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Oud 16-06-2003, 08:56
Avatar van dafelix
dafelix is offline
<BlaaT> is SplinterCell nog wat aan ofzo?
<BlaaT> anders download ik um niet hoor, geen zin in

naam is veranderd om gevolgen hiervan tegen te gaan

Laatst gewijzigd op 16-06-2003 om 09:00.
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Oud 16-06-2003, 09:25
Avatar van -niels-
-niels- is offline
dafelix schreef op 16-06-2003 @ 09:56:
<BlaaT> is SplinterCell nog wat aan ofzo?
<BlaaT> anders download ik um niet hoor, geen zin in

naam is veranderd om gevolgen hiervan tegen te gaan
If you dont like oral sex, keep your mouth shut... I'll spray my love all over your face.... ->PAS OP IK HIJACK JE NICK<- • Mr. Mysteria •
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Oud 16-06-2003, 23:16
<Flem> wie doet mee met Pibbo van de server wegeschoppen
<AcE|asleep> jane
*** p-chez sets mode: -x
<Flem> hij heeft mijn nick van t forum tegen Tofke_bilmaat gezegd

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Oud 16-06-2003, 23:17
btw, random quotes van megatron (de schoilieren eggdrop)
check: .
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Oud 22-06-2003, 20:35
deathz0rz is offline
> ff kijken wie er in trapt
> niemand
> he jammer
<maartenlofje> sjonge jonge
* rainman drukt herhaaldelijk op alt-f4
<maartenlofje> zelfs ik ben niet zo achterlijk
<rainman> hmm ik krijg em niet weg deathz0rz
> ja rainman, ik weet dat je linux gebruikt
<rainman> hehe
> jij moet CTRL+C induwen
* rainman drukt herhaaldelijk ctrl-c
<rainman> niks
<rainman> lastig virus is dit
> ook nog op Y en op ENTER
> ofzo
> welke client heb je?
* rainman drukt ook nog op Y en op enter
<rainman> Y
<rainman> xchat
> typ dan maar: /quit dit is een virus
<rainman> jaja
<rainman> je bent al te laat
<maartenlofje> we hebben je door
> ow
> dat wist ik niet
<maartenlofje> had ie ons bijna te pakken
<maartenlofje> :/
> wat flauw
> ah! weer voedsel voor t IRC snuisterijen topic
*** Signoff: Bambix (Leaving: oeh /quit is een virus )
Ooit. Dan.
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Oud 23-06-2003, 21:59
Avatar van Questor
Questor is offline
22:57 < ATMoZ> ik heb nu ongeveer een half jaar een vriend, maar als we willen neuken dan lukt het niet
[ Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies. ]
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Oud 29-06-2003, 01:16
deathz0rz is offline
<@PV> anyway, ik ging slapen, dus trustuh dan enzo, en tot morgen ergens
[S+Z] Signoff: PV (Leaving: doehoei)
<+Flem> trustuh = breezah
* Flem paalt Sasjuh
<+Flem> praten slet!
Ooit. Dan.
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Oud 29-06-2003, 14:22
deathz0rz is offline
[S+Z] Setting you away after being idle for 10 minutes
* deathz0rz^bezig is away. Automatically set away [SZon]
[S+Z] You're off on a magical journey... (/AWAY)


[S+Z] Welcome Back... How was your quest? (/BACK)


[S+Z] Setting you away after being idle for 10 minutes
* deathz0rz^bezig is away. Automatically set away [SZon]
[S+Z] You're off on a magical journey... (/AWAY)
<maartenlofje> ok
<deathz0rz^bezig> dat doet mijn client automatisch
<deathz0rz^bezig> maar dat staat er toch?
[S+Z] Welcome Back... How was your quest? (/BACK)
<maartenlofje> ja
<maartenlofje> ontken ik dat dan?


