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Oud 28-08-2005, 00:37
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kent iemand deze film? die titel stond in een tekstbestand op mn pc
で起動すればを 英語で起動すれば
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Oud 28-08-2005, 00:40
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Oud 28-08-2005, 00:44
Avatar van 3gg!3*4ng3rf!5t
3gg!3*4ng3rf!5t is offline
bedankt voor de link, maar had et al gezien voor je hem gaf. (door die link wist ik al dat het een film was )

ik wil alleen weten of iemand van het forum hier hem gezien heeft, en wat hij/zij er van vond
で起動すればを 英語で起動すれば
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Oud 28-08-2005, 01:11
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3gg!3*4ng3rf!5t is offline
で起動すればを 英語で起動すれば
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Oud 28-08-2005, 10:39
pete da pornkid
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3gg!3*4ng3rf!5t schreef op 28-08-2005 @ 02:11 :
ik had er ook al een keer een topik over geopend, maar toen waren de reacties niet al te positief
Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it's awful
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Oud 30-08-2005, 20:48
Toevallig gisteren gezien.

Mijn mening staat in het 'Laatste film...'-topic:
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Oud 30-08-2005, 21:43
Levitating Nun
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Enge film met enge mensen met enge gedachten.
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Oud 31-08-2005, 12:39
ganralph is offline
is al aan de orde geweest. mijn visie vind je er ook in.
samengevat: het is enge pseudowetenschappelijke sekteshit
Change the planet, or go home.
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Oud 31-08-2005, 16:01
Lees voor de grap dit (Engelse) artikel maar eens.

Het beschrijft wat Ramtha is, een bezoekje van de journalist aan een Ramtha bijeenkomst en wat er mis is aan de film.

Ook leuk om te weten: de "experts" in de film hebben allemaal een twijfelachtige CV

"Several authorities appear in What the Bleep Do We Know? offering mind-bending insights about reality and perception. But who are they, really? Here's a look at some of the more controversial speakers.

David Albert (above) is a professor and the director of the Philosophical Foundations of Physics program at Columbia University. He says the film completely misrepresented his views.

Dr. Joseph Dispenza is a chiropractor and a master teacher at Ramtha's School of Enlightenment.

Dr. Masaru Emoto is a doctor of alternative medicine who has written three books about messages from water.

Amit Goswami (above) is professor emeritus (in theoretical physics) at the University of Oregon and member of its Institute of Theoretical Science, as well as author of a slew of New Age books. He also lectures at Ramtha's School of Enlightenment.

John Hagelin is a physicist and fan of Transcendental Meditation. He is the director of the Maharishi University of Management's Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy, and has twice run for president as the candidate of the Natural Law Party (whose platform included natural health care, deep tax cuts and "conflict-free politics").

Mgr. Miceal Ledwith is a Catholic priest and former president of Maynooth College in Ireland who resigned after a seminarian accused Ledwith of abusing him as a boy. He is also a master teacher at Ramtha's School of Enlightenment.

Dr. Jeffrey Satinover is a psychiatrist, physicist and author of several books (The Quantum Brain and Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth) who supports reparative therapy for homosexuality and lists Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as one of his heroes."
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