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Oud 10-08-2002, 13:47
Avatar van Ieke
Ieke is offline
Ik zit vast in het Mercury Lighthouse in een kamer met een regenboog. (ik kan alleen terug het kamertje uit) Als ik binnenkom krijg ik de tekst: He who honord the goddes of rainbow shall be guided to the heavan upon wings of fluid grace.
Ik heb al eerder zo'n berichtje gehad en toen heb ik vanalles geprobeert en toen kon ik over het water. Maar wat ik gedaan heb?? Ik weet niet hoe ik nu verder moet en misschien kan iemand me helpen. Ik weet niet of het uitmaakt, maar ik heb een Amerikaans spel.
Al is de reiziger nog zo snel, de ns vertraagt hem wel.
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Oud 10-08-2002, 14:20
Ik heb ook met 'tzelfde probleem gezeten. 'k ben er pas na een hele tijd achtergekomen. Je moet dat standbeeld healen, dus met je psyenergy ply gebruiken op dat standbeeld. succes!

Laatst gewijzigd op 10-08-2002 om 14:23.
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Oud 15-08-2002, 14:30
Avatar van Ieke
Ieke is offline
Ik zit in Fuchin Temple vast. Ik heb dat oog aan de draak gegeven. ik zie nu een "verdieping" lager een pad. Daar ben ik naartoe gegaan. (je kon ook al eerder in dat gebied alleen was het donker) Hoe moet ik nu verder? Ben al weer uren bezig, vandaar dat ik het vraag.
Al is de reiziger nog zo snel, de ns vertraagt hem wel.
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Oud 15-08-2002, 15:10
Avatar van Lyx
Lyx is offline
dat 'verdieping lager een pad' is een schaduw van het pad boven

oftewl.. je moet naar die rechteringang daarzo gaan
over die 'shaduw pad' lopen...

btw...strax kom je in een woestijn..... jeetje dat sux ff
btw2 no offence....17V speelt golden sun
** Conan & Lyx Team ** ||***The Pedo Emma Watson Army*** ||==Noodleskoning met Groove-Coverage===|| *Passionele nachten in het heetst van de strijd*

Laatst gewijzigd op 15-08-2002 om 15:12.
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Oud 15-08-2002, 16:19
Lyx schreef:
dat 'verdieping lager een pad' is een schaduw van het pad boven

oftewl.. je moet naar die rechteringang daarzo gaan
over die 'shaduw pad' lopen...

btw...strax kom je in een woestijn..... jeetje dat sux ff
btw2 no offence....17V speelt golden sun
Woestijn = ramp!
Elke keer oasis zoeken, pfff, en dan elke keer in een neppe springen (lees vijand met fucking hoge HP/MP )
'k heb 'm een tijdje geleden al uitgespeeld, 'k weet niet meer hoe die ene kerel heet, maar die moet je voldoende psynergie laten hebben om door het woestijn heen te komen, je moet namelijk heletijd zijn gift gebruiken om oasis' op te zoeken, anders verlies je for real big time HP. Ik irriteerde me vooral aan dat gezeik van die party-members *ooooh, it's soooo hot!*

Je moet idd over dat schaduwpad lopen, is schijnbaar een brug , was ik zelf ook achtergekomen na 3 dagen ofzo .
R-e-s-t-e-c-p, 17v .

btw, hoeveel djini's heb je al?
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Oud 15-08-2002, 20:24
Avatar van Ieke
Ieke is offline
prototype schreef:
btw, hoeveel djini's heb je al?
Ik heb er nu 7. Ik heb wel een Venus djinn die achter het hekje in Kolima Village gezien, maar ik kan er niet bij. Die man in het huisje ernaast spreekt over iets bijzonders in een bos, maar wil het me niet vertellen.

Heel erg bedankt voor de hulp. Dit is mijn 2e RPG die ik speel (die eerste met een boek), dus het is best moeilijk, maar ik vind het heel leuk.
Ik vind veel soorten spellen leuk.
Al is de reiziger nog zo snel, de ns vertraagt hem wel.
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Oud 15-08-2002, 20:38
ieke schreef:

Ik heb er nu 7. Ik heb wel een Venus djinn die achter het hekje in Kolima Village gezien, maar ik kan er niet bij. Die man in het huisje ernaast spreekt over iets bijzonders in een bos, maar wil het me niet vertellen.
Like, bij die grote boom he?
Moet je via de achterkant in dan moet je een paar laddertjes/ondergrondse gangen door lopen en kan je 'm pakken.


Heel erg bedankt voor de hulp. Dit is mijn 2e RPG die ik speel (die eerste met een boek), dus het is best moeilijk, maar ik vind het heel leuk.
Ik vind veel soorten spellen leuk.
Probeer ook eens Final Fantasy, Zelda, breath of fire, secret of mana, secret of evermore, illusion of gaia en natuurlijk ook Golden Sun 2
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Oud 19-08-2002, 20:37
Avatar van Ieke
Ieke is offline
prototype schreef:

Like, bij die grote boom he?
Moet je via de achterkant in dan moet je een paar laddertjes/ondergrondse gangen door lopen en kan je 'm pakken.

Probeer ook eens Final Fantasy, Zelda, breath of fire, secret of mana, secret of evermore, illusion of gaia en natuurlijk ook Golden Sun 2
Bedankt! Ik ben zeker van plan om Zelda te kopen als hij op de NGC uit is. Net als de 2e van Golden Sun. En misschien een aantal andere rpg's die op de NGC uit zullen komen.

Kun je me svp nog een keertje helpen? Ik weet echt niet wat ik met die stenen in de Altmiller Cave moet. Je kan ze rollen maar hoe het moet? Die onzichtbare man heeft me wel vanalles vertelt, maar die zegt alleen maar dat als ze (de stenen) in de goede volgorde liggen er lampjes verscheinen en daarna nog een heel verhaal (heb het wel opgeschreven)
Al is de reiziger nog zo snel, de ns vertraagt hem wel.

Laatst gewijzigd op 20-08-2002 om 15:38.
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Oud 19-08-2002, 23:24
Avatar van Paperz
Paperz is offline
Zelda komt op de GBA... wel de ouwe Snes versie maar dan nog...
Val lekker even dood! Cooking is science for hungry people *Mysteria*
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Oud 20-08-2002, 14:15
Avatar van Paperz
Paperz is offline
ieke schreef:

Bedankt! Ik ben zeker van plan om Zelda te kopen als hij op de NGC uit is. Net als de 2e van Golden Sun. En misschien een aantal andere rpg's die op de NGC uit zullen komen.

