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Oud 11-06-2007, 15:17
Oud 11-06-2007, 15:50
Avatar van TRA
TRA is offline
"#25 maart 2005: Quiana is op De Kantine vervangen door PV"
Oud 11-06-2007, 16:49
Oud 11-06-2007, 16:51
Affected traits
- body size: gigantism/dwarfism
- all found affected traits (together called ‘island syndrome’; related to reduced environmental mortality)
o demography (higher and more stable densities)
o reproduction (reduced reproductive output)
o behaviour (reduced aggressiveness, prob. kin selection)
o morphology (body size, body mass)
o better survival
o reduced dispersal (=also behaviour?)
Oud 11-06-2007, 17:39
Avatar van luchtballon
luchtballon is offline
Zowel de theoretische (invloed van postmaterialisme op allerlei aspecten van het publiek en prive leven, het eendimensionaal materialisme/postmaterialisme concept) als de praktische kant (het meetinstrument) zijn, gebaseerd op de resultaten van eerdere onderzoeken, veelvuldig het onderwerp van discussie geweest.

Mijn (Tsjechische!) werkgroepgenoot maakt zulke leuke zinnen
Don't worry, be happy
Oud 11-06-2007, 19:20
Avatar van Missy
Missy is offline
De GGD Groningen heeft vorig jaar (potentiële) bezoekers van seksfeesten in die stad gewaarschuwd. Aanleiding daarvoor was een stijging van het aantal besmettingen met hiv, het virus dat aids kan veroorzaken. Die stijging was toen in verband te brengen met de seksfeesten, liet de instelling eind juni vorig jaar weten.

Volgens de GGD ging het destijds om feesten voor homoseksuele mannen op privéadressen in Groningen. Duidelijk was toen al dat op die feesten aan onbeschermde seks werd gedaan en dat er middelen werden gebruikt die natuurlijke remmingen wegnemen
Ik geloof voor een verslag.
Oud 11-06-2007, 19:20
Avatar van drukknoopje
drukknoopje is offline
Er zal altijd van jullie gehouden worden, en gek genoeg heb ik daarvoor geen toverstaf nodig, al is het de meest mysterieuze magie die er bestaat.
Oud 11-06-2007, 19:22
Avatar van Tink*
Tink* is offline
Je was een glasblazer met een wolk van diamanten aan zijn mond
Oud 11-06-2007, 21:02
Omg... Wat mooi... (L) Ik wil daar naar toe met jou... En er nooit meer uitkomen... :$
Oud 11-06-2007, 21:34
Avatar van Hanneke
Hanneke is offline
[quote=Tink*,Jun 11 2007, 21
Hoi! -
Oud 11-06-2007, 21:47
Baron Sengir
Avatar van Baron Sengir
Baron Sengir is offline
I like a certain degree.
Oud 11-06-2007, 21:48
Oud 11-06-2007, 22:00
Oud 11-06-2007, 22:19
The book is typical written for child and there’s a lot of humor in the book. From the first page till the last you enter a world that’s called ‘The world of mathilda’ created by Roald Dahl. After reading the book you will think about it once, when you read a good book of Charles Dickens. You will think by yourself: ‘Well, I’m a little late with reading this, Mathilda was not even six!’ and you will laugh.
Oud 11-06-2007, 23:03
Avatar van Bongalientje
Bongalientje is offline
*een quote die ik niet quoten wil*
infusió de fruites assocciades al desig sexual i l'amor passional. Gust dolç i amb cos
Oud 11-06-2007, 23:49
Avatar van Hanneke
Hanneke is offline
M'n moeder is net thuis
Hoi! -
Oud 11-06-2007, 23:51
Avatar van Bongalientje
Bongalientje is offline
infusió de fruites assocciades al desig sexual i l'amor passional. Gust dolç i amb cos
Oud 12-06-2007, 05:29
Ik heb een hyves-account maar kom eigenlijk nooit op hyves
Oud 12-06-2007, 10:29
Avatar van Bongalientje
Bongalientje is offline
*Grote Leegte*
infusió de fruites assocciades al desig sexual i l'amor passional. Gust dolç i amb cos
Oud 12-06-2007, 13:03
Avatar van Femic
Femic is offline
Arnhemseweg 258
Ik doe niet aan domme keuzes.
Oud 12-06-2007, 13:05
Avatar van Bongalientje
Bongalientje is offline
mijn OMG post.
infusió de fruites assocciades al desig sexual i l'amor passional. Gust dolç i amb cos
Oud 12-06-2007, 13:49
Avatar van Kingofthemall
Kingofthemall is offline
.portletItem div span{
color: #000000;

