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Oud 22-11-2003, 11:02
br4m is offline
brainpower - je moest waarschijnlijk gaan...
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Oud 22-11-2003, 11:27
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MikeyMo is offline
NOFX - The Decline
Southernplayalisticcaddilacmusikstyle on your ass
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Oud 22-11-2003, 11:35
Post de txt er dan bij...
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Oud 22-11-2003, 11:38
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Briseïs is offline
The Smiths - How soon is now?

I am the son
And the heir
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and heir
Oh, of nothing in particular

You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way?
I am Human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does

There's a club, if you'd like to go
You could meet somebody who really loves you
So you go, and you stand on your own
And you leave on your own
And you go home, and you cry
And you want to die

When you say it's gonna happen "now"
Well, when exactly do you mean ?
See I've already waited too long
And all my hope is gone
Hela världen är så underbar
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Oud 22-11-2003, 11:46
Briseïs schreef op 22-11-2003 @ 12:38:
The Smiths - How soon is now?
hey hebben ze die gecoverd van tatu?
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Oud 22-11-2003, 11:49
X Belle X schreef op 22-11-2003 @ 12:46:
hey hebben ze die gecoverd van tatu?
ehm.. hoe kan ik het vriendelijk zeggen...

*haalt diep adem*
Tatu heeft dit gecoverd..., veel mensen hebben dit gecoverd + het is gebruikt voor Charmed...

best goed gelukt nog .
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Oud 22-11-2003, 12:00
Mutant schreef op 22-11-2003 @ 12:49:
ehm.. hoe kan ik het vriendelijk zeggen...

*haalt diep adem*
Tatu heeft dit gecoverd..., veel mensen hebben dit gecoverd + het is gebruikt voor Charmed...

best goed gelukt nog .
omg, een die erin trapt.

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Oud 22-11-2003, 12:05
X Belle X schreef op 22-11-2003 @ 13:00:
omg, een die erin trapt.

stel je dan niet zo aan Je bent 16 staat er, ik ken genoeg mensen van 16 die denken dat alles wat nu geproduceerd wordt origineel is, dus (eigenlijk ken ik er zo te veel, en de vraag die jij stelde is mij ook al best wel héél vaak gesteld, vandaar de opkomende agressie).

Maar daar ging het dus niet om.
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Oud 22-11-2003, 12:06
Mutant schreef op 22-11-2003 @ 13:05:
stel je dan niet zo aan Je bent 16 staat er, ik ken genoeg mensen van 16 die denken dat alles wat nu geproduceerd wordt origineel is, dus (eigenlijk ken ik er zo te veel, en de vraag die jij stelde is mij ook al best wel héél vaak gesteld, vandaar de opkomende agressie).

Maar daar ging het dus niet om.
je mag mensen niet op hun leeftijd beoordelen.

maar het is al goed hoor.
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Oud 22-11-2003, 12:36
James Lynch
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James Lynch is offline
If my body was twice the size it was then I might look alright but I don’t because, I’ve got a disproportioned head. And the people they point and laugh at me and they tell me it’s huge cuz honestly – I’ve got a disproportioned head. Don’t try and be nice and say, “It’s really not that big” cuz I am well aware that you are lying – about my head. It blocks out the sun like a parasol. And I’m walking around like a Dodger doll cuz I’ve got a disproportioned head. And I can’t make it better with surgery. So I’m stuck with this skull and the world can see, I’ve got a disproportioned head. Don’t try and be nice to me because you think I’m near. I’m across the street and I can’t hear.Don’t offer advice to me, of hats- it’s all been tried.They don’t really make them in my size……Head.And I can only fit in convertible cars.And my Mom has a 3-foot cesarean scar, cuz of my disoproportioned head And I’d go ahead and end it nowIf I could find a noose that would fit around my huge, disproportioned head.I’ve got a disproportioned head (X3)

Vandals - disproportioned head
Good point myself!
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Oud 22-11-2003, 12:43
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Blenderhead is offline
Dave Q schreef op 22-11-2003 @ 13:36:
tekst van diproportioned head(X3)

Vandals - disproportioned head
gaaf nummer ook, net zoals fucked up girl en my girlfriend's dead

maar wie post er nu Master of Puppets?
You see us coming and you all together run for cover! WE'RE TAKING OVER THIS TOWN
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Oud 22-11-2003, 13:12
Avatar van mcsun
mcsun is offline
Wat een belachelijk voorstel om één tekst uit te kiezen als beste. Want onmogelijk.

Maar neem nou Love Minus Zero/No Limit. Of I Shall Be Released.
to look at the world as we find it, not as we want it to be * cassavecrackers
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Oud 22-11-2003, 15:01
jnieuwelaar is offline
Alle lyrics van My Dying Bride zijn heel erg goed!

Nile is lyric-technisch ook erg goed bezig.
Als, als, als, wat een kutwoord. ALS ik een kutje had zat ik ook wel op paardrijden, maar ik heb verdomme geen kutje.
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Oud 22-11-2003, 15:19
Sister Hazel - Your Winter

The grey ceiling on the earth
Well it's lasted for a while
Take my thoughts for what they're worth
I've been acting like a child
In your opinion, and what is that?
It's just a different point of view

What else can I do?
I said I'm sorry, yeah I'm sorry.
I said I'm sorry , but for?
If I hurt you then I hate myself
Don't want to hate myself, don't want to hurt you
Why do you chew your pain?
If you only know how much I love you, love you

I won't be your winter
I won't be anyone's excuse to cry
We can be forgiven
I will be here

The old picture on the shelf
Well it's been there for a while
A frozen image of ourselves
We are acting like a child
Innocent and in a trance
A dance that lasted for a while

You read my eyes just like your diary,
oh remember, please remember
Well, I'm not a beggar, but what's more
If I hurt you, then I hate myself, don't wanna hurt you
Why do you chew your pain?
If you only knew how much I love you

I won't be your winter
I won't be anyone's excuse to cry
We can be forgiven
I will be here
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Oud 22-11-2003, 15:56
mcsun schreef op 22-11-2003 @ 14:12:
Wat een belachelijk voorstel om één tekst uit te kiezen als beste. Want onmogelijk.

