Oud 06-03-2006, 17:44
Avatar van groovy
groovy is offline

Ik heb een vraagje, ik ben nadat mijn oude computer gecrasht is, al mijn oefenbrieven kwijt van mijn middelbare school.
Nu wil ik graag reageren op een paar advertenties, waarbij ik dus zowel Duitse als Engelse sollicitatiebrieven moet schrijven..heeft iemand misschien wat oefenbrieven, die dus ook al een keer nagekeken zijn door een leraar, die je naar mij zou willen doorsturen?

Ik zou jullie heel erg dankbaar zijn!!

Het maakt niet uit om wat voor beroep het gaat, maar gewoon dat ik wat mooie Duitse/Engelse zinnetjes heb waarvan ik zeker weet dat ze kloppen.

Heeeel erg bedankt voor degenen die mij zouden willen helpen hierin!
Met citaat reageren
Oud 06-03-2006, 18:31
Avatar van Gothic
Gothic is offline
Reading your most interesting advertisement in the March 12th edition of the Daily Times I take the liberty to apply for the job you offer there.

Now that I have reached the intermediate stage/phase of my studies I have come to the conclusion that I need some practical experience.

The job sounds as a wonderful opportunity to acquire my experience in the field of / some working (practical) experience.

Expl (geinteresseerd omdat)
(werkervaring evt.)
From a very early age onward I developed an interest in…

I first became interested in this matter when at school.

In the 4th form of the secondary school I knew I wanted to become...

Because I like travelling abroad I embarked on a studies of …

At school I already felt connected to the English speaking world.

I speak English fluently.

As a 3rd psychology student what I found the most difficult was the daily intercourse with patients.

I passed all my preliminary exams within the required time.

In my daily life…

You will see from my CV that I have had considerable experience in this area.

For your convenience I herewith enclose my CV, which will inform you in more detail about my various occupations.

You will find further details in the Curriculum Vitae, as enclosed to this letter…

Because of the above, you will understand that I would appreciate to receive more information about the job you offer. Of course, details about financial matters will come in due course, but I would be interested in your labour conditions and the people I would work with. I trust that the information will be sent to me if and when you think it justified.
Would you be so kind to send me information about ...


I hope that I have informed you sufficiently and that my application may lead to further contacts and an invitation for an interview at your office.

Hoping to have informed you sufficiently, I am looking forward to your soonest reply, and remain,…

Trusting that your response will reach me in due course, I remain

Sincerely yours



Date and place of birth:
Nationality: Dutch
Marital state: unattached


Primary school:

Secondary education: 1997-2003 Coornhert Gymnasium (a gymnasium is the highest form of secondary education in the Netherlands and as such comparable with your grammar school. However, its curriculum always contains at least one classical language)

University education: 3rd year’s Economics student at the … in … None, but I plan to matriculate for the VU of A’dam, faculty of Englisch.

Professional experience: During my secondary school time, I was...
During my secondary school time, I was connected to a Babysit Centre: “Het balonnetje” in Gouda. I did this work from 1998 until 2002.

Non professional experience: In my sports club I was a trainer coach of the first youth team …

Names of reference: I would like to supply the following names as references: ...

Gouda, 18 March, 2004

Dit is wat ik letterlijk verkregen heb uit aantekeningen en oefenbrieven in de 6e...
~ Maybe it won’t last forever, but who says the best loves do ~ November is all I know, and all I ever wanted to know ~
Met citaat reageren
Oud 07-03-2006, 18:04
Avatar van groovy
groovy is offline
heeeeeeel erg bedankt, vooral die cv was fijn
Met citaat reageren
Oud 21-05-2010, 12:33
Erik 1234
Hey je kunt ook eens kijken op scoordiebaan.nl daar kun je engelse soll brieven downloaden voor 1,50 zeker de moeite waard.


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