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Oud 16-06-2004, 09:31
Avatar van DeadNation
DeadNation is offline
Alweer een tijdje uitelkaar, maar wat een goede band was dit. ex-leden van oa American Nightmare, No Reply, The Hope Conspiracy, Adamantium en Death By Stereo.

De muziek die ze speelden was een wat meer rockende hardcore punk met wat moderne elementen hier en daar. Teksten waren zeer maatschappijkritisch zonder te vervallen in fuck the government gejank.

De naam the suicide file komt overigens van J. Edgar Hoover. Hoover had naar verluid bestanden met gegevens over bekende politici etc. en als hij die personen uit de weg wilde hebben gebruikte hij deze bestanden in de hoop dat hun positie onhoudbaar zou worden of dat ze zelfs zelfmoord zouden plegen. Die bestanden worden in de volksmond the suicide files genoemd. Zanger Dave Weinberg is historicus en werkt voor oa. Discovery Channel en wat instellingen etc.

Suicide File started in April of 2001. Initially it was just something for Neeraj, Jarrod and I to screw around with on weeknights. I remember that Neeraj had just quit Hope Conspiracy and he and Jarrod were looking for a new band to play with in Boston. They asked me to sing for a “punk” band, and I enthusiastically agreed to join them. I guess that Jarrod remembered my “punkness” from when No Reply played a show to about 10 kids in Dallas with Death By Stereo. I had pink eye in both eyes and most of our set consisted of different people body slamming me over and over again while I tried to sing. Anyway…Neeraj, Jarrod and I practiced a few times and decided to record a demo. We settled on the name “Suicide File” after I sent Neeraj a list of about 300 names and he rejected all of them. Jarrod was recording with AN at God City, and Kurt generously allowed the three of us to leave his drums set up and demo 4 tracks. We ended up scrapping one of them because it sounded too much like Verbal Assault, but the other three became the Suicide File demo.

Boston had a booming hardcore scene at the time, and while our demo made the rounds among our friends a lot of them asked us if we wanted to play shows. We decided we that we did, and filled out our lineup buy asking my roommate John “Carpetbag” to play bass, and our friend Jason to play guitar. The five of us started practicing twice a week in Carpetbag’s bedroom and writing some pretty cool songs. The main thing that I remember about these practices was how hot Carpet’s bedroom would get (he lived in a basement) and how much it must have sucked in there after we all left. Our first show was Bane’s record release for Give Blood in Boston at Mass Art in November of 2001. We were pretty terrible I think, but we had a pretty good time playing the show, and decided to keep going with it.

When our friend Dave Mandel asked us to record a record for Indecision, we jumped at the chance. We recorded our 6 song 7” with Dean at Atomic Studios in Brooklyn in a weekend in the fall of 2001. Dean was an awesome engineer to work with, and we were really happy with how the songs turned out. I guess that up until then we didn’t really know what we sounded like, but once we got those songs recorded we realized that we were onto something pretty cool and we couldn’t wait to play the songs for people.

We started playing a ton of shows around Boston in early 2002, with great local bands like The A Team, Stop and Think, Think I Care, Mental, Panic, The Dedication and tons more that I’ve left out. Anyway, there was the sense that Boston’s Hardcore scene was really taking off again, and we were really excited to be part of it. Some of those shows at Suffolk College, the Berwick and at Exit 23 remain my all time favorites. I also remember a show in New Jersey with Panic where Gibby and I bought a bunch of weird toys to “spice up” our set. That was one of the more entertaining Suicide File shows.

In May of that year we also recorded 2 songs for a split 7” with the Hope Conspiracy on Deathwish. I can’t remember who wrote the riff for “Ashcroft”, but it will be stuck in my head until the day I die

In August of that year we went on our first tour with Hope Conspiracy, Count Me Out and Knives Out, playing the Midwest and the South. I was really excited to tour with Count Me Out, who were one of my favorite bands….The tour was really fun, and I’ll never forget playing in Nashville (which felt worlds away from Boston) at a coffee shop and seeing kids going crazy for us. It was the first time that I really felt like our band was something that was more than just something that only our friends were in on.