color: #91abbc !important;
Kingofthe.mall | Samurai op het toilet: (>_<) (o_o) (O_O) (^_^)
Oud 12-06-2007, 14:12
Avatar van T_om
T_om is offline
Why do I keep changing my sig into some stupid sentence everytime I'm drunk?
Oud 12-06-2007, 14:57
Avatar van Femic
Femic is offline
De aanvangstijden voor de wedstrijden in Enschede is om 10 uur. De teams moeten zich aanmelden om 9 uur.

Dit geldt in het algemeen ook voor de andere toernooien. Er wordt op donderdag voor het evenement een mail verstuurd naar alle teamcaptains met daarin alle informatie voor het desbetreffende toernooi!!
Ik doe niet aan domme keuzes.
Oud 12-06-2007, 15:06
Abec11 Powerballs 72 mm wielen
Oud 12-06-2007, 21:22
Avatar van TRA
TRA is offline
"#25 maart 2005: Quiana is op De Kantine vervangen door PV"
Oud 13-06-2007, 00:07
Oud 13-06-2007, 00:10
Avatar van Hanneke
Hanneke is offline
including Spinvis, Acda en De Munnik, Madness, Aerosmith, and The Beatles.
Hoi! -
Oud 13-06-2007, 09:23
Avatar van snoopy
snoopy is offline
Oud 13-06-2007, 12:30
Chantal Kreviazuk - Green Apples.mp3
Oud 13-06-2007, 15:46
Avatar van TRA
TRA is offline
directoraat verkeer en waterstaat
"#25 maart 2005: Quiana is op De Kantine vervangen door PV"
Oud 13-06-2007, 15:47
Oud 13-06-2007, 17:32
Mariekje* is offline
Waar werd jij blij van vandaag #7 8 juni 2007
<3 Everyday I love you more....
Oud 13-06-2007, 18:03
Avatar van Dexter_M
Dexter_M is offline
* The suspicious man who enters the bathroom comes out and shoots Tony. The screen going dark suggests Tony has been shot as viewers are seeing through the eyes of Tony himself. This possibility is foreshadowed by a past conversation between Bobby Baccalieri and Tony Soprano in "Soprano Home Movies," where Bobby says to Tony, "you probably don't even hear it when it happens." Most of the episodes in Season 6B opened with Tony waking up, so the final cut suggests lights out.
* The family keeps on going and living their lives normally, as symbolized by the use of Journey's song "Don't Stop Believin'".
Oud 13-06-2007, 18:08
Avatar van fizzle-fluffy
fizzle-fluffy is offline

Title: Cry, the Beloved Country
Author: Alan Stewart Paton
Edition: No Idea, the copy doesn’t give a hint
Year of first publishment: 1948
Printed in: Both in London and New York.
Isbn nr.: The copy doesn’t have any
Number of pages: 105

Well, I did not exactly choose this book myself, we were forced to read it by our professor in the English Language. My first reaction was “ah nice, a bookreport, finally!”


Book I
Reverend (Umfundisi) Stephen Kumalo lives in Ndotsheni, South Africa. One day he reveices a letter from another Umfundisi, Theophilus Msimangu, saying that his sister Gertrude Kumalo is very ill, and Msimangu asks Kumalo to come to Johannesburg and visit Gertrude and pherhaps help her.
Kumalo takes the money saved for his son’s study, wich will never be used because the son is in Johannesburg and won’t return, and goes to Johannesburg.
In Johannesburg he wants to also look for his son and his brother, from whom he hasn’t had a letter in a long time.
Together with Msimangu he finds Gertrude, and they also find a girl who says she is pregnant from Absalom, Kumalo’s son. They take her with them too.
Then they hear about a murder: a white man who stood up for the rights of black people has been shot dead. By a native!
It appears to be Absalom who murdered him, because he was afraid. He did it together with the son of Kumalo’s brother, but this man has become a great politician and only wants to clear his son from any charges to save his image.
Luckily they get a good lawyer and there is hope for Absalom and his unborn child.

