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Oud 25-09-2007, 21:24
gewoon graf. ik wil te veel en doe te weinig.
Dan moet je minder willen en meer doen.
Oud 25-09-2007, 21:25
ja. dat weet ik ook wel
Oud 25-09-2007, 21:26
ja. dat weet ik ook wel
Oud 25-09-2007, 21:34
Avatar van Kingofthemall
Kingofthemall is offline
Wat saai zeg :\
Kingofthe.mall | Samurai op het toilet: (>_<) (o_o) (O_O) (^_^)
Oud 25-09-2007, 21:35
Kijk, dat is nog eens een artistiek hoogstandje.
Oud 25-09-2007, 21:36
Wat saai zeg :\
Mijn ervaring is dat in 90% van de gevallen dat iemand dat roept, het er niet beter op wordt.
Oud 25-09-2007, 21:36
Mijn ervaring is dat in 90% van de gevallen dat iemand dat roept, het er niet beter op wordt.
Wat gebeurt er dan bij die 10%?
Oud 25-09-2007, 21:37
nee idd. het is net zoiets als nog even benadrukken dat er een ongemakkelijke stiltte is gevallen. "zo, en toen was het stil". en dan nog gevolgd door zo'n zenuwachtig lachje
Oud 25-09-2007, 21:39
nee idd. het is net zoiets als nog even benadrukken dat er een ongemakkelijke stiltte is gevallen. "zo, en toen was het stil". en dan nog gevolgd door zo'n zenuwachtig lachje
Ja, of als je met 4 man in de auto zit, keihard een scheet laten.
Oud 25-09-2007, 21:41
en dan zeggen: "whoops, ik liet een poepje"
Oud 25-09-2007, 21:54
sterrenmeisje naamzoek
Oud 25-09-2007, 21:56
sterrenmeisje naamzoek
Oud 25-09-2007, 21:57
Wat gebeurt er dan bij die 10%?
Die 10% is veiligheidsmarge omdat ik niet met volledige zekerheid durf te beweren dat het in alle gevallen zo is.
Oud 25-09-2007, 22:04
Avatar van Swlabr
Swlabr is offline
Net een online IQ-test gedaan uit verveling. Geen bijster hoge score.
Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.
Oud 25-09-2007, 22:05
Avatar van Uice
Uice is offline
Net een online IQ-test gedaan uit verveling. Geen bijster hoge score.
Toch maar van je geloof afstappen dan?
That's what happens when you look, lady. Now you're a salt pillar, and all the deer are gonna lick ya.
Oud 25-09-2007, 22:07
Toch maar van je geloof afstappen dan?
Dat doet hij vanzelf wel zodra hij quantummechanica gaat bestuderen.
Oud 25-09-2007, 22:08
voor morgen

kan je me toevoegen op msn?

deze naam -punt- nog een keer deze naam @ hotmail
Oud 25-09-2007, 22:09
Dark Phoenix
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Dark Phoenix is offline
Ik voorzie enige moeilijkheden daarin.
[quote=sann;30693804]Ik ben een a-merk sletje.[/quote]
Oud 25-09-2007, 22:09
ik ook.

ik heb geen msn
Oud 25-09-2007, 22:13
Avatar van Swlabr
Swlabr is offline
Toch maar van je geloof afstappen dan?
Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.
Oud 25-09-2007, 22:14
Avatar van Uice
Uice is offline
That's what happens when you look, lady. Now you're a salt pillar, and all the deer are gonna lick ya.
Oud 25-09-2007, 22:19
Hey! Do you know what you are?
You're an asshole!

Some of you might not agree
'Cause you probably likes a lot of misery
But think a while and you will see...
Broken hearts are for assholes
Broken hearts are for assholes
Are you an asshole?
Broken hearts are for assholes
Are you an asshole too?
Whatcha gonna do, 'cause you're an asshole.. .