We also wrote Twilight that summer, and that was pretty interesting experience for me. I had never done a full length before, and mostly what I remember is crouching on the floor of Dean’s studio in 110 degree heat with a hand held mic while he worked his magic. I feel like Twilight was sort of the quintessential SF record. It had some flaws, but that was part of the charm. All of us were sort of branching out in our musical and other tastes, and the record is a really good illustration of that. I’m really happy we got a chance to do it.

In the Fall of 2002 RNR asked us to do a split with them and we were thrilled. The two songs that we recorded with Jim Siegal never really saw the light of day as a real release and that’s too bad. Both our songs and the RNR songs were great and I wish that record had been handled by someone legit.

We toured a couple more times with Bane and Give Up The Ghost, and there were a ton of great memories from those cross country jaunts. Going to Yellowstone with GUTG and staying in a haunted hotel, crashing a frat party in Colorado with Bane and playing shows in places like California, Seattle, and Texas. We met a lot of great people on those tours, and if any of you are reading this, we miss you.

By the summer of 2003 I was ready to go back to school and we decided that we didn’t want to half ass it as a band, so we called it quits. Jason quit over that summer, so we asked our good friend Jimmy from the A Team to play guitar on our last record and on our tours that summer. He wrote some really cool songs that were included on the “Things Fall Apart” 7”. We played our last show on October 11th of 2003, almost two years after our first.

I always think that these retrospectives come off as really self important and shitty, so I don’t really want to say too much more. The two years that I spent in Suicide File were a wonderful period in my life, and there’s nothing in the world that I would have rather done with that time. We got to play with some great bands, met some incredible people and made some music that we were really into. Thanks to all of you who helped make it worthwhile, and to everyone who remembers Suicide File fondly. I know that I do.

Dave Weinberg
Boston, February, 2004

*De eerste 7"/mcd.

1 The Purple Dawn
2 Now Lie In It
3 Kissinger
4. The Somme
5 I Hate You
6 A Pleasure To Have In Class

*De Split met The Hope Conspiracy(inc. hun gaafste nummer genaamd Ashcroft)

1. Ashcroft
2. I Hate Rock n Roll

*Twilight(full length)

1 Twilight
2 Edge Of Town
3 Rum, Romanism And Tammy
4 W
5 Ashcroft
6 Laramie
7 Song For Katy
8 Down Underground
9 Mission Hill Party
10 November In Brookline
11 Song For Tonight

*De Split met RnR

1. Achtung Landmine!
2. ......

*Things Fall Apart(afscheids 7")



If what it boils down to
is that "you're either for us or against us."
I guess I've got a tough, tough choice to make.
'Cause hollow, patriotic actions and reenactments
Don't move me.
And mostly,
this 21st century,
brand of propaghanda and rhetoric,
Co-produced by Disney,
and sanatized by CGI,
Just makes me sick.
And when I peer,
Through the red,
Through the white,
And the blue,
Through the red,
Through the white,
And through the blue,
I can see people like you. ( I can see people )
I can see people like you. ( I can see people )
I can see people like you
Using the tragedy to advance your own narrow moral crusade.

I Hate You

its all so ironic the things that you think
you preface it all with a nod and a wink
the clothes that you wear and the words that you speak
youre so fucking clever, your tongues in your cheek
you stand on the sidelines and shit on it all
never getting involved 'cos you might take the fall
your apathy hides the fact that youre scared
of expressing opinions or showing you care.
i hate you.
the irony is that you totally suck.
you can look down on me but i dont give a fuck
'cause i hate assholes who hide behind fashion
who live life devioid of emotion or passion
all style and no substance
youre flesh without bone
another foot solider in an army of clones
so fuck your snide ways and you snotty asides
i fucking hate you and all of your kind.

rum, romanism, and tammany

idealism - is fuckin dead
laughed off the stage
at countless conventions
laissez affair is en vogue again
its silver tongue has been heaven sent
one man, one vote, throw it away
when every candidate looks the same
born of noble blood
so dont fuckin talk to me
about our tradition of democracy
who the fuck am i suppose to believe in?