[S+Z] Setting you away after being idle for 10 minutes
* deathz0rz^bezig is away. Automatically set away [SZon]
[S+Z] You're off on a magical journey... (/AWAY)
<maartenlofje> super toll!
<maartenlofje> doe dat kutscript weg man deathz0rz^bezig :>
Ooit. Dan.
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Oud 30-06-2003, 01:45
Endony-X is offline
1:52a <02questor> morgen seks
1:52a <02questor> ik wil niet te actief zijn
1:52a <02questor> dan kom ik zo snel
..:: Hardstyle ::..
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Oud 01-07-2003, 01:54
Endony-X is offline
2:45a <02petatje> hou je beetje in met caps NeXus
2:45a <02Flem|Jarig> jezus petatje
2:45a <02Flem|Jarig> hou je kop ofzo
2:45a <13NeXus> Flem, ik schold niet op je jongeman. jijverkocht stoere praat. trok een grote bek open. terwijl je me niet kent, en dat tolereer ik niet. dus simpel krijg je comment back
2:45a <13NeXus> zie e flem dat bedoel ik nou
2:46a <02Flem|Jarig> NeXus: geef mij eens een log daar van dan
2:46a <13NeXus> die meid die wijst mij erop dat ik CAPS AAN typ, ze zegt dat vriendelijk en wat krijgt ze voor antwoord van jouw --> hou je kop ofzow
2:46a <02Paperz|NA> wederom
2:46a <13NeXus> dat bedoel ik nu
2:46a <02Flem|Jarig> 'stoere praat' - hoe noem je 'ik ben een hele goede dj en rijd in een dure auto' dan?
2:46a <02Paperz|NA> de pot verwijt de ketel
2:46a <02Lothy> zeg, een beetje beleefdheid is niet overbodig oké
2:46a <02Flem|Jarig> haha
2:46a <02Flem|Jarig> omfg
2:46a <02Flem|Jarig> 'wijst mij erop'
2:46a <02petatje> Flem|Jarig ... weet je wat?
2:46a <02Flem|Jarig> alsof je dat niet wist
2:46a <13NeXus> dat is gene stoere praat, dat is realiteit
2:46a <02petatje> ik mag niet gewoon zeggen
2:46a <02petatje> dat ie zich in moet houden met caps?
2:47a <13NeXus> 2:46a <13NeXus> die meid die wijst mij erop dat ik CAPS AAN typ, ze zegt dat vriendelijk en wat krijgt ze voor antwoord van jouw --> hou je kop ofzow
2:47a <02Flem|Jarig> nee, aangezien jij hier niet degene bent die dat bepaalt
2:47a <02Lothy> [02:44:19] <petatje> hou je beetje in met caps NeXus
2:47a <02Lothy> [02:44:27] <Flem|Jarig> jezus petatje
2:47a <02Lothy> [02:44:30] <Flem|Jarig> hou je kop ofzo
2:47a <02petatje> Flem|Jarig je bent de grootste zak op heel scholieren... khoop dat je het weet!
2:47a <02Lothy> is mij ook genoeg
2:47a <02Lothy> doei
2:47a <13NeXus> deze meid is altijd aardig tegen me geweest. evenals haar vriend. dus ben ik ook aardig tegen hun.... simpel
2:47a <02Flem|Jarig> !addquote < petatje> Flem|Jarig je bent de grootste zak op heel scholieren... khoop dat je het weet!
2:47a <02Flem|Jarig> :>
2:47a <02Paperz|NA> petatzak?
2:47a <02Paperz|NA> :>
2:47a <02Flem|Jarig> eingelijk ging t meer om
2:47a <02Flem|Jarig> 02:43:51 < petatje> wheheh idd NeXus welke waarheid
2:47a <02petatje> Lothy...
2:47a <02Flem|Jarig> like.. hou je dr buiten ofzo
2:47a *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Lothy
2:47a <02petatje> you choose
2:48a *** Lothy sets mode: +b *!*
2:48a *** hotworst was kicked by Lothy (ben het ook beu - kick #26)
2:48a *** Flem|Jarig was kicked by Lothy (ben het ook beu - kick #27)
2:48a <02Paperz|NA> :>
2:48a <02Paperz|NA> :>
2:48a <02@Lothy> pech voor hw
2:48a <02Paperz|NA> dududu
2:48a <02@Lothy> hef die ban strax op
2:48a <02petatje> thx Lothy
2:48a <02@Lothy> en iedereen moet hier een beetje leren normaal te doen
2:48a <02@Lothy> NEXUS zeker inbegrepen
2:48a <13NeXus> Lothy, begrijp je me standpunt
2:48a <13NeXus> ow ok
2:48a *** Megatron sets mode: +l 17
2:49a <02petatje>
2:49a <02Paperz|NA> ik zeg niks
2:49a <02@Lothy> JEZUS mensen, we zijn geen beesten of zo
2:49a <02petatje> hij snapt het wel Lothy
2:49a <02@Lothy> een beetje beschaafdheid
2:49a <13NeXus> lothy, zo gedragen enkelen zich we hier
2:49a <02petatje> NeXus don't push....
2:49a *** Paperz|NA is now known as Paperz
2:49a <02@Lothy> nou
2:49a <02@Lothy> nu egdaan
2:49a <02@Lothy> punt
2:49a <13NeXus> petatje, ik bedoel Lothy er niet mee
2:49a <02petatje> Lothy heeft beslissing genomen en daar blijft het mee
2:49a <02petatje> mee = bij
2:49a <02@Lothy> mja
2:49a <02@Lothy> gedaan nu
2:49a <02petatje> tss kben helemaal in de war nu
2:50a <13NeXus> met beesten i mean, rvo, drom, flem
2:50a <02Paperz> !op Paperz
2:50a *** Megatron sets mode: +o Paperz
2:50a <02petatje> tis genoeg geweest NeXus
2:50a <02@Paperz> !ban NeXus en jij ook!
2:50a *** Megatron sets mode: +b *!
2:50a *** You were kicked by Megatron (en jij ook!)
..:: Hardstyle ::..
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Oud 01-07-2003, 10:19
deathz0rz is offline
<deathz0rz> ow
<deathz0rz> ik had dit venster óók nog openstaan
Ooit. Dan.
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Oud 01-07-2003, 13:11
deathz0rz is offline
<p-chez> dat is Koen, NeXuS
<NeXuS> iek
Ooit. Dan.
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Oud 01-07-2003, 19:39
Endony-X is offline
8:36p <02drom> hehe
8:36p <02drom> weet iemand dat toevallig ?
8:36p <13NeXuS|druq> 'weer herhaling
8:36p <13NeXuS|druq> questor...
8:37p <02drom> hou je vieze kutsmoel, gothic
8:37p <13NeXuS|druq> drom gedraag je es
8:37p <02drom> dat zeg jij, tegen mij
8:37p <02drom> rofl de pofl zeg
8:37p <02drom> hou gauw je kutsmoel voordat ik em volpomp met lood
8:37p <13NeXuS|druq> ik ben niet overal gebanned
8:37p <02drom> wat schijt mij dat nou, gothic
8:37p <02drom> ga op hoge hakken lopen ofzo
8:37p <02drom> HAHA
8:38p <02drom> Travo
8:38p <02drom> rofl !!!!!

Onze leipe puber van 15 is weer stoer
..:: Hardstyle ::..
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Oud 02-07-2003, 14:56
deathz0rz is offline
<drom> ah whatever !
Ooit. Dan.
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Oud 07-07-2003, 11:59
Avatar van -niels-
-niels- is offline
*** bloempje1 ( has joined #scholieren
<Pigly_Puffer> wachten tot bloempje weg is
<bloempje1> ik ben er alweer
<bloempje1> en hij is nog steeds zo stom
<bloempje1> ik wil die 1 helemaal niet
<Pigly_Puffer> WACHT DAN TOT bloempje WEGVALT
<Pigly_Puffer> doos
<bloempje1> hoe wil je dat hebben
-> [bloempje] PING
<bloempje1> en ik ben GEEN doos
<Pigly_Puffer> gvd
<Pigly_Puffer> clueless
<Pigly_Puffer> 1 woord
<bloempje1> ik ben ook niet lijmloos
<Pigly_Puffer> C-L-E-U-L-E-S-S

