Oud 30-01-2021, 11:34
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De revolutie is inmiddels begonnen
Elizabeth Warren heeft de SEC gesommeerd met een reactie te komen, met wat de SEC er aan gaat doen
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Oud 02-02-2021, 19:24
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Macrador is offline
Mijn crypto doet het prima moet ik zeggen. +15% momenteel.

@ Juttu en andere geïnteresseerden
Wat is jouw mening over Chainlink, The Graph en DeFi?
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 02-02-2021, 20:18
Als de 4-jaar-cyclus stand blijft houden, gaan we fijne maanden tegemoet

Weet daar onvoldoende van. Heb de laatste tijd alleen de ontwikkelingen rond IOTA op de voet gevolgd.
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Oud 02-02-2021, 21:29
Avatar van Macrador
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Ik zit enkel op coinbase en die ondersteunen IOTA nog niet.
Welke exchange gebruik jij of zou je aanraden?
Want ik begin coinbase wat gelimiteerd te vinden.
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 03-02-2021, 09:02
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Lol +20% ethereum ath
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 03-02-2021, 18:19
Ik zit enkel op coinbase en die ondersteunen IOTA nog niet.
Welke exchange gebruik jij of zou je aanraden?
Want ik begin coinbase wat gelimiteerd te vinden.
Om te handelen: Kraken en Binance.
Om makkelijk te (ver)kopen: Bitpanda, Anycoindirect en Bl3P.
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Oud 03-02-2021, 18:27
Mocht je op zoek zijn naar referrals, dan hoor ik het graag
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Oud 03-02-2021, 18:59
Hou je referral ff lekker in je broek vriend.
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Oud 03-02-2021, 20:37
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Mocht je op zoek zijn naar referrals, dan hoor ik het graag
Goh als het mij ook een voordeel geeft
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 03-02-2021, 20:58
Heb je trouwens al een Ledger of Trezor?
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Oud 04-02-2021, 13:07
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Heb je trouwens al een Ledger of Trezor?
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 04-02-2021, 15:07
Jij durft

Aan de andere kant.. wees blij.. Mijn voornaam, achternaam, adres, postcode, woonplaats, e-mailadres en telefoonnummer zijn betrokken bij de Ledger datalekken. Nog nooit zoveel dreigmails en telefoontjes ontvangen.
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Oud 04-02-2021, 15:34
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hppa is offline
Nog nooit zoveel dreigmails en telefoontjes ontvangen.
is dat verder wel gebruikelijk bij jou?
You've got a lot of guts, Oscar!
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Oud 04-02-2021, 15:40
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Macrador is offline
Jij durft

Aan de andere kant.. wees blij.. Mijn voornaam, achternaam, adres, postcode, woonplaats, e-mailadres en telefoonnummer zijn betrokken bij de Ledger datalekken. Nog nooit zoveel dreigmails en telefoontjes ontvangen.
Goh Coinbase heeft toch een goeie reputatie qua veiligheid?
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 04-02-2021, 16:28
is dat verder wel gebruikelijk bij jou?
Sinds ik hier niet meer zo actief ben valt het gelukkig wel mee
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Oud 04-02-2021, 18:06
Heb je trouwens al een Ledger of Trezor?
Dat is echt voor gehandicapte mongolen. In tien seconden heb je met een script iets veel veiligers in elkaar.
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Oud 04-02-2021, 18:07
Goh Coinbase heeft toch een goeie reputatie qua veiligheid?
Als je een Ledger koopt geef je die lui ook je privédata en dit zijn dezelfde bedrijven die onkraakbare sloten produceren die op YouTube door een beetje lockpicker in tien seconden zonder brute kracht open zijn gesloopt.
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Oud 04-02-2021, 20:15
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Oud 05-02-2021, 09:21
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hppa is offline
hopelijk niemand meer ingestapt hier in gamestop de laatste dagen
You've got a lot of guts, Oscar!
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Oud 05-02-2021, 13:02
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Gaat skitterend die altcoins
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 06-02-2021, 16:08
Het voelt weer een beetje als 2017 🥳
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Oud 07-02-2021, 16:19
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Komt er nu een goed dipje?
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 07-02-2021, 18:09
Not for Sale
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Hmm even kijken in de cryptoplanning
I thought we were an autonomous collective!
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Oud 07-02-2021, 23:51
Kan jij me de notulen van de laatste NWO-meeting ff sturen NfS? Ik had een Teams-borrel dus moest ff afhaken maar je hebt me vast niet gemist met m'n gezeik altijd
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Oud 07-02-2021, 23:52
Alhoewel Ertur nu geen tegengas kreeg en dat zorgt ook wel voor een verlenging van zaken
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Oud 08-02-2021, 11:05
Komt er nu een goed dipje?
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Oud 08-02-2021, 16:15
Not for Sale
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Sorry kleine wijziging in de plannen Macrador