Ik zal ze iniedergeval missen en vind t jammer dat ze zich niet verder hebben kunnen ontwikkelen en ook zeker dat ze nooit in Europa hebben getoured.
The death toll is rising

Laatst gewijzigd op 16-06-2004 om 10:17.
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Oud 16-06-2004, 09:35
Avatar van funest
funest is offline
ziet er goed uit
zal eens wat downloaden
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Oud 16-06-2004, 09:36
Avatar van meem
meem is offline
fucking goede band. idd jammer dat ze nooit europa etoured hebben. ik hou echt van the suicide file
how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb
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Oud 16-06-2004, 09:36
baldadigheid is offline
Ik zal het eens uitchecken.
Lege zakken rechtzetter
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Oud 16-06-2004, 09:37
Avatar van DeadNation
DeadNation is offline
funest schreef op 16-06-2004 @ 10:35 :
ziet er goed uit
zal eens wat downloaden
Check onder de plaatjes van de releases. Daar staan mp3's in de tracklist.
The death toll is rising
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Oud 16-06-2004, 09:38
fucking hero
fucking hero is offline
DeadNation schreef op 16-06-2004 @ 10:31 :
Ik zal ze iniedergeval missen en vind t jammer dat ze zich niet verder hebben kunnen ontwikkelen en ook zeker dat ze nooit in Europa hebben getoured.
Een erg goeie band, fijne sound ook.
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Oud 16-06-2004, 10:10
Avatar van 86dagreed
86dagreed is offline
heb ooit die ep van 7 nummers gefikt. Snel, luistert goed weg. Energiek vooral.
Ik wist niet eens dat ze uit elkaar zijn.
Never judge a book by its movie.
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Oud 16-06-2004, 10:52
Ik HAAT het echt dat deze band uit elkaar is en vooral dat ik ze nooit gezien heb, ik draai het nog regelmatig, die split 7" met THC is fucking cool. Song for tonight krijg ik nog altijd kippenvel van.
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Oud 16-06-2004, 11:57
Avatar van FaceTheTruth
FaceTheTruth is offline
ach wel leuk.
die mcd blijft cool...

vooral het eerste nummer

textueel ook vet.
"Hou het hard!"
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Oud 16-06-2004, 11:59
Avatar van Escapism
Escapism is offline
klinkt interessant, zal et es checken
He thought the diaries of Anne Frank were "an Adrian Mole sort of thing"
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Oud 16-06-2004, 12:05
Avatar van Fjall
Fjall is offline
erg vette band.
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Oud 16-06-2004, 12:07
Avatar van DeadNation
DeadNation is offline
FaceTheTruth schreef op 16-06-2004 @ 12:57 :
ach wel leuk.
Ik heb je weleens iets anders horen zeggen baasje!
The death toll is rising
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Oud 16-06-2004, 12:09
Avatar van Escapism
Escapism is offline
ashcroft is iig wel een vet nummer, idd
He thought the diaries of Anne Frank were "an Adrian Mole sort of thing"
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Oud 16-06-2004, 14:36
Escapism schreef op 16-06-2004 @ 13:09 :
ashcroft is iig wel een vet nummer, idd
yeah, ik trek dit goed. Iet wat slepende sound
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Oud 16-06-2004, 14:53
Glow schreef op 16-06-2004 @ 15:36 :
yeah, ik trek dit goed. Iet wat slepende sound
Je gaat me niet vertellen dat je dat niet kende
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Oud 16-06-2004, 14:56
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Metal is offline
Escapism schreef op 16-06-2004 @ 12:59 :
klinkt interessant, zal et es checken
i create glitches with my voice
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Oud 16-06-2004, 15:08
Daniël Chaos
Avatar van Daniël Chaos
Daniël Chaos is offline
dit soort topics maakt mij wel gelukkig, goed om te zien dat er meer mensen zijn die dit echt waarderen. Deze band heeft het echt allemaal voor mij: vette teksten, rock en oldschool mosh. Het is écht een damn shame dat ze uit elkaar zijn...
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Oud 16-06-2004, 15:48
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]{ing is offline
de laatste 7'' is ook gaaf
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Oud 16-06-2004, 15:59
Avatar van FaceTheTruth
FaceTheTruth is offline
Rogue schreef op 16-06-2004 @ 15:53 :
Je gaat me niet vertellen dat je dat niet kende
als zelfs rosa het kent...
"Hou het hard!"
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Oud 16-06-2004, 16:00
Avatar van DeadNation
DeadNation is offline
Owwww harde diss