*** bloempje1 ( Quit (Leaving: mzzl)

*** twinkie ( has joined #scholieren
<twinkie> hallo
<Pigly_Puffer> HOI
<twinkie> ik ben bloempje
<Pigly_Puffer> jij bent clueless
<twinkie> ik ben niet lijmloos
<twinkie> waarom moet ik nou lijmloos zijn
<Pigly_Puffer> omdat je clueless bent
<twinkie> waarom dan
<twinkie> zeg dan waarom
<Pigly_Puffer> !addquote <twinkie> ik ben bloempje <Pigly_Puffer> jij bent clueless <twinkie> ik ben niet lijmloos <twinkie> waarom moet ik nou lijmloos zijn
If you dont like oral sex, keep your mouth shut... I'll spray my love all over your face.... ->PAS OP IK HIJACK JE NICK<- • Mr. Mysteria •
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Oud 07-07-2003, 12:02
Avatar van -niels-
-niels- is offline
<Pigly_Puffer> stel
<twinkie> ja
<Pigly_Puffer> je zit met /quit en /part in de auto
<twinkie> jaja
<Pigly_Puffer> en /part gaat even naar het toilet
<twinkie> ja
<twinkie> wat is part
<Pigly_Puffer> wat hoe je dan over?
<Pigly_Puffer> hou
<twinkie> quit
<twinkie> misschien
<Pigly_Puffer> quit zat er niet in
<twinkie> haha ik lach
<Pigly_Puffer> nee.. /quit daarintegen hou je over
<twinkie> ja
<Pigly_Puffer> dus wat hou je over ?
<twinkie> quit
<Pigly_Puffer> nee /quit
<twinkie> jaaaaaaaaaa
<Pigly_Puffer> ik vraag t nog 1 keer
<twinkie> dat zeg ik tovh
<Pigly_Puffer> wat hou je over?
<twinkie> quit
<Pigly_Puffer> NEEEEEEE
<Pigly_Puffer> gvd
<twinkie> wat dan????????????!!!
<Pigly_Puffer> je houdt /quit over
<Pigly_Puffer> die / !@#$%&_
<twinkie> vraag het nog een keer
<Pigly_Puffer> dus wat hou je over
*** twinkie ( Quit (Leaving: ?)
*** twinkie ( has joined #scholieren
<Pigly_Puffer> waar ging je nou heen?
<twinkie> quit?
<twinkie> ach de verbinding werd weer es verbroken
<twinkie> das fout wacht ff
<Pigly_Puffer> ok
*** twinkie ( Quit (Leaving: )
*** twinkie ( has joined #scholieren
<twinkie> zie nou dee tie et weer
<Pigly_Puffer> gaat wel veel fout he
<twinkie> ja weet niet hoe het komt
<Pigly_Puffer> als je alt f4 drukt krijg je uitleg
<twinkie> maar is /quit goed
<twinkie> geen zin in
<Pigly_Puffer> ja, /quit is hardstikke goed
<twinkie> hehe
<twinkie> ben ik nou niet meer clueless
*** Neti-Zen ( has joined #scholieren
<Pigly_Puffer> jawel
If you dont like oral sex, keep your mouth shut... I'll spray my love all over your face.... ->PAS OP IK HIJACK JE NICK<- • Mr. Mysteria •
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Oud 07-07-2003, 13:07
JJzD is offline
McMotion schreef op 17-10-2002 @ 21:44:
uhh..... nou even serieus ok? denk je nou echt dat ik dat ben
host is van een paar verdiep[ingen boven mij
en tja waar woon jij ook alweer??
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Oud 07-07-2003, 22:30
PV is offline
JJzD schreef op 07-07-2003 @ 14:07:
host is van een paar verdiep[ingen boven mij
en tja waar woon jij ook alweer??

[00:47] (p-chez): ik dacht al
[00:47] (p-chez): kan me er niks van herinneren
[00:47] (PV): ken je JJzD dan
[00:47] (EmilioFCG): blub!
[00:47] (PV): die zit ook via dat :>
[00:47] (Better): okay PV nu vind ik het te ver gaan
[00:47] (Better):
[00:47] (Better): ik ga
[00:47] (Better): mzzl
[00:47] *** Better ( Quit (Leaving

dat verklaart t dus
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Oud 10-07-2003, 14:40
Avatar van McMotion
McMotion is offline
ik vind deze topic maar niks enneuh wisten jullie dat logs met IP's of hostnames erin na een paar dagen verwijderd moeten worden officieel? ik denk dat deze topic dus nu wel weg kan, want hij is flink verjaard
[AvatarDraw(c) v1.0 is uit de lucht (en per ongeluk van mijn hardeschijf verdwenen tijdens het weggooien ervan
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Oud 11-07-2003, 01:32
Avatar van p-chez
p-chez is offline
McMotion schreef op 10-07-2003 @ 15:40:
ik vind deze topic maar niks enneuh wisten jullie dat logs met IP's of hostnames erin na een paar dagen verwijderd moeten worden officieel? ik denk dat deze topic dus nu wel weg kan, want hij is flink verjaard
Er staan in de meeste posts geen IP/hostmasks waar je iets aan hebt. iig niet aan de posts met logs van Al die IP/hosts zijn gemasked.

En is dit topic verjaard? Ik vraag me dan af waar die posts van de laatste dagen toch vandaan komen.. hmm.. vreemd.
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Oud 26-07-2003, 21:09
Avatar van DEChengst
DEChengst is offline
[20:58] * pr0cess0r ( has joined #alpha
[20:58] <pr0cess0r> is thre some one here
[20:58] <pr0cess0r> there
[20:58] <Desecrator> nope
[20:58] <locutus> no there isn't
[20:58] * Desecrator is not here *
[20:59] <pr0cess0r> k
[20:59] * locutus isn't even alive
[20:59] <pr0cess0r> thanx i whas not sure at 100%
[21:13] * pr0cess0r ( Quit
PDP, VAX en Alpha fanaat ; HP-Compaq is de Satan! ; Bidt u allen dagelijks richting Maynard! ; Ernie==lief ; Het leven begint bij 150 km/u ; aka Desje
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Oud 26-07-2003, 23:36
dystopia is offline
McMotion schreef op 10-07-2003 @ 15:40:
ik vind deze topic maar niks enneuh wisten jullie dat logs met IP's of hostnames erin na een paar dagen verwijderd moeten worden officieel?
Bron? Klinkt als: gelul. Ik ga toch echt niet bijv. mijn Apache logs elke dag cleanen, of mijn Firewall logs. Als er op mijn systeem ingebroken wordt wil ik graag wel gelogged hebben dat IP a.b.c.d op dat moment een verbinding maakte, etc. Nogal handig als hij via mijn lijntje gaat lopen klooien en ik daardoor beschuldigt wordt, nietwaar? Een ISP moet 't trouwens wel bewaren...
The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently - Steve Jobs
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Oud 27-07-2003, 11:12
Screaming Slave
Screaming Slave is offline
niet echt funny allemaal, helaas.
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Oud 28-07-2003, 02:37
deathz0rz is offline
<jetlag> brb ff telnetten
<Q> oh
<Q> laat maar
<Q> vrouewn die telnetten moet ik niet
<Wicked> telnet
<Wicked> :>
<deathz0rz> SSH roelt
<Q> en idd.. ssh über telnet
<p-chez> deathz0rz
<p-chez> pas op man
<deathz0rz> telnet is onveilig
<p-chez> je bent nog maar 14, en nu al nerd
<Q> putty voor ya'll
<p-chez> hoe moet dat verder
<p-chez> :>
<Q> putty 0wnt
<jetlag> putty rulez
<Wicked> zal ik mailen jetlag
<deathz0rz> putty idd
<p-chez> poetie
<deathz0rz> dat is toch van dat slijmspul
Ooit. Dan.
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Oud 28-07-2003, 17:52
Avatar van McMotion
McMotion is offline
Session Start: Mon Jul 28 17:49:45 2003
Session Ident: L1Dz
[17:49:45] Session Ident: L1Dz (
[17:49:45] <L1Dz> yo man
Session Close: Mon Jul 28 17:49:49 2003

