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Oud 02-12-2003, 17:50
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De Tapwave Zodiac, al uit in Amerika en in Europa verwacht eind 2004.

200Mhz Motorola® i.MX1T ARM 9 CPU
32MB *or* 128MB internal DRAM (NOTE: 12MB is reserved for system stack)
ATI® Imageon W4200 2D Graphics Accelerator with 8MB VRAM, includes MPEG-4 & JPEG hardware decoding functions
3.8 inch 480x320 transflective backlit LCD display with touch screen and "Virtual Graffiti" functionality, 16-bit (65,536 colors)
Yamaha Sound Chip, with 16-channel polyphonic wavetable MIDI synthesiser
Built-in stereo speakers and standard 3.5mm headphone jack
Analog thumbstick with push button functionality
4 primary game buttons in SNES layout with 2 shoulder buttons
Power, Function & Home buttons
Built-in "rumble" effects for game feedback and vibration alarms
Built-in Bluetooth wireless functionality and Bluetooth communication button, allowing up to 8 Zodiacs to connect wirelessly with a 30 foot range, can also be used in conjunction with a Bluetooth enabled cell phone to surf the net
Infrared transceiver, capable of all typical Palm "beaming" applications
2 "hot swappable" SD card slots: one accepts MMC or SD, the other accepts SD or SDIO (for peripherals like cameras, radios etc.)
Custom USB connector; pin layout may or may not be PUC (Palm Universal Connector) compatible to some degree
Full PalmOS 5.2.6 functionality including portrait and landscape modes
Built-in MP3 player
Built-in JPEG viewer
Dual Lithium-Ion rechargeable batteries, total 1540 mAh, non-removable, supposedly able to deliver 16 hours usage per charge
Size/Weight: 5.6" (143mm) x 3.1" (79mm) x .55" (14mm) / 6.3 ounces
Power Supply: AC Adapter / Battery Charger (120 volt AC, 60 Hz)
paar screens:

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Wat denken jullie ervan
nee ik geen ss'er is.
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Oud 02-12-2003, 17:51
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oja, mooie interessante review

Tapwave Zodiac Review

This is 3D. This is mobile gaming like you have never seen it before. All the potential is here, in a sleek, attractive case.

I remember when the Game Boy was released. Though it wasnt the first handheld, it was the first successful handheld console. Everyone wanted one, and yes, I succumbed. It was a big, bulky thing, but it was cool for its time. In an age before there were killer apps, Tetris was a killer app. It was addictive, and it made the Gameboy sell in droves. It drove sales, you could say.

Why am I waxing nostalgic about the original Gameboy? Well, I really havent felt compelled to buy a handheld console since then. Sure, the Game Gear looked cool. I got a Lynx for Christmas. The TurboXpress (SP) seemed interesting. None of these held my attention. None of these made me want to go out and buy them. The main reason? Games. It seems that most of the games for handhelds have been aimed at kids.

How many fricking Pokemon titles are there for Gameboy? Too many, thats how many. Between that and Yu-Gi-Oh! (I dont care if I spelled it right) and the slew of other titles aimed at kiddos, theres nothing interesting in the GB lineup for someone a bit more, um, mature. And, no matter what some people in the press are trying to say, walking around with an SP does not make you look cool; it makes you look like a geek. Not the good kind of geek, either. The kind that sits home drooling over the Gameboy Player on the Cube. The sort that doesnt get laid. Ever.

Thats all settled now. Marketers have realized there is another demographic, us older dudes, the ones who laid the God damned groundwork, the ones who forged the path that is now gaming. We bought the Ataris, and the Intellevisions, and the Colecovisions, and we drove the initial sales of the Nintendo. We deserve a handheld.

We want to play when we are not supposed to, the way we were promised in commercials for the Lynx when three kids were sitting in the school shitter linked up and playing that stupid surfing game. Nokia thought they came up with something for us. It wont do everything. Not when there is another player available, and no, it aint the Sony PSP. Its called the Zodiac, made by a startup company called Tapwave. Yes, youre skeptical. Youre worried. Let me handle that for you.

For a handheld to make it in this demographic, one littered with such perils as suspicious wives and discerning bosses, it cant just look like a toy. For Christs sake, it needs to be taken into boardrooms and faculty lounges. It needs to be inconspicuous. Tapwave came up with a good idea. They decided to make it a PDA.