Maybe you think you're a lonely guy
Maybe you think you're too tough to cry
So you went to The Grape,
Just to give it a try

And Dagmar
Without a doubt, the ugliest sonofabitch I ever saw in my life
Was his name...
One Two Three Four!
The whiskers sticking out from underneath of his
Pancake make-up
And yet he was a beautiful lady
Nearly drove you insane
Let's talk about Leather: LEATHERRRRRR
And so you kissed a little sailor
Òåõ Abel, starring in the latest Shepperton Production:
Who had just blew in from Spain
"Sir Richard Pump-A-Loaf"
You sniffed the reeking buns of Angel
The story of a demented bread-boffer
And acted like it was cocaine
Cucumber pud annexed to a fine whole-wheat loaf
You were dazzled by the exciting new costume of Ko-Ko
Then on Tuesday night,
Ceasar's back in town
In a way you can't explain
Facing off in a no-holds-barred tag team grudge match With Kona.. .
And so you worked the wall with Michael
Three-hundred-seventy-nine pounds of Samoan dynamite
Which gave your back an awful strain
Volcanic Hell
But you came back on Sunday for the gong show
Next Thursday, teen town's finest
But you forgot what I was sayin'
'Cause you're an asshole,
You're an asshole
That's right
You're an asshole, you're an asshole
Yes, yes
You're an asshole, you're an asshole
That's right
You're an asshole, you're an asshole

Now you been to The Grape 'n' you been to
The Chest 'N' now I think you know what you are: you're an asshole
You say you can't live with what you've been through
Well, ladies you can be an asshole too
You might pretend you ain't got one on the bottom of you
But don't fool yerself girl
It's lookin' at you
Don't fool yerself girl
It's winkin'at you
Don't fool yerself girl
It's blinkin' at you
That's why I say
I'm gonna ram it, ram it, ram it
Ram it up yer poop chute
Corn hole
Ram it, ram it, ram it
Ram it up yer poop chute
Fist fuck
Ram it, ram it, ram it
Ram it up yer poop chute
Wrist-watch: Crisco
Ram it, ram it, ram it
Ram it up yer poop chute
Don't fool yerself, girl,
It's goin' right up yer poop chute
Don't fool yerself, girl,
It's goin' right up yer poop chute
(etc., repeats)
Aw, I knew you'd be surprised
Oud 25-09-2007, 22:43
Avatar van Swlabr
Swlabr is offline
Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.
Oud 25-09-2007, 22:45
ik ook.

ik heb geen msn
ik ook pas sinds een paar weken ;x
het is wel handig soms.

Oke dan pm
Oud 25-09-2007, 22:47
Le Soleil.
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Le Soleil. is offline
dikke shit ouwe
Oud 25-09-2007, 22:48
in de geest van mephie's songteksten:

I can't stand your stupid ugly face,
In combination with
Your John Wayne cowboy boots
After every time that I have met you,
I have to clean my ears
From all the shit that you have spoken.

And I'm happy i don't live on your block
So i don't have to see you every day.

And now that you know
Why don't you stay the fuck away from me

I wonder, How long can
You keep your head under water?
I wonder, How long can
You keep your head under water?

I'd like to stay out of your life
and you to stay out of mine too.
I don't want you near,

Take a trip to the other side of the world
And stay there, don't come back.
Take a long walk on the short pier

Get on that rocket to the moon
I'll count down, away you go
Oh, how I hate you
Get on that rocket to the darkside of the moon

I wonder, How long can
You keep your head under water?
I wonder, How long can
You keep your head under water?
Oud 25-09-2007, 22:50
Le Soleil.
Avatar van Le Soleil.
Le Soleil. is offline
leipe shit ouwe
Oud 25-09-2007, 22:52
Being Ignorant Is Awesome

I like to laugh at retards
I like to laugh at cripples
I like to make fun of gays
I like to beat women

I like assuming black people stole something
I like assuming Jews jerk off to photos of banks
I like assuming Chinese people can’t drive
I like assuming women are dumb cunts

I like being ignorant [x4]

[Repeat second verse]


