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Oud 09-06-2002, 01:07
[ 01:57:42 ] « oscar » hey Dobermann
[ 01:57:46 ] « oscar » weet jij wat een Paper Jam is?
[ 01:57:51 ] « oscar » met een HP printer

Voor de niet-kenners: Oscar is een die-hard alwetende Linux/Unix goeroe. Beveiligingsspecalist ook nog. M.a.w. übergeek.

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Oud 09-06-2002, 07:02
dystopia is offline
Volgens mij was dat een impersonator of was hij stoned
The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently - Steve Jobs
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Oud 09-06-2002, 14:27
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L@CuTu$ is offline
dystopia schreef:
Volgens mij was dat een impersonator of was hij stoned
't was volgens mij nummer 2
Nerds met Borsthaar coden in EV8 ASM || Lid van het Alpha promotie team
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Oud 09-06-2002, 15:33
Au contraire, Oscar was 100% correct functionerend.
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Oud 09-06-2002, 16:36
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Harrie is offline
Dobermann schreef:
Au contraire, Oscar was 100% correct functionerend.
wat wil je nu dan..
oscar voor lul zetten/de grond in boren
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Oud 09-06-2002, 17:45
Avatar van p-chez
p-chez is offline
L@CuTu$ schreef:

't was volgens mij nummer 2
Oscar is clean, hij blowt niet meer.
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Oud 09-06-2002, 17:49
Harrie schreef:

wat wil je nu dan..
oscar voor lul zetten/de grond in boren
Nee hoor. Hij kon er ook om lachen. Niet alles wat ik zeg is bedoeld om mensen voor lul te zetten, hoor.
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Oud 09-06-2002, 18:27
Dobermann schreef:

Nee hoor. Hij kon er ook om lachen. Niet alles wat ik zeg is bedoeld om mensen voor lul te zetten, hoor.
toch niet?
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Oud 09-06-2002, 19:21
* ^_^ *
* ^_^ * is offline

toch niet?
blijkbaar... kd8 anders ook dat t 100% een eikeltje was
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Oud 09-06-2002, 19:54
* ^_^ * schreef:

blijkbaar... kd8 anders ook dat t 100% een eikeltje was
Dit is een IRC-funny-topic. Gaarne daar rekening mee te houden; een discussie over wat humor is en wat niet heeft 't vorige draadje ook de nek om gedraaid.

Gelieve nu dus louter on-topic te posten, en zouteloos commentaar achterwege te laten.

Mijn dank.
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Oud 10-06-2002, 18:06
[ 18:59:46 ] « slipknot_rulezz » fack u al mather fackers later lullen

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Oud 18-06-2002, 13:49
dystopia is offline
(sjoerdje): @find mirror
(ReaperBot2): Found file: 06 - Mirror Song.mp3 in /mp3/Live/Mental Jewelry/ on ChameleOne's site
(ReaperBot2): Found file: in /Emulation/C64 Games - Arnold Collection/a/ on the Pit
(ReaperBot2): Found file: mirror_button.rgb in /games/Tuxracer/textures/ on Digger3
(sjoerdje): Hmmm, jammer
(dystopia): @find sex
(ReaperBot2): Found file: 08-nate_dogg-sexy_girl_(feat_big_syke)-cms.mp3 in /mp3/Nate Dogg/Nate Dogg And Friends/ on ChameleOne's site
(ReaperBot2): Found file: teensex_sample.mpg in /Movies/Adult/ on cjswimmer's pool
(ReaperBot2): Found directory: /e:/-=Anime=-/Manga/GOD_OF_SEX Vol 1-3/ (contains 3 files/dirs) on BW's FTP
(dystopia): HAHAHAHAHA
(daReaper): whaha
(daReaper): @find porn
(ReaperBot2): Found directory: /mp3/The Cure/Pornography/ (contains 9 files/dirs) on ChameleOne's site
(ReaperBot2): Found file: Metal_Gear_Solid_porn.mpeg in /Movies/Funny/ on cjswimmer's pool
The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently - Steve Jobs
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Oud 20-06-2002, 15:30
Avatar van p-chez
p-chez is offline
[15:56] <p-chez> JA GA MAAR NAAR DE KAPPER
[15:56] <drommelsch> helemaal motherfucking kaal
[15:56] <Wasp> OK
[15:56] <Wasp> ik ga weer stiekeltjes doen
[15:56] <drommelsch> oeh
[15:56] <drommelsch> enne
[15:56] <Wasp> spikes
[15:56] <Wasp>
[15:56] <drommelsch> als het 10 euro is
[15:56] <drommelsch> geef je 5 euro
[15:56] *** snees (snees@***) has joined #scholieren
[15:56] <drommelsch> en zeg je
[15:56] <**********> Stekels zijn gay
[15:56] <drommelsch> laat de rest maar zitten
[15:56] <Wasp> HAHAHAAHA
[15:56] <p-chez> hehe drommelsch
[15:56] <Wasp> drommelsch
[15:56] <p-chez> lolol
[15:56] <Wasp> !!!
[15:56] <p-chez> haha
[15:56] <**********> [heb toevallig vandaag oomk stekels maar goed ]
[15:57] <Wasp> HAHA
[15:57] <p-chez> LMAO
[15:57] <p-chez> HAH
[15:57] <drommelsch> :H
[15:57] <Wasp> die onthoud ik
[15:57] <p-chez> laat de rest maar zitteb
[15:57] <Wasp> ECHT