Session Start: Mon Jul 28 17:49:52 2003
Session Ident: L1Dz
[17:49:52] Session Ident: L1Dz (
[17:49:52] <L1Dz> sup ?
[17:49:57] <McMotion> i'm ok
[17:50:09] <L1Dz> looking for some games and movies?
[17:50:29] <McMotion> nope
[17:50:40] <L1Dz> yea right
[17:50:49] <McMotion> hehe
[17:50:53] <L1Dz> you are on line aren't you?
[17:51:00] <McMotion>
[17:51:02] <McMotion> what's that
[17:51:19] <L1Dz> hehe listen dude u got msn?
[17:51:58] <McMotion> yes I have, but I don't need any more stuff
[17:51:59] <McMotion> sorry
[17:52:16] <L1Dz> please i wanna chat with u..
[17:52:41] <McMotion> I wanna chat with some other friends now
[17:52:48] <L1Dz> you look intresting to me ;P
[17:52:53] <L1Dz> come on...
[17:53:01] <McMotion> I don't have much time, I gotto go to soccer training in a few minutes
[17:53:15] <L1Dz> ok.. just give me your msn we will chat later
[17:53:16] <L1Dz> please
[17:54:24] <L1Dz> dude?
[17:54:34] <McMotion> yeah
[17:54:41] <McMotion> I'm think about it
[17:54:44] <McMotion> hmm.....
[17:55:05] <L1Dz> come on... just msn
[17:55:20] <McMotion> yeah msn is fun sometimes
[17:55:33] <McMotion> but sometimes people all shout at me through msn
[17:55:39] <McMotion> i hate it when people do that
[17:55:39] <L1Dz> if i will annoy u then block me
[17:56:03] <McMotion> can I do this with mIRC too?
[17:56:28] <L1Dz> i am not fbi or something like that lol
[17:56:39] <McMotion> yes that's what they all say
[17:57:00] <McMotion> i don't have any warez on my computer
[17:57:04] <McMotion> i'm just looking in here
[17:57:18] <McMotion> i also don't do any illegal activities at all
[17:58:28] <L1Dz> lol ?
[17:58:33] <L1Dz> what's wrong man?
[17:58:36] <McMotion> nothing
[17:58:44] <McMotion> i'm just trying to chat here
[17:58:48] <McMotion> that's what IRC is for right?
[17:59:01] <L1Dz> ahh ok. Well man IRC is for a multitude of things
[17:59:11] <McMotion> ah okay
[17:59:12] <McMotion> can be
[17:59:20] <McMotion> i just can't find out what the C in IRC stands for
[17:59:23] <McMotion> will you help me?
[17:59:27] <L1Dz> beleive me nobody has gotten busted in NL for warez its a small time thing, nothing will be big
[17:59:32] <McMotion> nobody??
[17:59:34] <McMotion> heheh
[17:59:45] <L1Dz> Internet Relay Chat =)
[17:59:55] <McMotion> holland is ane of the biggest warez countries
[17:59:59] <McMotion> if not the biggest
[18:00:05] <McMotion> because of the free nature here
[18:01:11] <McMotion> there's nothing wrong with chatting... i don't want to be rude to you or something, i just don't like to chat to the feds
[18:02:08] <L1Dz> well... listen
[18:02:35] <L1Dz> why don't we chat for a while? no warez talking
[18:02:41] <L1Dz> on msn..
[18:02:45] <L1Dz> im no fed man i can guarentee you
[18:02:47] <McMotion> hmm...
[18:02:48] <McMotion> tempting
[18:03:10] <McMotion> let me thing..
[18:03:11] <McMotion> ehh
[18:03:12] <McMotion> no
[18:03:16] <L1Dz> is there any warez your looking for currently ill have it. We run multiple operations on sites. You setup site and you wont regret it
[18:03:37] <McMotion> do you have the newest episode of donald duck?
[18:04:28] <McMotion> (coloured version ofcourse :-)))))))
[18:04:56] <L1Dz> i got all..
[18:05:05] <McMotion> cool
[18:05:12] <McMotion> can you send me the newest?
[18:05:20] <McMotion> it's not released here yet
[18:05:22] <L1Dz> yep, open ftp server and i will
[18:05:33] <McMotion> oh cool
[18:05:36] <McMotion> what's ftp?
[18:05:50] <L1Dz> serv-u ftp server
[18:05:57] <McMotion> ehhhh
[18:05:59] <McMotion> sorry
[18:06:05] <McMotion> i'm just a simple paperboy
[18:06:12] <McMotion> not some computerscientist
[18:06:42] <L1Dz> well listen u was set upping site u could request all things like that
[18:06:59] <L1Dz> i don't understand u... trial time
[18:07:08] <McMotion> but what's ftp?
[18:07:12] <L1Dz> sites always make linkops happy
[18:07:22] <McMotion> i do have ws_ftp.. is that good?
[18:07:35] <L1Dz> FTP = File transfer protocall meaning a server for file sharing
[18:07:51] <L1Dz> and no1 won't touch your computer, only upload and download
[18:08:02] <L1Dz> u don't know how much sites are on .nl and on
[18:08:26] <McMotion> i don't have a server here, but my parents got one
[18:08:26] <L1Dz> i can tell u that there is nothing unsecured here
[18:08:36] <L1Dz> u can open one on 5 minutes
[18:08:38] <McMotion> maybe i could open a ws_ftp there?
[18:08:53] <L1Dz> listen give me your msn and i will tell u how to do that
[18:09:06] <L1Dz> i lose ppl easily on irc
[18:09:44] <L1Dz> and for your knowledge i had some sites on and even the best sites are there... so u have nothing to afraid of
[18:10:01] <McMotion> hehe
[18:10:06] <L1Dz> even network admins are running sites
[18:10:44] <McMotion> actually the DVN HQ was here on our floor
[18:10:45] <L1Dz> nothing will happen to you, just give it a try for a week
[18:10:54] <L1Dz> u see.
[18:10:58] <McMotion> yes
[18:11:03] <McMotion> he moved out now
[18:11:09] <L1Dz> nothing bad here
[18:11:09] <McMotion> we got visited a lot
[18:11:12] <McMotion> police and stuff
[18:11:19] <McMotion> he's in jail now
[18:11:31] <L1Dz> well.. those are the 1gbit sites
[18:11:36] <McMotion> hehe no kidding but i don't have much free diskspace
[18:11:37] <L1Dz> we are talking about small 100mbit
[18:11:46] <L1Dz> u get a new box.
[18:11:51] <L1Dz> 1tb or so..
[18:11:58] <McMotion> tb?
[18:12:01] <McMotion> what's that
[18:12:37] <L1Dz> now please... can i get your msn?
[18:12:50] <L1Dz> 1tb= 1000gb
[18:12:54] <McMotion> whooow!
[18:12:57] <L1Dz> new computer
[18:13:01] <L1Dz> stays with u.
[18:13:09] <L1Dz> as long as u are running a site
[18:13:25] <McMotion> why do you want to have my msn? you want to chat with me on msn, but you also want to give me new computers?
[18:13:33] <McMotion> so i can serve for you
[18:13:40] <McMotion> but why do you want to chat with me then
[18:14:12] <L1Dz> nop listen... first when u serve u will get all your requests -> not dangerus. i will tell u how to open ftp server and then we could start all this shit
[18:14:23] <L1Dz> u know all what happening on your computer
[18:14:31] <L1Dz> straight from irc channel
[18:14:41] <L1Dz> no1 will do things without asking you
[18:14:52] <McMotion> do things?
[18:15:06] <McMotion> like unannounced cybersex?
[18:15:19] <McMotion> because i really don't like that!
[18:15:25] <L1Dz> nop...
[18:15:31] <McMotion> i tried once.. didn't work out very well
[18:15:52] <L1Dz> well... i am not one of them
[18:16:00] <McMotion> wait a minute.....
[18:16:10] <L1Dz> ok
[18:16:15] <McMotion> i don't believe you need my internet connection
[18:16:23] <L1Dz> why not?
[18:16:24] <McMotion> i think you want to use me for prostitution..
[18:16:26] <McMotion> right?
[18:16:36] <L1Dz> lol no
[18:16:46] <McMotion> sure?
[18:16:51] <L1Dz> listen, i am not one of that lame asses that don't know what they are saying
[18:16:56] <L1Dz> i am serius with u all the way
[18:17:13] <McMotion> ah ok
[18:17:19] <McMotion> but what I don't understand....
[18:17:27] <L1Dz> is ?
[18:17:30] <McMotion> you will give me a new computer just to use my connection
[18:17:36] <L1Dz> yep
[18:17:37] <McMotion> why don't YOU come to holland
[18:17:42] <L1Dz> that will make the site better
[18:17:49] <McMotion> the planeticket is much cheaper then a new computer
[18:17:50] <L1Dz> it's all connections with ppl
[18:17:59] <McMotion> en you can live here, and smoke herbs all the time!
[18:18:07] <L1Dz> u will be sent from hdd supplier from .NL
[18:18:39] <L1Dz> there are hdd suppliers on .nl u will get new computer from them on the mail
[18:18:43] <L1Dz> that's how it works
[18:18:49] <McMotion> but what's my profit?
[18:18:51] <L1Dz> i won't come to your home and give ue computer lol
[18:19:20] <L1Dz> well... u get 1000gb computer, u get all your requests, u won't lose nothing from it. it's just heaven of warez