I don’t want to read the paper
I don’t want to read the news
I don’t want to know what’s going on
I just want to keep hating you
Oud 25-09-2007, 22:55
Well first of all,
I’d like to say, Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off
If you don’t get it why don’t you go shove your head back up your ass
And don’t waste my time,
I don’t need your opinion. No
Cause you don’t know, what its like
You don’t know, what its like
You don’t know, what its like, to be like me.
You don’t know,
So keep your mouth shut.
Well this may come, as kind of a surprise, surprise… surprise!
I don’t like you, and I don’t care what you think about what I do
But most of all, I don’t need you opinion.
You don’t know, what its like
You don’t know, what its like
You don’t know, what its like to be like me
You don’t know,
So keep your mouth shut.
Well finally, that’s the way it is.
I like something you don’t, and you’re telling me its shit.
It’s a waste of time, we can’t change our opinions.
I don’t know what it’s like,
I don’t know what it’s like,
I don’t know what it’s like to be like you.
I don’t know, so I keep my mouth shut.
Oud 25-09-2007, 22:58
Avatar van Uice
Uice is offline
Hey, hey, hey you, hey you punk, yeah that's right pull over now. Pull over now.
Pull over now. I said pull it over! That's right. Let me see some ID. Let me see
your license. What is this? What is this shit? This says "expired". Alright, get
the fuck out of the car now. What is that? Get a fucking hair...

What is that fucking long hair? Get a haircut. Hey Joe, look at this guy! Can you
see this? He's a fucking sissy. That's right. Alright, up against the car now.
That's right, spread'em! I said spread'em!
You punk. Look at you, you fucking punk.
What rights? You want to hear your rights? Fuck your rights. Spread'em. Hey,
you want to spend the night in county, huh? Huh? What do you think you are? Huh?
You think you're fucking smart? Why I ought to... Hey what is that, punk? What
did you call me? You call me pig? I'll fucking throw you down so fast... Fuck you.
You punk. Alright, fuck you. Where did you get this fucking car anyways?

What is this, a Dodge? Fucking '69 Dodge? You're driving... You got a license for
this? You got plates? Where's the plates on this thing? I'll bet you ain't got any
insurance. You're driving around with no insurance, aren't you? Hey Joe, look at this
guy. Alright, hey, what do you ... what's with your bitch? Get her out ... You,
bitch, get out of the car now, too. Yeah that's right. Spread'em! Get a fucking
haircut! You got a job? What kind of job? Get a real job, punk!

Alright, freeze! Stay right where you are, don't move a fucking inch. Don't move a
muscle. That's right, down, down on the floor, get down. On your tummy. Spread'em!
What is this? What do we got here? A package. You got a package. What is this doing?
White package. Oh, I see, yeah, you're a fucking drug addict. You're a fucking drug
addict! Get a fucking job!

What's with your chick? She fucking ... Oh, Jesus Christ, she's got an earing in her
nose! Joe, look at this chick! She's fucking sick. My God! I hope she don't fucking
hang around with chicks ... I don't want my fucking daughter ... Oh God, what a
nightmare! Quit your fucking whining. I don't want to hear about it. Get in the back
... Look, I don't want to hear about your fucking rights. You got one right. You got
the right to get in the back seat of the car now. You got it? What? What was that? I
didn't hear that. I didn't fucking hear that. Look, that's it. You're going down now.
That's it. And what's with that fucking earing? What are you a fag? You some kind of
fucking sissy, huh? That's right, you're going down with me ... and you too ma'am.
Let's go. I'm sorry, I don't want to hear about it. I don't want to hear your crying.
You're with him. Don't give me this. Let's see the fucking shit in your pockets.

Come on. You're coming with me now.

Hey look, I can make this real easy. I can just beat the shit out of you and drop you
off somewhere and fuck the report. You know I got three fucking pages of reports in
triplicate. So fuck you. You give me any hard time I'm going to fuck you up. You
understand? You see this fucking gun right here? I'll drill you so full of holes you
won't know what the fuck hit you.

My God, you're basically crying. God dammit, she sounds like a fucking ... blaugh.

Oh she's annoying! Oh my God she sounds like fucking ... uh ... what the hell is that
... Joe, who is that bitch that whines all the time? That, uh, Erma Bombeck or

Alright, open up the trunk. That's right. What's with the bat? What's with the bat in
the back seat? What, do you play baseball? Oh I see. Oh you're a gangbanger. Let me
see your fucking signs, let me see your colors. You got colors? I got colors. Right
here. Fucking black and blue all over your face.
What, are you representing? You want to throw down, punk, huh?