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Oud 20-06-2002, 15:39
intelli-worst is offline
p-chez schreef:

Oscar is clean, hij blowt niet meer.
maar ook niet minder
zei hij in een vlaag van verstandsverbijstering
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Oud 20-06-2002, 16:05
Avatar van wabbit
wabbit is offline
17:04:16 *** boe has joined #scholieren
17:04:18 <boe> tof
17:04:21 <boe> jirc rules!
mess with the best,Die like the rest!! tafkak: the artist formaly known as kevingerritsen
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Oud 20-06-2002, 19:25
dystopia is offline
(locutus): 20:02 < Jeroen> ik ben bewezen atheist
(locutus): 20:02 < Cyberdude47> ik ben fanatiek atheist
(locutus): 20:02 < sjoerdje> Neej. Bewezen agnost is leuker ;P
(locutus): 20:02 < Jeroen> ik ben een keer 10 minuten gebid of microsoft windows onder de GPL zou vrijgeven
(locutus): 20:02 < Jeroen> en nee, nog steeds niet gebeurd
(locutus): 20:02 < Jeroen> dus god bestaat niet
The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently - Steve Jobs
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Oud 20-06-2002, 19:26
dystopia schreef:
(locutus): 20:02 < Jeroen> ik ben bewezen atheist
(locutus): 20:02 < Cyberdude47> ik ben fanatiek atheist
(locutus): 20:02 < sjoerdje> Neej. Bewezen agnost is leuker ;P
(locutus): 20:02 < Jeroen> ik ben een keer 10 minuten gebid of microsoft windows onder de GPL zou vrijgeven
(locutus): 20:02 < Jeroen> en nee, nog steeds niet gebeurd
(locutus): 20:02 < Jeroen> dus god bestaat niet
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Oud 21-06-2002, 10:12
Cybernetic Dreams
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Cybernetic Dreams is offline
Fear my art skillz!
Ear my fart skillz!


Got lots of fans...... NO SCRATS THAT!!!! i got THE FANS!!!! Delta EXTREME SCREAM why extreme scream???? hmmmm well how about this 80.16 CFM!!! 52.5dBa!!! and 5700 Rpm!!!!!!!!!!!! this baby will KILL YOUR NABOR'S Flowers WITH NOICE!!!!!!


her: NO!!!!! NOT A WARNING

me: your caps key is on
her: ROFL...
her: GO DIE

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Oud 28-06-2002, 01:14
Avatar van p-chez
p-chez is offline
We houden het even centraal, voor de info; dit is de nieuwste IRC-funnies.

De andere mag wat mij betreft gesloten, die is oud.
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Oud 29-06-2002, 03:12
DJ Incompetent
DJ Incompetent is offline
[04:05] <Flem> kansloos
[04:06] <Wasp> dat ben ik ook
[04:06] <Flem> vandaar
[04:06] <Wasp> soms dan
[04:07] <Wasp> zoals bij iemand een pizza willen bezorgen, de bel indrukken, wordt niet open gedaan om vervolgens weer terug te rijden naar het filiaal, om vervolgens de klant op te bellen, en dat je dan te horen krijgt dat er een trekbel onder de (kapotte) deurbel zit
[04:08] <Flem>