Maar neem nou Love Minus Zero/No Limit. Of I Shall Be Released.
Doe dat dan niet, post gewoon txten die je mooi vindt, of stukjes van txten en als je zin hebt, zeg waarom... .
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Oud 22-11-2003, 15:59
weird Al Yankovic - Albuquerque

Way back when I was just a little bitty boy living in a box under the stairs in the corner of the basement half a block down the street from Jerry's Bait shop
You know the place
well anyway, back then life was going swell and everything was just peachy

Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning
My mother would make me a big bowl of sauerkraut for breakfast

Awww - Big bowl of sauerkraut
Every single mornin
It wa driving me crazy

I said to my mom
I said "Hey, mom, what's with all the sauerkraut?"
And my dear, sweet mother
She just looked at my like a cow looks at an oncoming train
And she leaned right down next to me
And she said "IT'S GOOD FOR YOU"
And then she tied me to the wall and stuck a funnel in my mouth
And force fed me nothing but sauerkraut until I was twenty six and a half years old

That's when I swore that someday
Someday I would get outta that basement and travel to a magical, far away place
Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like warm root beer
And the towels are oh so fluffy
Where the shriners and the lepers play their ukuleles all day long
And anyone on the street will glady shave your back for a nickel

Wacka wacka doodoo yeah

Well, let me tell you, people, it wasn't long at all before my dream came true
Because the very next day, a local radio station had this contest
To see who could correctly guess the number of molecules in Leonard Nimoy's butt
I was off by three, but I still won the grand prize
That's right, a first class one-way ticket to


Oh yeah
You know, I'd never been on a real airplane before
And I gotta tell ya, it was really great
Except that I had to sit between two large Albanian women with excruciatingly severe body odor
And the little kid in back of me kept throwin' up the whole time
The flight attendants ran out of Dr. Pepper and salted peanuts
And the in-flight movie was Bio-Dome with Pauly Shore
And, oh yeah, three of the airplane engines burned out
And we went into a tailspin and crashed into a hillside
And the plane exploded in a giant fireball and everybody died
Except for me
You know why?

'Cause I had my tray table up
And my seat back in the full upright position
Had my tray table up
And my seat back in the full upright position
Had my tray table up
And my seat back in the full upright position

Ah ha ha ha
Ah ha ha

So I crawled from the twisted, burnin' wreckage
I crawled on my hands and knees for three full days
Draggin' along my big leather suitcase and my garment bag
And my tenor saxophone and my twelve-pound bowling ball
And my lucky, lucky autographed glow-in-the-dark snorkel
But finally I arived at the world famous Albuquerque Holiday Inn
Where the towels are oh so fluffy
And you can eat your soup right out of the ashtrays if you wanna
It's OK, they're clean

Well, I checked into my room and I turned down the A/C
And I turned on the SpectraVision
And I'm just about to eat that little chocolate mint on my pillow
That I love so very, very much when suddenly, there's a knock on the door

Well now, who could that be?
I say "Who is it?"
No answer
"Who is it?"
There's no answer
They're not sayin' anything

So, finally I go over and I open the door and just as I suspected
It's some big fat hermaphrodite with a Flock-Of-Seagulls haircut and only one nostril
Oh man, I hate it when I'm right
So anyway, he bursts into my room and he grabs my lucky snorkel
And I'm like "Hey, you can't have that"
"That snorkel's been just like a snorkel to me"
And he's like "Tough"
And I'm like "Give it"
And he's like "Make me"
And I'm like "'Kay"
So I grabbed his leg and he grabbed my esophagus
And I bit off his ear and he chewed off my eyebrows
And I took out his appendix and he gave me a colonic irrigation
Yes indeed, you better believe it
And somehow in the middle of it all, the phone got knocked off the hook
And twenty seconds later, I heard a farmiliar voice
And you know what it said?
I'll tell you what it said

It said
"If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again"
"If you need help, hang up and then dial your operator"
"If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again"
"If you need help, hang up and then dial your operator"

In Albuquerque

Well, to cut a long story short, he got away with my snorkel
But I made a a solemn vow right then and there that I would not rest
I would not sleep for an instant until the one-nostrilled man was brought to justice
But first, I decided to buy some donuts

So I got in my car and I drove over to the donut shop
And I walked on up to the guy behind the counter
And he says "Yeah, what do ya want?"
I said "You got any glazed donuts?"
He said "No, we're outta glazed donuts"
I said "Well, you got any jelly donuts?"
He said "No, we're outta jelly donuts"
I said "You got any Bavarian cream-filled donuts?"
He said "No, we're outta Bavarian cream-filled donuts"
I said "You got any cinnamon rolls?"
He said "No, we're outta cinnamon rolls"
I said "You got any apple fritters?"
He said "No, we're outta apple fritters"
I said "You got any bear claws?"
He said "Wait a minute, I'll go check"
"No, we're outta bear claws"
I said "Well, in that case - in that case, what do you have?"
He says "All I got right now is this box of one dozen starving, crazed weasels"
I said "OK, I'll take that"

So he hands me the box and I open up the lid and the weasels jump out
And they immediately latch onto my face and start bitin' me all over
(rabid gnawing sounds)
Oh man, they were just going nuts
They were tearin' me apart
You know, I think it was just about that time that a little ditty started goin' through my head"
I believe it went a little something like this . . .

