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Oud 17-04-2008, 02:47
wutang is offline

Ik ben opzoek naar een paar persoonlijkheidstesten. (bijvoorbeeld om te zien of je een introvert of extrovert persoon bent)

The Big 5 (de grote 5) is er een die erg bekend is...

Wie kan me nog meer een aantal testen opnoemen?
Never drive faster then your gardian angel can fly !
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Oud 17-04-2008, 11:34
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Nona is offline
Examples of personality tests
The first modern personality test was the Woodworth Personal data sheet, which was first used in 1919. It was designed to help the United States Army screen out recruits who might be susceptible to shell shock.
The Rorschach inkblot test was introduced in 1921 as a way to determine personality by the interpretation of abstract inkblots.
The Thematic Apperception Test was commissioned by the Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.) in the 1930s to identify personalities that might be susceptible to being turned by enemy intelligence.
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory was published in 1942 as a way to aid in assessing psychopathology in a clinical setting.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a 16-type indicator of Carl Jung's Psychological Types, developed during World War II.
The Insights Discovery Test based on Carl Jung's psychiatry and an update of Hippocrates' "four Humours," which exists today as the Four Temperaments.
The 16 Personality Factors (16PF) test was developed in 1946 by Raymond Cattell and has become popular in business. In 1963 W.T. Norman suggested that only five factors would be sufficient. In 1981 a group reviewing available personality tests decided that most of the tests which held any promise seemed to measure a subset of five common factors, as Norman had previously claimed. These Big Five personality traits (commonly referred to as "Big Five" or "the five-factor model") are very common in business-oriented personality tests in use today.
Other personality tests include the NEO-PI, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, the Abika Test and Swedish Universities Scales of Personality.
This 44-item test, developed by Oliver P. John, Ph.D. and V. Benet-Martinez in 1998, is in the public domain and has been normed on tens of thousands of adults. It provides a score for each of the Big Five personality traits (Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Emotional Stability, Extroversion and Intellect or Openness). Scores on these traits can often explain important issues for adults and thus simplify counseling efforts. For example, an extrovert working as a night janitor was depressed. Finding a day job, where he could relate to other people, went a long way toward relieving his depression.


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Oud 18-04-2008, 10:03
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Interessant: weet iemand ook wat testen op het internet
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Oud 19-04-2008, 13:32
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Oud 20-04-2008, 03:55
wutang is offline
Iedereen bedankt voor zover..

Als ik er meer over vindt zal ik het hier definitief posten !
Never drive faster then your gardian angel can fly !
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