Laatst gewijzigd op 29-06-2002 om 03:15.
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Oud 02-07-2002, 18:40
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Nanaki is offline
[20:37:49] <@G2X> 100 % zeker <@G2X> maar niet echt een betrouwbare bron tough ]
I am the pill they use to fill your suicide machine
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Oud 03-07-2002, 12:53
Avatar van BendeBen
BendeBen is offline
[13:34] <WFF|nowpayne> joy?
[13:46] <JoY> ja?
[13:46] <WFF|nowpayne> k
[13:46] <WFF|nowpayne> du
[13:46] <JoY> sup?
[13:46] <WFF|nowpayne> muit welchen namen bist du bei Q geauthet
[13:46] <WFF|nowpayne> ?
[13:47] <JoY> wer bist du? wieso?
[13:47] <JoY> ????
[13:47] <WFF|nowpayne> `hey mann ich bin nowpayne
[13:47] <WFF|nowpayne> du bist doch im wff clan oder?
[13:48] <JoY> haha nein, ich bin in clan [DUTCH]
[13:48] <WFF|nowpayne> oh
[13:48] <WFF|nowpayne> du bist also nicht vom WFF clan?
[13:48] <JoY> nein
[13:48] <WFF|nowpayne> doh
[13:48] <JoY>
[13:48] <WFF|nowpayne> sorry das ich dich belästigt hab
[13:49] <JoY> kein probliem
[13:49] <WFF|nowpayne> tjo dann cu
[13:49] <JoY> cu

ik ben JoY en ik ken die gast helemaal niet + ik kan maar een paar woorden duits en dat waren deze roflmao

ik moest vooral lachen om "hey mann ich bin nowpayne"
whaha spreek dat eens duits uit + DUH dat zie ik ook wel

hoe heeft ie mij gePMed? ik zat op quakenet #dutch en hij niet, hoe kan hij mij dan vinden?

Laatst gewijzigd op 03-07-2002 om 12:55.
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Oud 03-07-2002, 13:10
Avatar van BendeBen
BendeBen is offline

die vond ik laatst op ut003 forum

erg lang, dus pak er een zak chips bij ofzo

anyway: als dit echt is he...dan...dan........<sprakeloos>
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Oud 03-07-2002, 15:35
Avatar van p-chez
p-chez is offline
BendeBen schreef:

die vond ik laatst op ut003 forum

erg lang, dus pak er een zak chips bij ofzo

anyway: als dit echt is he...dan...dan........<sprakeloos>
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Oud 03-07-2002, 16:42
Avatar van wabbit
wabbit is offline
BendeBen schreef:

die vond ik laatst op ut003 forum

erg lang, dus pak er een zak chips bij ofzo

anyway: als dit echt is he...dan...dan........<sprakeloos>
mess with the best,Die like the rest!! tafkak: the artist formaly known as kevingerritsen
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Oud 03-07-2002, 18:21
dystopia is offline
BendeBen schreef:

die vond ik laatst op ut003 forum

erg lang, dus pak er een zak chips bij ofzo

anyway: als dit echt is he...dan...dan........<sprakeloos>
woehahha. Zou mij niet verbazen als die sweet_thang_for_u_2002 het ook ergens heeft gelogged en in z'n eigen IRC funnies heeft gezet

sweet_thang_for_u_2002: i'm coming over right now
sweet_thang_for_u_2002: ok
dys4iK: go for it.
dys4iK: you know where I live.
dys4iK: (I don't.)

The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently - Steve Jobs

Laatst gewijzigd op 03-07-2002 om 18:26.
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Oud 03-07-2002, 18:42
Avatar van BendeBen
BendeBen is offline
dys4iK: I've gotta go fuck my sister now.
dys4iK: back in a bit.
sweet_thang_for_u_2002: and explaoin to her ur stayin with me
sweet_thang_for_u_2002: what!!!!!!!!!!
sweet_thang_for_u_2002: ur sister is only 8
dys4iK: oh, hey, right.
dys4iK: ok.
dys4iK: my cousin, then.
dys4iK: how old are my cousins?

whaha deze is zo vaag

ze gaat er dus eigenlijk serieus op in lol
dus als die zus 20 was geweest zou ze het wel normaal vinden

ik bedoel, als iemand zeg dat ie zn zus gaat neuken, dan geef je toch niet als rede dat je het niet moet doen haar leeftijd?
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Oud 09-07-2002, 15:12
Avatar van Tiger_Wolf
Tiger_Wolf is offline
Effe om dit om hoog te schroeven weer eens iets om te lachen. Het begin is incompleet, maar dat waren maar een paar regeltjes.