Most guys need one anyway. Even if they dont, most people see the purchase of a PDA as a mans attempt to organize himself. Wives will practically go out and get their husbands one. Bosses will happily put one on the old expense account (just dont let them have a looksee at the website)

So, now we have the wolf in sheeps clothing. This doesnt mean jack without the hardware to back it up. The Zodiac is quite a powerful little number. Its got a 200MHZ ARM9 processor, an 8mb ATI Imageon video processor, stereo speakers, and a pretty 320X480 Hi-Res screen.

On top of that, and, rather inconspicuously, it has an analog controller (joystick, shh!) and two front trigger buttons, just like a console should. It runs 3D graphics with the Fathammer engine and can be viewed in portrait or landscape mode (for games) All of this sounds great on paper. Great enough, in fact, that I went ahead and ordered one.

The Zodiac comes in two models, one with 32mb of RAM, the other with 128. For the extra hundred bucks ($399 total) I opted for the higher amount of RAM. You can never have too much of a good thing, unless it is Mexican food. I preordered back in September, and, the other day, the Zodiac landed on my doorstep. I waited a long time. I had high expectations. I wanted my handheld, the handheld for the videogame generation. A handheld for the pioneers.

First impressions with the Zodiac are, well, impressive. First of all, the case is made of metal, metal. I cant remember the last electronic device I had that wasnt made of plastic. Actually, it was an Aiwa walkman that lasted near forever. The Zodiac feels substantial, it reeks of quality. Its a bit bigger than, say, a Tungsten T3, but not by much. It isnt heavy, but it feels solid. The joystick has a nice range of motion, and the buttons are responsive. Good job all around.

Hooking the Zodiac up is no different than any other Palm. You install the software, plug in the Hotsync cable, and you are ready. Its a breeze. No hassles. No problems. Ive encountered no bugs. You can transfer programs into the machines memory, or you can buy an SD card. Most programs take only 500k, so think about this before spending money on a card right away. So far, I havent come close to needing one.

What really gets you is the screen. The damn thing is so bright and so colorful. I saw pictures on the internet, but I have to say they dont do the machine any justice whatsoever. I grabbed my nephews SP (right out of his paws) to compare it. To put it plainly, there is no comparison.

I was impressed with the SP when I first saw it (despite the lack of games that interested me) but the Zodiac is twice the resolution. It looks more like three times. I didnt expect it to be this good. I mean, 320X480 made me think of the original Doom running on a 2MB card. Okay, maybe Wolfenstein 3D. On a screen this small, the graphics and text jump out at you. It is a beauty to be beheld.

The next impressive thing is the sound. I have a Dell laptop thats a few years old. It has what it claims are stereo speakers, but I have to strain to hear anything on it. The Zodiacs speakers are crisp and loud. If I took it on a bus, people would ask me to lower it, I think. I dont take buses. I dont like people. While playing MP3s, the sound is good enough to enjoy the music. With the included earbuds, it is too loud at the highest setting. My MD player isnt as loud. Not even close. Good job on the sound, Tapwave.

Of course, the important thing here is games. I have to say, this is a mixed bag, but let me explain. The Zodiac comes with Vasara Games Stuntcar Extreme. This is a basic racing game, with, surprise, a stunt car element. The graphics are great. I mean, it reminded me of second/third generation PS1 software. No, its not going to rival your desktop, and the PS2 blows it away, but, compared to the GB, it is downright phenomenal.

The colors are sharp, and the 3D software acceleration is good (think GL Quake, turned up a notch) The game itself is entertaining. You have to race and perform stunts. You can free race or you can enter a championship. You build up points to move up the ranks. Ive killed a few hours on it, and I like it. The game isnt the most exciting thing around, but it is a bundled game. I cant remember the last time I bought a console with a game included.

Heres the problem, though. Besides SCE, the other games available right now that are really optimized for the Zodiac are Spy Hunter, Warfare Incorporated, and Doom II. Ive seen Spy Hunter in action, and it looks damn good. The others dont seem to be so advanced. There are other games promised (Tony Hawk, Tomb Raider, Neverwinter Nights), and I hope these games deliver.

Ive been around gaming long enough to know that it is the titles that drive the success of a platform. Sure, you can use the Zodiac as a PDA, but, it really isnt intended to compete with the likes of the Tungsten 3. Most people buying strict PDAs will be turned off by the gaming promise of this number. The ones that want to buy it for the games, the ones like me, need, well, games.