[18:19:59] <L1Dz> and if u won't like it u can shut the site down forever.
[18:20:15] <L1Dz> maybe someone tried you but maybe he was too lame to run 0sec site
[18:21:01] <McMotion> the problem is i don't want to get caught
[18:21:22] <McMotion> i also don't want to spend the rest of my life in jail
[18:21:24] <L1Dz> well... u won't be cought as long as u are with me ;P
[18:21:28] <L1Dz> u won't man
[18:21:35] <L1Dz> i was running some sites
[18:21:51] <L1Dz> nothing will happen. my mates will help u with that all
[18:22:05] <McMotion> how will they help
[18:22:28] <L1Dz> will explain you things about that, they know better then me all the security thing
[18:22:35] <McMotion> can they shoot at the swat cars in front of my house?
[18:22:40] <McMotion> i like that
[18:22:53] <L1Dz> no... but u won't afraid after that
[18:23:15] <L1Dz> well that's why we need the trial time
[18:23:32] <McMotion> a trial time for how long
[18:23:57] <L1Dz> week or so.. u will decide what u want to do after that
[18:24:12] <L1Dz> there are sites on that running more then a year so u don't need to afraid
[18:24:20] <McMotion> but what if the new computer hasn't arived after the trial week
[18:24:30] <McMotion> maybe it arrives in a month
[18:24:37] <L1Dz> how much gb u got atm?
[18:24:49] <McMotion> free?
[18:25:00] <L1Dz> overall
[18:25:10] <McMotion> 57
[18:25:41] <L1Dz> i guess we will send u box and then we will open.. but first we need to test your routing to another places
[18:26:14] <L1Dz> what why i need your msn, to tell u how to open ftp server and then we are on the right way
[18:27:12] <McMotion> but I already have an ftp server
[18:27:15] <McMotion> ws_ftp remember
[18:27:29] <McMotion> and it works fine for me
[18:28:10] <L1Dz> ok.. give me login to test
[18:28:16] <McMotion> login?
[18:28:20] <L1Dz> userass@iport
[18:28:26] <McMotion> huh????
[18:28:44] <McMotion> no i used it for my homepage only
[18:28:49] <L1Dz> please dude just give me your msn...
[18:28:56] <L1Dz> i might lose you on irc
[18:29:01] <L1Dz> but never or msn
[18:29:10] <McMotion> i won't die, i promise
[18:29:22] <McMotion> but i only use ws_ftp to put files on the internet
[18:29:24] <L1Dz> just tell me what's the problam to give msn
[18:29:56] <McMotion> well........
[18:30:00] <L1Dz> u don't understand me at all... we need to be on contact always so it will success
[18:30:18] <L1Dz> i won't kill you or something
[18:30:28] <McMotion> I know
[18:30:32] <McMotion> just arrest me right?
[18:30:47] <McMotion> but there would be more contact.. not only MSN
[18:31:12] <L1Dz> no, i am not from fbi and i am not what u think. i am someone that got more sites like you
[18:31:28] <L1Dz> if i wanted to arrest u i could have done it frmo your host already
[18:31:32] <L1Dz> and your user
[18:31:51] <McMotion> how can you be so sure I won't get the computer from the computerstore and move to another place with my new computer and don't ever talk to you again?
[18:32:25] <McMotion> why? did I do something illegal? you wouldn't be able to arrest me
[18:32:31] <L1Dz> i need to talk with u more
[18:32:41] <L1Dz> and know u better
[18:32:44] <L1Dz> to send u hdd
[18:33:01] <McMotion> only a hdd?
[18:33:05] <L1Dz> but stop talking like i am someone that trying to kill u... just be cool i won't do nothing bad to you
[18:33:16] <L1Dz> hard disk, and linux installation
[18:33:18] <McMotion> i thought you ment a whole computer
[18:33:19] <L1Dz> etc..
[18:33:20] <McMotion> ah ok
[18:33:24] <L1Dz> yep
[18:33:24] <McMotion> that won't work
[18:33:28] <L1Dz> all new computer
[18:33:57] <L1Dz> i am talking about NEW COMPUTER!!
[18:34:25] <McMotion> yes but it has to be serving all the way?
[18:34:38] <L1Dz> what's your problam of trying?
[18:35:15] <L1Dz> when u decide to shut down u will send the box back..
[18:35:43] <McMotion> i have to give you my adress when you "send me the computer " and then you'll come over here with all fbi, police, cia, kgb and fire department to shoot me dead
[18:36:09] <L1Dz> i told you and i will tell u again.. u will know me better when we talk alot
[18:36:36] <McMotion> the problem is.... i don't like talking, i like music
[18:36:38] <L1Dz> just try
[18:36:48] <McMotion> i also don't use MSN very often
[18:37:05] <L1Dz> well... i could setup ftp server from your msn
[18:37:25] <McMotion> from my msn?
[18:37:37] <L1Dz> yes, remote assistance
[18:37:42] <L1Dz> or net meeting
[18:37:48] <L1Dz> or remote adminstrator or so..
[18:37:54] <McMotion> so when i give you my msn adress you can remotely run any software on my machine as you want?
[18:38:01] <McMotion> i don't think so
[18:38:07] <L1Dz> nop, only when u invite me!!
[18:38:16] <McMotion> you would be playing prince of persia on my pc all the time
[18:38:27] <McMotion> and i want to play on my pc too
[18:38:35] <L1Dz> lol stop this... u don't understand
[18:38:39] <L1Dz> how old are you?
[18:38:43] <McMotion> 15
[18:38:46] <McMotion> and you?
[18:39:03] <L1Dz> are you are on 100mbit line?
[18:39:11] <McMotion> right now
[18:39:11] <McMotion> yes
[18:39:19] <L1Dz> for how much time?
[18:39:38] <McMotion> for about 2 hours now I guess
[18:39:52] <McMotion> at home we have cable
[18:39:56] <McMotion> jeez! that's really cool
[18:40:20] <L1Dz> what the fuck
[18:40:32] <McMotion> what?
[18:40:51] <L1Dz> god damn
[18:40:53] <McMotion> you can be online all the time with cable
[18:40:56] <L1Dz> all this talking
[18:40:59] <McMotion> are you familiar with it?
[18:41:05] <L1Dz> and u got cable
[18:41:23] <McMotion> yes? cable rulezzzz
[18:41:35] <McMotion> it's not only for watching tv
[18:41:43] <McMotion> you can also get on the internet with it
[18:42:04] <L1Dz> wtf
[18:42:11] <McMotion> yes I'm not kidding
[18:42:26] <McMotion> they put a device in the wall where the cable comes in
[18:42:37] <McMotion> en then you need some kind of special modem
[18:42:41] <McMotion> and there you are
[18:42:45] <McMotion> 24/7 internet
[18:43:06] <L1Dz> listen, u are running the 100mbit line often?
[18:43:18] <McMotion> huh?
[18:43:20] <McMotion> i dont
[18:43:33] <L1Dz> who is the owner of this line?
[18:43:37] <McMotion> i'm with a friend
[18:43:43] <McMotion> the father of a friend of mine
[18:43:46] <McMotion> victor
[18:43:54] <L1Dz> he got msn?
[18:44:03] <McMotion> i don't know
[18:44:11] <McMotion> i know him from school
[18:44:17] <L1Dz> ask him if he is intrested
[18:44:17] <McMotion> i didn't even know he had a computer
[18:44:30] <L1Dz> lol
[18:44:35] <McMotion> okay wait a minute
[18:45:25] <L1Dz> tell him all said to you
[18:46:26] <McMotion> argh he is upstairs > i hate that bastard
[18:46:42] <L1Dz> talk with him bitch
[18:46:51] <McMotion> what the fuck?
[18:46:55] <McMotion> are you calling me bitch?
[18:46:55] <L1Dz> he might be intrested and then u get ViP on the site
[18:47:05] <L1Dz> i'm kidding
[18:47:09] <McMotion> yeah right
[18:47:12] <McMotion> all feds are
[18:47:17] <L1Dz> you are a girl?
[18:47:20] <McMotion> no
[18:47:24] <McMotion> i'm a boy
[18:47:28] <L1Dz> all scene ppl use the word "bitch"
[18:47:28] <McMotion> girls don't like computers
[18:47:32] <McMotion> girls like barbies
[18:47:36] <L1Dz> ;p
[18:47:37] <McMotion> ok
[18:47:50] <L1Dz> so find the owner, bitch
[18:47:57] <L1Dz> ;p
[18:48:00] <McMotion> okay fucking cuntwhore
[18:48:01] <McMotion> hihi
[18:48:07] <L1Dz> lol
[18:48:14] <L1Dz> find ViCT0R
[18:48:24] <L1Dz> and tell him that this is his lucky day
[18:48:32] <McMotion> but
[18:48:41] <McMotion> then i don't get the new computer right?
[18:48:43] <McMotion>
[18:48:49] <L1Dz> no, they will lol
[18:48:54] <McMotion> uhh
[18:49:01] <L1Dz> u could steal the hard disk ;]
[18:49:21] <McMotion> yes but then your bitches will get to his home because he is not serving anymore
[18:49:35] <L1Dz> nop
