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Oud 18-02-2004, 17:37
halilo is offline
Hans de Boer
Troelstralaan 78
8789 Vs Almelo

13 Seagult Road
London EC3 6PK
UK/Great Britain

18 February 2004

Dear Sir/Madam,

I write this letter because, the video apparatus that I bought last weak from your shop, is not working. The price of the apparatus is € 150. The mark of this video machine is Sony 7500 Lt.

I have asked a apparatus specialist to help me, to make this video apparatus works. He thinks the video apparatus is not working by a mistake by the makers of this apparatus. I have read the book that I found in the box of the apparatus very careful. I got information from the website of the manufacturer, but it’s not working. I have also called them to get more important information about it. I am sorry to say that I find the quality of the apparatus very bad is. The matter has caused my considerable difficulties as I needed the apparatus urgently.

Would u please return my money to me or send somebody that can repair it. I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully

heb nu al 2 fout gemaakt: ik moest de woorden because,however,although gebruiken, ik heb alleen because gebruikt, omdat ik moeilijk vond die anderen te gebruiken, kun je aub die 2 woorden in de tekst proppen en het nakijken

alvast bedankt

groeten, Halil
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Oud 18-02-2004, 17:41
Avatar van Koning
Koning is offline
last week ipv last weak toch?
"Bring me my monocle. I want to look rich."
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Oud 18-02-2004, 17:43
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Koning is offline
zeg ipv appartus ook eens "the device" "the machine" "it "
"Bring me my monocle. I want to look rich."
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Oud 18-02-2004, 17:50
Avatar van Briseïs
Briseïs is offline
Hans de Boer
Troelstralaan 78
8789 Vs Almelo
The Netherlands

13 Seagult Road
London EC3 6PK
UK/Great Britain

18 February 2004

Dear Sir/Madam,

I write this letter because the video apparatus that I bought last week from your shop is not working. The price of the apparatus was € 150. The mark of this video machine is Sony 7500 Lt.

I asked a apparatus specialist to help me to repair the video apparatus. He thinks the video apparatus is not working because of a mistake made by the makers of this apparatus. I already read the book that I found in the box of the apparatus very carefully. I also got some information from the website of the manufacturer, but it’s still not working. I also called them to get more important information about it. I am sorry, but I think that the quality of the machine is very bad. The matter has caused considerable difficulties for I needed the apparatus badly.

Could you please return my money or send somebody who is able to repair it? I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully

Nog niet geweldig, maar al een stuk beter.
Hela världen är så underbar

Laatst gewijzigd op 18-02-2004 om 17:56.
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Oud 18-02-2004, 17:50
halilo is offline
o ja thnx, maar I write this letter because, the video apparatus that I bought last weak from your shop, is not working klopt ook niet of nie.
kan iemand het niet aub kopieren en fouten verbeteren.
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Oud 18-02-2004, 17:51
sdekivit is offline
ik zou je eigen naam maar niet in de adressering zetten

--> eigen adres, postcode+ woonplaats, land maar niet de naam
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Oud 18-02-2004, 17:53
halilo is offline
dankuwel Briseïs
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Oud 18-02-2004, 17:58
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Balance is offline
Ik ben verder gegaan met die van Briseïs:

Troelstralaan 78
8789 Vs Almelo
The Netherlands

13, Seagult Road
London EC3 6PK

Almerlo, 18 February, 2004

Dear Sir/Madam,

I write this letter because the video apparatus that I bought last week from your shop is not working. The price of the apparatus was € 150. The mark of this video machine is Sony 7500 Lt.

I asked a apparatus specialist to help me to repair the video apparatus. He thinks the machine is not working because of a mistake made by the makers of this apparatus. I already read the book that I found in the box of the apparatus very carefully. I also got some information from the website of the manufacturer, but it’s still not working. I also called them to get more important information about it. I am sorry, but I think that the quality of the machine is very bad. The matter has caused considerable difficulties for I needed the apparatus badly.

Could you please return my money or send somebody who is able to repair it?

