six in the morning and put me off at quarter past six in the evening, this were long days for my.

Department 2:

BO mechanic is a mechanic which go to companies and not to costumers. BO mechanics place also fiber cables for super fast internet. I have worked two weeks with different BO mechanics in different places. The days were shorter than with a CO mechanic. I started all the days at 9 a clock in the morning till half past three in the midday.

Department 3:

I have also worked with the department quality. This department controls the work from the contractor. I have worked there a week with Paul. We were working in hole north Holland. I worked at 8 a clock in the morning till 4 a clock in the midday.

Department 4:

I have also worked with the department planning. The planning is a department in Haarlem which sends mechanics. The planning is a call center, there are many people working. I have worked a week from 9 a clock in the morning till 4 a clock in the midday.

Department 5:

The last department is the MPSD. The MPSD is a call center for the mechanics. When the mechanics not know what to do with a problem then they can call this department. Also they call this department when they need information about for instance data from the costumer. I have worked there a week in Amsterdam and it begins at 9 a clock in the morning till 4 a clock in the midday.

What I like and what I don’t like by KPN?

The practicum by KPN was very good. The departments what I really like are the department CO mechanic, BO mechanic, and the department quality, because I like to by outside and I like to work with my hands and I don’t like to be the hole day at the computer. That was the reason that the department planning and MPSD I don’t like.

What I have learn by KPN?

I have learn many thinks in the 10 weeks practicum by KPN. I have seen a lot of the company. I know now how the organization is build by KPN. The practicum coordinator explain many things about the organization of KPN Haarlem. I have also learn many technical things, like how to install a IS/RA, how to install internet and telephony at home, how to install fiber for super fast internet etcetera.

Mine opinion about KPN?

Mine opinion about KPN is very good, because the practicum coordinator takes time for me. Also the practicum coordinator late me see many different departments. The people there were very good and they explain to me things very good. I am there really thankful for. The practicum at KPN was the best stage what I ever have walked.
This was mine presentation about KPN. Are there still questions.

Alvast bedankt. Hans Backs
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Oud 01-06-2009, 17:47
Avatar van mathfreak
mathfreak is offline
*ik geef hieronder de tekst met de nodige correcties weer*
Good morning,

I am Hans Backs and my presentation is about the 10 weeks training period at KPN in Haarlem.
*mine is een zelfstandig bezittelijk voornaamwoord dat alleen bij een constructie als "van mij" (mine) kan worden gebruikt*
I am going to tell the following things.

- Why did I choose for KPN?
- At which departments did I do work experience?
- What did I like and what did I not like at KPN?
- What did I learn at KPN?

Why did I choose for KPN?

The reason why I chose for KPN is because I like to be busy with internet, telephony, television and mobile and KPN does those things. KPN is also a big company and that means that there are many different departments. When there are many different departments, then you can learn more different things. That was also a main reason why I chose for KPN. I was very happy that I could do work experience at KPN. Unfortunately the application came a little bit later, and that was the reason why I began a week later than normal.

At which departments did I do work experience?

At KPN I did work experience at 5 different departments. I will explain the different departments.

Department 1:

A CO mechanic is a mechanic who goes to the costumers at home who have problems with their internet, telephone or television.
*which kan als betrekkelijk voornaamwoord alleen bij zaken en nooit bij personen worden gebruikt*
I have worked a week with Gidion and Gidion is a CO mechanic. We were working in Amsterdam. Gidion picked me up at a quarter past six in the morning and put me off at a quarter past six in the evening, these were long days for me.
*my is een bijvoeglijk bezittelijk voornaamwoord, maar hier moet je het persoonlijk voornaamwoord me gebruiken*

Department 2:

A BO mechanic is a mechanic who goes to companies and not to costumers. BO mechanics place also fiber cables for superspeed internet. I have worked two weeks with different BO mechanics in different places. The days were shorter than with a CO mechanic. I started each day at 9 o'clock in the morning till half past three in the afternoon.

Department 3:

I have also worked at the quality department. This department controls the work from the contractor. I have worked there a week with Paul. We were working in the entire part of North Holland. I worked at 8 o'clock in the morning till 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Department 4:

I have also worked at the planning department. The planning department is a department in Haarlem which sends mechanics. The planning department is a call center, there are many people working there. I have worked a week from 9 o'clock in the morning till 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Department 5:

The last department is the MPSD. The MPSD is a call center for the mechanics. When the mechanics do not know what to do with a problem then they can call this department. They also call this department when they need information about data from the costumer for instance. I have worked there a week in Amsterdam and I began at 9 o'clock in the morning till 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

What did I like and what did I not like at KPN?

The training period at KPN was very good. The departments that I really liked are the CO mechanic department, the BO mechanic department, and the quality department, because I like to be outside and I like to work with my hands and I don’t like to be at the computer all day. That was the reason that I didn’t like the planning department and the MPSD.

What did I learn at KPN?

I have learned many thinks in the 10 weeks training period at KPN. I have seen a lot of the company. Now I know how the organization KPN in Haarlem. The training period coordinator explained many things about the organization of KPN in Haarlem. I also have learned many technical things, like how to install an IS/RA, how to install internet and telephony at home, how to install fiber for superspeed internet etcetera.

My opinion about KPN

My opinion about KPN is very good, because the training period coordinator took time for me. The training period coordinator also showed me many different departments. The people there were very good and they explained things to me very good. I am really thankful for that. The training period at KPN was the best I ever had.
This was my presentation about KPN. Are there still questions?
"Mathematics is a gigantic intellectual construction, very difficult, if not impossible, to view in its entirety." Armand Borel
Met citaat reageren
Oud 01-06-2009, 19:05
19900 is offline

Erg bedankt voor het nakijken en corrigeren van mijn tekst. Ik ben u er erg dankbaar voor, dank u wel.
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Oud 17-06-2009, 15:43
Avatar van Xavier88
Xavier88 is offline
practicum machen is toch duits
is het niet an internship??
of gaat het niet over stage? or traineeship perhaps??
ik weet late reactie, meer vraag aan mathfreak.. ben zelf benieuwd
Spuug die tollie uit je bek gek, ik weet dat je trek heb, dus trek die cracker uit je backpack.
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Oud 17-06-2009, 18:52
Avatar van mathfreak
mathfreak is offline
@Xavier88: Het Duitse woord voor stage is inderdaad (let even op de juiste schrijfwijze) Praktikum. In het Brits Engels gebruikt men hiervoor de term training period of traineeship. Het ging inderdaad om een stage, maar omdat ik de term traineeship niet kon vinden heb ik de vertaling training period gebruikt. De Amerikaans-Engelse variant is de term internship die jij gebruikt, maar ik houd me aan de Brits-Engelse uitdrukking(en).
"Mathematics is a gigantic intellectual construction, very difficult, if not impossible, to view in its entirety." Armand Borel
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