There is a host of developers on board. They need to come through. Sure, I can go out and download one of the nearly 20,000 applications for the Palm OS. I probably will. But, I want Zodiac-enhanced games. I want 3D. I want my nephew to be jealous. (Okay, hes only four, I should go easy on him)

On the bright side, I took my Zodiac to the local EB and put it side by side the demo N-Gage they had there. People were amazed. No one gave a damn about the N-Gage after seeing the Zodiac. Its a conversation piece, my Zodiac. Everyone wants to touch it. Everyone wants to play it. I hope someone I know buys one so I can utilize the Bluetooth multiplayer capabilities. I want to kick someone elses butt, and it bothers me that I could, if I knew someone that has a unit.

The Zodiac really is more than a gaming platform. It can play videos and MP3s. It can handle all of my contacts. I can surf the web via Bluetooth. I can word process. It does all of these extremely well, I might add. Better than any other device I have used to do the same, actually. The joystick acts as a pretty good navigation tool.

Tapwave has done an incredible job of tweaking the Palm 5 OS to handle the use of the analog controller and the buttons. You dont need to touch the screen. It reminded me, in a user interface way, of the iPod. If you dont like using the joystick for navigation, you can use a stylus like every other Palmer.

The screen really makes doing all of this enjoyable. Even reading an e-book is a pleasure, something I never even thought of doing (It was one of my own e-booksI know, never read what you wrote) This thing is perfect for the guy (or gal) on the go. And it looks damn good.

If you feel that the GB doesnt cater to your tastes, the Zodiac could be the answer. The graphics are amazing with the first generation software. This thing is the 20 and over techie dream come true. It all hinges on whether the software comes through. I think it will. Some big players are on board (Sega, for instance) Thousands of independent developers have signed up to make games.

If you want to screw around during a boring presentation, if you take public transportation, or you travel a lot, this Zodiac will be a Godsend. Play music. Watch a movie youve stored on an SD card (the Zodiac has two SD slots) Play a 3D game that makes the GB green with envy, instead of the purple the thing comes in.

All I can say is that if the idea of mobile gaming interests you, along with the ability to handle multimedia and, yes, your work information, this is for you. Tell the wife you need a Palm. Tell the boss you need to get organized for work. Feel like a kid again. As Tapwaves slogan goes, Go. Do. Play. And, not necessarily in that order.

Highs: Amazing (thats right, amazing) screen and graphics, solid construction, sound, controls and well, just about everything else. This is a true adult handheld.

Lows: For most people, nothing. For nitpickers, the Hotsync cable is poo.

Final Verdict: This is it, ladies and gentlemen. Forget about rinky-dink graphics on the average Palm. Dont succumb to the kiddie Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP. This is 3D. This is mobile gaming like you have never seen before. All the potential is here, in a sleek, attractive case. It could be the next great handheld gaming platform. They say the software is coming. If it does, this could be the first salvo in the war against Nintendo. I get the feeling Sony is watching, real closely. I recommend you go to and get yourself one. This may be what you have been waiting for.
nee ik geen ss'er is.
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Oud 02-12-2003, 18:45
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EmilioFCG is offline
Je denkt toch niet dat iemand serieus die laatste tekst helemaal gaat lezen?
Jou naam is ook heel erg fout. (doet mij iig denken aan WOII)

Dat ding is denk ik niet iets waar Nederlanders storm voor lopen.
Wie weet wat je hier neer moet zetten?
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Oud 02-12-2003, 19:03
Avatar van SSER
SSER is offline
EmilioFCG schreef op 02-12-2003 @ 19:45:
Je denkt toch niet dat iemand serieus die laatste tekst helemaal gaat lezen?
-Mwoah, dat laat ik helemaal aan jullie over, ik vond het wel geinig om te lezen iig

Jou naam is ook heel erg fout. (doet mij iig denken aan WOII)
- Ik ben echt geen nazi (integendeel ) of ook maar iets dat er op lijkt hoor, maak je maar geen zorgen.