plok, ik stuur je de laatste notulen via de 5g chemtrail app.
I thought we were an autonomous collective!
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Oud 08-02-2021, 16:19
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Nou Musky de edgelord manipuleert de markt wel even lekker
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 08-02-2021, 16:22
Not for Sale
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Hoe durft ie
I thought we were an autonomous collective!
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Oud 09-02-2021, 05:06
Not for Sale
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Oké alle btc weer verkocht. Geef me maar een belletje als ie weer onder de 30k zit.
I thought we were an autonomous collective!
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Oud 09-02-2021, 13:22
Oké alle btc weer verkocht. Geef me maar een belletje als ie weer onder de 30k zit.
Lekker! Nog trillende vingertjes bij traden?
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Oud 11-02-2021, 07:36
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Oud 11-02-2021, 11:41
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Gaat wel lekker met de altcoins
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 11-02-2021, 12:30
XxX_$LUT_XxX is offline
Imagine in DogeCoin investeren XDDDDDDDdddd
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Oud 11-02-2021, 13:54
Avatar van Macrador
Macrador is offline
Imagine in DogeCoin investeren XDDDDDDDdddd
Kei goed plan. 80% van portfolio is doge.
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 11-02-2021, 15:01
Kei goed plan. 80% van portfolio is doge.
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Oud 11-02-2021, 18:06
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Natuurlijk want Elon heeft het getweet
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 12-02-2021, 08:09
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The graph
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 12-02-2021, 19:18
Natuurlijk want Elon heeft het getweet
Elon is een troll. Doge is een pump & dump. Ik vind het gewaagd
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Oud 12-02-2021, 19:48
1. Bitcoin (BTC): the original. According to the creator (or creators?) Satoshi Nakamoto, it was created to allow “online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.”

2. Ethereum (ETH): Ethereum is the wonder child of crypto, acts as an infrastructure for most decentralized applications. Introduces smart contracts, which are like programs with specific procedures that, once deployed, no one can change.

3. Tether (USDT): a centralized stablecoin tied to the dollar (so Elon, please don’t try to pump it)

4. Polkadot (DOT): open-source protocol aimed at connecting all different blockchains and allowing them to work together, allowing transfers of any data.

5. Cardano (ADA): Another blockchain, trying to improve scalability, interoperability and sustainability of cryptocurrencies. Those who hold the cryptocurrency have the right to vote on any proposed changes in the software.

6. Ripple (XRP): centralized coin, most people don’t see a future for it after SEC went after it.

7. Binance Coin (BNB): coin associated with the Binance exchange, so valuable since it is the most popular centralized exchange.

8. Litecoin (LTC): Bitcoin’s cousin, with faster transactions and lower fees.

9. Chainlink (LINK): the main idea is to LINK smart contracts with real-world data, verifying that this data is correct.

10. Dogecoin (DOGE): Wow, such high ranking! (Okay, now please let’s get Stellar back in the top 10).

11. Bitcoin Cash (BCH): fork of Bitcoin (so a copy with some differences), which tries to lower transaction fees and increase scalability but has been surpassed technology-wise by many other coins aiming to do just the same.

12. Stellar (XLM): talking about currencies, XLM is one of the coins aiming to do just that, with fast processing times and low fees. It has also already become a stablecoin! (I’m kidding).

