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Oud 11-06-2006, 01:10
Avatar van Marshall
Marshall is offline

Slippy Jenkins

Ever since I can remember people have been hating on the Emo population of the world. It has become a recreational sport of sorts. You can’t go onto YouTube without seeing a video of somebody calling an Emo kid a "fag" or "homo" because they dress like a tranny-goth or want to slit their wrists, or worse, listen to Death Cab for Cutie. Is it retarded that it’s becoming socially acceptable for girls to shop at Hot Topic or heterosexual men to kiss dudes that look like Marilyn Manson? Sure. But if we want to live in a world of peace, where man helps man, where Emo neighbor lives in harmony with Gangsta Rap Neighbor, we should – no, we must – stop crucifying and vilifying these Emo-sapiens for being such pussies.

It’s really becoming tired. Yes, they have funny hair. Yes, they "feel more" than you or I. And yes, it’s true that 9 out 10 of the Emo kids who consider themselves men wear lipstick. So what. Axl Rose wore a kilt and that bitch from Radiohead sings like a girl. You don’t see people throwing a big bucket of Haterade over their heads.

I don’t know what it’s like in other countries, but in America, Emo kids are multiplying faster than Latino Rabbits. It’s accepted knowledge that in 20 years there will be more Latinos in America than Caucasians, and that China will be ruling over all of the world. But both assumptions are wrong. Sooner than you know it, Emo Kids will come to reign over All with their black-painted fingernails and crappy taste in horrible music. If the Emo-sapiens are free to spread their rainbow-rocking demon-seed across all of America and reproduce, there will soon be so many of them that they will not think twice about seeking revenge against the people who made fun of them and their nastily-designed MySpace profiles.

It’s for the above reasons that we must put a stop to the Emo/American Civil War. For the greater good of the country, for the wellbeing of this world and all who inhabit it, we must not look at each other as Emo or Non-Emo, we must look at each other as human beings – human beings who are deeply annoyed by Emo Kids, but tolerate them anyway because you can always rely on them for some decent hair gel.

Suicide & Sleeping Pills,

Slippy Jenkins
Former Resident Fat Guy

Laatst gewijzigd op 11-06-2006 om 01:21.
Oud 11-06-2006, 02:33
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Carn is offline
ga stront zuigen door een rietje.
During a disaster if we evacuate women and children first, it is just so we can think about a solution in silence
Oud 11-06-2006, 08:36
Carn schreef op 11-06-2006 @ 03:33 :
ga stront zuigen door een rietje.
Rimshot heet dat toch?
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