Get 'em off me
Get 'em off me
No, get 'em off, get 'em off
Oh, oh God, oh God
Oh, get 'em off me
Oh, oh God
Ah, (more screaming)

I ran out into the street with these flesh-eating weasels all over my face
Wavin' my arms all around and just runnin', runnin', runnin'
Like a constipated weiner dog
And as luck wouls have it, that's exactly when I ran into the girl of my dreams
Her name was Zelda
She was a caligraphy enthusiast with a slight overbite and hair the color of strained peaches
I'll never forget the first thing she said to me.
She said "Hey, you've got weasels on your face"

That's when I knew it was true love
We were inseperable after that
Aw, we ate together, we bathed together
We even shared the same piece of mint-flavored dental floss
The world was our burrito
So we got married and we bought us a house
And had two beautiful children - Nathaniel and Superfly
Oh, we were so very very very happy, aw yeah

But then one fateful night, Zelda said to me
She said "Sweetie pumpkin? Do you wanna join the Columbia Record Club?"
I said "Woah, hold on now, baby"
"I'm just not ready for that kinda commitment"
So we broke up and I never saw her again
But that's just the way things go

In Albuquerque

Anyway, things really started lookin' upi for me
Because about a week later, I finally achieved my lifelong dream
That's right, I got me a part-time job at The Sizzler
I even made employee of the month after I put that grease fire out with my face
Aw yeah, everybody was pretty jealous of me after that
I was gettin' a lot of attitude

OK, like one time, I was out in the parking lot
Tryin' to remove my excess earwax with a golf pencil
When I see this guy Marty tryin' to carry a big ol' sofa up the stairs all by himself
So I, I say to him, I say "Hey, you want me to help you with that?"
And Marty, he just rolls his eyes and goes
"No, I want you to cut off my arms and legs with a chainsaw"

So I did

And then he gets all indignant on me
He's like "Hey man, I was just being sarcastic"
Well, that's just great
How was I supposed to know that?
I'm not a mind reader for cryin' out loud
Besides, now he's got a really cute nickname - Torso-Boy
So what's he complaining about?

Say, that reminds me of another amusing anecdote
This guy comes up to me on the street and says he hasn't had a bite in three days
Well, I knew what he meant
But just to be funny, I took a big bite out of his jugular vein
And he's yellin' and screamin' and bleeding all over
And I'm like "Hey, come on, don'tcha get it?"
But he just keeps rolling around on the sidewalk, bleeding, and screaming
(screaming sounds)
You know, just completely missing the irony of the whole situation
Man, some people just can't take a joke, you know?

Anyway, um, um, where was I?
Kinda lost my train of thought

Uh, well, uh, OK
Anyway I, I know it's kinda been a roundabout way of saying it
But I guess the whole point I'm tryin' to make here is

I hate sauerkraut

That's all I'm really tryin' to say
And, by the way, if one day you happen to wake up
And find yourself in an existential quandry
Full of loathing and self-doubt
And wracked with the pain and isolation of your pitiful meaningless existence
At least you can take a small bit of comfort in knowing that
Somewhere out there in this crazy mixed-up universe of ours
There's still a little place called

Albuquerque, Albuquerque
Albuquerque, Albuquerque
Albuquerque, Albuquerque
Albuquerque, Albuquerque

I said "A" (A)
"L" (L)
"B" (B)
"U" (U)
"querque" (querque)

Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque
Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque
Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque
Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque



Here are the lyrics from the album booklet.

NOTE: The following lyrics are type exactly as they appear in the booklet.


Way back when I was just a little bitty boy
living in a box under the stairs in a corner of
the basement of the house half a block down
the street from Jerry's Bait Shop... You know
the place... Well anyway, back then life was
going swell and everything was juuuuust
peachy... except of course for the undeniable
fact that every single morning my mother
would . . . you know what? The rest of these lyrics
aren't gonna fit on here. There's just no room
left. What a drag, huh? I guess we didn't plan
this out very well . . . probably should've used a
smaller font or a bigger piece of paper or some-
thing. Sorry. We all feel just horrible about this.
Well, I guess you'll just have to listen really carefully
and try to figure out the words for yourself.
Good luck.
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Oud 22-11-2003, 16:15
Avatar van mcsun
mcsun is offline
Mutant schreef op 22-11-2003 @ 16:56:
Doe dat dan niet, post gewoon txten die je mooi vindt, of stukjes van txten en als je zin hebt, zeg waarom... .
dat heb ik dan ook gedaan.
to look at the world as we find it, not as we want it to be * cassavecrackers
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Ads door Google
Oud 22-11-2003, 16:28
Osdorp Posse - Onkwetsbaarheid is eenzaamheid

Wat is er de laatste jaren toch met mij gebeurd?
Ik heb harten verscheurd maar nooit getreurd of gezeurd
ik was afgesloten, zelfs ongeïnterresseerd
met een houding van "Het gaat toch wel een keer verkeerd"
en inderdaad, vroeg of laat was het altijd raak
maar het deed me niets, het was slechts vermaak
ik kon praten, ik kon lachen, ik kon neuken, ik kon kussen
maar altjd zat mijn zelfbescherming er tussen
geen condoom, maar een hinderlijke, innerlijke muur
als bescherming tegen het kwetsen en puur.
de angst om voluit te gaan, echt bang
een dwang van geforceerde gedachtengang
ik hoorde wel het "hou van jou en blijf je trouw"
maar ik dacht bij mezelf: "Ach mens, kom nou!"
Want echte liefde was iets voor zoete dromen,
dus ik wachtte tevergeefs of het ooit zou komen.

maar nu is het voluit of onderuit!
want onkwetsbaarheid is eenzaamheid

er is lef voor nodig om voluit te gaan
je neemt het risico verlaten in de kou te staan
het blijft een gok want het gaat wel of niet verkeerd
maar je bereikt niets als je niets investeerd
er is altijd wel iemand die de moeite waard is
en ik wil het laten weten voor het weer te laat is
jaren was ik gesloten, nu ga ik open
en m'n leven is nog nooit zo relaxed verlopen!

ik heb altijd maar getwijfeld verliefd of niet?
is dit de ware of weer de zoveelste griet?
en ik wou dat ik een keertje enthousiast kon zijn
en ook bij een verrassing echt een keer verrast kon zijn
maar ik was altijd te schichtig en te voorzichtig
nooit te opzichtig en ondoorzichtig
door tegenslagen bijna de hoop verloren
zocht ik liefde als een junk die een hit moet scoren
net toen ik ging geloven dat je het moest kopen
en niet hopen, toen gingen mijn ogen open
het begon zoals gewoonlijk door aantrekkingskracht
maar wat ik later dacht had ik toen nooit verwacht
eerst was het "niet verliefd is niet getreurd"
maar voor ik het besefde was alles al gebeurd
en nou gata het me niet meer om mezelf of om m'n poen
want toen was toen, en dit keer zal ik m'n best doen!