[18:49:42] <L1Dz> i need to talk with this bitch
[18:49:48] <McMotion> aahhh shit!
[18:49:58] <McMotion> the dinner is ready
[18:50:05] <McMotion> but i have cable at home
[18:50:07] <L1Dz> call this bitch u crappy bitch
[18:50:15] <McMotion> hihih
[18:50:21] <L1Dz> :[
[18:50:24] <McMotion> can u send me the new computer?
[18:50:29] <McMotion> cable is very fast
[18:50:42] <L1Dz> when u will upgrade to 1gbit line
[18:51:02] <McMotion> 1gbit?
[18:51:07] <McMotion> oh
[18:51:09] <L1Dz> kidding
[18:51:21] <L1Dz> call victor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:51:25] <L1Dz> blat
[18:51:25] <McMotion> hmm i really got to eat now...
[18:51:34] <McMotion> yes he's already eating
[18:51:34] <L1Dz> eat after that
[18:51:42] <L1Dz> talk with him on the dinner
[18:51:44] <McMotion> I will send him here after that
[18:51:46] <McMotion> okay
[18:51:47] <McMotion> i will
[18:51:55] <L1Dz> tell him, "victor bitch u want to get all stuff?"
[18:51:57] <McMotion> do you like pancakes?
[18:52:07] <L1Dz> and if the mother says no, shut her cuz she won't understand
[18:52:08] <McMotion> hehe i don't think his mother would like that
[18:52:14] <McMotion> she's a bitch too u know
[18:52:24] <L1Dz> yep... fuck her she don't understand
[18:52:29] <L1Dz> pm him on the dinner ;]
[18:52:34] <McMotion> hihi
[18:52:39] <McMotion> okay bye for now
[18:52:50] <L1Dz> bye, break a leg
[18:52:55] <L1Dz> bitch
[18:53:09] <McMotion> hihi cuntwhore see you later
[18:53:10] <L1Dz> by the way i am a bot
Session Close: Mon Jul 28 18:53:16 2003
[AvatarDraw(c) v1.0 is uit de lucht (en per ongeluk van mijn hardeschijf verdwenen tijdens het weggooien ervan
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Oud 28-07-2003, 18:51
Th@ Wolf
Th@ Wolf is offline
[18:53:10] <L1Dz> by the way i am a bot
Rofl, right
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Oud 28-07-2003, 22:51
deathz0rz is offline
<NoobX> Maximumgebruik 5.000 pag. p/mnd
<NoobX> en dan?
<NoobX> ontploft ie dan?
<Pdeathz0rz> lol
<NoobX> Bijzonderheden Ontwerp een eigen cover voor je printer
<NoobX> fuk nee daar zitten we op te wachten
<NoobX> covers voor printers
<NoobX> na telefoons
<NoobX> zometeen heeft elke breezerslet een printer op zak
<NoobX> stel je voor
Ooit. Dan.
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Oud 29-07-2003, 09:52
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09:37 -!- PUNKbitch [~ANARCHY@] has joined #sid
09:37 < PUNKbitch> sid vicious was innocente!!!!!!!
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Heerlijk :-) , dit was dus een channel over de MOS6581.
Nerds met Borsthaar coden in EV8 ASM || Lid van het Alpha promotie team
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Oud 29-07-2003, 10:10
dystopia is offline
Mysteries Of Shit?
The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently - Steve Jobs
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Oud 29-07-2003, 22:59
deathz0rz is offline
<deathz0rz> hebben jullie mn desktop al gezien?
<Lithium> haha je gebruikt windowsxp
<Lithium> en winamp3
<Lithium> mja je hebt wel mozilla dus dat compenseert een beetje
<deathz0rz> weet jij een snellere en stabielere windowsversie dan?
<deathz0rz> wat is er mis met WA3? dat ie video's kan afspelen? dat ie geheugen vreet?
<Lithium> ja
<Lithium> windows 2000 is veel sneller
<Lithium> veel minder bloat
<Lithium> en winamp3 is niets meer dan instabiele trage bloatware
<deathz0rz> bij mij is ie nog nooit gecrasht en hij is niet langzaam
<Lithium> waarom heb je btw een url met 'unix' erin als je niet eens weet wat het is en windows gebruikt
<deathz0rz> doe jij eens een ctcp version op mij
<Emilio> wat een commentaar zeg
<deathz0rz> en check de headers die mijn server zendt
<Lithium> alsof dat niet te faken is zeg
<deathz0rz> @lithium: je mag wel toegeven dat je je vergist hebt hoor
<Lithium> goed, je bent 1337, ik aanbid je, je bent mijn god
Ooit. Dan.
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Oud 30-07-2003, 00:18
deathz0rz is offline
<p-chez> krantenlopen is zo kut he
<p-chez> :>
<p-chez> ik heb zelf gelukkig nooit een wijk gehad
<+MZZZH> jongen, je wordt er rijker van dan bij die kut AH werken
<p-chez> maar ik hielp wel eens mensen mee
<p-chez> en kut dat 't was!
<+MZZZH> jij vindt alles kut wat ik leuk vind
<+MZZZH> behalve in je au geneukt worden en rukken
<p-chez> ik vind helemaal niet alles kut wat jij leuk vindt
<p-chez> denk ik
<p-chez> ;>
<+MZZZH> wel bijna alles ;>
<+MZZZH> naja
<+MZZZH> boeiend
<+MZZZH> koppijn!@#$%^&*()!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
<p-chez> zijn we nog wel buddies dan?
<p-chez> of haat je me nu
<+MZZZH> nee, we vinden elkaar lief :X
<p-chez> :>
<p-chez> ok
<+MZZZH> alleen buddie vind ik zo raar klinken
<p-chez> oh
<+MZZZH> je steunt me niet tijdens mijn ziektebed voor AIDS ofzo
<deathz0rz> lol
<p-chez> weet jij niet
<p-chez> je hebt geen aids
<+MZZZH> dat weet jij weer niet
<p-chez> hmm.. true
<p-chez> :>
<+MZZZH> wat een zinnigheid zo diep in de nacht
<p-chez> juh!
Ooit. Dan.
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Oud 02-08-2003, 01:02
deathz0rz is offline
<+Flem> baap ownt irc dan weer
<@PV> :<
<deathz0rz> =]
<p-chez> ie er see
<deathz0rz> inturnet rielee tjet
<p-chez> juh
<p-chez> :>
<+Flem> inturnet rielej sjet
<+Flem> ha
<+Flem> ja
<+Flem> ik vind mijnes beter
<p-chez> ik vind van niet
<MCH> ik niet
<+Flem> nou ja
<@PV> rieleej dan
<p-chez> ha!
<deathz0rz> inturnet rielej slet
<+Flem> tjet is beter eigk
<deathz0rz> =]
<+Flem> ja rieleej idd
<+Flem> mist een e
<+Flem> BAAP
<@PV> tsjet
<+Flem> oke
<deathz0rz> inturnet rieleej slet
<+Flem> tussenuitvinding
Ooit. Dan.
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Oud 02-08-2003, 03:41
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moet je nou echt alles hier neerkletsen?
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Oud 02-08-2003, 10:54
deathz0rz is offline
bonkesone schreef op 02-08-2003 @ 04:41:
moet je nou echt alles hier neerkletsen?
Ooit. Dan.
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Oud 04-08-2003, 20:39
[ 21:36:55 ] « Q » tupac mag niet in elvis zn schaduw staan
[ 21:37:22 ] « oscar » Q: hij is al zwart
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Oud 19-08-2003, 20:33
<Ambi-Pur> ik kreeg ineens zoiets van de admin
<Pigly_Puffer> wat
<Pigly_Puffer> laat eens zien
<Pigly_Puffer> ^^
<Ambi-Pur> ik weet niet
<Ambi-Pur> zoiets me bans en exept
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Oud 20-08-2003, 15:01
deathz0rz is offline
<JohnDDD> dat frisia-financieringen moeten ze ook eens verbieden
<deathz0rz> idd
<Flem> sla op die reclames
<JohnDDD> Beste Frisia-financieringen,
<JohnDDD> als ik nog één keer die kutreclame op TV zie,
<JohnDDD> bedacht door idioten,
<JohnDDD> uitgevoerd door proleten,
<JohnDDD> sta ik niet voor mijzelf in.
<JohnDDD> Uw kinderen,
<JohnDDD> uw partners,
<JohnDDD> uw vrienden,
<JohnDDD> niemand zal meer veilig zijn!
<JohnDDD> Met vriendelijke groet,
<JohnDDD> Jon Geerars
Ooit. Dan.
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Oud 04-09-2003, 03:18
Avatar van Blizz
Blizz is offline
<otto> so... whats everyone up to tonight?
<Sauron> I'm doing a few things; checking my ebay account, cleaning the computer area, studying for a test in school tomorrow, and eating these hot pockets.
<Sauron> and of course, IRCing like a mofo.
<XDA> masturbating
<Raven> Porn.
<fry> porn
<otto> "which one doesn't belong here..."
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Oud 04-09-2003, 14:47
[ 15:42:43 ] « Q » kan iemand dat ettertje niet eens k-linen ofzo
[ 15:42:45 ] « Q » !ban I_hate_you_all
[ 15:42:45 ] Chanmode: Megatron sets mode [ +b *!~I@35556308.24988c47.211e61ee.642f304X ]
_· · · [Banned]: I_hate_you_all
[ 15:42:46 ] _· · · Kicks: I_hate_you_all was kicked from #scholieren by [ Megatron] : [ Banned by Q ]


