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Oud 09-11-2010, 12:22
Hallo allemaal,

ik moet morgen een Engelse schrijf toets maken. voor deze toets moeten we een essay schrijven. de stellingen hebben we al eerder gekregen zodat we ons konden voorbereiden. Ik heb als voorbereiding alvast een essay geschreven, zodat ik de basis een beetje in mijn hoofd heb. jammer genoeg ben ik nog al slecht in Engels. mijn vraag aan jullie is dan ook of jullie fouten in mijn essay zien en of jullie deze kunnen verbeteren. verdere tips zijn natuurlijk altijd welkom.
Alvast bedankt!

Groeten Dubalt

Why secondary education institutions should be divided by gender

Until the second part of the 20th century, the most secondary education institutions were divided by gender. This way of teaching changed very suddenly in the second part of the 20th century. Nowadays, the idea of dividing schools by gender is back on track.
To prevent distraction of students of the opposite sex, single sex schools are needed.
By dividing the schools by gender, the teaching techniques can be geared toward the gender of the students. Another positive thing about single-sex schools is that they will break down the gender stereotypes. Because of this arguments I think it would be a valuable changes to divide all secondary education institutions by gender

The first argument that I will give for single-sex school is that students wont be distracted anymore by students of the opposite sex. Research has shown that students can focus better when they are separated in to different classrooms (one for males and the other for females). The research has shown that especially at the age of a high school student, a student of the opposite sex can be a distraction. To prevent distraction of somebody of the opposite sex, single-sex schools are needed.

Another argument for the single-sex schools is also a fact. Resent research has shown that the brains of boys develop otherwise then the brains of girls. This means also that the optimal teaching techniques difference for each gender. For example, research has shown that girls learn better in a warm classroom, while boys perform better in a cooler one.
By dividing students by gender, the classroom temperature can be adapted to the gender of the students. because of this fact, single-sex school can achieve better results

Finally, the last argument that I will give is that single sex-schools will break down the gender stereotypes. For example, girls are free of the pressure to compete with boys in male-dominated subjects such as math and science. Boys, on the other hand, can more easily pursue traditionally "feminine" interests such as music and poetry. This argument is based on statistics: girls at single-sex school achieve better results at math and science while boys achieve better results at literature and poetry.

In conclusion, single-sex schools have a lot of advantages that will improve the results of students. single sex schools will prevent distraction of a student of the opposite sex, single-sex schools can adapt their teaching techniques to the gender of the students and single-sex schools will break down the gender stereotypes.
I can assure you, dividing all secondary education institutions by gender will be a valuable change.
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Oud 09-11-2010, 21:16
Avatar van DestinyPlan
DestinyPlan is offline
Why Secondary Education Institutions Should be Divided by Gender

Until the second part of the 20th century, most secondary education institutions were divided by gender. This method of teaching suddenly changed in the second part of the 20th century. Nowadays, the idea of dividing schools by gender is back on track.
To prevent distraction by the students of the opposite sex, single sex schools are needed.
By dividing the schools by gender, the teaching techniques can be focused towards the specific gender of the students. Another positive point about single-sex schools is that they will break down the gender stereotypes. Because of these arguments, I think it would be a valuable (and useful) change to divide all secondary education institutions by gender.

The first argument that I will give for single-sex schools is that students wont be distracted anymore by students of the opposite sex. Research has shown that students can focus better when they are separated into different classrooms (one for males and the other for females). The research has shown that especially at the age of a high school student, a student of the opposite sex can be a distraction. To prevent distraction of somebody of the opposite sex, single-sex schools are needed. (bron/referentie?)

Another argument for the single-sex schools is also a fact. Recent research has shown that the brains of boys develop differently than the brains of girls. This also means that the optimal teaching techniques differs for each gender. For example, research has shown that girls learn better in a warm classroom, while boys perform better in a cooler one.
By dividing students by gender, the classroom temperature can be adapted to the gender of the students. because of this fact, single-sex school can achieve better results. (bron/referentie)

Finally, the last argument that I will give is that single sex-schools will break down the gender stereotypes. For example, girls are free of the pressure to compete with boys in several male-dominated subjects such as maths and science. Boys, on the other hand, can more easily pursue traditionally "feminine" interests such as music and poetry. This argument is based on statistics: girls at single-sex school achieve better results at math and science while boys achieve better results at literature and poetry.

In conclusion, single-sex schools have a lot of advantages that will improve the results of students. single sex schools will prevent distraction of a student of the opposite sex, single-sex schools can adapt their teaching techniques to the gender of the students and single-sex schools will break down the gender stereotypes.
I can assure you, dividing all secondary education institutions by gender will be a valuable change.