[15:11] sarah says: ?huh?
[15:11] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: and you were in this list so I start talking to you :)
[15:11] sarah says: have you ever talked to me before?
[15:12] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: nope
[15:12] sarah says: o ok
[15:12] sarah says: lol
[15:12] sarah says: so your friends with the guy from the netherlands, which his e-mail is *****
[15:13] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: yup, the guy you think I am sended gave me this e-mail address
[15:13] sarah says: oh
[15:13] sarah says: i c
[15:13] sarah says: :D
[15:13] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: he said there were lots of nice girls in this list :)
[15:13] sarah says: :Dand i'm one of them
[15:13] sarah says: lol
[15:13] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: you are? :)
[15:14] sarah says: yup
[15:14] sarah says: :)
[15:15] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: do you have a pic of yours, 'coz that guy from the Netherlands deleted all the e-mail messages (except for the free porn e-mails :S)
[15:15] sarah says: no i don't :(
[15:15] sarah says: i wish though
[15:15] sarah says: i don't have a scanner or digital camera
[15:15] sarah says: do you have a pic?
[15:16] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: poor you :(
[15:16] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: nope
[15:16] sarah says: poor you
[15:16] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: put I have on ready in 3 days :)
[15:16] sarah says: ok
[15:16] sarah says: :D
[15:16] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: do you like Turkish guys?
[15:16] sarah says: never met them
[15:16] sarah says: hehe
[15:16] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: well I'm one of them :P
[15:16] sarah says: i live in the U.S.
[15:16] sarah says: hehe
[15:17] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: were do you live in the US? I live on the university of Chigago
[15:17] sarah says: so you live in the U.S. too
[15:17] sarah says: i live in Arizona
[15:17] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: o cool :)
[15:18] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: I'm going there on holiday
[15:18] sarah says: kewl :D
[15:18] sarah says: az is awesome
[15:19] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: I've been there 2 years ago
[15:19] sarah says: cool
[15:19] sarah says: what part?
[15:19] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: But I hardly remember it
[15:19] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: the south I thought
[15:19] sarah says: do you know the name of the city that you were in?
[15:19] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: nope... :(
[15:20] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: Phoenix maybe?
[15:20] sarah says: phoenix maybe?
[15:20] sarah says: yea
[15:20] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: o well it was pretty cool there :)
[15:20] sarah says: phoenix is probably it
[15:20] sarah says: yea
[15:21] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: and we are going there again with our University
[15:21] sarah says: that's kewl
[15:21] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: how old are you?
[15:21] sarah says: probably younger than you
[15:21] sarah says: lol
[15:21] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: well tell me :D
[15:21] sarah says: no
[15:21] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: come on tell me :D
[15:22] sarah says: tell me how old you are and then i'll tell you
[15:22] sarah says: :)
[15:22] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: I'm almost 20
[15:22] sarah says: :-O
[15:22] sarah says: oh man
[15:22] sarah says: i'm not tellin you
[15:22] sarah says: lol
[15:22] sarah says: you are as old as my sister...except she's 21
[15:23] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: and does your sister look nice, and does she likes Turkish people?
[15:23] sarah says: yes she looks nice and i don't know
[15:23] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: ask her :)
[15:23] sarah says: but you can't have her cuz she has a boyfriend...sorry :$
[15:23] sarah says: she isn't here
[15:24] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: well better luck next time
[15:24] sarah says: she doesn't live with me
[15:24] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: o were does she lives then?
[15:24] sarah says: ASU...but she is at her best friends house for the summer
[15:24] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: o cool :)
