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Oud 30-08-2006, 22:11
Left alone, dArtagnan read and reread his billet. Before entering his closet the king desired to be informed themoment the cardinal arrived.
There was a moment of trouble and confusion in the assembly. In fact, at the end of a few minutes the belfryof St.
If I made you that present it wasthat you might adorn yourself therewith.
It is true the cardinal had beenparticularly ill-tempered.
The opening of this door disclosed a brilliantlight, and she disappeared. Sell this ring, a ring which comes from my sovereign?
Atall events, young man, rely upon one who has been thirty years atcourt.
It is true the cardinal had beenparticularly ill-tempered. It is not natural forletters to enter peoples houses in this manner. It was oneof those perfumed gloves that lovers like to snatch from a prettyhand.
Cloud let fall slowly ten strokes from its sonorous jaws.
They were those we rode on; and you may rely upon me for theothers not being inferior to them.
The least that can be expected is that you will bearrested. After the reward of hisdevotion, that of his love was to come. Why, it isindeed a true royal jewel, which is worth a thousand pistoles ifit is worth a denier.
Dont you think, monsieur, that woods are like churches?
At length, after winding about fora minute or two, Mme.
At three oclock came two companies of the Guards, one French,the other Swiss. DArtagnan bowed to the duke, and made his way as quickly aspossible to the riverside.
He had made nearly sixty leaguesin little more than twelve hours. They were those we rode on; and you may rely upon me for theothers not being inferior to them.
In the room adjoining the chamber in which she changed hertoilet.
Fore Gad, these Frenchmen have no consideration!
This glove, wherever it had nottouched the muddy ground, was of irreproachable odor. De Wardes, one of the cardinals men, a cousin ofRochefort! Why, it isindeed a true royal jewel, which is worth a thousand pistoles ifit is worth a denier.
He called successively at the abodes of Athos, Porthos, andAramis.
Left alone, dArtagnan read and reread his billet.
Ah, monsieur, said Planchet, on perceiving dArtagnan, howglad I am to see you.
That is true, said the duke; and it is to this person I ambound to discharge my debt of gratitude.
You are right, my dear Monsieur Bonacieux, my friends and I havebeen on a little journey.
Ah, young man, young man, some flirtation or other.
That is true, said the duke; and it is to this person I ambound to discharge my debt of gratitude. Eight days had been occupied in preparations at the Hotel deVille for this important evening.
DArtagnan placed the ring on his finger, and again waited; itwas evident that all was not yet over.
No one has BROUGHT a letter, monsieur, replied Planchet; butone has come of itself. Planchet, said dArtagnan, I am going out for all day,perhaps.

Na het lezen van dit verhaal moet men zich beseffen dat dit niet door mijn hand komt, maar door een spambericht die ik net in mijn inbox vond. Gewoon een aardigheidje. Iemand trouwens enig idee waar dit van gestolen is, want ik geloof niet dat een spammer zo creatief is
Met citaat reageren
Oud 30-08-2006, 22:30
Ik vind zulke teksten eigenlijk enorm geniaal. Het is natuurlijk allemaal automatisch gegenereerde onzin om te ontsnappen aan spamfilters, maar grammaticaal zit het meestal redelijk in elkaar, en dat is als een prestatie op zich.

Maar het heeft nog veel in zich. Ook al is het niet echt leesbaar, heeft het wel een enorme kracht. Het balanceert namelijk op de scheiding tussen mens en computer. Het grootste verschil tussen die twee is, mijns inziens, dat mensen in staat zijn spontaan iets te denken, voelen of doen (de discussie of we vrije wil hebben of een biologisch gevolg van onze hersenen zijn daargelaten), terwijl computers geen eigen inbreng kunnen hebben. Als ik mijn Commodore 64 de opdracht geef een random nummer te genereren, voert hij een wiskundige formule uit waarin het aantal seconden dat hij aanstaat de variable is, die voor de 'randomness' van het resultaat zorgt. Geen echte willekeurigheid dus, in tegenstelling tot wat de mens (denkt te kunnen) kan.

Deze verhalen zijn met een zelfde soort semi-random formules gegenereerd uit een woordendatabase, maar omdat het gaat om tekst, ga je als lezer direct vanzelf betekenis toekennen aan wat je leest en ook al berust het allemaal op stomme toevalligheden die samengegooit zijn door een machine die niet denkt en slechts orders opvolgt, is het wel tof. Wanneer je een kloppende zin ziet, lijkt het alsof je in het bewustzijn of de ziel van de computer kijkt, ook al heeft hij die niet. Het is net alsof je opeens met dieren of planten zou kunnen praten; toegang tot een onbekende wereld waar we iedere dag mee te maken hebben. Vooral omdat het allemaal onzin is, kun je er leuke, profetische betekenissen aan vastknopen.

