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Oud 18-06-2002, 19:27
AnTaRTiCa is offline
Help me please.......
Please help me..........

A small child whimpers alone on a dark street
He walks up to her
I'll help you
Just follow me

And the child sniffles
Takes the strangers hand which is offered
And walks off into the night
Parents forever wondering where their daughter was
Never to again know...........

Hurry up you brat
The lash of a whip
Claims a strip of her skin
Leaving yet another scar
To blend into the mass on her bleeding back
She moves faster
Tripping over her scarf outfit
Simple delicate....see through peices of material
Together they make up the outfit that she will wear forever
Her bare feet trip over a loose pebble
She falls
The platters she carried clatter everywhere
He storms over
So angry
His large hand
Ripping out her hair
As her feet dangle above the ground
He rages at her about being clumpsy
Tosses her into the arms of another guard
Always we are guarded
She is dragged away
So young
She will be taught to be silent and beautiful
Like I was
I take her place in line
Carrying my trays effortlessly
Presenting them simply for the sultan's pleasure
He pinches me under my skirt
I bit my lip in pain
And quickly smile
He has choosen me tonight
Like every other night since I turned 12
The guards found out I could now bare children
I became his favorite then
Most nights he chooses me
It has been that way for the last 8 years.
He desperately wants me with child
I have conceived
But always miscarried
10 miscarriages
I blink away a tear and continue down the line
Feeding the people I hate
My captors
My family
One of the guards motion me over
Telling me to go tend to the girl
I leave the line
Following the guard to the 'teaching room'
I use to call it the beating room
For that is the only type of teaching they do there
I go in
The guard waiting outside
I walk up to the half unconscious child
Her back is naked and bleeding
I can see flesh in wide stripes from the whip
My heart bleeds for her
She was older then I
She must be about 7
It is hard life to get use to
One she must or she will die
I get a basin of cool water and a cloth
Slowly to not cause her more pain then necessary
I wash the blood from her back
She moans in pain at the first contact
I have to change the water several times
Satisfied that the wounds are as clean as they will be
I reach over for the salve
The child moans again
Shhhh.....this will sting a bit
Why am I here
You were stolen as we all were
To be servant for the sultan
But I don't want to be a servant
Well you better start wanting to be one or else you will be killed
What do you mean?
If you prove to much a problem, punishments get worse
Until you either reform or die
Why don't they let us go
The sultan will never give up anything that he thinks is his
But I am not his
To him you are
He feeds you
We eat food that I won't even give my dog
He clothes you
Scarfs are not clothes
He houses you
This is a prision
And so to him you are his
I am not

I smile
Remembering how I had answered in a simular way
Learn the ways
Become everything they want you to be
Then they will not hit you
You can gather up your strength
And you will see you can have a simple life here
I will escape here........

I smile sadly
I wipe the leftover salve off on the cloth
And get up to leave
They will watch you closely
It will be hard to leave with their eyes on you all the time
The girl has a thoughtful look on her face
You are right. If I leave.........Do you want to come with me?

I smile remembering times when I made the same plans
Yes I will go with you
I turn to leave the room
Returning back to my duties
Soon the sultan stands up
Singling the evenings end
He motions me to follow
I leave the room with him
Enter his chambers
And close the door..........

I watch the girl now
She struggles to learn what is wanted from her
I watch as she learns to be graceful
And tie her scarfs properly
So they cover everything
Yet hint at more
I watch her learn to carry the trays
She watches me carefully
Practicing what I do
Learning for me
I move more slowly at first
Giving her time to learn my motions

She has been her for 6 months now
Only being beaten that once
She has learned well
The guards no longer watch her so closely
There is a new girl instead
One who is so angry
She has been isolated from the others
To be taught a lesson
My heart breaks thinking of her
She will be one who will die
My hand flutters over my stomach
I'm pregnant again
Tonight is my last night serving
After this I will be given a room with my own servant
The sultan hopes for a son
I hope for a live child
Yet I hope for its death
So it will not grow up here
If it is a son
It will rule after the sultan
If it is a girl
She will be sold for alliances