Kun je me svp nog een keertje helpen? Ik weet echt niet wat ik met die stenen in de Altmiller Cave moet. Je kan ze rollen maar hoe het moet? Die onzichtbare man heeft me wel vanalles vertelt, maar die zegt alleen maar dat als ze in de goede volgorde liggen er lampjes verscheinen en daarna nog een heel verhaal (heb het wel opgeschreven)
Je moet die magic gebruiken dat je onzichtbare dingen ziet (me geheugen laat me in de steek) volgens mij kon je dan zie welke je moest hebben...
Val lekker even dood! Cooking is science for hungry people *Mysteria*
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Oud 20-08-2002, 16:06
Avatar van Psychopath
Psychopath is offline
a walktru in het engels! (37 pagina's)


The first thing to do in Golden Sun is to name yourself. The default name is Isaac, but you may want to change this because it will be the only name you can change (unless you press select three times to change the names of other party members. NEW: (source midgetjackietran) After pushing select three times, push up, down, up, down, left, right, left, right, up, right, down, left, up, and select to name Felix, his sister, and the girl that King Babi kidnaps.)
Golden Sun starts off in a small village in Vale. Dora, your mother, tells you to get up and that a storm is brewing and a giant boulder will crush you if you don’t make it to the town plaza. Well, after lots of conversation and cut away shots, you finally get to command your character. You’re told to get down to the town plaza in order to escape danger from falling boulders. Ordinarily, you would be able to get to the town plaza by just going down the various steps in Vale. However, small boulders fall in all of these staircases (jee, what are the odds?) due to the storm, and prevent you from walking down. So, head north a little bit to find your first party member, Garet. After instructing him to leave his bags where he’s standing so that he won’t die, Garet joins your party and you two are off westward. Climb the ladder and cross the bridge westward. Eventually you’ll arrive at the western most part of the town, and at this point you’ll want to pull a U-Turn and start heading southeast. Before doing this you’ll meet up with a guy who’s faking an injury worse than a Brazilian soccer player (although if you say that he is going to die he will disappear and actually die.) He tells you to watch out for some monsters on the way.
Heading back east you probably will encounter a few monsters, but they’re nothing to worry about at all. Climbing down a long staircase you’ll see a tragic incident in which a young boy, Felix, is hanging on for dear life to a small tree stump in a raging river. The tragic thing about it is that his relatives are all out of Psynergy and can’t help him. Two sisters will be deployed for help after everyone is done talking, and, surprise, it’s up to you to go to the town plaza to find someone with enough Psynergy remaining to save Fenix. Travel south under the bridge, then take a ladder back up and cross the same bridge. Shortly there after you’ll arrive in the Town Plaza. Walk to some of the men in the southern part of the plaza and one of them will volunteer to help Felix (the other two will go to help save the town against the boulder). Jenna and a muscular dude with some Psynergy left will join you. After returning to the house where Felix is drowning, Jenna and her relatives engage in a conversation. Right as the muscular guy who’s with you goes down to save Felix, the giant boulder breaks lose and tragically drowns the people on the dock and Felix. It’s now up to you to go find someone to save everyone from drowning. Head back towards the town plaza to discover a man and a woman talking about the awesome power of Alchemy and how it unleashed the boulder on the town. They then battle you. Don’t worry about this one, because you’re meant to lose it (there is no way to win.) NEW: If you use a Game Shark and cheat to win the battle, you still will have the same result as if you lose the battle (like you’re supposed to.) Left for dead, so begins the first part of Golden Sun (as you’ll see by the intro screen appearing.)
Three years later the town is still rebuilding. In fact, you’re patching up the roof for Dora which results in a really LONG conversation. Jenna and Garet arrive and dish their deal about how you’ve now started to master Psynergy. After Garet breaks your roof, you’re off to see Kraden in the Western most part of the town. On the way you’ll meet up with the evil duo you met earlier. This time they won’t want to fight, but instead will just run off to the mountains. Keep going a little further west, and head up the stairs to meet with Kraden. He’ll ramble for a while about Alchemy and how Saturos and Menardi seemed to have actually been in the Sanctum before, and eventually give you a mission: take him the Sol Sanctum up in the mountains. Once the conversation is done, head back east back towards the direction of your house. Once you get across the bridge, head to the left of the brown sanctum. A guard will stop you and tell you that no one is allowed up there. Simply walk back that way again and you’re on your way to the first dungeon, Sol Sanctum.

Sol Sanctum

Once you arrive in the Sol Sanctum, head forward until you get to a stepping stone area over water. Use the right most path, and once you get near the top, turn left and then do a U-turn. Head through the unusually long tunnel and fend off the easy monsters that will attack you. Eventually you’ll arrive in another room with stepping stones on it, and head up the middle, arriving on the other side in the middle path. Open the treasure chest at the end of the path and head back. When you’re on the stones again head right, advance in the pathway. Use the gem you got from the chest on the statue there to open up a new path accessible by traveling on the far left stepping stones. In the next room you’ll find a “dead end” with lots of statues that Kraden doesn’t think is the actual Sol Sanctum. Obviously this isn’t a dead end, so go up to the statue in the right hallway that has a white dash around it. Push that statue to the side and go through the door. You’ll end up in a large chamber with many different paths. Head left, then up, then right to the wall, then up to the wall, then left to the wall, then down to the second narrow path on the left where you’ll want to enter and find a treasure chest with a small gem in it. Head back from whence you came (I love saying that) and go up to the narrow hallway to the left that you skipped earlier. At the end of the hallway go through the door to find Kraden talking about using your Psynergy to move statues across the river.
Go up to a ledge and press A to activate your in-game menu. Choose the Psynergy option and then choose Move under Isaac or Garet. The ledge you want to go to first is the one on the farthest left. Move this to reveal a figure that you will put a gem into. This opens a path in the door all the way to the right of the room. Head to the right to enter the real Sol Sanctum room. Here you learn that Saturos and company were here to rob the Sol Sanctum (oh no!) Head right to enter the Luna room where Kraden will hang out until you find a secret passage. To activate this secret passage, head to the bottom of the Luna room and up the stairs. In the first room with the four statues, don’t touch anything because it’s a trap. Instead, go to the left to the sun room. Push the two statues at the top corners onto the white squares, then hop into the center and use your move psynergy to move the big statue into the lighted area. Move back to the room on the right and start pushing the statues into the gray squares. Once all of the statues are in place, head back down to the bottom staircase if you want a Psynergy stone that will restore all of your PP (you may not need this though.) Then head back from whence you came (how many times will I say that in this FAQ?) and go back to where Kraden is. He’ll get very excited and tell you that you need to find something that’s changed. Head left and observe the crack of light coming from the wall. Once Kraden’s done talking walk up to it, press A and open up a portal that takes you to the inner Sol Sanctum.
You’ll find yourself on a small blue rock in the middle of a large room. Kraden will start talking his head off about the Elemental Stones and you and Garet will have to go retrieve them. You’ll obtain a bag to place the stones in. Now, go to the northeast corner of center rock and hop to the ledge. Make your way to the right and eventually down once you can go right no longer. You’ll end up on an island with a white statue. Press A when facing it to get the first stone. Now, head back up north, and you’ll notice that it’s now possible to get to the statue in the northeast corner. After activating this one, make your way back to the center island. Now, use the path leading from the bottom of the island and SAVE BEFORE YOU GET THIS STONE. Once you get this stone get ready for one of the longest conversations of the game. When Kraden doesn’t tell you to go get another stone, you both look back towards the center island to find Kraden and Jenna being held hostage by Saturos and company. They demand the elemental stars and want you to go get them the last one. Here an interesting plot twist develops, where it turns out that Felix is still alive and was in fact saved by the evil duo. Garet will give your current elemental stones to Alex who mysteriously appears on one of the stones. Finally you will take command of your character again, and you’ll want to save. Head back right and to the center island. Go to the northwest ledge again, and start heading all the way north. Once you get all the way north, start heading to the left until about 3 squares from the Northwest corner where you’ll want to head down and the further left. Get the last stone and get ready for more conversations. This time a giant eyeball who is actually the protector of the Sol Sanctum appears and starts creating a fierce eruption. The gang in the center will take off with Jenna and Kraden as their hostages, and the “giant eyeball thing” as Garet calls it will transport you back into the Luna room. Here you’ll want to use your “Retreat” psynergy to get transported back to the start of the dungeon. Congratulations, the first dungeon is complete!

