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Oud 06-01-2002, 19:59
Avatar van legatus
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Neanderthals clever enough to make 'superglue'

Researchers say Neanderthals had considerable technical and intellectual skills and were as ingenious as modern humans.

German scientists say they have found Neanderthals mixed a kind of superglue to make tools.

It had to be made at a precise temperature and means the race had considerable technical and manual skills in comparison to their dullard image.

Neanderthals are thought to have first appeared around 230,000 to 300,000 years ago.

Professor Chris Stringer, head of human origins at the Natural History Museum in London, said the discovery is potentially very important: "It would further show that the behaviour gap between us and Neanderthals is narrower than we thought. Some may say there isn't a gap."

Independent reports that the research centres on a new analysis of two 80,000-year-old samples of blackish-brown pitch discovered in a lignite mining pit in the Harz mountains in Germany.

One of the pitch pieces bears the print of a finger and there are also imprints of a flint stone tool and wood, suggesting the pitch had served as a sort of glue to secure a wooden shaft to a flint stone blade.

The research, carried out at the Doerner-Institut in Munich, found the pitch was a birch pitch, which can be only be produced at temperatures of 300-400C.

The team, led by Professor Dietrich Mania of Freidrich-Schiller University in Jena, said: "This implies the Neanderthals did not come across these pitches by accident but must have produced them with intent."

"The pitch finds demonstrate that the Neanderthals must have possessed a high degree of technical and manual abilities, comparable to those of modern Homo sapiens."
"The schizophrenic is drowning in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight" -- Joseph Campbell (Mintz, 1983)
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Oud 06-01-2002, 20:27
Avatar van beuk
beuk is offline
Interessant.. hoe zou die beschaving verloren zijn gegaan? Klimatologische omstandigheden of een meterorietinslag ofzo?
when i rock..
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Oud 06-01-2002, 22:52
DruidessI is offline
Het is niet duidelijk of de Neanderthaler volledig uitgeroeid is. Men zegt (geen idee wie eigenlijk) dat roodharigen of mensen waarbij roodharigen in de familie voorkomen, van de Neanderthaler afstammen.

Als dat zo zou zijn, heb ik dat geluk weer eens Altijd blij dan om zo'n berichtje weer eens te horen

"Americans 've different ways of saying things. They say "elevator", we say "lift". They say "President", we say "stupid psychopathic git." A. Sayle
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Oud 06-01-2002, 23:52
Dj Pjotr
Dj Pjotr is offline
wist niet dat ajaxieden intelligentie hadden ....Grapjuh...en off-topic...anyway, vind het maar een vreemd verhaal...
wat doet een beker zure room met een uiterste houdbaarheidsdatum?
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