maar nu is het voluit of onderuit!
want onkwetsbaarheid is eenzaamheid

er is lef voor nodig om voluit te gaan
je neemt het risico verlaten in de kou te staan
het blijft een gok want het gaat wel of niet verkeerd
maar je bereikt niets als je niets investeert
er is altijd wel iemand die de moeite waard is
en ik wil het laten weten voor het weer te laat is
jaren was ik gesloten, nu ga ik open
en m'n leven is nog nooit zo relaxed verlopen!

en wat mij betreft mag het zo blijven...

en ik heb niemand nodig om sterk te staan
ik heb de discipline zelf aan het werk te gaan
ik hoef met niemand aan te pappen om mezelf te snappen
en al m'n problemen kan ik zelf opkanppen
nee, ik heb niemand nodig om door te gaan
ik heb de kracht om me zelf er door te slaan
maar ik besef nu later deze eenzame strijd
want ontkwetsbaarheid is eenzaamheid!

Heel die txt is gewoon zo... tja... waar . en dat laatste stukje is zo wenselijk .
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Oud 22-11-2003, 16:31
Veel teksten van Dream Theater, en Evanescence - My Immortal
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Oud 22-11-2003, 16:34
alles van crazytown
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Oud 22-11-2003, 16:57
Eleanor Rigby
Eleanor Rigby is offline
ignite - who sold out now

Check one, two
The plow that broke the plains
We as humans destroy everything,
well, there's limits to the land
Left the resistance and the monkey wrenchin' cause money rules again
Life is easier when your bills are paid,
you finished studies,
Masters degree
Now consulting development companies,
who sold out now?
Who sold out now?

Sixteen years old and live at home
In front your friends calling out at shows,
you left the scene cause your new girlfriend told you so,
freaked out on X at some rave or techno,
money rules again
Distro circus at every show,
I came to support these tourin' bands and nothing's free,
pay my ticket at the door,
who sold out now?
Who sold out now?

Constant complaining makes my ears ring
I care about hardcore but I hate the scene

The plow that broke the plains
We as humans abuse every way,
there's limits to me, friend
What happened to the brotherhood we shared,
well, money rules again
I'll give you anything if you just ask,
hung yourself from your own rope
I count my loss and just walk away,
who sold out now?
Who sold out now? [3x]

atreyu - dilated

Yesterday I forgot to breathe for like the 6th time this week.
maybe it was the pink cloud strafed sky that changed my mind and brought me back
seems like every day it's kill or be killed...
with all this anger there is no time to inhale and progress
and catch the smell of something that you once knew.
have you ever stopped raised your face up to the sun and screamed
let it out exhale the pain
that strangulates your soul, when will I be free
my lungs take in the fragrance of remorse, what is the cost, am I living,
if you let your lungs fill up with pain then you will drown in your own regret.
.my arms feel so numb my heart palpitates missing a beat.
the blood freezing in my veins. the taste of rust in my mouth.
But today I just threw it all away
.though the light burns my eyes I will not be blind,
if you blink you could miss so much. please don't ever close your eyes
look back and laugh
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Oud 22-11-2003, 17:13
Queen Klazina Wok
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Queen Klazina Wok is offline
MikeyMo schreef op 22-11-2003 @ 12:27:
NOFX - The Decline

en boysetsfire - my life in the knife trade:

how many times have i noticed that our eyes hardely ever meet
from your judgment seat i can feel the anger for my very being
fill me in on when you became such a big part of my life
that i should bother with all your lies designed to bring me down
wrong again don't depend on any reaction again
i remember the icy walls that shot up from no where
and i can see every lie that you ever told yourself
you bleed me dry and i don't ask why but i'm left with the dust
judas kiss i dismiss thank you all for this i am unjudged i am
wait again i'm not through with the screaming
i contend that you've got nothing better to do
trade my life for a barrel of gold find someone else before i get too old
if i live my life for aesthetic gain will you repay me with all your shame
i can see every light inside your brain
go on every time that i walk by for noise and whispers
your comfort in my suffering is no longer disturbing
i'm lost beyond your petty stopwatch in life's real time lifes real
wait again im not through with the screaming
and i contend that you've got nothing better to do
trade my life for a barrel of gold find someone else before i get to old
if i live my life for aesthetic gain will you repay me with all your shame
don't get up i was slowly leaving the room when the door of your judgment swings back around again
maybe i'll stop to watch your act and i'll go on my way
i've seen quite enough of too many childish games
i'm ashamed of every moment that i ever gave them the time of day
all the worst of enemies are somehow always friends that used to be
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Oud 22-11-2003, 17:32
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Drommels is offline
Muse - Shine (acoustic)

Who cares for the life we urned
Someone sold all the thruth you yearned
Remember when you used to shine?
And had no fear or sence of time
When it creeps up on you

You can cry now there's nothing to feel
No one's noticed our loneliness
Remember when you should have teased
And made us scream eternal time

I believed that you'd always be here
And once you promised a life with no fear
Please don't break my ideals
And say what's fake was always real
I was the one, now I'm gone
Take me back again
Take off your disguise, I know that underneath its me
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Oud 22-11-2003, 17:50
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sublime is offline
zo veel, zo ontzettend veel vaak ook gewoon bepaalde regels, zinnen, woorden uit een nummer

ben nu wel erg blij met 'mooie bloes' van kasper van kooten..