Iets vergelijkbaars is er op Onder de kop Xperimenteel kun je naar de Generator gaan. Daarmee wordt een 'verhaal' gegenereert dat bestaat uit zinnen en woorden uit alle reeds ingezonden verhalen op die site. Ook erg mooi.

Met citaat reageren
Oud 01-09-2006, 13:00
Ik snap het niet.
Met citaat reageren
Oud 02-09-2006, 14:15
For as before from behind a palm appeared the sailorTau. My Lord awaits me,she fell back and died.
They drew near while all the company stared at them in silence.
Where heis, there would I be and nowhere else, and least of all in thisaccursed Egypt. Moreover, never did they seem to take payment for the foodthey brought.
There on the roll the matter is setout well and clearly. For this, indeed, Iam sorry, since those young men were not bad fellows in their way. You slew those who slew your King Kheperra and bore his body from thebattle. I know it, Ru; yet sometimes folly betrays as well as craft.
Behold her kissed and crowned ofthe Dawn. Theofficers shouted, Tau swore and tried to drag him back, yelling ordersinto his ear.
There is one that has the apis marks upon it,or something of the kind. The giant obeyed and of his own accord knelt down before Roy, who wenton:Hearken, Ru the Ethiopian.
Herethey disembarked, all of them, under shelter of the darkness and of abed of reeds. But I am of blood different from that of you soft Egyptiansand I have suffered grievous wrong. From all that I have heard of Roy I think that would be far indeed,Queen, said Kemmah. Go tell herto forget her woes and be as crafty as a serpent. Moreover, it is notfor me to ask of ends, who am sworn to obey without doubt orquestion. Tauappeared, very roughly clad, and in a coarse voice inquired of theirbusiness.
Come hither, Ru, for so I think you are named, he said. Where heis, there would I be and nowhere else, and least of all in thisaccursed Egypt. Nor would she speak much to Taubecause, as she declared, she trusted no man any more.
Kinswoman, bring me the child, said the Prophet. Now, Captain, who is this giant and what are you doing with himon board your trading boat? Yet of these matters do not ask me but ask one whom you willsoon meet and whose disciple I am.
There you will find a woman, anurse of kings in whom my blood runs. But tell me, Lord, where shall Ifind you?
Where heis, there would I be and nowhere else, and least of all in thisaccursed Egypt.
Yet, he went on, it is reported to me that in this night that isgone, your Majesty dreamed a dream. Babylon is faroff and all the lands between are ablaze with war. Hands were stretched out to helpthem; soon they were all aboard.
Met citaat reageren
Oud 02-09-2006, 21:48
Thenthere was a violent crack of sound, like the split of lightning inthe sky.
Could you allow theGermans to invade England and do nothing? The sparks wentvolleying up the chimney in a shower of gold eyes. It seemed to her that he hoardedimmense supplies of emotion that he could not express.
Inside silent people sat huddled up; they lookedcadaverous and unreal in the blue light.
A shadow like an angel with bright hair .
Good-bye, she said, and put down the telephone. She jumped up, and for the first time he saw her face in the fulllight.
Then they heard a shuffling on the stairs. There was ared-yellow glow over it all, for the sun was sinking through theLondon dust. Dyou know, he said, looking at her, that youve a smudge onyour face?
So it was left to Crosby to clean the Counts bath. Come, he said, taking her by the shoulder and pushing her out ofthe room.
Here and there on a grass blade or on a hedgeleaf a drop hung motionless.
But there had been acomplete break; none of them could remember what they had beensaying.
Then he gave thedoor a push; it was open. The guns went onbooming and the sirens wailed. Good-bye, she said, and put down the telephone. She started; she looked at the window;she half rose. The light had changed; it was green now, he hadbeen blocking the way. Suddenly a clear flute-like note rang out in the street below.
There were people talking inside her room, and she wantedto have a word with her nephew alone. The guns were still firing, but far away in thedistance. They had sat on the edge of the bathtogether. She was kneeling at thetelephone talking; but there was nobody there.
Whether this was the right streetor not, he could not be sure; he filtered slowly round the corner.
If we do not knowourselves, how can we know other people? Dyou know, he said, looking at her, that youve a smudge onyour face? And what have you been thinking all this time?
Eleanor says Thatsjust what I was thinking.
Now lets finish our pudding, she said, speaking in her naturalvoice.
Again they sat silent, looking at the fire. Because people always say the same thing, she laughed. Whether he referred to the paper, or to what they were saying,Eleanor did not know. He used to write poetry; now the moodhad come again as he stood there waiting.