Going Away...To Vault

Head out and back towards town to find many people gathered near the brown building worrying that you two might be hurt in the eruption. You go into the Sanctum and discover that the Great Healer had a vision from the Giant Eyball/Protector of the Sol Sanctum. He says that Vale will be protected, but a terrible power is coming to ruin Vale’s future. Surprise, surprise, it turns out that the only ones who can save Vale and the rest of the world’s future is you two. Once that sequence is complete, there’s a going away party for you at the town gate. Your Mom, Dora, has Garet’s sister give you the item Catch Beads which allows you to grab items that you couldn’t normally get (such as nuts in the tree or keys beyond a jail cell.)
You’re now in the world map. See the “game play” section for some more information about the World Map. Start heading south to find your very first Djinn, Flint a Venus Djinn, flying around. He’ll come up to you and explain the advantages of collecting Djinn and exactly what they do. He’ll teach you the basics of using Djinn in battle, so pay attention if it’s your first time playing. Once that’s all finished, make your way along the dirt path, heading southeast to the town of Vault. Before you can enter the town, you’ll see Master Hammet, the greatest merchant of all time, leaving the town in his group of covered wagons. He’ll talk about how Ivan is responsible for his rod getting stolen, and how he has Psynergy that he’ll need to retrieve it. Getting scared by a falling rock, he eventually ends up heading north to Lupna.
Now you’ll find yourself in the town of...


Note: There is a Djinn in vault in the trees. It may look like there’s a way to get this Djinn, but there is no way (at this time.) Keep playing the game until you finally come to Vault...Again where you will have the skills necessary to get this Djinn.
The first thing that you want to do in any town is head to the inn. Here, for a small fee, you can get all of your characters’ health and psynergy points completely restored. Next, head to the weapons shop in the northeastern part of town and buy the best weapons and armor upgrades that are available (you’ll want to do this routine at every town.) Now it’s time to find Ivan, the one that Master Hammet said lost his rod. Head to the house on the hill in the northwest part of the town. In the northwest corner of the house stands Ivan. Talk with him and he’ll start to read your mind. You tell him about psynergy and the works, and decide that you can use his Mind Read to find who stole the rod. Ivan will then join your party, and you’re off to the inn in the south part of town. If you talk with the people in the downstairs floor of the inn you’ll discover that the two people upstairs were gone during volcanic eruption at the Sol Sanctum. So, head upstairs to find the two men with incredibly bad Beatles-esque haircuts. They’ll be scared of you, and no matter how hard you try you won’t be able to corner one of them to mind read them. So, leave the room and Ivan will suggest that you split up to corner them. You and Ivan will now easily corner one of them and he’ll read the criminal’s mind. You end up outside of their room and Ivan concludes that the people upstairs are the criminals. He also reveals that the stolen goods are somewhere in the inn. Head outside the inn and climb up the ladder going up to the roof of the inn. Walk over the hole in the roof to fall into the hidden cellar where the criminals are hiding the stolen goods! Use your psynergy to move the large box blocking the door, then jump across the gap and go into the room. Talk to the kid tied up to have the three bandits come in and start talking about Lupna. To keep you from “ratting” them out, the criminals attack you. Get ready for your first boss fight of the game!
These guys are very easy to beat. Have Ivan and Garet use their Psynergy on them, while Isaac uses Flint’s attack and the Mercury Summon them. You shouldn’t even have to use any health boosting substances to defeat these easy evil do-ers. Now the mayor will come and get back his stolen Precious Urn. Ivan also finds Master Hammet’s stolen rod in one of the chests. Climb back out of the cellar and head back to the house where you found Ivan at (it’s in the Northwestern part of town up on a hill.) The Mayor will give you some Water of Life that can revive a downed character. Before you leave town, stop back at the inn to get your HP and PP recovered once more.

On The Road To Bilibin

Note: If you have not yet completed your tasks in Vault, you will not be able to pass through the cave because Ivan won’t follow you up there. Please see the section above for more information.
From Vault you want to head east. Keep heading east until you cross the bridge, and from there you want to start heading north. Keep progressing this way until you find a cave entrance. Make your way up the ladders until you get to a gap with a tree stump covered by leaves. Your psynergy isn’t going to help you for this one, so try jumping over. When you try this, Garet comes out and tells you that your Psynergy isn’t going to work. By totally random coincidence here comes Ivan who will blow the leaves off of the stump thanks to his new rod. He now wants to join your quest, and you’re back in command. Now, move the stump, jump across and use Ivan’s Whirlwind psynergy to clear the leaves at the gate to get in the cave.
In this cave you’ll find a lot of ghosts and skeletons which aren’t too tough. Primarily, you should use group attacking Psynergy that hits multiple enemies at once (like Ivan’s lightening attack.) Inside the cave head up until you get to a stopping point (as in a cave wall.) Hop over the stepping stone there and head down. Next, head up the stairs and through the door. Head down the stairs and to the right. Here you’ll see a traveler on the ground a Djinn on a ledge. Push the wood tree stump as high as it goes and so that it’s in the middle of the two ledges. Now, head back from whence you came (3), but instead of going back up the staircases, head south and hop across a small stream. Continue along the path going through the various doorways. Eventually you’ll get to a stepping stone that you’ll want to hop across and to the other side. Go up the staircases and start ledge hopping. When you arrive at a ledge with a large tree stump, use Move to push it to the right. Hop onto this ledge then the ledge to the south, then Move the stump back to the left. Hop over and then over and to the right to obtain the treasure chest. Make your way back from whence you came (up to 4) and get back to the ledge surrounded by water. Go to the stepping stone to the right of the stairs, hop across and go up the stairs there. From here jump across the stump that you placed earlier to get a battle the Mars Djinn on the ledge. This Djinn is harder than your normal enemy, but he’s not too tough. Use your existing Djinn on him, and also use your lone summon plus Psynergy attacks to beat him pretty Handily. Once he’s defeated you will obtain this Mars Djinn, Forge. Head back to the ledge with the staircases and proceed upwards. You’ll see a stump blocking the ledge that you have to hop to, so use Move to push that into the water. Hop across, go up and across the bridge and at the end of the hallway you’ll be out of the tunnel. 3 seconds of moving right later and you’ll be in...


When you first enter this town you’ll find a tree that looks like a man and is spooking everyone in the town out. Well, the deal about the tree is that it was cursed by the big, evil, dieing tree in the forest that you’ll travel to later. Head into the Inn to restore all your stats, then to the weapons shop not too far from there. If you were clever you would have noticed that there’s a statue in the center of town that you can move. This statue leads to an underground tunnel. However, you’re not going to be able to get the Djinn down there by this entrance. Instead, head to the Northeastern part of town and take a walk on the wooden logs that make up the fence of the town. Make your way all the way to the western part of the town and whirlwind a leaf covered entrance. Go down the ladder, and move the statue back using Psynergy, then hop across and press A to the Djinn to get it (no battle required this time.) You now have the wind Djinn, Gust.
Come back all the way from whence you came (5) and proceed to the north part of town. Go up the large stairs and arrive at the town castle. Talk to the guard on the left and he’ll let you in. Keep heading forward to arrive at Lord McCoy’s chambers. He’ll offer you the key to get past the Barricade he set up to block passengers from going to Kolima forest, but then he decides that he doesn’t want to send warriors so young to their “deaths” so he retracts his offer. However, thanks to another guard leaking some information you discover that the barricade was very hastily built. Head out of town and you’re now on your way to Kolima forest.

