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Oud 30-01-2003, 17:46
Avatar van juliettebinoche
juliettebinoche is offline
Love me just a little bit more: totally hooked on you* (Dolly Dots)

"Mr. Potter, what the hell did you do to this potion? It has to look PINK, not pukish-green!? You haven't read a word of your homework, did you? Oh gosh, I have just no idea what to do with you Potter.. Well, let's give you a TWO for this potion then..," Snape mumbled en then moved to the next student. Harry felt rage in his body: how could this professor-person judge him like that? He did do his homework, and where had it gotten him? Right into Depressive Hell.. Everything had gone wrong today: he just lost a Quidditch-match from Ravenclaw, got detention during Herbology, got bitten by one of Hagrid so-called animal-thingeys and now this! He sighed deeply. And ghis friends were to busy with themselves: Hermione was studying for the upcoming tests and Ron was to caught up in his 'relationship-problems' with Lavender. He now also had nobody to speak to about his horrible life.. Bored as Harry was and angry with Snape, he started looking at his classmates. Potions was still together with Slytherin and he noticed that Draco Malfoy seemed to feel the same as he did. Draco stared absently in front of him, drawing invisible pictures in his Potions book. What would he be thinking about, Harry wondered. Probably making evilish plans to kill me, Harry thought, laughing in his mind. He really really felt bad.. His life just sucked. It was not like he was dying or something, but he just felt so horrible, it was a completely different feeling he had ever felt before. Like he wanted something really bad, and knew what he wanted, but he couldn't remember what it was anymore: like a dream..

Finally today's classes had came to an end, but now Harry lost his scarf too. As if my life isn't terrible enough, he thought and ran quickly away from all the students. He now just wanted to be alone, to think everything over.. To sob as a baby.. Harry put on his warm cloak and wanted to put on his scarf, then he realised his scarf was lost, he just ran outside, into the woods of Hogwarts, crying..

Harry ran for quite a while, wanting to be sure he wouldn't ran into someone, not even Hagrid. He sat himself down at the foot of a big tree and started crying again. He wasn't sure why he was crying, but it felt really good. It was just everything that happenend the past days. He was so fucking confused.. He felt something.. Something really weird. Suddenly he was disturbed in his 'feeling-sorry-for-himself-moment', he heard soft footsteps approaching. Harry wanted to run and hide, but he was just to depressive and tired to play a gama of hide-and-seek so he stayed where he was. The footsteps came closer and from behind a small pair of bushes a guy appeared. Harry jumped up. "Malfoy! What the hell are you doing here?" Draco seemed shocked by Harry's words. "Nothing Potter, I was just walking," he answered with his soft voice. Harry looked at Draco with distrust: "So you didn't follow me?" "Why would I follow you Pottie, you know how precious you're to me, but to stalk you? I think you've got me confused with you're big buddy Creevey.." Now Harry had to laugh. "Sorry Draco, but I'm just not up to us fighting right now. So if it bothers you: I'll be calling you names again first thing in the morning: but not right now.." Malfoy looked quite concerned at Harry at asked: "What's the matter then? If we aren't fighting tonight: you could at last tell me what bothers you.. 'Cause it seems to me Mudblood and Weasel aren't really here to support you, are they?" Harry nodded, he knew Draco was right, but he didn't want to admit it. "Well then, just imagine I've got red hair and my clothes are a mess.. (hmm.. quite hard to imagine with me..*grin*) and tell me what's up.. Hero-Boy.." Malfoy sat down next to Harry against the tree and looked at Harry with a kind of nice expression on his face. Was Malfoy really being nice? Harry sighed. "It doesn't matter at all, does it, if I tell my worst enemie or my best friend," Malfoy grinned," Well.."

"Well, all I can say is that I'm here to talk to..," Draco brushed his hand trough his hair and looked at Harry with a little smile on his face. Harry doubted for a few moments, then he just started talking. He told Malfoy all about his bad day, his low grades, about his friends neglecting him and about his weird feelings he couldn't express or explain. Draco grinned shortly after Harry was done with his story. "I think all you need is a nice girlfriend Harry, you should feel better, you just need someone who loves you.." Harry became aware of the weirdness of this situation: Draco Malfoy telling him that he needed someone to love him.. But it felt okay anyway. "But- well, I tried stuff like that, but- well, I just don't like girls- that way.." Harry froze. His thoughts he had for so long, but didn't dare to tell anyone: he just expressed them to his enemie.. to Draco Malfoy! Harry's cheeks blushed deeply red and he stood up, all of a sudden, saying: "I need to go now. I didn't ment what I said, I just wanted to see how you reacted, you know.. *haha* A joke.. Funny, yes really.. Well, see you or something. Bye!" Harry turned around and walked away. "Harry! Wait!," Draco shouted as he ran towards Harry. Harry stood still, looked at Draco's face. "Harry, you don't need the feel ashamed about that. It's not that being gay is a sin or something..!" "MALFOY! How dare you.. I'm just NOT gay!! I told you: it was just a joke..!" After saying this, Harry run back to the castle, leaving Draco embaressed and ashamed behind. "You bloody Potter..," Draco mumbled silently.