Book II
Arthur Jarvis is working at his farm in Ndotsheni, when the police comes and say that his son has been shot dead in Johannesburg by natives. Jarvis goes to Johannesburg right away, and reads papers his son has written. He finds out that he did not know anything about this person, who was his own son. He starts reading the books of his son and appreciates what the man has done. John Harrison, his son-in-law, tells him more about his son.
Then another murder is commited, another european is shot dead by a housebreaker. Everybody is afraid. Kumalo is afraid his brother will be the next to be murdered.
Absalom is sentenced to hanging by the neck until death. He falls on the floor crying. Then they go outside and Father Vincent marries Absalom and then girl. Absalom is taken away and Kumalo takes care of his new daughter and grandchild.
When they are leaving, they find out Gertrude is not there. Getrude is not coming to Ndotsheni. Her son is though.

Book III
Everybody in Ndotsheni is glad the Umfundisi has returned.
There is a great drought in Ndotsheni, and there is a huge lack of food. Kumalo prays for the restoration of the town alot, but he knows it is not enough. The people have to do something, together.
Then Jarvis sends milk for the children. He wants to help Ndotsheni like his son wanted to help South Africa.
They also reveice a message from Johannesburg: Absalom is to be hanged on the fifteenth day of that month.
Then rain comes. Jarvis comes, and he builds a dam to save the water for the farming. Also a man comes to teach the people how to farm the best way. Jarvis does alot for the village, there comes more rain and the valley slowly turns green again.
Unfortunately, his wife dies suddenly. Kumalo promises to pray for her in the church every day. Jarvis says that his wifes last wish was a new church for Ndotsheni, and so it is built.
Kumalo senses that hope has returned.

On the fourteenth day, Kumalo goes up the mountain. He always does that when something relevant happens. On his way up, he meets Jarvis. He says he is leaving Ndotsheni.
Kumalo thanks him for everything and then prays on the top of the mountain.
Before the sun rises the next day, he cries out: “my son, my son, my son...”

I think the theme of this book is the apartheid in Afrika, and the situation there, caused by the Europeans. Although the story is a view from one person, or actually during the three books, three persons, I think the deeper thought is the bigger picture: how the white men came, destroyed and refused to rebuild.
And how the natives suffer from that.

I think the title is a cry, a sob, for the beloved country, wich once was marvellous and rich, beautiful and genereous, but wich is no longer that way, since the white men came and took and destroyed. It is a cry, for the tribes that are broken but not rebuilt. A cry for the losses and for the depts to wich poverty has droven the human soul in Africa.

Main character

Stephen Kumalo
Stephen Kumalo is the main character in the story. He is the Umfundisi in Ndotsheni, a village in a valley of South Africa. He wants the best for everybody and he trusts people easily. He is well-educated, and reveices his well-earned respect in his village.
In the “white” world, he is unsure. His belief is a great security for him, and he tries to help as many people as possible.

John Kumalo
John Kumalo is the brother of Stephen Kumalo. His son appears to be involved in the murder his nephew committed, but he acts egoistic and does not care about risking the life of his brother’s only son to save the life of his own son.

Arthur Jarvis
Arthur Jarvis was the father of the murdered man. He is not angry or filled with resentment towards Stephen Kumalo and his son. He even wants to help Kumalo and his village, also because he wants to help his son by setting through his work, and the help he gave to so many people. It is also his wife’s wish and this he must listen to because his wife has suffered alot.

Other important persons
Absalom, the son of Stephen Kumalo and the murderer of Jarvis’ son.
Gertrude, Kumalo’s sister, who is the reason Kumalo comes to Johannesburg in the first place.
Reverend Theoplihus Msimangu, who sends the message that Gertrude is ill, and who helps Kumalo searching for his sister and his son.

The book is written in the third person. The time it plays is not given, but I think it must play around the time the book was written, wich is in the 1940’s. The told time is about five weeks.
It plays in Africa, in and near Johannesburg, which lies in the south of the country.
The story itself is told in chronological order, but there are three books, in which the story is told from a different point of vieuw, every time starting from a later point in the story.
Some parts of the story are very describing, like the first part of every book in wich the country is described, but there are also parts through wich you seem to be dragged hastily because the author wants to get you to a new event quickly.
Also, the descriptions in book two and book three are much less extended then in the first book.

Alan Stewart Paton was born in Pietersmaritzburg, Kwazulu-Natal on the 11th of January in 1903, as the som of a minor civiil servant. He was educated at the Maritzburg College, and then studied at the University of Natal in Pietermaritzburg, where he got a Bachelor of Science degree. Later he got a diploma in education.
He taught at a high school in Ixopo, where he met his first wife Dorrie, and then at another high school back in his hometown.
He served as the principal of the Diepkloof in 1948, where he introduced controversial reforms, containing a remarkable dormitory policy.