The sultan singles to another girl tonight
Telling everyone I am with child from such a simple gester
The other girls smile sadly at me
Understanding my joy and pain
I follow the guard to my own room
The girl is there waiting for me
She is to wait on me well I am pregnant
I smile as I enter the room
She has done well
Since the sultan would not trust a trouble maker
To care for his unborn son

We prepare for bed
I found a way out
If you still want to leave with me
I will take you

I gasp in suprise at her words
There is no way out
You will be killed if you get caught

She opens her hand
Showing me a ribbon from outside the palace
I again gasp
We are not allowed those things in here
Where did you get it from?

The girl smiles
Outside, I wanted to make sure I could get out
I was at the edge of the city
No one would have stopped me
But I promised to take you
So I came back
I leave tonight
If you want to leave with me...

My hand touches my stomach
To leave here
To see outside of these walls
To maybe give a normal life to my child...
An old spark of rebellion lights up my eyes
I nod my head
We get up
Grab a blanket each to blend into the shadows
We leave the room
The guard outside the door is sleeping
The same one who beat the girl so badly that day
His soft snores masking any noises we made walking by
He will die for this
We round the corner and he is forgotten
Slipping out of a window
We slide silently down the roof
Climbing a tree down until our feet touch the ground
We drop
Hugging the grass
I'm panting a little
Glad that I am not fat with child already
The girl motions for me to follow
And like a cat she moves off
Blending into the shadows
I don the blanket and follow
All those years of balancing and learning to be graceful paying off
Stopping and not breathing when a guard makes his rounds
We finally reach the wall seperating us from the world
We go behind a large bush
Here the girl pushes out some bricks
Creating a hole large enough to allow us to squeeze through
On the outside
She carefully places the bruicks back
Covering our trail
So they won't know where we got out from
Maybe someone else will find it like I did

Pulling our blankets close to us we run into the streets
Keeping to the shadows we reach the edge of the city
There is a stable full of horses beside us
We did it I told you we would get out....
We are free.....
I will call my parents from the police and be at home in no time

I motion for her to be quiet
He will come looking for us
We are not free until we are out of this country
Do you not think the police work for him
Who else is it that we serve every night at dinner?

At the girls crushed look
I motion to the stable
She follows
And we go in
Finding two horses
We saddle them
I climb on mine
The girl hesitates
What is it?
I can't ride a horse

I offer my hand
She climbs up onto mine
Grabbing the reins of her horse
We quietly slip out of the city
Where did you learn to ride?
The sultan taught me
Because he wanted me to be happy
And I told him I wanted to ride
So he taught me
Just like that?
No it cost me every night of my life for the last 8 year

We rode on together
Following the rode
Moving off into the trees when we met someone
Changing horses every couple of hours
So not to tire them so much
Finally we reached a large city
One with an airport
Tired we slip off the horse
Our legs barely holding our own weight
We go in to the airline
Hoping to sneak in or at least beg our way for a seat
We walk up to a greasy airline personal
He eyes me up
I explain that we have no money but need to get back to Canada
He snears at us
Saying what will you give me for it
I swallow in disgust and smile
Anything you want
He looks back to a closed door
One of my scarfs fall forward
Showing a hint of my breast
He swallows
We need two seats though

He looks at my white skin
And nods
I tell the girl to wait here
And follow him to the closed door
Trying to block my mind of what will happen
She needs to go home
We got this far
She got us this far
I will get her the rest of the way....
The door again closes...............

Later I come out
My hair slightly more messy then before
But nothing else out of place
He is smiling
And hands over two tickets
A deal is a deal,
Though I could make those first class if you would like.....

