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Oud 24-01-2007, 20:23
Avatar van RodeKrab
RodeKrab is offline
Het gaat over verschillende methodes om de doodstraf mee toe te passen. Ik hoop dat jullie foutjes kunnen ontdekken, want het zal vast niet perfect zijn Alvast super bedankt!

Several manners to carry out the death penalty

There are several manner to carry out the dealth penalty by people. In the last centuries there were the most inhuman manners.

First of all the guillotine. The guillotine is especially used after the French Revolution. It had been this way made, that people will died as quick and painless as possible.
The executioner must lay down on a couch. Then he will fasten , with His head between two pieces of wood, with a special chink (spleet). The knife will than fall through the chink, and than you are behead.

In the Middle Ages people, such as witches, were throwed on a fire battery.
Somebody were tied up to a pile, with there around firewood.
Than the fire was switched on, and the people burned.
When you were lucky, people put flammable stuff into your clothes, so you earlier died.

The Breaking wheel also comes from the time of the Middle Ages. This was a very dishonourable manner to die. The person were tied up in a wheel. A beul hit the persoon than, with an iron bar, until the bones spintler. The body were braid in the rad, and than came the final stroke to the heart, with the result that the person died.

The current methodes are more human.
Especiacally in the United Stated, they used the Electric Chair. The convict must sit in a chair. With a special mechanism he gets electric shocks, the brains become overheated and the person died.

People could also get the suspension as method. With a special rope on the neck, than the person will fal, and break his neck and spinal cord, when the person died.

Most used is the deadly injection.
Somebody will tied up to a bed. Than he gets in his arms an infusion. After that the deadly matters will going into the infusion. At the end the potassium hydrochlorate, so than the heart stopped.
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Oud 24-01-2007, 23:48
June bug
June bug is offline
Several manners to carry out the death penalty

There are several ways of carrying out a dealth penalty. During the last few centuries there were lots of very inhuman manners of doing so.

First of all the guillotine. The guillotine was especially used after the French Revolution. It had been designed in a way that people died as quickly and painless as possible.
The person sentenced to death must lay down on a bench. Then he will be tied down with his head between two pieces of wood with a special chink (spleet)(??) in it. The knife will then fall through the chink, and then the person is beheaded/decapitated.

In the Middle Ages, people (for example witches) were thrown on a hist.
Somebody would be tied up to a pile of (??), with firewood around it.
Then the fire would be lit, and the people were burned.
The lucky people would have flammable put onto their clothes, so they would die faster.

The breaking wheel also comes from the time of the Middle Ages. This was a very dishonourable manner to die. The person was tied up to a wheel. An executioner would then hit the person with an iron bar, until the victim's bones splinter. The body was braid(??) in the rad, and then the final stroke to the heart came, and as a result the person died.

The current methods are more human.
Especially in the United States, where they use the Electric Chair. The convict must sit in a chair. With a special mechanism he receives electric shocks, the brains become overheated and the person dies.

People could also get the suspension as a death penalty. With a rope around the neck, the person falls, and breaks his neck and spinal cord. Then the person obviously dies.

Most common is the deadly injection.
Somebody will be tied up to a bed. Then he gets an infusion in his arms. After that, the deadly matters will go into the infusion. The potassium hydrochlorates(??), and then the heart stops.

Ik heb geprobeerd om t zo goed mogelijk te verbeteren, heb alleen achter een paar dingen vraagtekens gezet:

Chink: Ook geen idee hoe je dat precies zegt, weet ook niet of 'chink' goed is.

Pile: Ik weet niet zeker of je 'pile' zo los kunt gebruiken, dus anders kun je erachter zetten waar die 'pile' van gemaakt is.

Braid: Ik weet niks over die doodsstraf, en 'braid' staat in mijn woordenboek als vlechten oid, dus ik weet niet wat je er precies mee bedoelt ofzo en dus ook niet of de werkwoordsvorm goed is.

Hydrochlorates: Hydrochlorine is zoutzuur, maar het werkwoord 'to hydrochlorate' (neem aan dat je zoiets bedoelt?) bestaat niet. Misschien bedoel je 'verzuren', dat zal iets als 'to grow sour' zijn ofzo?

Ohja, en je gebruikt heel vaak 'than' ipv 'then'. 'Then' gebruik je als je een tijd aangeeft: 'And then he went to school' als in: en toen ging hij naar school. 'Than' gebruik je om een vergrotende trap aan te geven: 'Bigger than'.
Shake your body like the dance//

Laatst gewijzigd op 24-01-2007 om 23:51.
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Oud 25-01-2007, 11:10
Avatar van Belgarath
Belgarath is offline
Volgens mij is de guillotine nog behoorlijk humaan. Je zegt zelf: It had been designed in a way that people died as quickly and painless as possible. Humaner dan de elektrische stoel in elk geval.
The brown rat looks questioningly at its corpse. Squeak? SQUEAK. The ghost of the rat nods sadly, and disappears down a nearby sewer.
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Oud 01-02-2007, 13:55
Avatar van RodeKrab
RodeKrab is offline
Bedankt voor de reacties, super!
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Oud 02-02-2007, 15:05
Apart onderwerp voor een spreekbeurt... Ik krijg het idee dat je je met een Jantje van leiden hebt afgemaakt, maar goed. Voor welk niveau is dit als ik vragen mag?

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Oud 02-02-2007, 16:17
Avatar van RodeKrab
RodeKrab is offline
5 HAVO, ja ik weet het ik ben slecht in Engels
En het ging ook behoorlijk slecht
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Oud 02-02-2007, 16:34
RodeKrab schreef op 02-02-2007 @ 17:17 :
5 HAVO, ja ik weet het ik ben slecht in Engels
En het ging ook behoorlijk slecht
Oh wel, je best vast weer goed in andere dingen.
Met citaat reageren
Oud 02-02-2007, 17:50
Avatar van RodeKrab
RodeKrab is offline
Ach ja inderdaad..
Als ik me examen niet zal halen, zal dat aan Duits en Engels liggen..
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