He wanted to serve during the Second World War, but was refused. So he went on a trip throughout Europe and America.
In Norway he began writing Cry, The Beloved Country, his first and most famous novel, wich he finished in San Fransisco on Christmas Eve 1946. There he met Aubrey and Marigold Burns, who helped him publishing this novel.

Back in Africa he taught at the Ixopo High School for White Students, where he fell in love with Dorrie Francis lusted, with whom he married in 1928 after her husband died. She died in 1967 of Emphysema.
He described his years with her in Kontaakion For You Departed in 1069. In that same year he married Anne Hoplins, his secretary.

In his later works Tales From A Troubled Land (1961) and Ah, But Your Land Is Beautiful (1981) he spoke about the racial theme and the apartheid, just like in his first novel, but now using real life characters and events that really happened.

In 1953 Alan Paton founded the South African Liberal Party, with which he fought the Apartheidpolicy until it was forcedly dissoluted by the Apartheid regime.
After this, he retired to Botha’s Hill, where he died in April 1988.


This book is a realistic novel, because the story happens in a place and time and situation that really exists, although these specific characters might be fantasy. The story could have happened.
Oud 13-06-2007, 18:39
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It's not always rainbows and butterflies
Oud 13-06-2007, 18:45
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Oud 13-06-2007, 18:47
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En voortaan dat vinkje uitzetten he
Diamanten zijn moeilijk te vinden.

Laatst gewijzigd op 13-06-2007 om 18:50.
Oud 13-06-2007, 18:51
Avatar van P-apple
P-apple is offline
Jaja, ook al had ik in mijn eentje nooooiit van mijn leven dat vinkje kunnen vinden.... arme atechnische ik
Oud 13-06-2007, 21:07
Avatar van Bongalientje
Bongalientje is offline
infusió de fruites assocciades al desig sexual i l'amor passional. Gust dolç i amb cos
Oud 13-06-2007, 21:18
Avatar van TRA
TRA is offline
51-60 kilometer
"#25 maart 2005: Quiana is op De Kantine vervangen door PV"
Oud 13-06-2007, 21:19
Avatar van Bongalientje
Bongalientje is offline
dump hem! dump hem! dump hem! dump hem! dump hem! dump hem! dump hem! dump hem! dump hem! dump hem! dump hem! dump hem! dump hem! dump hem! dump hem! dump hem! dump hem! dump hem!
infusió de fruites assocciades al desig sexual i l'amor passional. Gust dolç i amb cos
Oud 14-06-2007, 18:04
Baron Sengir
Avatar van Baron Sengir
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If you can't see the middle symbols of the top line, you don't have a Japanese language pack enabled.
I like a certain degree.
Oud 14-06-2007, 18:25
Avatar van Dexter_M
Dexter_M is offline
wa`alaykum assalām
Oud 14-06-2007, 18:35
Oud 14-06-2007, 18:51
Avatar van marrel
marrel is offline
Beste student,

Uit onze administratie blijkt dat je dit studiejaar nog niet hebt voldaan aan de opdracht "assisteren op het lab"in het kader van de competentie "beheer".

Hierbij bieden we je de gelegenheid om hieraan alsnog te voldoen: op 29 óf 30 óf 31 augustus. We vragen je om je bij P S hiervoor per e-mail op te geven. Je kunt daarbij je voorkeur voor een van deze dagen aangeven, maar omdat er per dag slechts een beperkt aantal plaatsen beschikbaar is, kunnen we je niet garanderen dat je ook op je voorkeursdag geplaatst kunt worden. Wellicht ten overvloede willen we je er op wijzen dat je ce competentie "beheer" niet afgetekend kunt krijgen op je competentiekaart als je deze opdracht niet naar behoren hebt uitgevoerd.
Bij gebrek aan beter, een .
Oud 14-06-2007, 21:08
Avatar van snoopy
snoopy is offline
I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave
Your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

You used to captivate me by your resonating light
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me, all of me, all of me, all of me
Oud 14-06-2007, 21:22
Avatar van Femic
Femic is offline
Ik doe niet aan domme keuzes.
Oud 15-06-2007, 12:23
Avatar van Bongalientje
Bongalientje is offline
e~ zegt:
infusió de fruites assocciades al desig sexual i l'amor passional. Gust dolç i amb cos
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