ik wil wat zeggen maar het komt er niet uit
al mijn woorden op een kluit
een brabbelpraatje
't vult geen gaatje
het is klam hier
en ook zoveel bier
ik wil wat doen
ik wil haar betasten
maar zij heeft ook de vaste lasten
het is heel onhandig
het is niet verstandig
heb je ook zo'n last van rook
ik wil haar bijten
aan haar likken
maar dat gaat ze vast niet pikken
een warme bunker
en ik hunker
naar het puntje van haar tong
maar ik zeg je
wat een mooie bloes
en ze kijkt of ik een kind ben
wat een mooie bloes
of ik stapelsteke blind ben
maar schreeuw die waarheid nou eens uit
en kus die perzikzachte huid
wat een mooie bloes
het is echt gelul
en het haalt zo weinig uit

ik word nu echt een beetje gek
want ze zoent mij in mn nek
uit het niets
nou zegt dat iets
het is een begin
ik houd me in
zij is al door haar schaamte heen
en ik sta nog op één been
probeer te zeggen, uit te leggen
dat ik net zo voel als zij
maar ik zeg
wat een mooie bloes
en ze kijkt of ik een kind ben
wat een mooie bloes
of ik stapelsteke blind ben
maar schreeuw die waarheid nou eens uit
en kus die perzikzachte huid
wat een mooie bloes
tis echt gelul
en het haalt zo weinig uit

het is smorgens vroeg
ze is aan het douchen
en ik wil haar net gaan pushen
maar het gat zit in de dag
en ik moet weer aan de slag
maar zij neemt heerlijk alle tijd
en ze is al haar kleren kwijt
en ik raap ze voor haar op
en zeg dan met mn domme houte kop
wat een mooie bloes
en ze kijkt of ik een kind ben
wat een mooie bloes
of ik stapelsteke blind ben
maar schreeuw die waarheid nou eens uit
en kus die perzikzachte huid
wat een mooie bloes
tis echt gelul
en het haalt zo weinig uit
wat een mooie bloes
die is echt niet voor de poes
en ze kijkt of ik blind ben
of ik een klein en dom kind ben
wat een mooie bloes

hm sehr schön

Laatst gewijzigd op 22-11-2003 om 18:00.
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Oud 22-11-2003, 17:57
top40 kutje
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Destiny's Child- My Time Has Come My Time Has Come

It's too far
It's too fast
It's too quick
It won't last
It's not right
But it's not wrong
There's no time
Move along

Chorus I: But I've come
Much too far
And I know what's in my heart
And I know what I feel
I can tell when it is real
My time has come

It's okay
Be afraid
It's alright
You just take that fear
Turn it in
To your strength
It's called life
And that's why we're here

Chorus II: And I've come
Much too far
And I know what's in my heart
And I know what I feel
And this time I know it's real
My time has come

And like the road below me
I know I'll touch the sky above
Million footprints around me
Tell me it can be done
My time has come

Chorus II

It's so close
It's been a long time come
It's here right now
And I know it'll last
It's so right
That it can't be wrong
Now's the time
For me to be strong

Chorus II

I know that I just gotta'
Keep movin' on
I know what's in my heart
I can feel it
My time has come
and when you're down... say WOOOOHOOO! and the sun will shine again... kisssss to all the ladies in de house
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Oud 22-11-2003, 18:03
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Nickelback - How you remind me

Never made it as a wise man
I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealin'
Tired of livin' like a blind man
I'm sick inside without a sense of feelin'
And this is how you remind me
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken
For handing you a heart worth breakin'
I've been wrong, I've been down
To the bottom of every bottle
Despite words in my head
Scream "Are we having fun yet?"
Yet?, Yet?, Yet?, no no

It's not like you didn't know that
I said I love you and I swear I still do
It must have been so bad
'Cause living with me must have damn near
killed you

This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken
For handing you a heart worth breakin'
I've been wrong, I've been down
To the bottom of every bottle
Despite words in my head
Scream "Are we having fun yet?"
Yet?, Yet?, Yet?, no no

Never made it as a wise man
I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing
And this is how you remind me
This is how you remind me

This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken
For handing you a heart worth breakin'
I've been wrong, I've been down
To the bottom of every bottle
Despite words in my head
Scream "Are we having fun yet?"
Yet?, Yet?, Yet?, no no
If I Had One Wish....I'd Wish A Big Enough Ass For The Whole World To Kiss.....
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Oud 22-11-2003, 18:05
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ook mooi (ben in nederlandstalige bui )

Van Dik Hout - Meer dan een ander

Er is niemand die meer dan ik zal weten over jou
Hoe je je gedragen zou, hoe je iets vragen zou
Er is niemand die meer dan ik zal zwijgen over jou
Omdat ik de woorden niet heb nu ik ze nodig heb

Meer dan een ander heb ik jouw liefde gekend
Meer dan een ander ben ik weggerend
Meer dan een ander heb ik je naast me gehad
Meer dan een ander heb ik je liefgehad
En nu wil ik je meer dan een ander je ooit gewild heeft

Er is niemand die meer dan ik zal weten over jou
Welke kleur je draagt, welke geur je draagt
Er is niemand die meer dan ik zal liegen over jou
Omdat ik de waarheid niet ken, nu je gelogen hebt

Meer dan een ander heb ik jouw liefde gekend
Meer dan een ander ben ik weggerend
Meer dan een ander heb ik je naast me gehad
Meer dan een ander heb ik je liefgehad

Maar nu wil ik je meer dan een ander je ooit gewild heeft
Ja, nu wil ik je meer dan een ander je ooit gewild heeft
Ja, nu wil ik je meer dan een ander je ooit gewild heeft
Ja, nu wil ik je meer dan een ander je ooit gewild heeft

Er is niemand die meer dan ik, zal zwijgen over jou
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Oud 22-11-2003, 18:10
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Notorious B.I.G. - Suicidal thoughts een van de betere:

When I die, fuck it I wanna go to hell
Cause I'm a piece of shit, it ain't hard to fuckin' tell
It don't make sense, goin' to heaven wit the goodie-goodies
Dressed in white, I like black Tims and black hoodies
God will probably have me on some real strict shit
No sleepin' all day, no gettin my dick licked
Hangin' with the goodie-goodies loungin' in paradise
Fuck that shit, I wanna tote guns and shoot dice
All my life I been considered as the worst
Lyin' to my mother, even stealin' out her purse
Crime after crime, from drugs to extortion
I know my mother wished she got a fuckin' abortion
She don't even love me like she did when I was younger
Suckin' on her chest just to stop my fuckin' hunger
I wonder if I died, would tears come to her eyes?
Forgive me for my disrespect, forgive me for my lies
My babies' mothers 8 months, her little sister's 2
Who's to blame for both of them (naw nigga, not you)
I swear to God I just want to slit my wrists and end this bullshit
Throw the Magnum to my head, threaten to pull shit
And squeeze, until the bed's, completely red
I'm glad I'm dead, a worthless fuckin' buddah head
The stress is buildin' up, I can't,
I can't believe suicide's on my fuckin' mind
I want to leave, I swear to God I feel like death is fuckin' callin' me
Naw you wouldn't understand (nigga, talk to me please)
You see its kinda like the crack did to Pookie, in New Jack
Except when I cross over, there ain't no comin' back
Should I die on the train track, like Remo in Beatstreet
People at the funeral frontin' like they miss me
My baby momma kissed me but she glad I'm gone
She knew me and her sista had somethin' goin' on
I reach my peak, I can't speak,
call my nigga Chic, tell him that my will is weak.
I'm sick of niggas lyin', I'm sick of bitches hawkin',
matter of fact, I'm sick of talkin'.
(hey yo big...hey yo big)

net of iemand dat gaat lezen
"I feel I'm stone, not cause I bop or wear my cap cocked/The more emotion I put into it, the harder I rock"
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Oud 22-11-2003, 20:03
Ik vind nu Stil in mij van van Dik hout wel weer erg mooi.
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Oud 22-11-2003, 20:12
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The Exploited- Sex and Violence
That's what happens when you look, lady. Now you're a salt pillar, and all the deer are gonna lick ya.
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Oud 22-11-2003, 20:29
Mark Almighty
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Where is the love- Black Eyed Peas ("A war's going on but the reason's undercover")
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Oud 23-11-2003, 12:31
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idontcare is offline
Blink 182 - Stockholm Syndrome.

Aan het begin van het nummer (nouja, het stukje wat zeg maar tussen het vorige nummer en dit nummer in zit) word er een brief voorgelezen die de oma van mark hoppus aan zijn opa stuurde, in de tweede wereld oorlog. dit vond ik een heel mooi stukje.

de tekst van het nummer gaat zo;

This is the first (thing I remember)
Now it's the last (thing left on my mind)
Afraid of the dark (do you hear me whisper)
An empty heart (replaced with paranoia)

Where do we go (life's temporary)
After we're gone (like new years resolutions)
Why is this hard (do you recognize me)
I know I'm wrong (but I can't help believing)

I'm so lost
I'm barely here
I wish I could explain myself
But words escape me
It's too late
To save me
You're too late
You're too late

You're cold with disappointment
While I'm drowning in the next room
The last contagious victim of this plague between us
I'm sick with apprehension
I'm crippled from exhaustion
And I dread the moment when you finally come to kill me

This is the first (thing I remember)
Now it's the last (thing left on my mind)
Afraid of the dark (do you hear me whisper)
An empty heart (replaced with paranoia)
Where do we go (life's temporary)
After we're gone (like new years resolutions)
Why is this hard (do you recognize me)
I know I'm wrong (but I can't help believing)
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Oud 23-11-2003, 12:34
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stockholm syndrome - muse (wat is dat toch met stockholm?)

I won't stand in your way
Let your hatred grow
And she'll scream and she'll shout
And she'll pray and she had a name
Yeah she had a name

I won't hold you back
Let your anger rise
And we'll fly and we'll fall and we'll burn
No one will recal, no one will recall

This is the last time I'll abandon you
And this is
The last time I'll forget you
I wish I could

Look to the stars
Let hope burn in your eyes
And we'll love and we'll hate
And we'll die
All to no avail, all to no avail

This is the last time I'll abandon you
And this is
The last time I'll forget you
I wish I could
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Oud 23-11-2003, 12:36
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sublime is offline
ook erg mooi van muse:

the small print

Take, take all you need
And I'll compensate your greed
With broken hearts
Sell, I'll sell your memories
For 15 pounds per year
But just the good days

Say, It'll make you insane
And its bending the truth
You're to blame
For all the life that you'll loose
And you watch this space
But I'm going all the way
And be your slave to the grave
I'm a priest god never paid

Hope, I hope you've seen the light
Coz no one really cares
They're just pretending
Sell, I sell your memories
For 15 pounds per year
But you can keep the bad days

Say, It'll make you insane
And I'm bending the truth
You're to blame
For all the life that you'll lose
And you watch this space
And I'm going all the way
And be my slave to the grave
I'm the priest god never paid
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Oud 23-11-2003, 12:39
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idontcare is offline
sublime schreef op 23-11-2003 @ 13:34:
stockholm syndrome - muse (wat is dat toch met stockholm?)

whaha ja inderdaad misschien moeten we maar met zn allen naar stockholm gaan verhuizen ofzo
dat nummer van muse is ook goed trouwens
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Oud 23-11-2003, 12:43
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idontcare schreef op 23-11-2003 @ 13:39:
whaha ja inderdaad misschien moeten we maar met zn allen naar stockholm gaan verhuizen ofzo

ik kan ergere dingen bedenken

dat nummer van muse is ook goed trouwens

ook erg mooie tekst:

Plasticine- Placebo

Beauty lies inside the eye of another youthful dream
That doesn't sell it's soul for self-esteem
That's not plasticine

Beauty lies inside desire and every wayward heart redeemed
That doesn't sell it's soul for self-esteem
That's not plasticine

Don't forget to be the way you are (x4)

The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
Don't go and sell your soul for self-esteem
Don't be plasticine

Don't forget to be the way you are (x4)
And don't forget to be the way you are (x4)
The way you are...
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Oud 23-11-2003, 14:17
Mr T
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Gerard van Maasakkers - Janus Dekkers