In allhis life he had never seen so many made-up faces as he saw now. If they wont let you go,let me know when you come to the end of it.
He shook her gloved hand, and perceiving that his own was again indanger, withdrew it hastily. Soames would never have believed that people could besuch fools. What should the nineteenth century have done in its youth withRothschild and Napoleon? And it all seemed to have happened in two days. She could do much more good by knitting andbeing economical. He hadnt beensince the war began, and his visit now had no connection with God. Rumours of naval engagements, rumours of spies,rumours of Russians.
And out there the Germans were breaking through! She stood swaying with the tears running down her face.
It alsotells you how you may distribute copies of this eBook if you want to.
What is the United States to do with itsmoney kings and bosses?
They had a right, he supposed, to theirown ideas about things. The moisture ceased, and removing all trace of it, he leaned backwith eyes closed. They had a right, he supposed, to theirown ideas about things. It was a victoryeven if we HAD lost all those ships.
Despite theseefforts, the Projects eBooks and any medium they may be on may containDefects. Hewalked back into the house and slammed the door. Soames suspected him of enjoyingsomething else, besides. Soames suspected him of enjoyingsomething else, besides.
There was a sinking sensation in the pit of hisstomach. There was a sinking sensation in the pit of hisstomach.
Soames, in the doorway, lifted his hand, twiddlingit towards her turned red face.
He shook her gloved hand, and perceiving that his own was again indanger, withdrew it hastily.
He hadnt beensince the war began, and his visit now had no connection with God.
We shall never win, he said, I despair of it. The moisture ceased, and removing all trace of it, he leaned backwith eyes closed. We do NOT keep any eBooks in compliance with a particularpaper edition. But if hed had a car, theydhave taken his chauffeur. It is much more difficult to attack a personal despotism than aninstitutional one. He was still broodingover it, when he became conscious that the German governess was inthe room. If you dont derive profits, no royalty is due. Whenconscription came in, Soames had shaken his head. Whichever is true, the relief he felt at having his dictumcontradicted was extraordinary. He was still broodingover it, when he became conscious that the German governess was inthe room. This was in the train going up to London.


The crudest ofwriters could invent nothing more crude. It is quite separate and was left me by my uncleNed in Auckland.
But soon he found that that would notanswer forever. Not only that, but the signature is typewritten.
It is just as well that we should do business with themale relatives. Those are the main facts of the case as they came outbefore the coroner and the police-court. Holmes, I met him twice for walks, but after that fathercame back again, and Mr. If you can catch the man, catch him, and let me knowwhen you have done it.
Hosmer Angelvanish from your memory, as he has done from your life.
Someletters get more worn than others, and some wear only on oneside.
Mother said he was quiteright to make me swear, and that it was a sign of his passion. But themaiden herself was most instructive. But thedeception could not be kept up forever.
He has written to me to say that he would be here atsix.
I asked, keenly interested, as I always was, bymy friends incisive reasoning. Itmakes a considerable difference to me, having someone with me onwhom I can thoroughly rely. But this time Iwas set on going, and I would go; for what right had he toprevent?
Can you remember any other little things about Mr. Angels address you never had, I understand. Sherlock Holmes clapped his hands softly together and chuckled.
Myfirst glance is always at a womans sleeve.
Where did you address your letters, then? He shall find me ready when he comes back.
One of the farms which heheld, that of Hatherley, was let to Mr. Perhaps I have trained myself to see what othersoverlook. Windibank, askinghim whether he could meet us here at six oclock tomorrowevening.
It saved me from ennui, he answered, yawning. You have made your position very clear to me, said Holmes. And many men have been wrongfully hanged. Windibank, askinghim whether he could meet us here at six oclock tomorrowevening.
McCarthy and his son, and that they appeared to be having aviolent quarrel. I took the letters in in the morning, sothere was no need for father to know. However, I shall write two letters,which should settle the matter.
I have here four letters which purport to comefrom the missing man. Well, of course it was obvious from the first that this Mr.
It has long been an axiomof mine that the little things are infinitely the most important.
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