To Kolima/Forest

Head southeast until you get to the Barricade. Here, go up to the box on the far left and use your Move psynergy. Tada! The Barricade has been broken, and you’re now off Northeast to Kolima.
At this point you have a few options in the game. You can go either to the town of Kolima, to Kolima Forest, or to Imil to the north. This guide recommends you go to Kolima first to obtain the Djinn there and then to Kolima Forest because it will be much easier than Imil.
Kolima, as it turns out, has been completely turned into a log-person town. The opening cinematic shows how the people of Kolima were turned into log-people, and explains the instinctive Psynergy that occurs only when it’s needed and can’t be controlled. After the particularly long and dull explanation, you can start exploring Kolima. However, the only way to figure out what’s going on in Kolima is Ivan’s handy mind-read function, but it really isn’t too useful. in fact, the only thing to do in Kolima right now is head to the eastern part of town where there is a Tree-House with a Djinn surrounded by a fence. Go in the non-visible door in the back of the Tree-House and travel around the especially long basement to end up in fenced-in area. Here you will obtain an Earth Djinn, Granite without a battle. Head back form whence you came (5) and out of the town completely.

Kolima Forest

Kolima forest is not a long walk away from Kolima. Head northwest and you’ll see on the map a forest with a gold entrance to it. Go up to it and prepare to enter Kolima forest. The enemies in Kolima forest will start to become more plentiful and a little more difficult than usual. They’re still nothing to be afraid of, but make sure that you don’t run out of PP on Isaac and get left without a heal.
Head due north to get to the first easy puzzle of Kolima forest. Head northeast and go across the river using the log path that’s already there. Head west, push the log that’s in your way west and then go around it to the north. Keep going west until you get to the next screen. Here you want to head south and then west, pushing the log in your way to the left. Keep heading north along that trail until the path pulls a U-turn that will take you to the next stage. On the next screen, hang to the right and go up. Push the vertical log towards the west, then head north around all the stumps. Push the horizontal log down, then the vertical log east, then go down to the log on the bottom and push that one down. Push the horizontal log above it back up, and then push the vertical log all the way back to the west. This will place the log in the water, so jump across it. Head up the stairs and to the east to get to the next stage. This next screen is a little tricky, but at least there aren’t any monsters on it. Go east until you see a switch that a sign says do not touch. Obviously you have to switch that, so press A when you’re next to it to lower the water level. Now, head down the stairs and push the topmost vertical log to the left. Go back to the switch and hit it again to fill up the water level, then hop across the logs to get to the ledge on the other side.
On the next screen you will find Tret and his lady counterpart. Head over to the east to find Tret, and climb the vine on the front of him to enter in the door above his head. The main objective of the Tret “Dungeon” is to get to the top floor where you will then proceed to fall down on a leaf in the middle, and continue to fall through those open holes in the middle of each screen to reach the basement where Tret is. So, when you first enter the tree give it a nice save incase you die later on. Now, head to the right, then proceed north and then to the left. Climb the vine to reach the next floor. On this floor, head all the way to the bottom most part of the ledge. Now, jump across the three leaves on the bottom to reach the other side. Note: jumping back over a leaf you’ve already jumped on means falling down at least 1 floor. Head out the door on the right to end up in one of Tret’s branches. Head east without deviating from the main branch to find a vine to climb up to. Do so, and then start heading back west. Once you’re back in the tree, head around the tree clockwise, until you can reach an inner ledge. Note: You can jump for the Psy Crystal at the north part of the screen, but you really shouldn’t need it. Jump to the leaf and continue north, as you don’t especially need the treasure chest (it contains a healing ring that will restore 70 HP (thanks to Josh Moore for that correction) when equipped, although it gets worn out reasonably quickly.)
On the next floor, head out the bottom door and go east until you get to a branch which you should climb up. Follow the branch until you get to the main one, and here head left just a little and then up the first branch to the north. Here you’ll find a Djinn that you’re going to have to battle, so save and heal before you fight him. This guy is a little harder than usual, so make sure that you keep your health up using herbs and Isaac’s Cure Psynergy. When you’re in the battle, use Flint to his best abilities, also try to summon any elements that you have. This Djinn doesn’t like to be captured, so unless you beat him substantially he will run. If he does run, head back to another screen and then back to where he was. He should show up again and you can give another shot at him. Once you defeat him you’ll get the Jupiter Djinni Breeze. Head back into the tree using the main branch to get a treasure chest that has a nut in it. Then you’ll want to intentionally drop down to the previous level. Now that you’re on the previous floor, head counter clockwise and out the door on the left. Go off the first deviant to the south and up the vine. From here, go back east until you get back in the room. Here, go to the southern most part of the room and hop to the middle leaf. Once there, hop one to the right and then back to the middle leaf to fall down the center and into the basement.
Now that you’re in the basement, it’s time to fight Tret. Save before you do this and inactivate all your Djinn. Make sure you have full health, as well. Tret has about 350-450 HP, so it’s going to take you a few rounds to get him. Your best bet is using Summons, then Flint with Isaac, and using Psynergy with the others. Tret’s attacks aren’t too great, so you shouldn’t have too much of a health problem. Once he’s dead Tret will come to, realizing that he shouldn’t have turned people into trees. However, he no long has the strength to cure Kolima, so you need to begin a trek to get an item to heal him (more on that later.) Once Tret is done talking the talk, use retreat to get to the entrance of the tree, then use retreat again to end up back at the start of the forest.

Heading North

The next village that you’ll have to go to is the plague infected Imil. Head back west to Bilbin Barricade. Here you will find several trees scattered. Hop up on the stepping stone and use Move to move the trees back to the land. You’ll get a “Hard Nut” (let’s not make any bad jokes about that one which boosts defense after you complete your tasks in Imil. Thanks to Thomas Kim [] for that information. First you’ll want to head back west to Bilibin to stop at the inn and heal all of your party members. Once you’re done, head out of Bilibin and start heading northwest. You’ll cross over a bridge and have to go due west for a while, fighting a few easy monsters on the way. Cross the other bridge and continue along the white dirt path. Finally you’ll reach the Bilibin Cave entrance. Hop the waterfall and enter in the open cave door there. Head right at the first fork and continue that way until you can go down the stairs. Do so and head east through a room with lots of ice cylinders around (it’s getting colder.) Follow that straight through to get to the exit door and arrive very close to Imil. Start traveling north and then to the west and gradually you’ll end up in the town of...


Imil is being plagued by a terrible cold, and the only one who can save them is Mia. The first house you want to enter is the first one directly ahead of you when you first enter town. First, go to the treasure chest and get the empty bottle. This is very important for later on! Now, talk with the old man and he suddenly becomes very ill (what did you do to him? ;-] ) You’re told to go find Mia right away, so head out and take a rest at the inn. Hey, Mia can wait for you to regain health. Once you’re done sleeping, head to the northwest part of town, go up the stairs and then head south. Proceed to the church and talk to the girl near the entrance inside the building. She’ll say that Mia had just gone back to the old people’s home and you must have missed her. So, go back to their home to find Mia curing the old man in bed. Suddenly there’s a flash at the lighthouse and Mia runs off. Before following her to the lighthouse, let’s get another Djinn! Go up the bridge in the north part of town, and go to the stairs on the right. Right before going down the stairs, go up and on the snow face the snowman there and move him to the left using your Psynergy. Now, go across the bridge to the left, and head down until you get to the first opening of ice. Here’s the exact movement that you have to do now: Right, Up, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up and you’ll now find yourself in an ice cave. You’ll automatically slide right up to the Mars Djinn Fever, and without a battle you’ve obtained another Djinn! Head out of the cave and to towards the graves in the town. Press A against the northwest grave to find a Lucky Medal. Thanks to kent smith [] for that information. Now, head to the east part of town and leave that way. Proceed the few steps to the large lighthouse on the coast.