Maar kroket je waardeert deze band wel meer dan Wel leuk. geef maar toe
The death toll is rising
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Oud 16-06-2004, 16:06
FaceTheTruth schreef op 16-06-2004 @ 16:59 :
als zelfs rosa het kent...
Precies, dat bedoel ik. ZELFS ik.
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Oud 16-06-2004, 16:10
Avatar van FaceTheTruth
FaceTheTruth is offline
DeadNation schreef op 16-06-2004 @ 17:00 :
Owwww harde diss

Maar kroket je waardeert deze band wel meer dan Wel leuk. geef maar toe
dit is hoe ik er achteraf naar kijk...

misschien voor mij persoonlijk weggevaagd door bands als Mental en The First Step. maar wel de coolste band die hardcore en rock n roll combineren...

ook 'wel leuk' was iets te onverschillig fucking super ruig en vet is voor mij niet van toepassing...
"Hou het hard!"
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Oud 16-06-2004, 16:21
Avatar van DeadNation
DeadNation is offline
The First Step is cool. Zeker, maar het doet mij (uiteraard) niet zoveel als TSF. De Mental hype snap ik niet.

Maar t een hoeft t ander toch niet uit te sluiten?

Je vind TSF en Mental gaaf, maar YOT en Bold vind je nog gaver toch?
The death toll is rising
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Oud 16-06-2004, 16:32
Malfunction is offline
Volgens goed gebruik zou ik dit een kut band moeten vinden als David het vet vind, maar ik ben down met The Suicide File. Ook met The First Step en ik snap ook de hype rondom Mental niet.

KUT. daar gaat m'n graadmeter.
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Oud 28-03-2006, 12:45

"High heels, lipstick, and no panty lines.
We'll read the news
Then it's miller time.

I'm sick of television.
I'm sick of television.
I'm sick of television.
I'm sick of you.
(x2) "


"Wrap your arms around me. I'm fucking freezing, and I just saw napalm in your eyes."

14 juli dus weer in nederland, puu-ssyycheed...
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Oud 28-03-2006, 13:25
Avatar van Blenderhead
Blenderhead is offline
Hoorde het zaterdagnacht ergens en toen vond ik het gaaf. Zal me er eens in verdiepen.
You see us coming and you all together run for cover! WE'RE TAKING OVER THIS TOWN
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Oud 28-03-2006, 13:34
Avatar van Escapism
Escapism is offline
ik ben nogal uninformed, maar ze waren toch uit elkaar?
maar eh waar spelen ze dan?
He thought the diaries of Anne Frank were "an Adrian Mole sort of thing"
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Oud 28-03-2006, 13:35
Daniël Chaos
Avatar van Daniël Chaos
Daniël Chaos is offline
cut_off schreef op 28-03-2006 @ 13:45 :

"High heels, lipstick, and no panty lines.
We'll read the news
Then it's miller time.

I'm sick of television.
I'm sick of television.
I'm sick of television.
I'm sick of you.
(x2) "


"Wrap your arms around me. I'm fucking freezing, and I just saw napalm in your eyes."

14 juli dus weer in nederland, puu-ssyycheed...
Ik hou van die teksten!
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Oud 28-03-2006, 13:36
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Blenderhead is offline
Escapism schreef op 28-03-2006 @ 14:34 :
ik ben nogal uninformed, maar ze waren toch uit elkaar?
maar eh waar spelen ze dan?
Nog niet bekend, zelfs niet of ze Nederland en omstreken aandoen.
You see us coming and you all together run for cover! WE'RE TAKING OVER THIS TOWN
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Oud 28-03-2006, 13:38
Blenderhead schreef op 28-03-2006 @ 14:36 :
Nog niet bekend, zelfs niet of ze Nederland en omstreken aandoen.
Volgens mij wel volgens Johan reflections, check asice board eens voor me
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Oud 28-03-2006, 13:43
Avatar van Pruttelpot
Pruttelpot is offline
Vette band ja.
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Oud 28-03-2006, 13:50
Avatar van Blenderhead
Blenderhead is offline
cut_off schreef op 28-03-2006 @ 14:38 :
Volgens mij wel volgens Johan reflections, check asice board eens voor me
"ben je bitch niet"

Ik loop een paar uurtjes achter. Sowieso 1 show dus in NL.
You see us coming and you all together run for cover! WE'RE TAKING OVER THIS TOWN
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Oud 28-03-2006, 20:31
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Metal is offline
cut_off schreef op 28-03-2006 @ 13:45 :

"High heels, lipstick, and no panty lines.
We'll read the news
Then it's miller time.