Dat ding is denk ik niet iets waar Nederlanders storm voor lopen.
-waarom niet?
nee ik geen ss'er is.
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Oud 02-12-2003, 19:12
EmilioFCG schreef op 02-12-2003 @ 19:45:
Je denkt toch niet dat iemand serieus die laatste tekst helemaal gaat lezen?
Jou naam is ook heel erg fout. (doet mij iig denken aan WOII)

Dat ding is denk ik niet iets waar Nederlanders storm voor lopen.
Ik heb de hele text gelezen...
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Oud 02-12-2003, 22:03
ik denk dat die het echt niet gaat maken, zeker niet met concurrentie van de GBA SP en de PSP die binnenkort uit komt. De screens zagen er wel aardig uit though.
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Oud 02-12-2003, 22:12
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CryptapiX is offline
wist ik al
maar duurt nog jaar voordat ie hier uitkomt..
en bestellen in amerika is voor alsnog niet mogelijk...
dus.. fijn dat je ons een jaar van te voren al lekker maakt met iets wat over een jaar niet meer speciaal is
I have not failed, I have just found 10.000 ways that won't work
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Oud 02-12-2003, 22:13
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^Dragon^ schreef op 02-12-2003 @ 23:03:
ik denk dat die het echt niet gaat maken, zeker niet met concurrentie van de GBA SP en de PSP die binnenkort uit komt. De screens zagen er wel aardig uit though.

het is geen game console ding..
vergelijk het met ene PALM/PDA
de palm tungsten t3 vliegt echt als warme broodjes ove rde toonbank en is vrijwel overal uitverkocht..
I have not failed, I have just found 10.000 ways that won't work
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Oud 02-12-2003, 22:24
EmilioFCG schreef op 02-12-2003 @ 19:45:
Je denkt toch niet dat iemand serieus die laatste tekst helemaal gaat lezen?
Wat een gezeur, je leest er zo doorheen.
Jouw opmerking zegt imho meer over jezelf dan over andere forummers.
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Oud 02-12-2003, 22:29
CryptapiX schreef op 02-12-2003 @ 23:13:

het is geen game console ding..
vergelijk het met ene PALM/PDA
de palm tungsten t3 vliegt echt als warme broodjes ove rde toonbank en is vrijwel overal uitverkocht..
sorry hoor, daar heb ik dan weer geen verstand van
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Oud 02-12-2003, 22:38
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EmilioFCG is offline
N00dles schreef op 02-12-2003 @ 23:24:
Wat een gezeur, je leest er zo doorheen.
Jouw opmerking zegt imho meer over jezelf dan over andere forummers.
Nu ben je stoer.
Wie weet wat je hier neer moet zetten?
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Oud 02-12-2003, 22:48
Avatar van CryptapiX
CryptapiX is offline
^Dragon^ schreef op 02-12-2003 @ 23:29:
sorry hoor, daar heb ik dan weer geen verstand van
geeft niet
topic staat ook niet ehct in goed forum... hoort in hardware
maar omdat jhe er spelletjes op kan spele is het ineens games volgens de TS
I have not failed, I have just found 10.000 ways that won't work
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Oud 02-12-2003, 23:30
EmilioFCG schreef op 02-12-2003 @ 23:38:
Nu ben je stoer.
...Als jij dat vindt.
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Oud 02-12-2003, 23:35
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Eendje is offline
EmilioFCG schreef op 02-12-2003 @ 23:38:
Nu ben je stoer.
Noodle is wel de stoerste gozer die ik ken en hij word bijna 21!

alhoewel ik eigenlijk wel met je eens ben ;p (tekst is wel erg lang, maar ja ook al was tekst met 5 regels, zal ik nog te lang vinde ;p)
"i know, i know. ugly women have feelings too, but frankly it doesnt improve them any."
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Oud 03-12-2003, 13:50
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SSER is offline
^Dragon^ schreef op 02-12-2003 @ 23:03:
ik denk dat die het echt niet gaat maken, zeker niet met concurrentie van de GBA SP en de PSP die binnenkort uit komt. De screens zagen er wel aardig uit though.
Krijgt de PSP ook een ingebouwde mp3- en videoplayer?
Ik las op een ander forum dat er tijdens een beurs de Matrix Reloaded op de Zodiac werd afgespeeld, haarscherp..