[15:24] sarah says: yeah
[15:25] sarah says: i have another sister too...but she's older than you and she has a boyfriend already
[15:25] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: and now you tell me how old you are! :D
[15:25] sarah says: haha....nope
[15:25] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: well yes you are
[15:25] sarah says: :D
[15:25] sarah says: nope
[15:25] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: ok I guess... 13 ;) 13 year old girls are always shy about their age
[15:26] sarah says: :-Ohow did you know
[15:26] sarah says: did your netherland friend tell you
[15:26] sarah says: lol
[15:26] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: nope
[15:26] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: I'm always lucky
[15:26] sarah says: hehe
[15:26] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: and well I study peoples movements on the University
[15:27] sarah says: oh
[15:27] sarah says: that's nice
[15:27] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: it's pretty cool... I just can see what someone thinks
[15:27] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: people don't have secrets for me anymore ;)
[15:27] sarah says: lol
[15:27] sarah says: :Dhehe
[15:28] sarah says: are you cute? :D
[15:28] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: ofcourse I am :)
[15:28] sarah says: haha
[15:28] sarah says: are you cuter than the netherland friend?
[15:28] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: but some people of the government doesn't think so :D
[15:28] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: I think so :)
[15:28] sarah says: hehe
[15:29] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: o wait I founded a picture of me on the pc :)
[15:29] sarah says: ya!
[15:29] sarah says: show me
[15:30] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: here ya go
[15:30] sarah says: did you e-mail it to me
[15:30] sarah says: ?
[15:30] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: yup
[15:30] sarah says: k i got it
[15:30] sarah says: hold on
[15:31] sarah says: wopw
[15:31] sarah says: *wow
[15:31] sarah says: lol
[15:31] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: and how do I look?
[15:31] sarah says: HOT!!!!!!
[15:32] sarah says: you don't look turkish to me......but i've never seen a turkish person ....i dont' think
[15:32] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: well I am Turkish :)
[15:32] sarah says: :)
[15:32] sarah says: where were you born?
[15:32] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: in Turkey ofcourse ;) Istanbul
[15:33] sarah says: hehe
[15:33] sarah says: what does your screen name mean?
[15:33] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: well that's my real name :)
[15:33] sarah says: oh
[15:33] sarah says: :)
[15:34] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: it contains the first name of my mom and dad, my last name and my first name
[15:34] sarah says: can you translate it into english?
[15:34] sarah says: :D
[15:34] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: no, I'm sorry :(
[15:34] sarah says: :(oh
[15:35] sarah says: i don't know anyother language other than spanish and english
[15:35] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: but you can call me Abul
[15:35] sarah says: ok
[15:35] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: o I know Arabic, English and German
[15:36] sarah says: that's kewl
[15:36] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: Fewaka ma sou souri badam
[15:36] sarah says: :|
[15:36] sarah says: lol
[15:37] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: That was arabic for 'You are a nice girl and I kinda like you' if you were older ofcourse ;)
[15:37] sarah says: :Dkewl
[15:38] sarah says: well you are a nice boy and i kinda like you if you were younger of course ;)
[15:38] sarah says: how ever you say that in arabic
[15:38] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: haha, very simple 'Fewaka me sou souri badam' :)
[15:38] sarah says: okay
[15:38] sarah says: hee
[15:39] sarah says: 'Fewaka me sou souri badam'
[15:39] sarah says: :D
[15:39] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: Ee wassu ma kuku
[15:39] sarah says: :S
[15:39] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: Thank you very much :)
[15:39] sarah says: :Dno problem
[15:41] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: well gotta go, bussu ma pussu!
[15:41] sarah says: bye
[15:41] sarah says: adios?
[15:41] sarah says: hehe
[15:41] sarah says: :D
[15:41] Abul-Qasim al-Balhki says: no bussu ma pussu ;)