I shake my head
Grab the girls hand
And we walk up to the plane
Once on
A lady shows us to our seats
We sit down
The plane takes off
We might make it...............
The girl turns and looks at me sadly
I'm sorry you had to do that
I shake my head and smile
It was ok, I didn't mind
I lie quietly

Several hours later our plane touches Canadian ground
We make our way off the plane
Getting stopped by security for not having a pass port
We are taken into a private room
Here the girl tells the officer the whole story
He looks at me
Who is she then?
She is another child that was stolen along time ago

Hours later
The police reunite the girl with her family
Mine was called as well
My parents are dead
A younger brother is all that remains
He meets me
We stare at each other
Then embrace........
So sis do you have any bags or anything?
I shake my head no
I never thought about if I had a brother or not
We get into his car and drive off towards home........

Wow will you look at her, she is a fighter I can tell
I smile at the girl's words
As I hug my daughter closer
We all have become a family
Our expierences binding us together stronger then just blood
It had hit the news about the sultan stealing children
Many families have been reunited since then
All of it was started by this brave girl
I smile.....
Yes she will be a fighter, just like her aunt
Sorry, Was I screaming again?
Met citaat reageren
Oud 18-06-2002, 20:01
Vinnum heel mooi! Leuk geschreven, vind hem absoluut neit te lang. Cool!
Met citaat reageren
Oud 18-06-2002, 21:11
french kiss
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french kiss is offline
mooi,waargebeurd ofzow?
xxX Kusje hier Kusje daar Kusje overal Xxx || Hybrid is mijn neefjuh X ||
Met citaat reageren
Oud 19-06-2002, 08:43
tacidvs is offline
Eerste stukken zijn beter dan de rest, maar het blijft geweldig. Je gaat je inderdaad afvragen of het echt gebeurd is, goed geschreven.

Your biggest fan,
Met citaat reageren
Oud 19-06-2002, 15:50
AnTaRTiCa is offline
hihi dankje wellie
Sorry, Was I screaming again?
Met citaat reageren
Oud 20-06-2002, 12:17
AnTaRTiCa is offline
french kiss schreef:
mooi,waargebeurd ofzow?
nop zelf verzonnen
Sorry, Was I screaming again?
Met citaat reageren
Oud 21-06-2002, 13:35
Embraced Pale Death
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Embraced Pale Death is offline
ikke vind hem heeel goed en heeeeeel lang
ik vind wederom dat jij hele goeie woordjes gebruikt in je gedichten... jahaaa
en leuk gebruik gemaakt van de italics
the wheel is spinning, but the hamster's dead
Met citaat reageren
Oud 21-06-2002, 13:59
AnTaRTiCa is offline
Embraced Pale Death schreef:
ikke vind hem heeel goed en heeeeeel lang
ik vind wederom dat jij hele goeie woordjes gebruikt in je gedichten... jahaaa
en leuk gebruik gemaakt van de italics
*hihi* dankje wel
Sorry, Was I screaming again?
Met citaat reageren
Oud 21-06-2002, 18:41
berteltje is offline
Ik vind hem heel erg mooi, echt heel mooi, maar meer een verhaaltje dan een gedicht. Zal wel aan mij liggen....

Maar goed

Liefs Kimry
Met citaat reageren
Oud 21-06-2002, 19:10
Horror Kitty
Horror Kitty is offline
Mooj, Laar

Kweet dr verder nx over te zegge, ben helemaal stil

Tis zow zielig
Met citaat reageren
Oud 22-06-2002, 00:18
AnTaRTiCa is offline
hihi dankje wel

ik schrijf altijd meer verhaaltjes dan gedichten geloof ik hehehe
Sorry, Was I screaming again?
Met citaat reageren
Oud 22-06-2002, 10:36
tacidvs is offline
AnTaRTiCa schreef:
hihi dankje wellie
Moet dat nou elke keer?
Met citaat reageren
Oud 22-06-2002, 10:47
AnTaRTiCa is offline
tacidvs schreef:

Moet dat nou elke keer?
nee niet echt eigenlijk
Sorry, Was I screaming again?
Met citaat reageren
Oud 01-07-2002, 17:26
hoe kom je op zulke verhalen
Met citaat reageren

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