In 't dorpje Nederwetten
Op 'n zaterdag in mei
Werd 't lentefeest gehouden
Iedereen die was erbij
Er was disco en fanfare
En de hele middenstand
Maar wat zo mooi had kunnen wezen
Liep ontzettend uit de hand
Want dit grandioze festijn
Werd verstoord door zuur venijn
En dat kwam van Janus Dekkers
Van de Soesterbeekseweg
Met z'n gierton en z'n trekker
En z'n lading zo gezond
Van minstens zevenduizend liter
Van de allerbeste stront, o

Daar heb je Janus Dekkers
Z'n trekker en z'n lekkers
Hij heeft nooit geweten
Wat voor spoor hij achterliet

Toen Janus thuis de weg op draaide
Gaf hij wat extra gas
Hoewel zijn lading hevig klotste
Dacht-ie dat 't zo erg niet was
Zo'n kabaal en zo'n gekletter
Van zijn trekker en zijn ton
Dus hij zette Radio Royaal
Zo hard als 't maar kon
Maar een gat in de weg en bots
Schoot de klep van de gierton los
En de inhoud vond een ongekende vrijheid overal
Ja, het spul spoot alle kanten uit
Als de veren van een pauw
Toen Janus bij cafe " 't Huukske"
Net het dorp inrijden wou, o


De opening voor het lentefeest
Was precies om half twee
De burgemeester las zijn speech
En prees het lentecomite
Maar midden in een volzin
Viel er een flats op zijn betoog
Toen Janus' trotse trekker waaierend
Het feestterrein langsvloog
Er ontstond een boel paniek
Maar goddank, er kwam muziek
De fanfare speelde
'Het leven is goed in het Brabantse land'
Maar ook dat verliep niet vlekkeloos
En 't werd zeer ongezond
Toen de tubaspeler slikte
Waar hij beter blazen kon, want


Toosje Hoeks, de lentekoningin
Kneep haar neusje dicht voor de stank
En ze was opeens veel bruiner
Dan alleen van de zonnebank
Nee, de jonge KPJ-ers
Zagen haar nu niet meer staan
En ze hadden nu voor niks
Die dure gel in hun haar gedaan
Over heel 't feestterrein
Verduisterde de zonneschijn
En de zult werd echte boerezult
En de pils leek wel trappist
Er zat een bijsmaak aan de peperkoek
En de melk werd chocola
En je kreeg veel meer als suiker
Als je zei: "Twee klontjes graag", want


En zo reed Janus door 't dorpje
Op zijn trekker, hoog en droog
En overal waar hij geweest is
Groeit hat gras nu meters hoog
Hij reed fluitend over Hooydonk
En spuitend naar 't kanaal
En niemand kent de ware toedracht
Van het eind van dit verhaal
Nam hij de bocht soms iets te vlug
Gaf hij geen voorrang op de brug
Afijn, hij vloog door de leuning
Met een donderend kabaal
En nou zit-ie in de hemel
En daar giert-ie eeuwig door
En de stront uit de ogen vegend
Zingt het hele engelenkoor, o

you're as usefull as a cockflavoured lolly
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Oud 23-11-2003, 16:38
Jiskefet - Hey Lullo

Het beste van al het goeds van dit bestaan dat is beschreven,
want er is te weinig tijd, hey en het leven duurt maar even
Je moet altijd zorgen de dag van morgen voor te kunnen blijven,
want er is te weinig bier, te weinig pret, te weinig wijven

Heb je nog geneukt? Hey, Lullo. Heb je nog geneukt?

Een biertje met Jan-Diederik van bil met madeleine,
die zich gaan laat als een bouwvakker ...(stuk dat ik niet versta)
die zich klemzuipt als een tegel,
die je zuigt met lange halen,
zich laat nemen als een hoer terwijl ze schreeuwt in alle talen

Heb je nog geneukt? Hey, Lullo. Heb je nog geneukt?

(of niet?)

etcetera... uit mn hoofd.. ik kan de tekst helaas even niet vinden met google
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Oud 23-11-2003, 19:51
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br4m schreef op 22-11-2003 @ 12:02:
brainpower - je moest waarschijnlijk gaan...
murderdolls - people hate me
ooh... wouw?¿
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Oud 24-11-2003, 15:24
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pain-princess is offline
Good Charlotte - Hold On
ooh... wouw?¿
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Oud 24-11-2003, 21:33
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tinus11 is offline
billy joel - piano man

echt een super tekst over t wel en wee in een gemiddeld cafe.

eric clapton - tears in heaven

ik ben absoluut geen fan van hem maar deze tekst greep mij gewoon. ik kreeg er kippenvel van
"Uit goude korenaren schiep God de Schaijkenaren, en uit het restant de rest van Nederland"
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Oud 24-11-2003, 21:35
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Mr.Beefy schreef op 23-11-2003 @ 15:17:
Gerard van Maasakkers - Janus Dekkers
bijna vergeten zo'n ongeloofenlijk lied
"Uit goude korenaren schiep God de Schaijkenaren, en uit het restant de rest van Nederland"
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Oud 24-11-2003, 21:43
Avatar van Daangerous
Daangerous is offline
Tears for Fears - Mad World

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
And their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tommorow, no tommorow
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
'Cos I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very
Mad World
Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me
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Oud 25-11-2003, 09:24
chaostar is offline
savatage - not what you see

No life's so short it can't turn around
You can't spend your life living underground
For from above you don't hear a sound
And I'm out here, waiting
I don't understand what you want me to be
It's the dark you're hating, it's not who I am
But I know that it's all that you see

No life's so short that it never learns
No flame so small that it never burns
No page so sure that it never turns
And I'm out here, waiting
I don't understand what you want me to be
It's the dark you're hating, it's not who I am
But I know that it's all that you see

Can you live your life in a day, putting every moment in play?
Never hear a word that they say as the wheels go around

Tell me if you win would it show -
in a thousand years, who would know?
As a million lives come and go on this same piece of ground

Can you live your life in a day
Putting every moment in play?
Never hear a word that they say
s the wheels go around
Tell me if you win would it show
In a thousand years, who would know?
As a million lives come and go
On this same piece of ground

I've been waiting
I don't understand what you want me to be
It's the dark you're hating
It's not who I am, but it is what you see

Can you live your life in a day
Putting every moment in play?
Never hear a word that they say
As the wheels go around
Tell me if you win would it show
In a thousand years, who would know?
As a million lives come and go
On this same piece of ground

Tell me would you really want to
See me leave this night without you
Would you ever look about you
Wondering where we might be
New York is so far away now
Tokyo, Berlin and Moscow
Only dreams from here but somehow
One day that world we will see

I don't understand...