Deel 2 van het gesprek, en nu onder mijn eigen naam :D

[15:44] sarah says: is this tiger or is this your turkey friend?
[15:44] sarah says: this is confusing!
[15:44] Tiger says: I am Tiger :)
[15:44] sarah says: okay
[15:44] sarah says: i just talked to your turkey friend
[15:44] sarah says: :D
[15:44] Tiger says: I heard about that :)
[15:44] sarah says: hehe
[15:45] Tiger says: I used his e-mail address and he mine :)
[15:45] Tiger says: and what do you think of him?
[15:45] sarah says: nice! :D
[15:45] sarah says: hot!
[15:45] sarah says: :D
[15:45] Tiger says: that's him :)
[15:46] sarah says: and i learned some arabic
[15:46] sarah says: hehe
[15:46] Tiger says: cool :)
[15:46] sarah says: yup
[15:46] Tiger says: what have you learned?
[15:47] sarah says: i don
[15:47] sarah says: 't
[15:47] sarah says: know
[15:47] sarah says: lol
[15:47] Tiger says: :D
[15:47] sarah says: do you know arabic?
[15:47] Tiger says: well a bit
[15:48] sarah says: you know if 'bussu ma pussu' is bye?
[15:48] Tiger says: well it means see you later
[15:48] sarah says: o ok
[15:48] sarah says: hhee
[15:48] Tiger says: so I think he'll come back :)
[15:49] sarah says: good
[15:49] sarah says: :)
[15:49] sarah says: i got highlights in my hair:)
[15:49] Tiger says: hehe :)
[15:49] sarah says: they are cool!
[15:49] sarah says: (H)
[15:49] Tiger says: I know :D
[15:49] sarah says: :D
[15:50] Tiger says: Do you know any of the most wanted terrorists?
[15:50] Tiger says: maybe I could earn some money :D
[15:51] sarah says: haha...well not quit
[15:51] Tiger says: do you know were I can see some pics of them? Maybe I can recognize them :D
[15:51] sarah says: haha
[15:51] sarah says: haven't you ever seen the terrorists on TV?
[15:52] Tiger says: well I've seen Usama... that's the only one
[15:52] sarah says: that's the only one i saw too
[15:52] sarah says: lol
[15:52] sarah says: :D
[15:52] Tiger says: O wait I've founded a page :)
[15:53] sarah says: cool
[15:53] sarah says: do you know what 'me sou souri badam' means?
[15:53] sarah says: :)
[15:54] Tiger says: well something with nice guy..
[15:54] sarah says: oh wait!
[15:54] sarah says: Fewaka me sou souri badam
[15:54] sarah says: that's what i mean
[15:54] sarah says: do you know what that means?
[15:54] sarah says: i do :D
[15:54] Tiger says: I know it means something with nice guy
[15:54] sarah says: yeah
[15:55] sarah says: your friend told me that except it was something with nice girl
[15:55] sarah says: i know what it all means though
[15:55] sarah says: :D
[15:57] Tiger says: Hey do you know Sheikh Ahmed Salim Swedan
[15:57] sarah says: no
[15:57] Tiger says: well I recognize him...
[15:57] Tiger says: here go look for yourself:
[15:58] Tiger says: 5th row in the middle
[15:59] sarah says: you can find yourself?!
[15:59] sarah says: what?
[15:59] Tiger says: what?
[15:59] sarah says: oh my god!
[16:00] sarah says: hold on
[16:00] Tiger says: what?
[16:00] sarah says: that pic is of that turkey dude....he gave that to me
[16:00] Tiger says: ????
[16:00] sarah says: he said it was him
[16:00] Tiger says: what?
[16:00] sarah says: your turkey friend
[16:01] sarah says: that pic....5th row, middle
[16:01] sarah says: he said that was him
[16:01] Tiger says: :-O
[16:01] sarah says: im' not kiddin
[16:01] sarah says: that is scarey
[16:02] Tiger says: Ok... I'm gonna tell you something...
[16:02] sarah says: ok
[16:02] Tiger says: You are on Candid Camara ;)

Laatst gewijzigd op 09-07-2002 om 15:40.
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Oud 10-07-2002, 01:58
dystopia is offline
't was eik op MSN.. maar 't vermelden waard..

<ExeCute> en we hebben alleen al 400 cineese teensoorten, die hoeven voorlopig zeker neit

(hij had 't dus over thee)
The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently - Steve Jobs
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Oud 10-07-2002, 03:54
DJ Incompetent
DJ Incompetent is offline
BendeBen schreef:

die vond ik laatst op ut003 forum

erg lang, dus pak er een zak chips bij ofzo

anyway: als dit echt is he...dan...dan........<sprakeloos>
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Oud 10-07-2002, 20:09
DreamLord is offline
BendeBen schreef:

die vond ik laatst op ut003 forum

erg lang, dus pak er een zak chips bij ofzo

anyway: als dit echt is he...dan...dan........<sprakeloos>
Omg, het eerste gedeelte is al lachverwekkend

*Zit hier met een slappe lach*
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Oud 10-07-2002, 20:57
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Thutshui is offline
BendeBen schreef:

die vond ik laatst op ut003 forum

erg lang, dus pak er een zak chips bij ofzo

anyway: als dit echt is he...dan...dan........<sprakeloos>
Té gek, hehe, geniaal
[ ] - [*Having A Major Crush On Hukkie*]
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Oud 11-07-2002, 19:00
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Vinzz is offline
<Normandy> I told my sis to go to hotmail to set up her own email account, and she went to and now she thinks I'm gay ;(

