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Oud 30-03-2008, 12:45
Sanneke1983 is offline
Zouden jullie mij jullie mening (liefst in het Engels, maar mag ook in het Nederlands) kunnen geven over de volgende stellling:

'Contingency Fees do not increase litigation'

Bij voorbaat dank!!
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Oud 30-03-2008, 14:02
Avatar van mathfreak
mathfreak is offline
Omdat de termen die je hier noemt waarschijnlijk niet bij de meeste forumbezoekers hier bekend zijn, zet ik je omschrijving van deze termen uit je andere topic even hieronder:
A contingent fee in the United States is any fee for services provided where the fee is only payable if there is a favourable result.
This conditional fee agreement between a law firm and a client means that the solicitor will take a law case on the understanding that if lost, they will not get paid (no win no fee system).

A controversy before a court or a "lawsuit" is commonly referred to as “litigation”.
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Oud 30-03-2008, 14:11
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Evilblue is offline
Contingency Fees do not increase litigation; With this I am in direct conflict.

Contingency fees (in america at least) help class action suits and various poor families (in unison or alone) go against corporations/groups/peoples who, normally speaking, would be impossible to go against, be it for monetary or other reasons. Incidentally, these types of cases are the ones firms will try their hardest not to lose, therefore they will be more pushed to drag out court cases and exhaust all possible means e.g. go to a higher court and appeal massively i.e. causing more litigation.
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