Mercury Lighthouse
Go up the stairs and talk to Mia. Once she’s done talking, go up the ledge to the right of the statue and use Move to move the statue out of the way revealing a portal. We now learn that Mia is an adept and part of the Mercury clan. Using Ply Mia opens the door and you’re now free to follow her. Go up to the large lizard blocking Mia’s way, press A and get ready for a battle. The Lizard Man isn’t anything to worry about, he’s just a little stronger than your standard enemy. Head the either door in the next room, and then the door in the center in the following room. Now, jump across the stone directly in front of you and go up the staircase. Down the hallway in this room you’ll find Mia who once again has had her path stuck. Move the statue towards you to clear the boundary and have Mia join your party! Here’s an interesting note about Mia: In this lighthouse she has infinite PP so feel free to use her Psynergy to the fullest extent. Hop over the statue and proceed to the next room to find several waterfalls. Unlike later waterfalls, you can’t go through any of these so just move east and go through the door there. In this room you will find a series of pipes that roll just like logs, only this time you’ll want to connect pipes to make water flow. Move the first vertical pipe that’s in your way right to connect it and start the water flow. Now move down and then go down and then up the stair case. Go down again, and the around clockwise to another down-and-up staircase. Go all the way up the right wall to find yet another down-and-up staircase. Here you will find a discolored pipe on your left, so push that to your left. Go down and then through another staircase until you can finally go south to a door. Go directly down, jump the gap and then stay on the ledge (read: don’t go down the ladder.) Go all the way around until you get to a statue. You’ll notice a LONG dotted line path and a square on the other end. Taking about 57 seconds, push the statue all the way from where it originally was to the square on the western side. Once that’s been dong, head back all the way from whence you came (6 I think) and head down the ladder. Travel back west once you’re down the ladder, through door, up the ladder and into the next room. In the next room slide down into the hole to land in the middle of the room with water surrounding a plank and a goddess on the wall. Hop over the goddess and use Mia’s Ply Psynergy on her. Now, jump back on the square.
Now that you’re on this square you have a special power to jump 3 times over water, and then one last time to a safe place. So, jump to your right and then head up the door. From here go to the right, and using the water hopping ability you just got, jump over to a ledge and then down into the door. In this room there will be three waterfalls. In this room there will be a treasure chest in the right corner. Watch out! It contains a powerful Mimic! If you did get this chest, though, use your powerful one person attacks, Psynergies and your summons. While Mimic doesn’t attack very hard, he has a ton of health and has the ability to drain PP from a character. When you beat him you’ll get a handy Water of Life which will revive fallen characters. Any ways, head through the third waterfall by pressing up on it and across the water to get Psynergy Armor, which you should equip on a character. Head back out from whence you came (7) and into the center door. Hop onto the only square you can get onto, then move east making sure to end up on another square. Head east again, then go north. Continue along the side wall, remembering that you have exactly four hops to get where you want to go. Head counterclockwise around the corner, and then keep heading south until you reach a door. You’ll end up to the left of the door where you entered the large room with all of the hopping. Head through the door and then through the center waterfall. Head straight the next door and into the door to the north. In this room go to the northern most horizontal pipe and push that up. Now, push the other horizontal pipe up, and then push the vertical pipe to the left. This will fill the water up in the other room, allowing you to now hop over the water using your water hopping ability. So, go back and hop over and go up the stairs. Head up the stairs twice, ignoring the switch. Head all of the way along the left wall, and go through the down-then-up staircase. The objective of this room is to push the statue with flowing water in the hole below. Push the discolored vertical pipe all the way to the left, then move the horizontal pipe so that the vertical pipe can only move back to the right once. Do so and get the water moving the statue in the first out of three directions. Now, move the horizontal pipe out of the way and push the vertical pipe all the way to the right. Finally, move the pipe back to the left and the statue will be dropped below onto the floor below. Head back from whence you came (8) all the way down the stairs and then push the statue onto the switch. Now, head through the open door. This room will have a series of statues that, surprise!, have hidden doors behind them. Head all the way to the right, then go down the ladder and up the ladder all the way to the right. Use Move Psynergy to move the statue here. Now, jump through the door and push the pipe into connection to reveal a door in this room. Head through this door to enter another waterfall room. Go through the 4th waterfall in this room to find another Djinn. This time you’re going to have to battle, so save before you fight it. Watch out for this Djinn, because he has a very powerful Water of Life. Your best strategy is to throw everything you have at him as fast as you can before he can attack you very much. Once you beat him you’ll get Sleet, a Wind Djinn.
Now, head to the west and through the door. Go down the hallway and go to the next room. Go down this hallway, and hop the gaps present. The next room has still more waterfalls, jeez. Go in the very last waterfall and go counterclockwise along the bottom and right walls in the new room you just got in. Move the statue using Psynergy, hop across and go up the staircase. Head down the hallway, and you’ll end up a room or two later in front of a waterfall with a statue there. Use Ply on that statue to float up the waterfall and end up on the top of the statue. Note: Before going up this waterfall you may want to level up to around Level 9 or 10 as the upcoming boss is very difficult.
As soon as you can here, save. You’ll also get a handy Psynergy Crystal, so heal up before you use that. Jump across the ledges and head up the stairs to find none other than Saturos, Jenna, Felix, Kraden and the rest. After some rambling back and forth Saturos will finally challenge you to a battle. Saturos is not going to be a pushover, so you’re going to need to work out a good strategy to beat them. One good one that I used was to pummel Saturos with Flint/Summons with Isaac, use regular attacks and occasionally fire psynergy with Garet, use plasma and occasionally impact with Ivan, and keep using Ply with Mia. After a long time, you should be able to “fell” Saturos. Remember, his AI is pretty bad and you’ll have some luck in keeping characters alive.
Once you finally defeat Saturos, it’s revealed that no, it wasn’t a fair battle and his powers were weekend by the Mercury Tower’s strength. Don’t worry, you don’t have to fight him again (yet ;-]) After a particularly long and repetitive conversation, you’ll finally be able to hitch a ride back down the light house. Also, Mia will permanently join your party! So, when you finally get command of your character again, head west and watch as the elevator comes back up. Hop across the stepping stones and onto the elevator that will take you down to the now overflowing fountain. This fountain water has the power to heal whomever it’s used on, so the town no longer needs Mia. The water also has the power to heal Tret, so go up to the fountain and use your Empty Bottle item on it to fill it up. If you do not yet have the empty bottle, exit the Lighthouse and go to the house with the two sick old people in the southern part of Imil. The bottle is located in a chest in the northwest part of that house. If you for some reason dropped the empty bottle, I believe you can pick it up in the “Artifacts” menu in the Item Shop in Imil. Now that you have Herme’s Water, save your game and head down and out of the Mercury Lighthouse. Congratulations, you’ve now beat this dungeon of sorts!