...what I see.

I swear on tomorrow, if you take this chance
Our lives are this moment, the music - the dance
And here in this labyrinth of lost mysteries
I close my eyes on this night and you're all that I see

You're all that I see

Vooral het dikgedrukte
I don't make mistakes (just happy accidents)
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Oud 25-11-2003, 09:52
sublime schreef op 23-11-2003 @ 13:34:
stockholm syndrome - muse (wat is dat toch met stockholm?)

"The victims' need to survive is stronger than his impulse to hate the person who has created his dilemma." (Strentz, 1980) The victim comes to see the captor as a 'good guy', even a savior. This condition...occurs in response to the four specific conditions listed below:

o A person threatens to kill another and is perceived as having the capability to do so.

o The other cannot escape, so her or his life depends on the threatening person.

o The threatened person is isolated from outsiders so that the only other perspective available to her or him is that of the threatening person.

o The threatening person is perceived as showing some degree of kindness to the one being threatened.
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Oud 25-11-2003, 10:24
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weezzz schreef op 22-11-2003 @ 17:57:
ignite - who sold out now

Check one, two
The plow that broke the plains
We as humans destroy everything,
well, there's limits to the land
Left the resistance and the monkey wrenchin' cause money rules again
Life is easier when your bills are paid,
you finished studies,
Masters degree
Now consulting development companies,
who sold out now?
Who sold out now?

Sixteen years old and live at home
In front your friends calling out at shows,
you left the scene cause your new girlfriend told you so,
freaked out on X at some rave or techno,
money rules again
Distro circus at every show,
I came to support these tourin' bands and nothing's free,
pay my ticket at the door,
who sold out now?
Who sold out now?

Constant complaining makes my ears ring
I care about hardcore but I hate the scene

The plow that broke the plains
We as humans abuse every way,
there's limits to me, friend
What happened to the brotherhood we shared,
well, money rules again
I'll give you anything if you just ask,
hung yourself from your own rope
I count my loss and just walk away,
who sold out now?
Who sold out now? [3x]
I care about hardcore but I hate the scene
die tekst van Ignite is best cool ja.
ik zie overigens ook NOFX met the decline voorbij komen..
Subba Subba!
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Oud 26-11-2003, 12:36
Avatar van DaisyDeadPetals
DaisyDeadPetals is offline

Just before our love got lost you said,
"I am as constant as the northern star"
and I said, "Constantly in the darkness
Where's that at?
If you want me I'll be in the bar"
On the back of a cartoon coaster
In the blue TV screen light
I drew a map of Canada
Oh Canada
With your face sketched on it twice

You're in my blood like holy wine
You taste so bitter and so sweet
I could drink a case of you, darling
And I would still be on my feet
Oh I would still be on my feet

Oh I am a lonely painter
I live in a box of paints
I'm frightened by the devil
And I'm drawn to those ones that ain't afraid
I remember that time you told me, you said,
"Love is touching souls"
Surely you touched mine
'Cause part of you pours out of me
In these lines from time to time

Oh, you're in my blood like holy wine
You taste so bitter and so sweet
Oh, I could drink a case of you, darling
Still, I'd be on my feet
I would still be on my feet

I met a woman
She had a mouth like yours
She knew your life
She knew your devils and your deeds
And she said,
"Go to him, stay with him if you can
but be prepared to bleed"

But you are in my blood
You're my holy wine
You're so bitter, bitter and so sweet
Oh, I could drink a case of you, darling
Still I'd be on my feet
I would still be on my feet

"I could name five songs, right off the top of my head, that I would have given my right arm to write. Case Of You : You don’t get it any better. A better song hasn’t been written. I don’t care what female singer/songwriter you throw up in my face: None has done anything in the league of Case Of You , me included. For a woman to be able to say what that says, with that kind of addiction and yet that kind of grace, is just not done. Even Zeppelin and those guys listened to Joni. They were totally influenced by Joni."
-- Tori Amos , Nov 1994
Three be the things I shall have till I die: Laughter and hope and a sock in the eye.
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Oud 26-11-2003, 13:29
Master of Puppets
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Master of Puppets is offline
Metallica - Master Of Puppets
End of passion play, crumbling away
I'm your source of self-destruction
Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear
Leading on your deaths construction
Taste me you will see
more is all you need
you're dedicated to
how I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
obey your Master
your life burns faster
obey your Master
Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, `cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, `cause I'll hear you scream

Needlework the way, never you betray
life of death becoming clearer
Pain monopoly, ritual misery
chop your breakfast on a mirror
Taste me you will see
more is all you need
you're dedicated to
how I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
obey your Master
your life burns faster
obey your Master
Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, `cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, `cause I'll hear you scream

Master, Master, Where's the dreams that I've been after?
Master, Master, You promised only lies
Laughter, Laughter, All I hear and see is laughter
Laughter, Laughter, laughing at my cries
Fix me

Hell is worth all that, natural habitat
just a rhyme without a reason
Neverending maze, drift on numbered days
now your life is out of season
I will occupy
I will help you die
I will run through you
Now I rule you too

Come crawling faster
obey your Master
your life burns faster
obey your Master
Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, `cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, `cause I'll hear you scream
Let Jackie D. take the shame away.
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Oud 26-11-2003, 21:24
Avatar van grandmommy
grandmommy is offline
starsailor -alcoholic

don't you know you've got your daddy's eyes
daddy was an alcoholic
but your mother kept it all inside
and she threw it all away
Peanutbutter Motherfucker
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