I hope to get an answer from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Hans de Boer

Ik heb vooral naar de lay-out gekeken. Wat komma's toegevoegd en dingen in de adressering veranderd. Zo zet je in een Engelse brief nooit je naam boven je adres. En je plaatsnaam zet je voor de datum.
Ik ga links want ik moet rechts. En we gaan nog niet naar huis.
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Oud 18-02-2004, 18:05
halilo is offline
dankuwel Balance
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Oud 18-02-2004, 18:09
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kuivaar is offline
ipv van is not working zou ik zeggen doesn`t work
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Oud 18-02-2004, 18:09
Zozo is offline
halilo schreef op 18-02-2004 @ 18:37:
Troelstralaan 78
8789 Vs Almelo
The Netherlands

13 Seagult Road
London EC3 6PK
Great Britain

18 February 2004

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter because, the video apparatus that I bought last weak from your shop, does not work . The price of the apparatus is € 150. The mark of this video machine is Sony 7500 Lt.

I have asked a apparatus specialist to help me, to make this video apparatus works. He thinks the video apparatus is not working by a mistake of the makers from this apparatus. I have read the book which I found in the box of the apparatus very careful. I got information of the website from the manufacturer, but it’s not working. I also have called them to get more important information about the video . I am sorry to say but I think the quality of the apparatus is very bad. The matter has caused my considerable difficulties as I needed the apparatus urgently.

Would u please return my money to me or send somebody that can repair it. I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,



heb nu al 2 fout gemaakt: ik moest de woorden because,however,although gebruiken, ik heb alleen because gebruikt, omdat ik moeilijk vond die anderen te gebruiken, kun je aub die 2 woorden in de tekst proppen en het nakijken

alvast bedankt

groeten, Halil
Met citaat reageren
Oud 18-02-2004, 18:14
halilo is offline
kuivaar moet ik dan is ook weglaten: bedoel je zo
I write this letter because the video apparatus that I bought last week from your shop doesn't work.

of is het eerder works dan work
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Oud 18-02-2004, 18:14
Avatar van kuivaar
kuivaar is offline
Zozo schreef op 18-02-2004 @ 19:09:
working by a mistake of the makers from this apparatus
I got information of the website from the manufacturer
Ik zou of en from iig omdraaien.
Ik zou btw zeggen:
I got information from the manufacturers website
Met citaat reageren
Oud 18-02-2004, 18:16
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kuivaar is offline
halilo schreef op 18-02-2004 @ 19:14:
kuivaar moet ik dan is ook weglaten: bedoel je zo
I write this letter because the video apparatus that I bought last week from your shop doesn't work.

of is het eerder works dan work
Het is doesn`t work zonder s want die zit namelijk al in doesn`t
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Oud 18-02-2004, 18:17
halilo is offline
maar moet 150 woorden zijn he is I also got some information from the website of the manufacturer dan niet goed
hij is lang he daarom
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Oud 18-02-2004, 18:20
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kuivaar is offline
halilo schreef op 18-02-2004 @ 19:17:
maar moet 150 woorden zijn he is I also got some information from the website of the manufacturer dan niet goed
hij is lang he daarom
tis niet fout volgens mij maar minder mooi. En anders verzin je er nog amar een leuk zinnetje bij
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Oud 18-02-2004, 18:22
Avatar van Balance
Balance is offline
halilo schreef op 18-02-2004 @ 19:17:
maar moet 150 woorden zijn he is I also got some information from the website of the manufacturer dan niet goed
hij is lang he daarom
ik snap niet echt wat je bedoelt eigenlijk...
gebruik anders aanhalingstekens. dan weten we wat je citeert en wat je d'r naast zegt.
Ik ga links want ik moet rechts. En we gaan nog niet naar huis.
Met citaat reageren
Oud 18-02-2004, 18:59
halilo schreef op 18-02-2004 @ 18:37:
Hans de Boer
Troelstralaan 78
8789 Vs Almelo

13 Seagult Road
London EC3 6PK
UK/Great Britain

18 February 2004

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter because(geen komma) the videorecorder that I bought from your shop last week, is not working. The price of the machine is € 150. The brand of this videorecorder is Sony 7500 Lt.

I have asked a apparatusspecialist to help me fix my videorecorder. His opinion is that the video apparatus is not working because of a mistake by the manufacturer. I have read the manual of the apparatus very carefully. I have also gotten help via the website of the manufacturer, but it is still not working. I have also called them to get more help and information concerning this problem.
I am sorry to say that I find the quality of the apparatus very poor('is' verwijderd). The matter has caused meconsiderable problems as I need it urgently.