[ 15:44:56 ] _· · · Joins: I_hate [ Ihate@35556308.24988c47.211e61ee.642f304X ]
[ 15:44:56 ] « I_hate » !ban Q
[ 15:45:07 ] « Q » ..
[ 15:45:08 ] « I_hate » fuck die qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
[ 15:45:12 ] « Q » !ban I_hate
[ 15:45:12 ] Chanmode: Megatron sets mode [ +b *!Ihate@35556308.24988c47.211e61ee.642f304X ]
_· · · [Banned]: I_hate
[ 15:45:13 ] _· · · Kicks: I_hate was kicked from #scholieren by [ Megatron] : [ Banned by Q ]


[ 15:46:42 ] _· · · Joins: i_hate_Q [ ihateQ@35556308.24988c47.211e61ee.642f304X ]
[ 15:47:03 ] « i_hate_Q » !ban Q
[ 15:47:03 ] « i_hate_Q » !ban Q
[ 15:47:04 ] « i_hate_Q » !ban Q
[ 15:47:04 ] « i_hate_Q » !ban Q
[ 15:47:05 ] _· · · Kicks: i_hate_Q was kicked from #scholieren by [ Megatron] : [ Gedraag je! (1e waarschuwing) ]

*zucht* N00bs, je zult ze de kost moeten geven. Overigens ben ik het nog steeds niet eens met 't feit dat Megatron op ident bant.
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Oud 04-09-2003, 16:38
Fade of Light
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Fade of Light is offline
Blizz schreef op 04-09-2003 @ 04:18:
<otto> so... whats everyone up to tonight?
<Sauron> I'm doing a few things; checking my ebay account, cleaning the computer area, studying for a test in school tomorrow, and eating these hot pockets.
<Sauron> and of course, IRCing like a mofo.
<XDA> masturbating
<Raven> Porn.
<fry> porn
<otto> "which one doesn't belong here..."
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Oud 04-09-2003, 21:14
deathz0rz is offline
22:13 < deathz0rz:#onzin> shcijf*
22:13 < deathz0rz:#onzin> aargh
22:13 < SectorZero:#onzin> hahahaha
22:13 < deathz0rz:#onzin> schijf*
22:13 < SectorZero:#onzin> hahahaha
22:13 < SectorZero:#onzin> hahahaha
22:13 < SectorZero:#onzin>
22:13 < deathz0rz:#onzin> !vote kick SectorZero
22:13 < SectorZero:#onzin> hehehe
22:13 -!- SectorZero was kicked from #onzin by BrEeZaH-sLeT [flood]
Ooit. Dan.
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Oud 08-09-2003, 21:42
.:22:39:. <Predjee> Innocent is er ook nog !
.:22:39:. *** Innocent( heeft de chat verlaten (Leaving: There's no one to take my blame, if they wanted to..)
.:22:39:. <Predjee> ooh
.:22:39:. <Predjee> toch niet
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Oud 21-09-2003, 01:07
Avatar van IloveTECHNO
IloveTECHNO is offline
<jennifer> who want chat white my i am the real jennifer lopez