It was weekend, finally. Harry felt a little bit more happy than the days before. He at least couldn't get low grades today! He planned on doing totally nothing today. And he started it off really well: it was 12 o' clock and he was just awoken by Ron, who was going to Hogsmead with Seamus. "Like to join us, chap? We could drink a lot of butterbeer..! And buy nice stuff.. We didn't spend much time together lately, Harry.. so c'mon!" Harry refused: "Nope Ron, --me-- is doing absolutly *nothing* today! I'm just sooo tired of schoolwork, I gonna lay in my bed ALL DAY!" Ron looked rejected. "Ohw, bummer.. We'll bring you Butterbeer.. won't we Seamus?," said Ron glancing mysteriously at Seamus. Seamus nodded. "Oh yes, we will.!" When the two left Harry, he got up slowly, walking towards the showers.

Harry was eating his breakfast in the Great Hall, which was almost deserted, for most students were off to Hogsmead. There were some first- years chatting loudly and as Harry cast a look trough the complete Hall he spotted Malfoy. He was eating all by himself: no Crabbe or Goyle, a rare thing. The only other people eating at the Slytherin table were three second-years girls who seemed too interested in professor Snape, gazing at him longing.. So Harry made up his mind: he grabbed his plate and walked up to the Slytherin table, to Draco Malfoy. "Hi," Harry said and sat down in front of Draco. As Draco looked up from his food, he looked surprised to see Harry sitting in front of him. "So.. feeling lonely Potter?," Draco grinned. "Yes, as a matter of fact I am.." Harry grabbed a fork to start eating, "I also wanted to apologise for yesterday-evening.. I was just really shocked.." "Well, it took me some time to get to the idea of being gay too, I must admit...," said Draco softly, looking at Harry with little sparkles in his grey eyes. Harry almost choked on a piece of bacon. "You-you... you mean that-..," Harry stuttered. "Oh, quit stuttering Potter: yes, Draco Malfoy is a queen! gay! fagget! Satisfied?" Harry swallowed his bacon and then started slowly: "I just.. didn't expect this from you.. You're just so.. so popular and loved and stuff.. I thought you would have had a zillion girls by now.." "Well, you're wrong Potter. Totally wrong!" Draco looked a little insulted. "What are doing after finishing your food?," Harry asked. "Nothing really.." "Well..," Harry started," I do have a really good Muggly DVD we could watch: Shrek... if you're interested ofcourse.." Draco looked deeply at Harry's cute face, as he was looking at Draco, questioned. "What the hell is a DVD, Potter? But anyway, I don't have anything better to do: so yes.. "


I thought love was only true in fairytails, meant for someone else but not for me, love was out to get me, and that's the way it seems, dissapointment haunted all my dreams. Then I saw his face... Now I'm a believer. Not a trace, of doubt in my mind. I'm in love.. Oehhh. I'm a believer, I couldn't leave him if I tried....


{Sorry for this.. Just some piece of songtext from the music of Shrek, for the *mood* you know! Now.. The real stuff..}

Harry and Draco stood in front of the Fat Lady's painting. "Draconis," Harry told the painting. "Right password love, but isn't that guy next to you from Slytherin? What is he doing here?," answered the Fat Lady. Harry didn't know what to say for a moment, then he whispered something into the Fat Lady's ear. She giggled. "Well, if that's the case, enjoy yourselves..," she said and opened the door. Inside the commonroom there was nobody there, so Harry guided Draco quickly to his dormitory. "What did you tell the Fat Lady? See seemed a little too pleased with me entering the Gryffindor commonroom," Draco asked. Harry sniggered. "Well, I just told a little lie, otherwise you wouldn't have let you in. I told her you were my boyfriend..," Harry blushed a little while saying the word 'boyfriend'. Draco suddenly got a cold expression on his face. "Potter, you do realise that me being gay is NOT a garantuee for getting in my pants??!! And you'll be the LAST person on earth to be my boyfriend..! So get the fucking idea out of your head..!" Harry had listened to Draco's words with astonishment. "Malfoy! I don't want to be your boyfriend! Just us being a little less evil to each other doesn't mean I'm in love with you!" Draco nodded. "Well then. Everything cleared up then?" "Yesss.." Harry walked up to his closet and pulled out a little flat plastic box, with a picture on it of a big green monster. "Still wanna watch this?" Draco sighed. "Yeah, allright. Sorry. I must have overreacted.." Harry smiled. "It's okay."

Two seventeen year-old boys were laying together upon a big comfy bed. They were snuggled up against each other, shairing a fluffy pillow, while watching a movie. "It's nice, isn't it?," Harry asked. Draco only mumbled a: "Uhuh.." He was probably so fascinated by the animated movie, that he forgot the rest. But while watching the most romantic part of the movie (Shrek and Fiona getting together) Draco's hand wandered of to the other boy's hand and grabbed it firmly, but softly... So they lay there. Their hands clutched, as if they were never going to let go of each other.