Back To Kolima Forest

Head out of the light house and go to Imil. Heal all of your characters at the Inn, and if you want to see a little optional story head to the monasteries to say your good byes to the two children there. Next, head back to Bilibin cave. Backtrack your way in the Bilibin cave and head back to Bilibin. Next, keep heading east through the barricade and into Kolima forest. You’ll want to head back to Tret, and if you need help with that refer to the Kolima forest walk through earlier in this FAQ. Once you get to Tret talk to him then give him Hermes’ Water that you got from Imil. Suddenly the forest will light up and Tret will realize what he’s doing. He will now revive the people of Kolima to their original state. The other lady tree will also use her powers to deduce that the monsters that you fight now were once monsters and that they exist in more horrible forms elsewhere (who would have figured?) Once you’re back in command, retreat out of the forest and head to Kolima. Here you can buy the latest upgraded weapons and armor, but there’s not much else to do in the town.
Now head all the way back west to Bilibin and give Lord McCoy a visit. The guards will actually call you “Sir” before arresting you. Don’t worry, though, you’ll just be taken to Lord McCoy. He’ll tell you how he’s gracious of you restoring Kolima to its original state and lets you pick from one of four of his treasure chests. Thanks to altrongundamcustom of the GameFAQ’s message boards for this information: The chests contain, from left to right, Vail, Potion, Psy Crystal, Water of Life. I for one would take Water of Life because you’ll find it to be a little more useful than a Psy Crystal later in the game. Now, exit the city and start heading east once again towards Kolima. This time you won’t go to Kolima, but instead go well past it. Follow the dirt path around until you get to a bridge. A guard will now open it (he wouldn’t open it if you had gone before). On the opposite side of the bridge you still want to continue along the dirt path.

Fuschin Temple

You’ll see Fuschin Temple wedged between two mountains to the north of a dirt path. Once you get in, head up the stairs and go into the lone building in Fuschin Temple. Use Ivan’s Mind Read Psynergy on the main monk there and he’ll talk about you taking a test. In order to mind read him you have to either set Mind Read as a hot key (hold L or R when you have it highlighted in the psynergy menu) or press Select to bring up the in-game menu. Talk with him afterwards and he’ll tell you to go talk to the monk down in the waterfalls. Before, doing that, check around the barrels behind the monk to find a Unicorn Ring that un dues poison (thanks to Thomas Kim [] for this information.) Do as he says, go down the stairs and hop the stones to talk with the monk at the waterfalls. He’ll step aside and you’ll be able to pass through the waterfall into the Fuschin Temple Cave.
In this cave there will be logs that you can move to cross water gaps. Right as you get in you’ll notice a relatively easy treasure chest to get. However, this treasure chest is really a trap! Yes, if you try to open that chest you’ll be attacked by a Mimic. Where you want to go is on the log to the left and then advance up to the next screen. Here you’ll have to hop across different wooden stumps in water. You’ll want to make your way to the western part of the screen, as you don’t really need to go in the doors to the east and north. Once you’ve hopped the hop to the western door, enter it and proceed north through the hallway until you get to another door. In this room there’s a “secret path” that you’ll need to cross to get force. However, you won’t be able to get across without guessing and checking until you find the Dragon Eye.
So, instead of taking the secret path, head to the staircase on the left hand side of the room that’s also near the bottom. Go down this staircase and you’ll arrive in a room with two logs. Head across the vertical log to the south to find a treasure chest with an Arctic Blade which can be very useful. Now, head back across that log and roll down on the horizontal log that was near the door. Go through the door in here. In this room hug the left wall and go down until you reach a vertical log. Take this log across, go north and then east and down the door. You’ll now find yourself in the starting room, but this time you’ll be all the way to the west. Take the vertical log east and enter the door on the other side. Hug the wall here going down to avoid taking damage in the spiky rocks. Here you’ll want to take the horizontal log down, then take the vertical log to the left. Head down on the ledge below and take the horizontal log back up. Hop over the stone from one log to the next and head east. Now take the horizontal log that you can now get to all the way north to get to a new door. In this room you’ll see two horizontal logs in a row a little north of the door. Ride this log all the way up to the northern part of the screen, then take the vertical log there west. Hop on the horizontal log and bring that one up, then head all the way around clockwise hugging the wall and take the horizontal log up. Head across the stone and down the stairs to get the dragons eye. Now, hop north along all of the logs and then quickly into the next room to the north. Now you can use your dragon’s eye item you just go on this dragon to light the room.
Along this path you’ll find a Djinn that’s not very hard to fight and beat. It’s a Mercury Djinn called Zephyr. Here’s one of the descriptions I got from Hop over the stone from one log to the next and head east. To the north you’ll find a Mercury djinn, and he wants a fight. He has some speed and power, but it’s not a very difficult fight. Once you’ve beaten Zephyr, head due south and take the horizontal log all the way north to get to a new door. I’ll revise this when I have a chance.
Once you’ve put the dragon’s eye in the dragon, start heading back from whence you came into the room with the three logs. Head all the way down and across the small log at the southern part of the screen to get near the entrance. Make your way back into the dark room. Now that the dragon eye has been put in place, a shadow of a bridge is revealed. Head 1 square above this bridge in order to find a path that leads you to a ledge in the northern-middle part of the room. Enter it, and continue into the next room. Here you want to jump across the water and get the treasure chest. Held within it is force!
Use retreat to get to the entrance of the waterfall. From here just backtrack, go out of the waterfall and up to the temple. Here the monk will talk to you about the powers of Force you just got. It turns out that it will show all of the monsters in the upcoming forest, and they’ll run away from you if they’re seen. So, Force is basically just a monster repellent.

Mogall Forest

Note: It is not possible to go back through Mogall Forest. However, it still is possible to make your way through Mogall Forest without Force (just follow the directions to go in this walkthrough.)
No, not Muggles from Harry Pottery but Mogall. Here you’ll see a green monster climb into a tree. Use force on this tree to see the Djinn run out to the south. On this screen you’ll see another big stump, but you don’t want to use force on this or you’ll have to fight an Ape. Push the vertical log to your right, the horizontal log down, the vertical log back to the left, and then the horizontal log up. This will land the horizontal log in the water and you should jump across it. Use Force on the stump you’re now next to in order to see the monster escape the east. Follow him! Use Force on the western most stump to see that pesky monster run south, so yet again follow him. On this screen head east to arrive at a horizontal log that’s being constricted from moving due to a rock. Use your Move Psynergy on this rock to push it in a hole and move the horizontal rock down. Roll the next horizontal log in your way down, then move the vertical log to the right. Move the horizontal log all the way up, then once again move the vertical log west into the water. Before you hop over to the next part, go to the southwest part of the grass section you’re currently on to find a Djinn! Save before you fight this guy, because you’ll need to battle him. He’s not very tough to beat, so you don’t need to worry too much as long as you have your Djinn inactive before hand to hit him with summons. Now, hop across the log and use Force on the stump there. The monster will jump across the island gap, but you won’t be able to jump across that. So, head back from whence you came (9 I think) to the northern part of the screen. Walk across the log path that was already there, and go through some trees to arrive at the big stump. Force on the stump to have the monster run off to the west. Follow him and go through the screen going west. You’ll now arrive at a place with three stumps. Here you’ll want to use Force on the middle screen to have the monster run south.
Here is a tip from Benjamin Baker :
“Using Force on the stump on the right will cause an Ape to attack you. After I used force on the middle stump to cause the monster to run south, I went ahead and used force on the left stump. Another monster came out and ran west. I followed west and you come to a screen with a treasure chest on top in the middle, a vertical log and a rock that you have to use Move on three times, once to push it east, once to push it north, and then once to push it east again into it’s hole. This allows the vertical log to be moved out of the way and you can get to the treasure chest. It contains the Elven Shirt, which boosts agility. Defense +22, Agility +49. It is best to equip it on Ivan, who should have the highest agility of the group already, so this just makes him super agile. Isaac should have the Psynery Armor at this point and Garet and Mia are left with Adept’s Clothes, provided that you are keeping your characters in the best stuff available. After getting the Elven Shirt, there is one one way out, to the east, so go back from whence you came and you will be back at the three stumps.”
Head west and then down the log over water path there. You’ll see a vertical log blocked by a rock here, so use Move to move the rock into the hole. Once you’ve done this, push the vertical log right and jump across the water to the island in the middle. Use force on this stump to have the monster jump across to the water to the south. Jump back across to the west and head around the mini-stumps counter clockwise. Push the vertical log east, then the horizontal log south. Head around counter clockwise again and push the vertical log east into the water. Save before you hop across this log, because you’re about to get a boss battle. Use your Force Psynergy once again to force the monster out of the stump and to the south. Follow him and make your way towards the stump in the middle on the next screen. When you walk towards the log in the center you’ll see the monster jump to the south. Follow him, but get ready for his BIG counterpart to ambush you.
It’s now time for a boss battle against Killer Ape. This guy has a lot of health, and his attacks aren’t too shabby. The first thing you want to do is cast all of your summons against him to do a good deal of damage (by now you should have at least one 3-Summon) to him. Now, Isaac should also have a nice new attack called Ragnarok that packs a huge wallop (it’s my favorite looking attack in the game.) Have Garet use his normal attack (I equipped that Arctic Blade on him that I liked pretty much for this point in the game), use Ivan’s Plasma and occasionally Impact on Isaac, and keep using Ply with Mia to keep your other party members alive. When you beat this Ape you’ll get 1500 coins and Douse Drop that’s required much later in the game. Head south once more to find yourself out of Mogall forest. Note: You can’t go back through Mogall forest no matter how hard your try.
Head east and go north over a bridge to reach Xian.