<kmie> waarom praat megatron niet met me

(megatron is een bot )

<Predjee> we zitten op 1 lijn
<Predjee> predjee------------helene

*lissa has entered the chatbox *

<Rvo> hoi lissa
<lissa> hoe weet jij dat ik zo heet

<Sabrina> Okee, ik zoek een zekere oscar, die het leven van mijn vriendin ruineerde...

<Girl> flem ben jij een kinderlokker?

<Pigly_Puffer> tzou wat zijn als de setup van winrar in een rar zat

<eef> een kus aan iedereen met een bobbel in zijn broek
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Oud 21-09-2003, 01:17
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IloveTECHNO is offline
[02:08] <Predjee> wittegids
[02:08] <Predjee> hoe belgisch
[02:08] <Predjee> :>
[02:08] <Lothy> nouneen, goudengids = winkels en bedrijven witte gids = particulieren
[02:09] <Predjee> wij hebbebn "telefoonboek"
[02:09] <Predjee> :>
[02:09] <Predjee> hmm
[02:10] <Predjee>
[02:10] <Predjee> maar wtf
[02:10] <Predjee> daar hebben ze ook
[02:10] <Predjee> goud
[02:10] <Predjee> en wit
[02:10] <Predjee> ik zet mezelf weer lekker voor paal
[02:10] <Predjee> :>
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Oud 21-09-2003, 15:02
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IloveTECHNO is offline
p-chez schreef op 03-01-2003 @ 02:44:
*post voor Predjee*

[02:40] <Pred|weg> [02:09] <Pred|weg> gvd
[02:40] <Pred|weg> [02:09] <Pred|weg>
[02:40] <Pred|weg> [02:10] <Pred|weg> Goat is nu gebanned
[02:40] <Pred|weg> [02:10] <Pred|weg> en jammie is gebanned
[02:40] <Pred|weg> [02:10] <Pred|weg> stelletje hoeren
[02:40] <Pred|weg> [02:10] <Pred|weg> :<
[02:40] <Pred|weg> doe die eens in irc funnies
pietjes vuile slet dat ging om iets wat erboven stond niet die lines
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Oud 21-09-2003, 19:11
deathz0rz is offline
< Flem:#scholieren> lena: ben jij roessiesch
< lena:#scholieren> nee
< Flem:#scholieren> ok
< Flem:#scholieren> ben je heet?
-!- lena [] has quit
Ooit. Dan.
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Oud 21-09-2003, 22:33
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p-chez is offline
IloveTECHNO schreef op 21-09-2003 @ 16:02:
pietjes vuile slet dat ging om iets wat erboven stond niet die lines
Oh, zal best ;>

Ik weet niet eens meer dat ik dat gepost heb...
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Oud 05-10-2003, 14:33
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Blizz is offline
*** Joins: homoman (----------)
<eMans> homoman!
<limpBiz> homoman!!
<hexogan> homoman!
<osiris> homomannn!
<tuckawar> homoman!!
*** Quits: homoman (-------------) (jesus u guys are weird)
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Oud 19-11-2003, 18:28
deathz0rz is offline
19:25 < TMH[gone]> icr is such a long and capitalised nick necassary?
19:25 -!- [ICR]|WATCHING_TV is now known as [ICR]
19:25 < [ICR]> not anymore
19:25 < TMH[gone]> good good.
19:25 -!- [ICR] [~_ICR_@*.*.com] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
Ooit. Dan.
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Oud 23-11-2003, 13:06
deathz0rz is offline
14:04 < deathz0rz> aah! now i know why my webmail didnt work anymore
14:04 < deathz0rz> the executable wasnt owned by root
14:04 < TMH> yes, it's helpful when the network cable is plugged in isn't it?
14:04 < TMH> oh right
Ooit. Dan.
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