I'm sick of television.
I'm sick of television.
I'm sick of television.
I'm sick of you.
(x2) "
hehe ja\m/ je bent me voor
sowieso die hele afscheids ep.

05-suicide file-things fall apart-fnt

fucking kippenvel
i create glitches with my voice
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Oud 28-03-2006, 20:53

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Oud 28-03-2006, 21:13
Avatar van DeadNation
DeadNation is offline
Haha. Coole band. 1e 7" blijft het ruigst.
The death toll is rising
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Oud 28-03-2006, 21:45
vette band, ken alleen twilight en die split mer r n r.
Wist nog niet eens dat de band ermee gestopt is
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Oud 09-05-2006, 16:17
Avatar van Metal
Metal is offline
cut_off schreef op 28-03-2006 @ 13:45 :
14 juli dus weer in nederland, puu-ssyycheed...
16 juli dus!
soort van reflections fest

2006-07-14 GER Wiesbaden Kulturpalast w/ Panic, Guns Up!
2006-07-15 GER Lichtenstein JZ Riot w/ Panic, Guns Up!
2006-07-16 NL Arnhem Reflections Wedding w/ Panic, Guns Up!
2006-07-17 GER Bremen Schlachthof
2006-07-18 BE Brugge TBA
2006-07-19 GER Wangen Tonne
2006-07-20 GER Berchtesgarden Kuckucksnest

Data die relevant zijn.

i create glitches with my voice
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Oud 09-05-2006, 16:22
Avatar van Escapism
Escapism is offline
hmm, als ik dan in het land ben, ga ik misschien wel.
He thought the diaries of Anne Frank were "an Adrian Mole sort of thing"
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Oud 09-05-2006, 17:15
Avatar van Roxy
Roxy is offline
ohh leuk arnhem! aanwezig duidelijk.
Everyone wants to be found.
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Oud 09-05-2006, 17:31
Avatar van Pruttelpot
Pruttelpot is offline
Indeed, arnhem show
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Oud 09-05-2006, 17:34
Hoe enorm gaaf zijn die eerste 7" en Twilight, vooral die laatste draait hier regelmatig rondjes. Tofste nr vind ik Song for Tonight en als ze naar Nederland komen ga ik zeker kijken of ik daar aanwezig kan zijn

"Moment's like this don't just come and go, soak it in. This is al I know"

mooi spul.
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Oud 09-05-2006, 17:41
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Metal is offline
Die afscheids "7 is KK VET.
i create glitches with my voice
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Oud 09-05-2006, 21:29
Daniël Chaos
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Daniël Chaos is offline
Ik ga proberen alle shows in de buurt mee te pakken. Wat zijn de data van UK shows?
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Oud 09-05-2006, 21:47
Avatar van DeadNation
DeadNation is offline
Ik weet t nog niet hoor.
The death toll is rising
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Oud 09-05-2006, 21:56
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Metal is offline
i create glitches with my voice
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Oud 09-05-2006, 21:56
Sowieso één show bekijken. Tijd om weer eens op te zetten.
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Oud 09-05-2006, 22:00
DeadNation schreef op 09-05-2006 @ 22:47 :
Ik weet t nog niet hoor.
dude ik kom je wel halen ofzo dwaas
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Oud 09-05-2006, 22:03
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Metal is offline
misschien worden er voor die reflections avond nog een paar bands bevestigd
i create glitches with my voice
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Oud 09-05-2006, 22:04
Erg tof.
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Oud 09-05-2006, 22:11
Daniël Chaos
Avatar van Daniël Chaos
Daniël Chaos is offline
gaaf dat dit topic al bijna 2 jaar meegaat trouwens.
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