You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney. If you don't
have the money for an attorney, an attorney will be appointed for you. If you give up
this right, then everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of
law. Do you understand? Oh, fuck you, I don't care if you understand. Get in the
fucking back seat now! Spread'em, punk! Punk, I ought to give you a haircut right
now. Hey Joe, get me my fucking razorblade. I'm cutting this kid's hair now. Look at
him. He looks like a fucking asshole. He's a sissy. He's a fucking faggot. He drives
a Dodge! Where are you from? Are you from the south side? Ohhh! Punk. You're a punk.
I eat you for breakfast you little fucking weasel.

Look at his fucking mug on this picture on his license. He looks so decrepit I can't
believe it. He's got a face only a mother could hate.

Freeze, asshole! Freeze, you fucking son of a bitch! Look, hey, I'm fucking too fat
to be chasing you around. I'll fucking drill you full of holes, you punk. Quit you're
fucking running around. Hey look, I'm going to kill you now! Then I'll throw you out
in the back seat, out in a back alley on the fucking south side and no one will ever
know what the fuck happened to you. In the river with you, you punk.

That's right, you want to spend the night in county, huh? Huh? You punk, huh? You got
a job? Get a job!

Oh! What's this bag here? You got a bag of powder? Why don't you give me some and
we'll forget about it. That's right. Yeah alright, so what. Yeah, well, yeah what am
I? - fucking God? I'm human too. You know, you fucking punks you think we're all
fucking the same. We're human! We got feelings! You treat us like shit, you treat us
like fucking pigs. If it wasn't for us you little punks would be beaten up by some
fucking nazi somewhere.

(Woman: Oh, not those handcuffs. I want the fur-lined ones.)

Hey, you like my boots?
That's what happens when you look, lady. Now you're a salt pillar, and all the deer are gonna lick ya.
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:01
okeej, jij wint
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:01
Stomme trend
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:03
Avatar van Swlabr
Swlabr is offline
Het is mooi geweest inderdaad.
Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:06
ik verveel me gewoon. ben klaarwakker en niet in the mood om ook maar op te staan.
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:08
Avatar van Swlabr
Swlabr is offline
Doe een IQ-test:
Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:08
Alwéér? Hebben we niet laatst allemaal ene van de mensa gedaan?
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:10
Avatar van Swlabr
Swlabr is offline
Als je je verveelt is een IQ-test een goede remedie daartegen.
Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:10
ik doe liever van die testjes van "hoe emo ben jij?"
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:11
Als je je verveelt is een IQ-test een goede remedie daartegen.
en als ik een iq-test nou vervelend vind?
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:15
Avatar van Swlabr
Swlabr is offline
en als ik een iq-test nou vervelend vind?
Lees dan maar een artikel over LQG op Dat zal je wel even bezig houden.
Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:17
Bij iq tests denk ik voortdurend: oh nu moet ik me concentreren. Vind ik maar vervelend hoor.
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:31
Bij iq tests denk ik voortdurend: oh nu moet ik me concentreren. Vind ik maar vervelend hoor.
idd, en het moet dan ook nog in een bepaalde tijd. Daar krijg ik pas de zenuwen van.
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:31
Avatar van Martiño
Martiño is offline
Vandaag mijn rijbewijs afgehaald!
Je begrijpt me niet Ik was vorige week al geslaagd voor het examen.
Ik heb het afgehaald bij de gemeente. Hoewel opgehaald achteraf toch beter klinkt.
you're not my demographic
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:33
Avatar van Swlabr
Swlabr is offline
idd, en het moet dan ook nog in een bepaalde tijd. Daar krijg ik pas de zenuwen van.
Dat krijg ik soms ook.
Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:33
congrats TopDrop
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:35
Avatar van Martiño
Martiño is offline
Neeee! Ik heb mn rijbewijs opgehaald... TopDrop verbeterde me alleen maar.
you're not my demographic
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:37
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TopDrop is offline
Niehiet. Ik ben vandaag geslaagd voor mijn praktijk! Dus ik heb mijn rijbewijs gehaald, maar nog niet afgehaald!!
♥ - I miss all the places we never went. -
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:39
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:41
Nee Jerry Jerry zeggen is hipper
Oud 25-09-2007, 23:41
Avatar van Martiño
Martiño is offline
Niehiet. Ik ben vandaag geslaagd voor mijn praktijk! Dus ik heb mijn rijbewijs gehaald, maar nog niet afgehaald!!
Oh![/dom] Gefeliciteerd! Heb je het al aangevraagd?
you're not my demographic
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