Could You please refund my money )'to me' verwijderd) or send somebody that can repair it. I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
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Ads door Google
Oud 18-02-2004, 19:08
wordt deze brief eigenlijk echt verstuurd naar londen of niet???

Want de fout kan er ook goed bij liggen dat het apparaat gemaakt is op een kleiner voltage als wat wij hebben dus lager dan 230 V dus kan het zijn dat het apparaat niet goed functioneert in Nederland.


eigen naam in het begin van de brief weglaten.
apparratus aanpassen in the machine of zoiets
bij de datum ook plaats waar je het vandaan stuurt erbij zetten.
nog een tip kijk achter in een woorden boek of daar staat over de opmaak van de brief (staat wel achterin de mijne maar die heb ik niet bij de hand.)
Met citaat reageren
Oud 18-02-2004, 19:33
halilo is offline
nee nee, dit is maar om te oefenen voor de toets, bedankt iedereen
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Oud 18-02-2004, 19:57
Avatar van Ovidius
Ovidius is offline
Hans de Boer
Troelstralaan 78
8789 Vs Almelo
The Netherlands

13 Seagult Road
London EC3 6PK
UK/Great Britain

18 February 2004

Dear Sir/Madam,

Last week I bought a videorecorder from your shop. The device, however, does not seem to be working. After unsuccesfully having asked a specialist to have a look at the device, I decided to write you this letter.

The device I bought is a Sony 7500 Lt that sold for €150. The specialist who took a look at the machine told me he suspected a production error.

Although I very much so respected the specialists opinion I decided to give it another try. I have read the included manual very carefully. I even called the manufacturer and also tried their website for more information. This information has not been able to help me one bit.

I am so sorry to say that I find the quality of the device that was sold to me very bad. As I need the device urgently, the matter has caused considerable difficulties for me.

I am asking you that you please return my money or send somebody who cán repair the device. I hope to hear from you soon,

Yours faithfully
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Oud 18-02-2004, 20:16
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Ovidius is offline
Sorry dat ik em zo aangepast heb maar het was ook echte een zeer matige brief.
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Oud 18-02-2004, 21:50
Avatar van Hoipiepeloi
Hoipiepeloi is offline
Ovidius schreef op 18-02-2004 @ 21:16:
Sorry dat ik em zo aangepast heb maar het was ook echte een zeer matige brief.
dat hansepansje is lief
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Oud 18-02-2004, 22:21
Avatar van Fantôme
Fantôme is offline
Hans de Boer
Troelstralaan 78
8789 Vs Almelo

13 Seagult Road
London EC3 6PK
UK/Great Britain

18 February 2004

Dear Sir/Madam,

I write this letter because, the video apparatus that I bought last week from your shop, is not working. The price of the apparatus is € 150. The mark of this video machine is Sony 7500 Lt.

I asked a apparatus specialist to help me, to make this video apparatus works. He thinks the video apparatus is not working because of a mistake made by the makers of this apparatus. I have read the book that I found in the box of the apparatus very carefully . I got information from the website of the manufacturer, but it is not working. I have also called them to get more important information about it. I am sorry to say that I find the quality of the apparatus very bad (IS staat niet op de goede plaats, and als je het gebruikt, zet er dan THAT (voor FIND) je kan het ook weglaten, dan krijg je: 'I am sorry to say that I find the quality of the apparatus very bad) . The matter has caused my considerable difficulties as I needed the apparatus urgently.

Would you please return my money to me or send somebody who can repair it.

I hope to hear from you soon. (I am waiting for an early reply )

Yours faithfully

(jouw naam)
Dit is een coole sig.
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Oud 19-02-2004, 10:27
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Gatara is offline
Ovidius schreef op 18-02-2004 @ 20:57:
Ik zou voor deze gaan (hoewel ik daar ook wat kleine foutjes in ontdekt heb.. maar de opbouw en inhoud is beter)
Bureaucracy is the death of any achievement.
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Oud 19-02-2004, 11:03
Gatara schreef op 19-02-2004 @ 11:27:
Ik zou voor deze gaan (hoewel ik daar ook wat kleine foutjes in ontdekt heb.. maar de opbouw en inhoud is beter)
sluit ik me bij aan.
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Oud 19-02-2004, 15:48
Zozo is offline
Het moet iig I AM WRITING zijn
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Oud 19-02-2004, 17:17
skip is offline
halilo schreef op 18-02-2004 @ 18:37:
Hans de Boer <geen naam invullen> ]
Troelstralaan 78
8789 Vs Almelo
<The Netherlands>