Volgens mij zijn "in-text references" nodig voor specifieke informatie.
voorbeeld: "Recent studies have shown that single-sex schools will give students the oppertunity to reach more advanced scores at school. (Wider World, p68-69)"

Als je dit informatie van het internet haalt, moet je ook een bibliografie schrijven.
Voorbeeld in MLA style bibliografie: Waugh, David. Wider World.: Nelson Thornes, 2005. Print.
of gebruik

Je bent niet slecht in Engels =)
keep it up, and good luck
Misschien kan iemand dit even dubbel nakijken, just in case

Laatst gewijzigd op 09-11-2010 om 21:22.
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Oud 10-11-2010, 14:13
Bedankt voor je reactie en je nakijk hulp! die kan ik in mijn zak steken!

gr. Dubalt
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Oud 12-03-2015, 10:43
Niet geregi
Mijn essay schrijven kunnen jullie tips of dingen die ikfout heb gedaan geven ? Bedankt gr ano

Animal testing: there has been many discussions about this subject.Some people think that animal testing is badly and pathetic for the animals, but for each pro you have a con so let's discus some pros and cons.✌️

One advantage✌️is that animal testing can show what products can do with your skin.For example✌️if you buy a new shampoo bottle and you use it, it can change or hurt your self or your skin and that is not fine. Another point ✌️is that animal testing has enabled the development of numerous life saving treatsmemts for both humans and animals, that there is no alternative method for researching a complete living organism and that strict regulations prevent the mistreatment of animals in laboratories.
On top of that,✌️if you test animals they can help researches to find drugs and treatsments, they can use dogs to hunt for drugs so the culprit can be picked up. All in all ✌️animal testing helps humans and animals life and you are forsure that your skin do not change if you use the shampoo.

However, for every plus there is a minus.For one thing✌️, countless animals are experimented on and then killed after their use.Other are injured and will still live the remainder of their lives in captivity.What is more, some substances tested, may never be used for anything useful. For instance,✌️ they test an creme on an animal and it does not work or smell well or things like that, they have hurt the animal for things that never be used and that is an aspect for the people that hate animal testing.Last of all✌️ ,animal testing is very expensive.Animal testing generally costs an enormous amount of money, as the animals must be fed,housed,cared for amd treated with drugs or a similar experimental substance.The reality is that ✌️animal testing is badly and very expensive.Sometimes the animals get killed after they finished te test or they still a life but are affected and that is pathetic.

To sum up✌️, some people think animal testing is badly and some people think that if they do not test things on animals the humans get hurt and affected by for example shampoo. I think that ✌️animal testing is badly an horrible for the animals. If the products does not get released, the animals are tested for nothing and they live a life with affected body change or some bad stuff like that.
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Oud 12-03-2015, 11:40
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bloodyb is offline
Mijn essay schrijven kunnen jullie tips of dingen die ikfout heb gedaan geven ? Bedankt gr ano

Animal testing: there HAVE been many discussions about this subject.Some people think that animal testing is BAD and pathetic for the animals, but for each pro you have a con so let's discus some pros and cons.✌️

One advantage✌️is that animal testing can show what products can do TO your skin.For example✌️if you buy a new shampoo (bottle) and you use it, it MIGHT AFFECT OR HURT YOU and that is not NICE. Another point ✌️is that animal testing has enabled the development of numerous life saving TREATMENTS for both humans and animals, that there is no alternative method for researching a complete living organism and that strict regulations prevent the mistreatment of animals in laboratories.
On top of that,✌️if you test ON animals THAT can help researches to find drugs and TREATMENTS, they can use dogs to hunt for drugs so the culprit can be picked up. All in all ✌️animal testing helps humans and animals life and you are SURE that your skin DOES not change if you use the shampoo.

However, for every plus there is a minus.For one thing✌️, countless animals are experimented on and then killed after their use.OTHERS are injured and will still live the remainder of their lives in captivity.What is more, some substances tested, may never be used for anything useful. For instance,✌️ they test A creme on an animal and it does not work or SMELL BAD or things like that, they have hurt the animal for things that WILL never be used and that is an ARGUMENT for the people that hate animal testing.Last of all✌️ ,animal testing is very expensive.Animal testing generally costs an enormous amount of money, as the animals must be fed,housed,cared for AND treated with drugs or a similar experimental substance.The reality is that ✌️animal testing is BAD and very expensive.Sometimes the animals ARE killed after they finished THE test or they ARE STILL ALIVE but are affected and that is pathetic.

To sum IT up✌️, some people think animal testing is BAD and some people think that if they do not test things on animals the humans COULD get hurt and ARE affected by for example shampoo. I think that ✌️animal testing is BAD AND horrible for the animals. If the products does not get released, the animals are tested for nothing and they live a life with affected body change or some bad stuff like that.
Correcties in hoofdletters. En ik zou de handjes er uit halen.
Huh-huh-huh you said but. Shut up Bunghole! Je suis Manneke Pis
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