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Oud 04-04-2003, 15:47
poesiefox is offline
Uit Pulp Fiction, als Travolta dope gaat kopen bij Eric Stolz. Eerst krijg je dan het piercingverhaal van Rosanna Arquette, daarna vraagt Stlotz of Travolta met Trudy uit wil, waarop Travolta vraagt; Trudy, is that the one with all the shit in her face?

Stoltz: No, that's Jody, that's my wife.

En als ze de auto hebben schoongemaakt bij Tarantino thuis, ( you should be the one that's on brain detail motherfucker!, en de aut weer schoon is, dan zegt Winston Wolfe:
Let 's not start sucking each others dicks, we are not out of the woods yet, gentlemen.

En ook: pretty please, with sugar on top, clean the fucking car!

En ervoor: this looks like a pretty domesticated househeold, there must be all kinds of cleansingmaterial in a cupboard somewhere.

Dit brengt mij bij een Laurel en Hardy-film:
We know the meansing of cleansing

en: Caterers to the elite, here, there, and thither!
Pfff. Boeie.
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Oud 06-04-2003, 19:24
Avatar van sublime
sublime is offline
wat ik overigens ook een erg geweldige uitspraak vind:

"there's a monster outside my window, can I have a glass of(?) water?"*Signs

echt meesterlijk
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Oud 15-04-2003, 21:12
TonyMontana is offline
Een paar leuke zijn:

Say hell to my little friend! (Scarface)
Why don't you try sticking your head up your ass? See if it fits! (weer Scarface)
I love the smell of napalm in the morning. (Apocalypse Now)
I'm gonna get medieval on your ass. (Pulp Fiction)
No one needs to know about this except you, me and Mr. Soon-to-be-living-the-rest-of-his-short-ass-life-in-agonizing-pain-rapist here. (weer Pulp Fiction)
Say hello to my little friend!
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Oud 15-04-2003, 21:48
Avatar van -x-Kaa-x-
-x-Kaa-x- is offline
* Whoopsidaisy! (uit Notting Hill, als Hugh Grant over een hekje naar 't park probeert te klimmen)

* You can only think of pepperoni! (Maid in Manhattan)

* I can see your legs behind the couch! (Scary Movie)
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Oud 17-04-2003, 20:42
Avatar van pimomes1987
pimomes1987 is offline
I'm your father Luke (Darth Vader)
Nooooooooooooooooo (Luke Skywalker)
(episode 5, star wars)
Van de maan af gezien zijn we allemaal even groot.
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Oud 17-04-2003, 20:44
Avatar van Insatiable
Insatiable is offline
There comes a time to every vampire when the idea of eternaty becomes momentairably unbearible....Living in the shadows, feeding in the darkness with only your own company to keep, leads to a cemerty hollwing existense....Immortality seems like a good idea....until you realize you're going to spend it alone...

So I went to sleep, hoping that the sounds of the world would pass out and a sort of death might happend...But as I lay there..the world didn't sound like the place I'd left...It was something different......Better!


Band members;
You're going to kill us?!
No......anything you've ever dreamed of...I'm going to make yours!
...Thid id your lucky day! (It was a bvold move, I admid....but froim that moment on they where my friends, my childeren, my the world a new!)


Uit :Queen of the damned
Take a walk down the aisle, at the end of the mile. Give your life to my charms, in the admiral's arms.
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Oud 18-04-2003, 09:01
"well, then Bullet tooth tony will be waiting for us with his desert eagle"

"how the hell did that cross your mind?"

"they're bothing staring at me"

en dan zie je buiten de auto bullet tooth tony staan met zijn desert eagle op de inzittende gericht

uit: snatch
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Oud 18-04-2003, 09:01
Avatar van Judelientje
Judelientje is offline
The greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is just to love, and be loved in return > Moulim rouge

En het is de waarheid!
The greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is just to love, and be loved in return! ( moulin rouge )
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Oud 19-04-2003, 15:01
Avatar van DoNuT
DoNuT is offline
scala schreef op 03-03-2003 @ 23:43:
Lester:"Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once... and it's too much. My heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst. And then I remember... to relax, and not try to hold on to it. And then it flows through me like rain. And I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life. You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. Don't worry... you will someday. "

Lester:"Smile! You're at Mr. Smiley's. "

"I'm not obsessing. I'm just curious. "
American Beauty (eigelijk de hele film maja)
y'all wanna boogie?
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Oud 20-04-2003, 08:34
Avatar van idioot.1986.
idioot.1986. is offline
zie sig en nog een stuk of 10 uitspraken in de film
'We are a generation raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is the answer.'
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Oud 21-04-2003, 12:07
Big Brother
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Big Brother is offline
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Oud 21-04-2003, 12:09
Avatar van Talon
Talon is offline
"When did you know that you wanna become a model?"

"Hm, I think it was the first time i went to the second grade, I caught my reflection in a spoon while I was eating my cerial, and i remember I was thinking; wow, you're ridiculous goodlooking, maybe you can do that for a carreer!"

"Do what?"

"Be professionally goodlooking"
Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day | Ugh! Gross! Freakin' idiot!
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Oud 21-04-2003, 12:10
Avatar van Martijn
Martijn is offline
Saruman: We have work to do

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Oud 21-04-2003, 12:14
Avatar van l0ve.Bel0w
l0ve.Bel0w is offline
Et phone home
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Oud 21-04-2003, 14:59
Rob Z.
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Rob Z. is offline
Ik heb geloof ik de meest recente:
Minority Report:

The Female Precog: Can You See..

Dat zegt ze echt vaak..
De Britse premier is als mijn eigen stembesef, ik Blair al als ik praat dus laat staan als ik mijn stem verhef..
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Oud 21-04-2003, 16:12
row, row, row your boat,
gently down the street,
if you see a crocodile,
don't forget to scream!

(mr bean movie)
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Oud 21-04-2003, 16:53
kaleidoscope is offline
-Who glued these quarters to the floor? -I did -What the hell for? -I don’t think I need to explain my art to you, Warren.

Life is like a record, it goes around and around

: Empire records

I always tell the girls never take it seriously. If you never take it seriously, you never get hurt, and if you never get hurt you always have fun, and if you ever get lonely just go to the record store and visit your friends.

I didn't invent the rainy day man. I just own the best umbrella

do you have any pot william?
- not on me
do you even smoke william?
- no but i grow

: Almost famous
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Oud 22-04-2003, 02:54
Sean Paul.
Sean Paul. is offline
I WANT THE TRUTH!!!(tom cruise) YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!!(jack Nicholson) hoe heet die film ook weer..
Vreemd dat tie nog niet gezegd is..

En natuurlijk het legendarische Ass-talking van Ace Venturaet detectice

Matrix Reloaded
Morpheous: There is only one way to save our city. Neo.
mooi *krijgt al helemaal zin in m2*

Ice Age:

Oooh, I'd wish i could fly like that. zegt dat vage beestje. Sabeltand ding volgens mij zegt dan: Wish granted: Schopt vage beestje de lucht in was toch best wel heel erg grappig


Laatst gewijzigd op 22-04-2003 om 03:13.
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