13. USD Coin (USDC): another centralized stablecoin tied to the dollar, like USDT.

14. Aave (AAVE): take a bank and make it decentralized, where the liquidity comes from the users and they earn fees from borrows. This is Aave.

15. Uniswap (UNI): Another DeFi like Aave, but this time it’s an exchange like Binance, just decentralized.

16. Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC): It’s just bitcoin wrapped in ethereum to be used in DeFi applications.

17. Bitcoin SV (BSV)*: Bitcoin Scam Variant

18. EOS (EOS): another blockchain, aimed at being highly scalable for commercial use. It aims to make it as straightforward as possible for programmers to embrace the blockchain technology.

19. Elrond (EGLD): Blockchain architecture focused on scalability and high throughput, achieving this by partitioning the chain state and an improved Proof of Stake mechanism

20. TRON (TRX): have you seen Silicon Valley, when they try to create a decentralized internet? Yeah, Tron’s founder is Richard Hendricks. It is also one of the most popular blockchain to build decentralized applications on.

21. Cosmos (ATOM): several independent blockchains trying to create an “internet of blockchains”.

22. NEM (XEM): instead of controlling just money, you can control stock ownership, contracts, medical records, and stuff like that

23. Monero (XMR)*: if you need drugs

24. THETA (THETA): decentralized video delivery network (peer-to-peer streaming). The token performs various governance tasks within the network.

25. Tezos (XTZ): another blockchain for smart contracts, but more eco-friendly and overall trying to encompass different advancements introduced by different blockchains in a single protocol.

26. Terra (LUNA): aiming to support a global payment network, it tries to create a decentralized stablecoin with an elastic money supply, enabled by stable mining incentives. Its related stablecoin is TerraUSD

27. Maker (MKR): MakerDAO is the organization behind DAI, one of the most famous stablecoins. MKR is a token that allows you to receive dividends and vote in governing the system.

28. Synthetix (SNX): protocol on the ethereum blockchain aiming to allow trading of derivatives (shorting or going long on a certain asset).

29. Avalanche (AVAX): open-source platform aiming to become a global asset exchange, where anyone can launch any form of asset and control it in a decentralized way with smart contracts. It claims to be lightweight, with high throughput and scalable.

30. VeChain (VET): a blockchain focusing on business use-cases more than on technology, bringing this technology to the masses without them even knowing they’re using it.

31. Compound (COMP): It’s the Bitcoin of DeFi. It was the first-mover and without him many other projects wouldn’t be around today.

32. IOTA (MIOTA): open-source decentralized cryptocurrency engineered for the Internet of Things, with zero transaction fees and high scalability since it uses a blockless blockchain where users and verifiers of transactions are the same (it may sound wrong but it’s actually a genius concept, impossible to sum up in a single sentence).

33. Neo (NEO): Blockchain application platform and cryptocurrency for digitized identities and assets, aiming to create a smart economy. It was one of the coins that suffered most after the 2018 bull run.

34. Solana (SOL): another blockchain aimed at providing super-high-speed transactions. It claims to be able to process 50k transactions per second and be perfect to deploy scalable crypto applications.

35. Dai (DAI): the decentralized stablecoin of MakerDAO, tied to the dollar.

36. Huobi Token (HT): it’s the official token of Huobi (a centralized exchange), providing advantages similar to BNB (Binance’s), for example fees discounts.

37. SushiSwap (SUSHI): a clone of UniSwap (so a decentralized exchange), where there’s a token (SUSHI) given as an additional reward for liquidity providers and farmers.

38. Binance USD (BUSD): Stablecoin issued by Binance, tied to USD.

39. FTX Token (FTT): It’s a token related to FTX, a platform allowing you to trade leveraged tokens based on the Ethereum blockchain. The token allows for lower fees and socialized gains.

40. Crypto.com Coin (CRO): the token of Crypto.com public blockchain, that tries to enable transaction worldwide between people and businesses.

41. Filecoin (FIL): a decentralized storage system, trying to decentralize cloud storage services.

42. UMA (UMA): it builds open-source infrastructure in order to create synthetic tokens on the Ethereum blockchain

43. UNUS SED LEO (LEO): another token, this time related to the iFinex ecosystem which allows you to save money on trading fees in Bitfinex.