Note: If you do not have Force, do not bother about knocking over the log in Master Feizhi’s temple, as you can’t do it. Simply continue along on your quest, it will not affect your game in the long run.
It may not look like it, but the building just north of you when you enter town is an inn. Stop there and heal up all of your characters. Right away you should notice a Djinn on a cliff in the eastern part of town. In order to get this, you’re going to need Frost. Mia should have this if you equip two Mercury Djinn on her. Now, you want to talk to the girl walking back and forth between the docks and near the cliff. Where you want her is 1 from the top and 1 from the right in order to be able to jump on the pillar once you freeze it from one side of the garbage blocking your way to the other. So freeze it, go up the stairs and hop over to the eastern cliff. You won’t need to battle this Mercury Djinn, Mist. Now, head back across the ice and into the building right there on the cliff. Here you’ll see a tree stump surrounded by a white line. Get right up next to that white line without physically touching it and use force to knock it down. If you didn’t hit the white line the door will open and out come Feizhi and her father, Master Feizhi, discussing her visions. They also mention that Hsu is late and Feizhi will run out to find him. Now, Master Feizhi will come over and make you use Force on the log again. When you do this Master Feizhi goes into a long conversation about how you use Chi from your mind (aka Psynergy) instead of Chi from you hand like him. All of this doesn’t really do anything for you, as you don’t get any items or anything important, but you do get a little more feel for the plot. Now, head to the weapons shop in the northwestern part of the town and buy the latest and greatest weapons. You’re now done in Xian, so head out of town.

On The Road Again...

The first thing you want to do is to go due north of Xian. Continue going past a forest and over a few bridges until you get to a small island. On just about all islands like this you’ll find Djinn, and this is no exception. Here you’ll find a Djinn in a random battle, so get ready for a fight. When you defeat him you’ll get the Mars Djinn, Corona! Head back south until you get past the forest area and then head northwest over a bridge to arrive at Alpine Crossing. Here Feizhi will meet up with you and will start moaning about how Silk Road is blocked due to a boulder. Before heading north, fine a puddle in which you’ll want to use Freeze on (equip only Mercury Djinni on Mia). Then, you’ll want to use growth (equip a Mars Djinni on Isaac) on the small beanstalk plant in plain site. Climb the plant, and slide down the ledge once you get up there. Hop across the Ice Pillar and head down the ledge to a treasure chest that contains Power Bread. Once you’re done that, head north at Altin Crossing and you’ll see the town of Altin.
Note: If you’re having trouble going north at Altin Crossing STOP USING THE ROM AND BUY THE REAL GAME YOU CHEAPSKATE.


You arrive in Altin and things are a mess. The water is overflowing and flooding most of the homes in the village. Head west a little and you’ll see a statue that you can move. Use Move on it to enter a small cave with a treasure chest in it. This chest will give you a useful Psy Crystal that you’ll want to hold onto for later. Head to the inn to rest up, then go down the ladder right in front of the inn. Head south to find a Water Monster who’s spitting water into the lake that was once a town. He’ll flee into the cave and you should follow him. Go a little north in the cave to find the monster hopping very slowly up a ledge and to the other part of the cave. You’ll probably want to save this point and inactivate all of your Djinn. Hop across the ice and then slide down the cliff and press A to battle the Living Statue. These guys are hard core water, so fire attacks are simply devastating against them. Like most of the earlier bosses, he has a lot of health but his attacks aren’t all that powerful. As always, cast all of your summons against him off the bat, then hit him with Ragnarok with Isaac, Heat Wave with Garet, Plasma with Ivan and either attack or Ply with Mia. Once he’s been defeated, you’ll obtain a frost jewel that lets you use Frost when equipped (note: Mia should already know Frost. If she doesn’t, make sure that you only have Water Djinn on her.) Go down the ladder and frost the puddle. Now, jump across the ice pillar and go out of the cave.
You’ll now notice that the water level is a little lower than it once was, but it’s still not what it should be. Head to the east part of the town and go down the two ladders there. You’ll now be able to go into the Mine Shaft called...