En in de 1e week zijn er al ong 40.000 besteld, tegenover de 5.000 van de Nokia N-Gage..
nee ik geen ss'er is.
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Oud 03-12-2003, 13:52
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SSER is offline
CryptapiX schreef op 02-12-2003 @ 23:48:

maar omdat jhe er spelletjes op kan spele is het ineens games volgens de TS
maar ik denk dat de Zodiac daar primary ook voor bedoeld is, voor een pda wordt toch niet op grote schaal spelletjes gemaakt? Daarom een 'console'..
nee ik geen ss'er is.
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Oud 07-12-2003, 16:47
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SSER is offline

weinig geinteresseerden hier
nee ik geen ss'er is.
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Oud 07-12-2003, 17:20
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CryptapiX is offline
SSER schreef op 03-12-2003 @ 14:52:
maar ik denk dat de Zodiac daar primary ook voor bedoeld is, voor een pda wordt toch niet op grote schaal spelletjes gemaakt? Daarom een 'console'..
voor de palm komen anders heeeel wat games uit
I have not failed, I have just found 10.000 ways that won't work
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Oud 07-12-2003, 21:36
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Jolt is offline
Vind psp mooier!

De specs (van psp van sony)

90nm Semiconductor Process

Dual MIPS R4000 Core

Vector Floating Engines

Reconfigurable DSP Engine(VME)

Advanced 3D Graphics Engine

AVC(MPEG4) Decoder

AES Crypto System


21st Century Portable System:

3D-CG Game

7.1ch Audio, 3D Sound

ATRAC3 plus, AAC, MP3 for Music

AVC/@MP for Picture / Movie

16:9 Widescreen TFT LCD

Embedded Wireless LAN 802.11

Li-ion Battery

Extension for GPS, Digital Tuner...

Optical Disc System:

Large Capacity (3 x to CD-ROM)

Media for Game/Music/Movie/Publishing

Lower Manufacturing Cost

Minimize Inventory Risk

Repoat Ordering System

Parental Lock System

Regional Code System (jammer maar waar. Amerikaans, Japans, Europees, ook in de PSP)

Copy Protection

UMD - Universal Media Disc:


Laser Diode: 660nm

Dual Layer : 1.8GB

Transfer Rate: 11Mbps

Shock Proof

Secure ROM by AES

Unique Disc ID


MIPS R4000 32-Bit Core

128 Bit Bus

1~333 MHz @ 1.2V

8 MB (eDRAM)

Bus Bandwidth: 2,6 GB/sec

I-Cache / D-Cache

FPU, VFPU (Vector Unit): @ 2,6 GFlops

3D-CG Extended Instructions

PSP Media Engine:

MIPS R4000 32-Bit Core

128 Bit Bus

1~333 MHz @ 1.2V

Sub Memory: 2MB (eDRAM) @ 2,5 GB/sec

I-Cache / D-Cache

90nm Cmos

PSP Graphics Core 1:

3D Curved Surface 3D Polygon

Compressed Texture

Hardware Clipping, Morphing, Bone(8)

Hardware Tessellator

Bezier, B-Spline(NURBS)

ex 4×4 / 16×16 / 64×64 sub-division - reduce program /data
- reduce memory footprint & bus traffic

PSP Graphics Core 2:

Rendering Engine Surface Engine

256bit Bus, 1-166 MHz @1.2V


Bus Bandwidth: 5.3GB/sec

Pixel Fill Rate :664 M pixels/sec

max. 33 M Polygon/Sec (T&L)

24bit Full Color: RGBA

PSP Sound Core:

Reconfigurable DSPs

128 Bit Bus

166 MHz @ 1.2V

5 Giga Operations/Sek.


3D Sound, Multi-Channel

Synthesizer, Effecter, ...

AVC Decoder:

AVC (H.264) Decoder

Main Profile

Baseline Profile

@ Level1, Level2, Level3

2Hours (High Quality) ~ DVD Movie

4Hours (Standard Quality) ~ CS Digital


Wireless LAN 802.11


Koptelefoon aansluiting

Memory Stick

USB 2.0
and as we embark on a journey in our dreams well find our true ending

Laatst gewijzigd op 07-12-2003 om 22:27.
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Oud 08-12-2003, 06:35
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Mikai schreef op 07-12-2003 @ 22:36:
Vind psp mooier!

specs mag je volgende keer inkorten..

en nogmaals..
de zodiac is een HANDHELD, de psp is een console.. zoals de GBA (SP)
die dingen meot je niet met elkaar vergelijken..
puur voor games koop je een psp of gba,
maar de zodiac bied functies zoals een palm/pda dat doet
I have not failed, I have just found 10.000 ways that won't work
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Oud 08-12-2003, 07:35
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CryptapiX schreef op 08-12-2003 @ 07:35:

specs mag je volgende keer inkorten..