13 Seagult Road
London EC3 6PK
UK/Great Britain <niet UK/Great Britain naast elkaar gebruiken. of het een of het ander, maar niet allebei met een slash ertussen>

18 February 2004 <plaats, datum (die heb je al, maar even voor de opmaak, er moet een , tussen)>

Dear Sir/Madam,

I <een formele brief nooit beginnen met 'I'> write this letter because, the video apparatus that I bought last weak from your shop, is not working. The price of the apparatus is € 150. The mark of this video machine is Sony 7500 Lt.

I have asked a apparatus specialist to help me, to make this video apparatus works. He thinks the video apparatus is not working by a mistake by the makers of this apparatus. I have read the book that I found in the box of the apparatus very careful. I got information from the website of the manufacturer, but it’s not working. I have also called them to get more important information about it. I am sorry to say that I find the quality of the apparatus very bad is. The matter has caused my considerable difficulties as I needed the apparatus urgently.

Would u <dit is geen engels...alleen computertaal dat gebruikt wordt in chatprogramma's en op forums enzo> please return my money to me or send somebody that can repair it. I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully
Ik heb niet alles in jouw brief verbeterd, maar even de dingen die mij heel erg opvielen aangestipt. daarnaast, heb ik aan de hand van jouw brief een nieuwe brief gemaakt met daarin een aantal opmerkingen. ik hoop dat je er wat aan hebt

Troelstralaan 78
8789 VS Almelo
The Netherlands

13 Seagult Road
London EC 3 6PK
Great Britain

<plaats>, 18 February 2004

Dear Sir, Madam,

Last week, I bought a VCR <is een correcte afkorting van videorecorder, maar in een formele brief mag je officieel geen afkortingen gebruiken, anders is het videorecorder> and when I came home, I found out that it is not working. The VCR is a Sony 7500 Lt. and it costed me 150 Euro <ik heb geen euro-teken op mijn computer>. Because of malfunctioning, I went to a specialist to have a look at it and that is why I decided to write you this letter.

The specialist thinks that the malfunctioning is caused by a mistake made during the production process.

I read the manual that was enclosed in the box. In the manual was also a website-address of the manufacturer and I did some research on the website. However, the information I was hoping to find on there, was not on the website. What I did find was an e-mailaddress to contact the manufacturer.

Although I needed the VCR urgently, I did not make the decision to buy it within one second.

I would like to ask if there is a way to return the VCR to the manufacturer to repair it. If not, would it be possible to exchange it for another VCR of the same brand and the same price or to have my money returned?

I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully,

<jouw handtekening>

<jouw voor en achternaam>



Laatst gewijzigd op 19-02-2004 om 17:19.
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Oud 19-02-2004, 18:05
halilo is offline
thnx. heb morgen die toets. ik moet de woorden although en however in gebruiken. kunnen jullie paar zinnen met die woorden maken. volgens de bovenstaande brieven. dus de onderwerp bedoel ik
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Oud 19-02-2004, 18:40
skip is offline
because the VCR didn't funtion well, I would like to know if I could get my money back.

Although I checked everything according to malfuntioning that is written in the manual, the VCR still didn't work

voor however, zie mijn bovenstaande brief...kan even geen zin bedenken met however in relatie met het onderwerp.

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Oud 20-02-2004, 11:00
Avatar van martijn1985
martijn1985 is offline
mensen waarom ziet niemand het volgende:

I have asked a apparatus specialist
apparatus begint met een klinker, dus moet je an gebruiken.

I have asked an apparatus specialist
I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.
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Oud 20-02-2004, 11:15
Avatar van Briseïs
Briseïs is offline
ja dat was t eerste wat ik zag, maar meteen weer vergeten
Hela världen är så underbar
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Oud 23-02-2004, 09:11
Avatar van Apomes
Apomes is offline
Ovidius schreef op 18-02-2004 @ 21:16:
Sorry dat ik em zo aangepast heb maar het was ook echte een zeer matige brief.
niet zo matig als de jouwe, jij gebruikt zinnen en zinstructuren waardoor een gemiddelde engelsman wel eens zeer lastig kan van worden
Today I'm handing out lollipops and ass-whoopins and right now, I'm all out of lollipops!
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