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Oud 11-08-2001, 20:55
Virgo14 is offline
Teveel geschreeuw in mijn hoofd,
teveel pijn in mijn lijf.
Elke kras doet de stemmen zwijgen,
elke kras doet de pijn stillen.

Druppels bloed vol met pijn en eenzaamheid,
elke druppel is de dood.
Druppels bloed vol met stilte en geschreeuw,
elke druppel is het verlangen
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Oud 11-08-2001, 21:24
ignite-night is offline
depri, maar wel mooi
heavin' is a halfpipe...
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Oud 12-08-2001, 11:20
Virgo14 is offline
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Oud 12-08-2001, 16:11
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ekki is offline
Virgo14 schreef:

no fun,no luck

always those days
that i'm bored and more
not my way
not like before
got nothing to do
just wanna run
no longer hiding the truth:
I just wanna have fun...
always those things
why do they happen to me
just wanna have wings
fly away and see
a other beautiful world
cause this world suck...
a world without pain and death
i just wanna have luck...


ik kijk in de spiegel
en ik zie mezelf
de tranen springen in mijn ogen
maar huilen?
nee dat kan ik niet
ik schaam me
voor mijn littekens
en voor wat ik doe
en toch doe ik het steeds weer
ik vraag me af
wanneer ik het niet meer doe
en mezlef met rust laat
zou die tijd komen
of ga ik door tot mijn einde
tot het niet meer kan
en het te laat is
om er nog mee te stoppen
en het te laat is
om nog iets te doen


A voice in my heart
Warms me every day.
It's the voice of love
The voice of happiness.
I know exactly where it's coming from.
I just don't know where it's heading.
Maybe to my mind?
Maybe to another?
What is clear to me,
Is that the voice stole my heart.
I don't want it back
Because it's placed right
In the hands of my loved one.

Am i helping you???

You ask me questions
I can't answer.
My love is real
And yours is probably too
But can i handle it?
Will i be able to keep my head up?
I will never let you go
Never let you fall
But what will it cost me?
I care about myself a lot
But i think i care more about you.
How could it happen?
I don't know.
The only thing i know is
That you are having a hard time,
And i'm not sure i'm helping you.

when night falls

I let myself be hurt
love ripped away
although guilty
I never charged
my fault
I am my own thief
inner destruction
eating away
leftovers of love
a portion of trust
all gone
devoured by my soul
enjoying emotions
I am my own agony

when night falls
my thoughts dwell
in darkness
inner ghosts appear
haunting my mind
without pity
torture from within
I am my own demon

F*cking world

FUCK THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!
Cause this world has gone to hell
FUCK THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!
Cause you would have a better time in hell
It's sad to admit
but mankind fucked up this earth
We're in deep shit
and it's going to hurt

It started when we attacked nature
we killed,destroyed and poisened it
We cannot fully restore nature
for the poisened land and animals we cannot find a cure
And now that it's too late
we are sorry we did it
Cause we can't bring the animals back
they are gone forever
I won't have children,don't try to force me
cause I won't crack
to raise them in a world without animals and forrests
That I cannot do to them

FUCK THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!
Cause this world has gone to hell
FUCK THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!
Cause you would have a better time in hell
It's sad to admit
but mankind fucked up this earth
We're in deep shit
and it's going to hurt

We've got doctors and hospitals to help us when we're sick
they can take away the pain,cure most of the diseases
even when it kills
But why can a doctor be such a prick?
Why can he refuse to help you?
If you cannot pay the bills
If they are there to help us
why do they cost so much?
and wonder why I cuss?
when they know I can't escape this financiel clutch

FUCK THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!
Cause this world has gone to hell
FUCK THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!
Cause you would have a better time in hell
It's sad to admit
but mankind fucked up this earth
We're in deep shit
and it's going to hurt

How about justice,does it still exist?
We've got lawyers,judges and courts to make justice rule
But how can they be so cruel
how can they tolerate murderers and rapists
It's no wonder that I rather use my fists
instead of thrusting justice
cause if justice would be a gun
you would just shoot and miss
No whonder I need therapists

FUCK THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!
Cause this world has gone to hell
FUCK THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!
Cause you would have a better time in hell
It's sad to admit
but mankind fucked up this earth
We're in deep shit
and it's going to hurt

And last but not least,there's love
can true love be?
Is there anyone who'll stay with the same partner like a dove?
a he?
a she?
Can true love make you live this sorry life?
Does it help when you have a husband?
A wife?
I'm sure it does
cause it's the only reason I'm still walking here
and although it's with fear
I know it's all worth it cause someone loves me
she does

beetje lang he????

donkere gat

Een traan,
loopt over mijn wang.
Langzaam zak ik weer weg,
in dat donkere eenzame gat:
de eeuwige stilte.
Die ik zo verafschuw,
maar toch weer naar verlang.
Ik wil erin verdrinken,
zodat iemand me komt helpen.
Maar ik ben bang,
dat niemand me wil helpen.

goodbye heaven or hell

please, beutiful life, don't
leave me alone.
please, fucking dead, go
I believe in me
I believe in my life
I believe in the world
goodbye heaven or hell
I'll always live this life!

De enige domme vraag is de niet gestelde vraag. (© Caatje) | Ik ben gelukkig, gelukkig (naar Brigitte K.) | Koeien!!!! (© Brigitte Kaandorp) | ergo
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Oud 12-08-2001, 16:13
Avatar van ekki
ekki is offline
ik heb een aantal topics van je weg gehaald. we hebben namelijk net een nieuw announcement en daarin staat dat je 2 topics per dag mag plaatsen.

zou je er in het vervolg zelf rekening mee willen houden?

bedankt alvast!


De enige domme vraag is de niet gestelde vraag. (© Caatje) | Ik ben gelukkig, gelukkig (naar Brigitte K.) | Koeien!!!! (© Brigitte Kaandorp) | ergo
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Oud 13-08-2001, 17:44
Avatar van Andora
Andora is offline
mooi geschreven zeg!

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