en nogmaals..
de zodiac is een HANDHELD, de psp is een console.. zoals de GBA (SP)
die dingen meot je niet met elkaar vergelijken..
puur voor games koop je een psp of gba,
maar de zodiac bied functies zoals een palm/pda dat doet
I remember when the Game Boy was released. Though it wasnt the first handheld, it was the first successful handheld
Ik neem aan dat je bedoeld dat de zodiac een soort uit de kluiten gegroeide PDA is en dat de GBA (SP) en de PSP handhelds zijn want al vanaf de eerste GB (en daarvoor) werden zulke dingen al handhelds genoemd. (handheld console, whatever)
(en GBA een console? Wat is de NGC dan? Een koelkast?)
*siglezer* ][ Inspiring cries of 'Turn-that-damn-thing-down' since 2004 ][ Piep zei de muis... ][ Bassplayerman!
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Oud 08-12-2003, 17:53
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MazeMouse schreef op 08-12-2003 @ 08:35:
Ik neem aan dat je bedoeld dat de zodiac een soort uit de kluiten gegroeide PDA is en dat de GBA (SP) en de PSP handhelds zijn want al vanaf de eerste GB (en daarvoor) werden zulke dingen al handhelds genoemd. (handheld console, whatever)
(en GBA een console? Wat is de NGC dan? Een koelkast?)
ik bedoel dus idd dat die zodiac een pda is
I have not failed, I have just found 10.000 ways that won't work
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Oud 08-12-2003, 21:09
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Jolt is offline
Je kan ook muziek en dvds kijken op de psp en miss wel chatte en je mail checke ...
and as we embark on a journey in our dreams well find our true ending
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Oud 08-12-2003, 21:32
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CryptapiX is offline
Mikai schreef op 08-12-2003 @ 22:09:
Je kan ook muziek en dvds kijken op de psp en miss wel chatte en je mail checke ...
sony moet wat he..
er zijn ook zoveel mensen die denke da als ze een ps2 kopen ze een goede dvd speler hebbe
I have not failed, I have just found 10.000 ways that won't work
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Oud 09-12-2003, 11:08
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CryptapiX schreef op 08-12-2003 @ 22:32:
sony moet wat he..
er zijn ook zoveel mensen die denke da als ze een ps2 kopen ze een goede dvd speler hebbe

Nu moet je oppassen he
and as we embark on a journey in our dreams well find our true ending
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Oud 09-12-2003, 11:08
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CryptapiX schreef op 08-12-2003 @ 22:32:
sony moet wat he..
er zijn ook zoveel mensen die denke da als ze een ps2 kopen ze een goede dvd speler hebbe

Nu moet je oppassen he
and as we embark on a journey in our dreams well find our true ending
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Oud 13-12-2003, 00:08
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nee ik geen ss'er is.
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Oud 13-12-2003, 18:03
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perfectme is offline
Als de prijs rond 90EUR zo ligge, mss. Anders maakt PSP of die ene hier geen enkele kans tegen de GBA ...
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Oud 13-12-2003, 18:05
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perfectme is offline
Mikai schreef op 09-12-2003 @ 12:08:
Nu moet je oppassen he
Jij moet oppassen dat je niet in herhaling valt
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Oud 13-12-2003, 22:07
Metallinos is offline
None of these made me want to go out and buy them. The main reason? Games. It seems that most of the games for handhelds have been aimed at kids.

Besides SCE, the other games available right now that are really optimized for the Zodiac are Spy Hunter, Warfare Incorporated, and Doom II. Ive seen Spy Hunter in action, and it looks damn good. The others dont seem to be so advanced. There are other games promised (Tony Hawk, Tomb Raider, Neverwinter Nights), and I hope these games deliver.
Hij is dus aan het zeuren over de games op andere handhelds, terwijl spellen als doom 2, spyhunter, tony hawk en tomb raider allemaal al voor de game boy uitgekomen zijn... logisch.
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Oud 14-12-2003, 18:00
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Niet slecht
ziet er goed uit
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Games Kingdom Hearts II
24 18-02-2006 11:37
Games Wie gaat de E3 2004 winnen???
Zexy Poo Maker
19 19-05-2004 15:42
Games Nintendo DS
4 22-01-2004 22:03
Games Tapwave Zodiac
3 21-10-2003 14:18
Games online gaming (op consoles)
6 02-08-2002 14:23
Games GameBoy Advanced!!
20 30-10-2001 15:45

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