Altin Peak

To find the first Water Monster in Altin Peak you’re going to want to follow the mine track for several screens. Eventually you’ll arrive at a screen that has a large lake with another one of those Living Statues there. In order to get this guy, you’re going to have to take the mine cart, so head around the bottom and Left walls clockwise to find the mine cart. However, you’ll need to flip the switch a little east of the mine cart first in order to have the track go the correct direction to reach this water monster. After a roller coaster ride of sorts, you’ll end up right next to the Living Statue, so save your game and inactivate all of your Djinn. Approach the Living Statue and press A when next to it to challenge it to a battle. See above for my strategy to beat this enemy. When you beat him you’ll get a Vial that restores 500 HP and the water level will drain a little again. You’ll now want to head back from whence you came (8) on the mine cart, then go east followed by south towards a ladder and a door. There is a treasure chest in this door, but it’s blocked by a large rock that you’ll need lift to get past (more on that later.) Head up the other ladder, and go clockwise until you get back at the door. Continue back along the track until you get to the next screen. On this screen continue going along the track until you see a door to the north that you haven’t gone in yet. Proceed through this door and climb down the ladder in this room. Go through the door and head west. You’ll see a train track going south when you get to the western wall, so go down from there. Here you’ll want to change the switch to go west as opposed to east, then head north along the train track. When you reach the mine cart head in and find yourself across the lake next to a door. Proceed through this door. In this room head west until there’s a fork where you’ll want to head south. In the next room, don’t go up the ladder until you freeze the puddle of water in between two ledges. Now that you’ve done that, head up the ladder and jump over the ice pillar to the other side. Go through the door to find a room with a mine cart and a Living Statue visible. Hrmmm, I wonder if you’ll have to use the mine cart to get this living statue? ;-] Climb down the ladder from the ledge you were on and head west. When you see another ladder going up to a connecting piece of mine track (it’s got jumps on either end) head north just to the west of this and freeze the puddle there. Don’t go up that ladder just yet, though. Instead, go west some more and go up the ladder there. Flip the switch from left to right, then go down that ladder and up the ladder in the middle. Jump across the ice pillar and hop in the mine cart. You’ll end up on a ledge northwest of the lake. Here you should climb down the ladder, save your game and standby all of your Djinn and get ready for another Living Statue battle. See above for strategies. By this time you may even be able to beat him in one round ;-]. Now, use retreat and head out of the cave and stop by the inn and weapons shops.
Now, you want to go to the lowest entrance of the mine and follow the mine tracks. When you get to a fork near the beginning of the track, head right and continue until the track ends a few screens later. When the track ends, go clockwise in that room and then head south. In this part, you’ll want to head east then start heading north. Keep going along the path to eventually end up a door that you want to go through. In this room, you’ll see a Djinn on a ledge. Let’s go get another Djinn! Go to the eastern part of the room where you’ll see a stump and a puddle of water. Move the stump one square to the left and freeze the puddle. Head north and climb up the ladder. Change the switch when you get up there and head south along the mine cart. Hop across the ice pillar and stump and into the mine cart. You’ll first go in the apparent wrong direction off to the right, but hop in the cart again to land just north of the Djinn. Head south and prepare for a battle. By this point Djinn really shouldn’t be posing much of a challenge to you, especially if you use the right attacks against them. For example, fire attacks wreck havoc on this Mercury Djinn, Spiritz. Now, head back in the mine cart and get out. Head west to find a water puddle that, surprise, you’ll have to freeze. Don’t climb up the ladder quite yet, as there’s another puddle you have to freeze a little further west. Now, go back east and head up the ladder. Ledge hop and go through the door. In this new room, take a left and head south for a long time until you reach a door. In this room, go north through a rock filled tunnel until you find a sign and a dead end. Read the sign that talks about falling rocks. If you didn’t have Force by now Garet would get angry and kick the tree causes a boulder to come after you. If Garet does not kick down the log, try using Psynergy on the log, getting as close to it as possible, reading the sign again, etc. He will eventually kick it. If you do have Force, line up facing the tree stump and use force on it. A giant rock will fall and you’ll automatically run away. It will cause a giant hole in the middle of the rail road tracks. Climb down the ladder then slide down the mountainside. Now, head to the north part of the hole and climb down the broken track as if it was a ladder. Head west to find a paved area that apparently was a secret buried deep beneath the mines. At this point you’ll want to save your game because it’s just about boss time.
It’s time to fight the final boss of Altin Peak. As always put all your Djinn on standby. Cast all of your summons against this boss to do a substantial amount of damage. Now, use Ragnarok with Isaac, Heat Wave with Garet, Impact on Garet and Storm Ray with Ivan, and Ply with Mia. This boss has a really bad attack and the fear of dieing really shouldn’t be there. On his death you get 2400 coins and a Lucky Medal. Plus, you’ll get a treasure chest behind the boss that contains the Lifting Gem that lets you lift large rocks in your way. Now, use retreat and heal your wounds in the Inn. If you haven’t done so yet, get the latest weapons and armor from the shops in town.
Once more enter the mine entrance at the lowest possible point. Go along the mine tracks until you reach the fork. Here you’ll want to go forward at the fork, and use the Lift Psynergy that you got from that Lifting Gem on the brown rock there. The rock will now hover over your head allowing you to pass to the door. In this screen head left, but don’t go to the far left unless you’re really interested in getting a Vial behind a statue. When you head up the middle path there will be another rock there that, surprise, you have to lift. Continue along this path, and the next door you go through will put you back on the world map, this time near...

Lama Temple

There’s not a lot of things to do in Lama Temple except go up to the main building in the northwestern part of town. Before you get there, however, there’s a Psynergy stone that you really don’t need but can get if you really want it. Walk in the temple to start talking with Master Hama (who is a girl by the way.) She apparently has the power of anticipation. After a lengthy conversation she’ll reveal to you how to make Ivan use reveal (bad pun.) Reveal is a very useful tool to find hidden objects, doors and other things in the game and is required crossing the Lamakan Desert. During this conversation Feizhi who was off to find Hsu and the others earlier will pop in and said that the transfer did work. Then Master Hama and Feizhi will rush off to Alpine Crossing where Hsu is trapped. You’ll want to follow them, but before you leave town jump the small stream to end up on the east part of town. Use your new Reveal Psynergy to reveal a chest that contains some Water of Life.
Head directly east of Lama Temple to reach Alpine Crossing and to see the trapped Hsu. At first it appears there’s no way to get to him besides going back through Altin, but once again use Reveal to open up a secret door. Pass through the small temple to reach the other side. Go up the rock and use Lift on it to free Hsu from the boulder. When you come back later the rocks will now be cleared and you can freely pass through Alpine Crossing. Once you save him you’ll end up back in Lama Temple where the characters go on and on and on about whether or not Master Hama looked at Ivan. Sheesh, what bad storytelling. Leave the Temple Area and head southwest to reach...

Lamarkan Desert

When you first enter Lamarkan Desert you’ll notice something different. There is a heat bar on the left, and if it reaches the top you will lose about ¼ of your health on all the characters. To make the heat bar go down, you must find Oasases which are pulls of water surrounded by a circle of rocks. In order to find these pulls of water you’ll need to use reveal. However, some of the rocks are traps, so use reveal when you’re well away from them or you risk getting sucked into one and fighting a difficult monster.
Head along the path for a while until you reach the first circle of rocks. Use reveal on this to reveal a pool of water that you should jump into. Continue along the path and at the first branch off go up it to find another rock circle that has water in it. Head northwest up the narrow path, and take the eastern path over the western one. Don’t go in the rock circle at the beginning of this path because it contains a crab ready to attack you. Instead, continue along in that direction to find a rock circle after the path starts heading north that contains much needed water. After cooling down, continue up to reach the next screen. This screen is much more open than the other screen, so you have to know which way to go. Stay south, finding in the first rock group a treasure box with a potion in it and in the next one a pool of water. After cooling down, head north a little and go around the cliff there. Shortly after going around that cliff you’ll find another pool, this one containing a water hole. Just northwest of there is the entrance to the next zone. However, don’t go there quite yet, as we have a Djinn to get! Head all of the way north and the start heading east. You’re not going to be able to get enough water to sustain yo
"Well if it’s from the internatz it must be true!" © Jamie Hyneman 27-5-2009
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Oud 20-08-2002, 16:09
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Nou pleur de bron meer (url waar je 't vandaag heb) en wis de rest dan is iedereen weer tevreden...
Val lekker even dood! Cooking is science for hungry people *Mysteria*
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Oud 20-08-2002, 17:08
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Hoe dom kan je zijn...
Im Not Here To Mingle. Im Here To Annoy.
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Oud 21-08-2002, 17:51
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WijfMan schreef:
Hoe dom kan je zijn...
Niet dommer als mij

Paperz schreef:Nou pleur de bron meer (url waar je 't vandaag heb) en wis de rest dan is iedereen weer tevreden...
walkthru cmpleet version;

djinn location list;
"Well if it’s from the internatz it must be true!" © Jamie Hyneman 27-5-2009
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