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Oud 14-07-2002, 03:25
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p-chez is offline
[04:23] <Predjee> tsjoek
[04:23] <Predjee> tsjoek
[04:23] <Predjee> tsjoek
[04:23] <p-chez> nu klinkt het alsof t door een telefoon komt
[04:23] <Predjee> tsjoek
[04:23] *** Predjee was kicked by Megatron (Gedraag je! (1e waarschuwing))
[04:23] *** Predjee ( has joined #scholieren
[04:23] *** Megatron sets mode: +b *!*
[04:23] *** [#scholieren] Banned- Predjee
[04:23] *** Predjee was kicked by Megatron (banned: Gedraag je!)
[04:23] <p-chez> !unban 1
[04:23] <p-chez> heh
[04:23] -Megatron- Ban verwijdert: *!*
[04:23] *** Megatron sets mode: -b *!*
[04:23] *** Predjee ( has joined #scholieren
[04:23] <Predjee> liev
[04:23] <Predjee>
[04:23] *** Predjee was kicked by Megatron (flood)
[04:23] *** Predjee ( has joined #scholieren
[04:23] <p-chez> haha
[04:24] <Chizl> wheheheh
[04:24] <Predjee> lol ?
[04:24] <p-chez> lmao
[04:24] <p-chez>
[04:24] <Predjee> hahaah
[04:24] <p-chez> hahah


Het fenomeen 'lag' wil in het geval van onze lieftallige eggdrop Megatron nog wel eens tot kleine probleempjes leiden
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Oud 14-07-2002, 04:19
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p-chez is offline
Megatron flipt 'm nog n's:

[05:17] *** Predjee was kicked by Megatron (flood)
[05:17] *** Predjee ( has joined #scholieren
[05:17] *** Megatron sets mode: +b *!*
[05:17] *** [#scholieren] Banned- Predjee
[05:17] *** Predjee was kicked by Megatron (banned: Oh Behave!)
[05:17] <wabbit> !unban 1?
[05:17] <wabbit> p-chez
[05:18] <wabbit> unban 1?
[05:18] <MCH> 2
[05:18] <p-chez> alweer
[05:18] <MCH> ik was 1 toch? :>
[05:18] <p-chez> !unban 1
[05:18] -Megatron- Ban verwijdert: *!*
[05:18] *** Megatron sets mode: -b *!*
[05:18] *** Predjee ( has joined #scholieren


Vooral dat "ik was 1 toch? :>" lmao!
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Oud 14-07-2002, 04:21
p-chez schreef:

Vooral dat "ik was 1 toch? :>" lmao!
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Ads door Google
Oud 14-07-2002, 04:22
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wabbit is offline
05:16:06 <Predjee> laten we alle4 gewoon hupa
05:16:08 <Predjee> naar bed
05:16:09 <Predjee> gewoon
05:16:10 <Predjee> tegelijk
05:16:12 <Predjee> gewoon geen gezeur
05:16:14 <Predjee> gewoon weg
05:16:15 <Predjee> pats
05:16:15 <Predjee> weg
05:16:16 <Predjee> :>
05:16:16 * Predjee was kicked by Megatron (flood)
05:16:17 * Predjee has joined #scholieren
05:16:17 * Megatron sets mode: +b *!*
05:16:17 * Predjee was kicked by Megatron (banned: Oh Behave!)
mess with the best,Die like the rest!! tafkak: the artist formaly known as kevingerritsen
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Oud 14-07-2002, 04:23
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p-chez is offline
Morgan C. Hoax schreef:

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Oud 14-07-2002, 15:32
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L@CuTu$ is offline
<@Desecrator> zeg
<@Desecrator> 's-
nachts een vent 's-ochtends ook een vent
<@locutus> ehm wat ?
<@locutus> wat ?
<@locutus> ik ben geen vent
* locutus is gewoon een wijf
<@locutus> Desecrator: neuken ?>
<@Desecrator> Ben je lekker ?
<@locutus> juh!
<@Desecrator> Yes please !
<@locutus> *OMG*

mja , ik denk dat ik Desecrator door ga verwijzen naar #kansloos
Nerds met Borsthaar coden in EV8 ASM || Lid van het Alpha promotie team
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Oud 14-07-2002, 15:57
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DEChengst is offline
L@CuTu$ schreef:
mja , ik denk dat ik Desecrator door ga verwijzen naar #kansloos
kansloos is my middle name

