Oud 30-05-2002, 22:01
Avatar van Angelleyes
Angelleyes is offline
Save the day and make the world spin

she just wants to shout it all out
the problems are to much for her
she's about to make a difference
she's reaching out for help and care

but there you are again

saving her day from drowning in her own tears
to stop those naughty feelings
from getting out of her
just tuck them back
back inside her head

and everybody sees it
you help her with her wounds
but nobody knows
that she will break down soon

you saved the day

but she really doesn't care no longer
you will take her home
and leave her all alone
with all her fears and this unsolved anger

and everybody thinks
that you're treating her so fine
but they don't see what happens
in your home, late at night

you are her hero

So you saved the day once again
you made this world spin like it used to
it spins around a self-made centre
it spins only around you
*Zoutloos is het leven zonder zee, gelukkig ben ik er vol van*engeltjes bestaan niet*kiss goodbye*
Met citaat reageren
Oud 30-05-2002, 23:36
Avatar van Genesis
Genesis is offline
Heel mooi gedicht.. Jammer dat ik niet overal een ritme kan vinden, maar de verwoording van een situatie die in mijn werkelijkheid een illusie zou betekenen maakt veel goed..

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