Ik heb meer dan dit hoor.. dit zijn pas de eerste 3 hoofdstukken en ik heb er 14! Dus wie er meer wil.. Let me know!
__________________ | ~rosacrouch
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Oud 01-02-2003, 18:39
Avatar van juliettebinoche
juliettebinoche is offline
__________________ | ~rosacrouch
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Oud 01-02-2003, 19:42
Kewlig! *is een HPfanficfan *
Sta je ook op En hebbu al een beta-reader? *biedt zich aan *
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Oud 02-02-2003, 16:46
WTF is dit voor slash ?
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Oud 03-02-2003, 10:09
eXo schreef:
WTF is dit voor slash ?
K vind het nog niet echt slash hoor.. Maar goed.
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Oud 03-02-2003, 12:33
Ik heb het eerste gedeelte gelezen maar ik vind het echt raar, sorry.. 't lijkt niet op HP
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Oud 03-02-2003, 23:38
Avatar van juliettebinoche
juliettebinoche is offline
Jep.. op onder Rosa Crouch.. enne.. ik beta-read saampjes met een vriendin van me die oowk schrijft.. dussuh.. niemand nodig.. *sowrrie*

En het is ook niet de bedoeling op Rowling-ig te zijn.. I just play with her puppets..

En I LUV SLASH! I LIVE FOR SLASH! SLASH RULES! (I think I made my point.. )

En er zit zekurrrrr slash in hoor..! belie-hieve me..
__________________ | ~rosacrouch
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Oud 04-02-2003, 18:52
juliettebinoche schreef:
Jep.. op onder Rosa Crouch..
Zal eens ff kijken

enne.. ik beta-read saampjes met een vriendin van me die oowk schrijft.. dussuh.. niemand nodig.. *sowrrie*
'S okay, just wondering

En I LUV SLASH! I LIVE FOR SLASH! SLASH RULES! (I think I made my point.. )
*agree* Heb je nog meer favoriete parings behalve H/D?
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Oud 04-02-2003, 21:13
Avatar van juliettebinoche
juliettebinoche is offline
Snape/ Hermione
IK/ Lucius
Snape/ Lucius
enneh.. tja.. nog veel anders.. schrijf ook wel wat Draco/ Hermione, maar dan alleen omdat ik mezelf met haar identificeer..
__________________ | ~rosacrouch
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Oud 11-02-2003, 12:22
Avatar van Maresa
Maresa is offline
Coowlheid Truly, I'm impressed! Grammaticaal niet perfect, maar, coowl
Now it's said.
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Oud 14-02-2003, 20:00
meer, meer!
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Oud 15-02-2003, 14:51
vleermuissie schreef:
meer, meer!
Ook HP-fanficfan?
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Oud 15-02-2003, 15:24
Avatar van Talon
Talon is offline
HP gay
Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day | Ugh! Gross! Freakin' idiot!
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Oud 15-02-2003, 16:32
Avatar van Monochrome
Monochrome is offline
Oh my, veehry nice. Slahs gooood slash goooood
Ik ben meer in to the Lucius/Harry en Snape/Harry, maar wooohoo!

FF.N rult ooook

Ik zit er, ik doe GW fanfiction, onder elentari endless
I'm so worried about my fish...he has two mommies and we all know kids are cruel these days
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Oud 15-02-2003, 16:34
Hahaha het is best grappig, maar lijkt echt totaal niet op HP. Je Engels is best goed en het leest wel lekker weg, maar de stijl en het verhaal kloppen niet helemaal
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Oud 15-02-2003, 23:59
Avatar van juliettebinoche
juliettebinoche is offline
I luvv slash.. whahaha

Maarre.. de rest van dit verhaal kan je via mijn site lezen (met heel veel andere coole, lekkere -slash- HP verhalen):

En ja.. kweetut.. stijl klopt niet.. maar *who cares*.. T gaat om de slash.. ?toch? Ik ben geen JK en ga ook niet iemand 'na'schrijven, maar ik gebruik wel haar ~*lekkere*~ karakters..


p.s. Lucius/ Snape fans: ik heb Gorgeous Men In Black geschreven: a GOTTA-READ! (zie site!)

sorry voor de reclame..
__________________ | ~rosacrouch
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Oud 16-02-2003, 10:41
juliettebinoche schreef:

p.s. Lucius/ Snape fans: ik heb Gorgeous Men In Black geschreven: a GOTTA-READ! (zie site!)
Die heb ik net gelezen, damn geweldig! Slash roels!
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Oud 16-02-2003, 12:42
Avatar van Aurora
Aurora is offline
Er zitten hier meer zieke geesten dan ik dacht

(daz alleen maar goed mensen )

was getekend,

another slash-fan

what a lovely day to shape your dreams
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Oud 16-02-2003, 17:43
Avatar van Arwyn
Arwyn is offline
(Zet je de andere hoofdstukken er ook nog op juliettebinoche???
Wil ze wel lezen )

Duidelijk dat ik niet alle posts gelezen heb...
Zal zo die site ff bekijken
-If you like Piña Colada's-
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Oud 17-02-2003, 14:23
bloem schreef:
Er zitten hier meer zieke geesten dan ik dacht

(daz alleen maar goed mensen )

was getekend,

another slash-fan

Zit toi ook bij
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