PDP, VAX en Alpha fanaat ; HP-Compaq is de Satan! ; Bidt u allen dagelijks richting Maynard! ; Ernie==lief ; Het leven begint bij 150 km/u ; aka Desje
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Oud 14-07-2002, 16:02
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L@CuTu$ is offline
Desecrator schreef:

kansloos is my middle name

dan wil ik je lastname nieteens weten
Nerds met Borsthaar coden in EV8 ASM || Lid van het Alpha promotie team
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Oud 14-07-2002, 16:03
Avatar van DEChengst
DEChengst is offline
L@CuTu$ schreef:

dan wil ik je lastname nieteens weten

PDP, VAX en Alpha fanaat ; HP-Compaq is de Satan! ; Bidt u allen dagelijks richting Maynard! ; Ernie==lief ; Het leven begint bij 150 km/u ; aka Desje
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Oud 14-07-2002, 16:05
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L@CuTu$ is offline
Desecrator schreef:


en je frontname is zeker BOFH ?
Nerds met Borsthaar coden in EV8 ASM || Lid van het Alpha promotie team
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Oud 14-07-2002, 16:08
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DEChengst is offline
L@CuTu$ schreef:

en je frontname is zeker BOFH ?


Dat was toch ons bedgeheimpje

PDP, VAX en Alpha fanaat ; HP-Compaq is de Satan! ; Bidt u allen dagelijks richting Maynard! ; Ernie==lief ; Het leven begint bij 150 km/u ; aka Desje
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Oud 14-07-2002, 16:11
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Wasp is offline
Anders chatten wij even op de chatbox ipv in dit topic..
Ex fb-er van Drugs & Alcohol. Dajjetffweet!
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Oud 14-07-2002, 16:29
Dit speelde op een ander forum af, ok geen IRC maar het is wel grappig

Iemand vraagt dit:
ik las deze week dat Garbage live op MTV te zien zou zijn. Nou komen er blijkbaar nog meer bands live op MTV. Weet iemand toevallig de tijd waarop ze live te zien zijn, zou ik namelijk erg cool vinden (ben ook naar het concert geweest dit jaar, was echt heeel goed )

- paar normale replys -

en dan deze post:

Het is de hele dag garbage op MTV als je het mij vraagt...

Daarna post de topicstarter dit:

ehmm, nee hoor, vandaag heb ik oa Red Hot Chillipeppers en Alanis Live gezien, maar geen garbage helaas...

Vond hem wel lachen
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Oud 14-07-2002, 22:40
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Onlyme is offline
Nanaki schreef:
[20:37:49] <@G2X> 100 % zeker <@G2X> maar niet echt een betrouwbare bron tough ]
[23:37] @G2X» ik ga in hongerstaking!! Lichtje van mn monitor brand de hele tijd!
See my shadow changing, stretching up and over me
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Oud 16-07-2002, 00:05
C r Y p S
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C r Y p S is offline
Alkahol!K schreef:
<Normandy> I told my sis to go to hotmail to set up her own email account, and she went to and now she thinks I'm gay ;(

Whahahaha, die is echt vet
Waar een weg is wil ik heen.
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Oud 16-07-2002, 01:13
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p-chez is offline
Wasp schreef:
Anders chatten wij even op de chatbox ipv in dit topic..
Pcies, daar hebben we een chatbox voor
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Oud 19-07-2002, 14:20
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wabbit is offline
15:06:40 * wabbit
15:07:11 <Ilsuh> heej hoe doe je da
15:07:26 * Ilsuh
15:07:30 <Ilsuh> grmbl
15:07:30 <wabbit> wat krijg ik ervoor als ik het zeg?
15:07:32 * wabbit
15:07:49 * justagirl is now known as justa_half_weggies
15:07:50 <Ilsuh> krijg je een snoepje
15:07:54 <wabbit> neh
15:07:55 <justa_half_weggies> !seen Vin
15:07:56 <wabbit> doe k et niet voor
15:08:13 * Ilsuh is now known as Vin_
15:08:15 <Vin_> taaaaaadaaaaaa
15:08:17 <Vin_> hier ben ik al
15:08:18 <Vin_>
15:08:23 <wabbit> ^_^
15:08:27 <justa_half_weggies> ..
15:08:36 * Vin_ is now known as _Ilsuh_
15:08:53 <wabbit> ilsuh met /part doe je dat
15:08:56 <_Ilsuh_> waar doe je het wel voor dan wabbit
15:08:58 * _Ilsuh_ has left #scholieren
15:09:03 * _Ilsuh_ has joined #scholieren
15:09:04 <_Ilsuh_> haha
15:09:05 <wabbit> haha
15:09:09 <_Ilsuh_> < blond
mess with the best,Die like the rest!! tafkak: the artist formaly known as kevingerritsen
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