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Oud 06-06-2003, 16:25
THE ICEMAN! is offline

gister naar the matrix reloaded geweest, echt een van de beste films aller tijden ( vind ik dan ), maar zonder er op te letten heb ik toch een paar foutjes ontdekt:
1 Bij de scene dat Neo de kogels tegenhoud en ze op de grond vallen zijn ze 2 sec later weg, om er een paar minuten later weer te liggen.
2 Bij het gevecht met 20 dezelfde mannetjes , staat er een die tegen een bank was aangevallen 2 keer op, 10 sec na elkaar ( das ook vreemd)
3 Op de snelweg, bij die 2 gasten met lang blond haar blijft het haar tijdens de achtervolging gewoon keurig stil hangen, bij meer dan 100km/h. Niet ff maar zo ongeveer de hele tijd.

Hebben jullie toevallig nog meer foutjes ondekt, en wat vinden jullie er eigelijk van? Mogen er in een film die zoveel miljoenen heeft gekost, van dit soort foutjes zitten of zouden ze er beter op moeten letten bij het opnemen?

Zelf vind ik dat het wel mag zolang het niet heeel erg gaat opvallen, maar zoals het hier was was het wel een beetje errug opvallend

Oud 06-06-2003, 17:19
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blaatschaapie is offline
Continuity: Further to the comment about some of the Smith clones not having Hugo Weaving's face pasted onto them, just after Neo does his back flip into two agents whilst kicking the two either side of him, just after he turns back around towards the camera, there is a very obvious stuntman standing just behind him who looks absolutely nothing like Agent Smith.

Continuity: When Neo and Trinity leave the elevator in Zion and people go talk to Neo, Trinity leaves but Neo asks her to wait. There is a very tall guy behind Trinity while she speaks. When she turns around there is nobody there.

Continuity: In the scene where Neo converses with the Oracle, there is the shot where Seraph reminds the Oracle that they should leave. Now you see that when the Oracle gets up, Seraph starts checking the area in front of the bench, looking away from Neo and the Oracle. But in the next shot with all three of them in frame, he is looking directly at Neo while the Oracle moves forward to pat Neo in the stomach.

Continuity: In the scene where Link is talking to his wife, the way that his dreadlocks hang over his shoulder changes between shots.

Factual error: In the scene at the very start of the film and subequently half way through Trinity enters the matrix on the Ducati 996. As it is in the air reving it sounds absolutely nothing like a Ducati 996 which has a distinctive grunty V twin sound. Its has the sound of a 4 cylinder sportsbike. If you listen to the sound of it on the freeway scene you will notice the differnce.

Visible crew/equipment: During the scene where Neo is talking to Agent Smith in the park area where Neo was talking to the Oracle, there is a close-up on Agent Smith's face. In his sunglasses you can see a camera on a tripod and a light and white screen to reflect the light onto the faces of the actors.

Visible crew/equipment: In the freeway chase scene when one of the agents jumps onto the hood of the first car then jumps off, the car flips, then a second later as the car is still flipping you can see the gas tank has been removed.

Continuity: During the freeway scene, if you look closely, you will notice that none of the trucks have axles.

Continuity: During the car chase, one of the Twins shoots at a car behind them to get it out of the way - the right side of the windscreen (as we look at it) is peppered with holes. From another angle, they disappear, only to reappear as it swerves away. Submitted by Jon Sandys

Other: In the scene where Trinity is speeding away with the Keymaker, how can the Ducati be slower than the cop cars which are obviously gaining on her? It can't be due to traffic - when she's on the hard shoulder, with completely empty space in front, the cops are still alongside.

Continuity: During the entire time that Trinity and Morpheus are being shot at by the twin in the car, we never see him reload his gun, despite the fact that he fires about 350 shots at them from one clip. It can't be due to them being able to bend the rules of the matrix, as eventually he runs out of ammo, looks at the gun in disgust and ditches it.

Continuity: In the scene right before the freeway scene, in the city streets, the Escalade EXT rams a brown BMW 7-series in the purwuit of the Silver CTS. The BMW rips in half, but there's not a scratch on the EXT. Later in the freeway scene, you see a headlight blown out, and a katana sword can rip it, whereas a car smash causes no damage.

Continuity: In the freeway chase scene when the Cadillac is being side-smashed by the police cruiser, the agent driving the cruiser disappears from the car when the vehicle hits the water barriers. It can't just be that he changed to a different body - that would have left the original occupant still in the car.

Continuity: In the car chase scene, when Trinity is driving the cadillac, the Agent in the cop car slams into the driver's side of Trinity's car and the driver's side mirror is smashed. When Trinity drives the cadillac onto the exit ramp, the driver's side mirror is back in its normal position.

Continuity: In the scene where Morpheus is sitting in the chair near the end of the movie giving his "War and fate" speech you can see the microphone and camera in his sunglasses. This is repeatedly seen during the whole scene.

Continuity: In the scene where Neo is fighting the French guy's henchmen, at the end of the fight Neo stabs one of the guys with a sword. But if you look closely, the sword is actually not penetrating him at all. It is actually going under his arm.

Continuity: During the Freeway scene, the number plate on the car that Trinity is driving changes from "DA 2003" to "DA 203" and back at various intervals.

Continuity: In the Chateau where Neo fights the Merovingian's men, after the men shoot at Neo, only to have their bullets stopped, they all drop their guns. Throughout the rest of the scene, the guns are nowhere to be found.

Continuity: Trinity's cut on her right arm disappears and reappears throughout the freeway scene.

Continuity: When Trinity is about to jump down with the keymaker to the bikes in the freeway scene, she is on the left side of the keymaker. When you see them in mid-air, she's suddenly to the right of him.

Moet je meer hebben?

Check gewoon best funny als je dat leest..
Oud 06-06-2003, 18:18
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GeritoDM is offline
Ik vind het altijd een beetje onzin, al die foutjes. Wel grappig soms, zoals die laatste hierboven mij, maar verder... En zeker als je er in de film zelf op gaat letten, dan verpest je toch het plezier? (Of je moet em tig keer gekeken hebben ofzo...)
Oud 06-06-2003, 20:09
Interupter is offline
Bij de achtervolgingsscene op die snelweg (deze 2,5 km lange snelweg is speciaal aangelegd voor the matrix reloaded) springt de keymaker op een begeven moment samen met die vrouwelijke motorrijdster (naam ff kwijt) op een vrachtwagen. De keymaker is nu ineens een stevige bredere man, terwijl hij daarvoor een ielig mannetje was.
there are ten types of people, those who understand binary and those wo don't
Oud 07-06-2003, 12:01
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