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Oud 04-12-2006, 18:13
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Controversial U.N. ambassador to step down

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Unable to win Senate confirmation, U.N. Ambassador John Bolton will step down when his temporary appointment expires within weeks, the White House said Monday.

Bolton's nomination has languished in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for more than a year, blocked by Democrats and several Republicans. Sen. Lincoln Chafee, a moderate Republican who lost in the midterm elections November 7 that swept Democrats to power in both houses of Congress, was adamantly opposed to Bolton.

Critics have questioned Bolton's brusque style and whether he could be an effective public servant who could help bring reform to the U.N.

President Bush, in a statement, said he was "deeply disappointed that a handful of United States senators prevented Ambassador Bolton from receiving the up or down vote he deserved in the Senate."

"They chose to obstruct his confirmation, even though he enjoys majority support in the Senate, and even though their tactics will disrupt our diplomatic work at a sensitive and important time," Bush said. "This stubborn obstructionism ill serves our country, and discourages men and women of talent from serving their nation."

Bush gave Bolton the job temporarily in August 2005, while Congress was in recess. Under that process, the appointment expires when Congress formally adjourns, no later than early January.

The White House resubmitted Bolton's nomination last month. But with Democrats capturing control of the next Congress, his chances of winning confirmation appeared slight. The incoming chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Democratic Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, said he saw "no point in considering Mr. Bolton's nomination again."

Bush stands by nominee despite opposition

While Bush could not give Bolton another recess appointment, the White House was believed to be exploring other ways of keeping him in the job, perhaps by giving him a title other than ambassador. But Bolton informed the White House he intended to leave when his current appointment expires, White House deputy press secretary Dana Perino said.

Bush planned to meet with Bolton and his wife later Monday in the Oval Office.

Bush said he accepted Bolton's decision with deep regret.

"He served his country with extraordinary dedication and skill, assembling coalitions that addressed some of the most consequential issues facing the international community," the president said. "During his tenure, he articulately advocated the positions and values of the United States and advanced the expansion of democracy and liberty.

"Ambassador Bolton led the successful negotiations that resulted in unanimous Security Council resolutions regarding North Korea's military and nuclear activities. He built consensus among our allies on the need for Iran to suspend the enrichment and reprocessing of uranium," Bush added. "His efforts to promote the cause of peace in Darfur resulted in a peacekeeping commitment by the United Nations. He made the case for United Nations reform because he cares about the institution, and wants it to become more credible and effective."

Annan: 'Bolton did the job he was expected to do'

Bolton, who pushed strongly for U.N. reform, has had strained relations with many in the U.N. Secretariat, led by Secretary-General Kofi Annan, and has repeatedly called for all top U.N. officials to leave when Annan steps down as U.N. chief on December 31 and is replaced by Ban Ki-moon.

"I think Ambassador Bolton did the job he was expected to do," Annan said Monday morning when asked about Bolton's resignation. "He came at a time when we had lots of tough issues from reform to issues on Iran and North Korea. I think as a representative of the U.S, givenment, he pressed ahead with the instructions he had been given and tried to work as effectively as he could."

As late as last month, Bush, through his top aides, said he would not relent in his defense of Bolton, despite unwavering opposition from Democrats who view Bolton as too combative for international diplomacy.

In a letter to Bush, dated last Friday, Bolton offered no reason for his decision. "After careful consideration, I have concluded that my service in your administration should end when the current recess appoint expires," Bolton wrote.
Mooi.. weer een van Bush z'n maatjes die ermee stopt. Die man was altijd al openlijk tegen de VN, ben blij dat ie plaats maakt voor een anders. Nu maar open natuurlijk dat de opvolger wat positieer tegenover de VN staat..
On my Journey, Destinations are Optional, and not Always Desirable.
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Oud 04-12-2006, 19:16
Gimme more beer
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Dat werd tijd, durf ik toch wel te zeggen
Onderuitgezakt in de koffiehoek van het zorgcentrum zit Sieb met volle teugen na te genieten van de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Arnela is de liefste! <3
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Oud 04-12-2006, 20:38
Blood Fire Rage
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Stelling onderbouwen aub.
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Oud 04-12-2006, 20:43
Supreme Dutch
Blood Fire Rage schreef op 04-12-2006 @ 21:38 :
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Oud 04-12-2006, 21:05
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Goed nieuws, ik koester van nature namelijk een aversie jegens mannen die blauwe overhemden met witte boorden (en daarbij een snor) dragen.
Nu zal ik doden u beide, Elegast u ende uw paard. Ten zi dat gi ter vaart, Nederbeet optie moude: Zo mag uw ors t lijf behouden.

Laatst gewijzigd op 04-12-2006 om 21:07.
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Oud 04-12-2006, 21:22
Mark Almighty
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Ik had uit een recente Volkskrant begrepen dat Bush nogal wat juridische grepen en trucs had willen uithalen om Bolton langer aan te laten blijven, of staat dat ook in die lap tekst (ga ik dus niet allemaal lezen)?

Anyway: good riddance!

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Oud 04-12-2006, 21:56
Levitating Nun
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Mark Almighty schreef op 04-12-2006 @ 22:22 :
good riddance!
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Oud 05-12-2006, 10:55
Opgeruimd staat netjes.
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Oud 05-12-2006, 11:38
Mephostophilis schreef op 05-12-2006 @ 11:55 :
Opgeruimd staat netjes.
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