44. BitTorrent (BTT): BitTorrent is a famous peer-to-peer file sharing platform. It is trying to get more decentralized by introducing its token, which grants you some benefits such as increased download speeds.

45. Celsius (CEL): Celsius is one of the first banking platforms for cryptocurrency users, where you can earn interest, borrow cash and make payments/transfers. The CEL token grants you some benefits such as increased payouts.

46. Algorand (ALGO): Algorand is a blockchain network aiming to improve scalability and security. ALGO is the native cryptocurrency of the network, used for a borderless economy and to secure stability in the blockchain.

47. Dash (DASH): It is a fork of Litecoin launched in 2014, focused on improving the transaction times of the blockchain and become a cheap, decentralized payments network.

48. Decred (DCR): it is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency aimed at facilitating open governance and community interaction. It achieves this by avoiding monopoly over voting status in the project itself, giving to all DCR holders the same amount of decision-making power.

49. The Graph (GRT): Trying to become the decentralized Google, it is an indexing protocol for querying networks like Ethereum. It allows everyone to publish open APIs that applications can query to retrieve blockchain data.

50. yearn.finance (YFI): part of the DeFi ecosystem, it is an aggregator that tries to simplify the DeFi space for investors, automatic the process of maximizing the profits from yield farming.


A couple of coin descriptions were just jokes, here are the actual explanations:

Bitcoin SV (BSV): It is a fork of Bitcoin Cash (which is also a fork of Bitcoin). Once again, the reason behind this is to "stay true to Satoshi vision", trying to improve scalability and stability.

Monero (XMR): Monero's goal is simple: to allow transactions to take place privately and with anonymity. Even though it’s commonly thought that BTC can conceal a person’s identity, it’s often easy to trace payments back to their original source because blockchains are transparent. On the other hand, XMR is designed to obscure senders and recipients alike through the use of advanced cryptography. Obviously this made this coin the go-to on the dark web.
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Oud 12-02-2021, 20:51
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Macrador is offline
Elon is een troll. Doge is een pump & dump. Ik vind het gewaagd
Ik dacht dat je al lang doorhad dat ik dus een grapje had gemaakt
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 13-02-2021, 07:44
Haha.. ik sta nergens meer van te kijken. Heb je Bitconnect meegekregen?

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Oud 13-02-2021, 09:00
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Macrador is offline
Yep zeker, maar toen wist ik niet exact waar het over ging.

Voor de rest zonder zeveren.
Ik heb The Graph, Chainlink, Algorand, Ether, Ox, Aave, Stellar, Litecoin, Synthetix, Compound, Celo en Nucypher.
Bitcoin, Bitcoin cash en filecoin allemaal verkocht
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 14-02-2021, 10:35
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Macrador is offline

Ga toch eens moeten gaan denken aan een uitgewerkte exit strategy. Hebben jullie dat en houden jullie er jezelf aan? Qua timeframe, targets etc?
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 15-02-2021, 15:57

Ga toch eens moeten gaan denken aan een uitgewerkte exit strategy. Hebben jullie dat en houden jullie er jezelf aan? Qua timeframe, targets etc?
Ik HODL al sinds 2017

Twijfel nog wel hoe ik de komende maanden ga aanpakken. Een nieuw huis is ook wel fijn
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Oud 19-02-2021, 15:29
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Macrador is offline
Toch ook op Binance een account gemaakt om wat bnb, utk en matic te kopen. Ben benieuwd naar de komende maanden.

Nu toch al op +14%.
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 19-02-2021, 17:30
Lekker bezig Belg
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Oud 22-02-2021, 12:50
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Macrador is offline
Strong hands :') pls
k҉akbeĺg| Mo̴c̷r̸o ̀d'Or
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Oud 22-02-2021, 18:21
Not for Sale
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Ik vond ergens nog wat Stellar Lumens lol
I thought we were an autonomous collective!
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Oud 12-03-2021, 07:25
Ik vond ergens nog wat Stellar Lumens lol
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